Bonnie's Reviews > Final Girls

Final Girls by Mira Grant
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bookshelves: eek-the-creepies, zombies-like-brains

3.5 of 5 stars

‘Reality was a hard habit to quit sometimes, especially for someone who knew what lies could cost.’

Esther Hoffman is a journalist seeking the underlying story of Dr. Jennifer Webb who has created a new virtual reality therapy program which uses horror movie style dream sequences in an attempt to change the long-term behavior of its patient. Esther is convinced that Dr. Webb is nothing but a con artist and during their interview, Webb suggests she personally experience the program and Esther agrees, hoping to get the inside scoop. While inside the sequence, Webb decides to join Esther in the zombie apocalypse simulation in an attempt to develop a relationship with her and possibly change her outlook towards her program. The problem is, while the two are locked inside a fabricated horror movie, there’s actual horror developing in the real world.

‘Everything they were before they came here is behind them now, and soon they will be free, soon they will be able to start to heal, soon—’

Grant is no doubt a skillful short story writer, able to develop characters and plot effectively, drawing in readers with her consistently original narratives. Final Girls is a fantastic blend of science fiction and horror with a Nightmare on Elm Street feel to it where dreams quickly become a reality. This novella manages to even touch on more serious topics regarding doctors and treatment and the dangers of such an effective program like this falling into the wrong hands. The creative blend of science fiction and horror in the beginning did, admittedly, morph into something less unique by the end, transitioning instead to a storyline more commonly seen, but Final Girls is still a worthy read if you’re looking for some thrilling psychological horror.

I received this book free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
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Reading Progress

January 30, 2017 – Shelved
January 30, 2017 – Shelved as: not-yet-released
January 30, 2017 – Shelved as: tbr-review-books
January 30, 2017 – Shelved as: eek-the-creepies
October 2, 2017 – Started Reading (Hardcover Edition)
October 2, 2017 –
1.0% "The wood is dark and the wood is deep and the trees claw at the sky with branches like bones, ripping holes in the canopy of clouds, revealing glimpses of a distant, rotting moon the color of dead flesh."
October 4, 2017 –
17.0% "Reality was a hard habit to quit sometimes, especially for someone who knew what lies could cost."
October 4, 2017 – Finished Reading (Hardcover Edition)
December 14, 2017 – Shelved as: zombies-like-brains

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