Christy Stewart's Reviews > 1984

1984 by George Orwell
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did not like it
bookshelves: contemporary, reviewed, speculative-fiction, wallflower, dystopia

misogynistic shit
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Quotes Christy Liked

George Orwell
“For the future. For the unborn.”
George Orwell, 1984

Reading Progress

December 13, 2014 – Started Reading
December 13, 2014 – Shelved
December 13, 2014 – Finished Reading
January 17, 2019 – Shelved (Kindle Edition)

Comments Showing 1-43 of 43 (43 new)

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message 1: by Nathan (new)

Nathan Hunt l o l

Phil Say again?

Arman Shahinyan Feminazi detected.

˗ˏˋ✰ s y l v i e ✰ˎˊ˗ Arman wrote: "Feminazi detected."

incel detected

ThatBoi789 You... you realize this is supposed to depict a dystopian society, right?

message 6: by Erin (new) - rated it 1 star

Erin ...?

Chad Top KEK

Nuthousegraduate it was written in 1948

Lucía honey, as a feminist i tell you: a) dystopian novel. b) seventy years ago.

message 10: by Honest Mabel (new) - added it

Honest Mabel It sounds like you have never bothered to look into a book and the time it is written. Honestly, your comment comes across more hateful and filled with ignorance than it does as an educated woman that wants to battle sexism. Pitiful really.

message 11: by kate (new)

kate hugick Even if it was written a long time ago it doesn’t excuse sexism. A reader is aloud to say if the sexist tones ruined the book for them. People can have opinions.

message 12: by Kim (new)

Kim All of these comments are hilarious. I can pretty much guarantee that no matter when it was written it would always be disgusting to have a main character laughing about how he wants to rape and kill a woman wtf.

message 13: by Kyla (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kyla I take it you think the character and/or the author was a misogynist. I can understand why you would say that on the surface of the book, but by saying that you missed the entire point of the book. Hudson’s vulgar thoughts were not thoughts of his own. His thoughts towards Julia were another symbol of the brainwashed dystopian world he lived in. He only thought those things about her because he believed he should and has been brainwashed to think that way. If anything this book is the opposite of “misogynistic shit.” It shows how a corrupt, power hunger government (big brother) discriminates again woman. That a world that tries to controls us will always slut-shame, belittle, and discriminate woman.
Which brings us the point of the book, to recognize how government brainwashes us and the product of who we become during/after brainwashing.

tazmeen uh how exactly?

message 15: by Shayley (new) - added it

Shayley Moriah It’s supposed to be disgusting. It’s supposed to show the deep hatred he had not really against her, but against Big Brother and the Party.

nicole com todo respeito, mas se tá falando isso seu intelecto realmente não é capaz de compreender o ponto do livro vida

Alexandria …how???

message 18: by Sin (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sin it was written literally 70 years ago

Meishuu Sorry the incels came to troll your review. But yes, like most classic dystopian sci fi this is misogynistic

Fatma POV: you don’t know anything about a book you read

Olivia 100% agree

Cosima It‘s supposed to show the disgusting sides of the world and so are misogynistic man

Christy Stewart Meishuu wrote: "Sorry the incels came to troll your review. But yes, like most classic dystopian sci fi this is misogynistic"

The review was bait and I am EATING

message 24: by Mak (new) - rated it 1 star

Mak Abigail I’ve never agreed with a review more in my life

Johan Viliebert this is so retarded

message 26: by Nate (new)

Nate O Thats the point.

Abigail Nelson ...That's the point?? The people are under FASCIST rule. Nobody is treated well. The whole point of the book is how everybody is being oppressed.

Athena_m Incels are madddddd. I do like everything else about the book so far, but you are so right, he’s a misogynistic ahole.

lileviljelly Keep reviewing colleen books
Thats the right writer for your intellectual level

message 30: by Manü (new) - rated it 1 star


Christy Stewart lileviljelly wrote: "Keep reviewing colleen books
Thats the right writer for your intellectual level"

What do you have against Colleen Coover?

message 32: by Toni (new) - rated it 5 stars

Toni Did you just randomly pick a book and wrote this comment? Did you even read the book? How is it misogynistic?

message 33: by mads ♡ (new)

mads ♡ im so invested in these comments this is so funny

Cemre That's NO WHERE near the point of this book what?

message 35: by V (new) - rated it 5 stars

V T I don’t see how this book is misogynistic. It’s a book about a fascist ruling. EVERYONE is manipulated and misreated. If you’d like to really read something misogynistic, read the wasp factory or catcher in the rye or something. Misogyny would be a valid complaint there. But im convinced you didn’t even read 1984.

Sofia and Sara Yess! In the first 20 pages and he wants to rape her because she supports anti-sex and he wants to have sex with her

message 37: by L (new) - rated it 5 stars

L Orwell was a socialist who after being in the Spanish Civil War with POUM, a marxist party, and seeing how those movements that he defended were very messed up, did a critic of it with for example “animal farm” or this book.

The misogyny that you are saying is all a way too show us how human minds get corromped when being under a totalitarian regime.

message 38: by Mark (new) - rated it 3 stars

Mark Simionescu well actually he was rapist, racist and colonial cop. i used to really like his books when i first read them and also thought Orwell was a communist comrade, until i did the research. Just ask yourself why the make you read the book in school in the US :)

Sophie no offense but if you thought the main point of the story was about how winston wanted to have sex with julia then it's hopeless for you. like that phase lasted only 20 pages for a's like not the main focus at all and it's a STORY for a reason.

Marshall Lee bro read the first 20 pages and called it a day

message 41: by Cole (new) - rated it 5 stars

Cole Hogan Wtf is this thread, read past the first 20 pages dude, maybe if you did you would understand the book more

Kelly Chickilly Sooooo, you missed the whole point of the book then, huh....

Cassie Brewer Real

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