Trudi's Reviews > The Savage

The Savage by Frank Bill
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bookshelves: apocalyptic-types, frank-fucking-bill, 2017, abandoned, the-big-letdown

About 150 pages in, I’m throwing in the towel, which is something I never thought I would do with a Frank Bill book. I loved Donnybrook so much and had looked forward to the release of this one for so long, maybe my expectations were just too high. Maybe I’m just not in the right mood. All I know is it was feeling like a slog. I was not engaged or invested in what was happening at all. There was something off about the writing style this time that I didn’t like either, when I adored Bill’s prose when reading Crimes in Southern Indiana .

I’m the first to admit I’m a bad reader right now, my attention span and focus isn’t what it should be, but I’m also fairly certain all of the failing isn’t mine alone. Some of it is this book. Because I didn’t finish it, I’m not going to rate it. Maybe I’ll return to it someday and give it another chance to change my mind.
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Reading Progress

September 30, 2014 – Shelved
November 28, 2017 –
page 117
30.0% "So far this has been a numbing slog for me. I miss the adrenaline-fuelled batshit crazy fun that was Donnybrook. I really need somebody else to pick this up and tell me I’m reading it wrong and that I’ve missed the point."
Started Reading
December 7, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by Matt (new)

Matt 150 pages is good going.
I friend of mine and editor once told me to give a book 50 pages. He said, "There are far too many good books out there for you. If it's not grabbed you by the 50th page, you're never going to give it a 5 star review and it's unlikely to hit 4 stars. So why bother?"

message 2: by Alejandro (new) - added it

Alejandro Jovandro My thoughts exactly. I just hit the 50% mark and something is bothering me to the point where I don't really care about reading further. Maybe it's Bill's style of writing, especially dialogues which can be really ... odd? at times. They sound unnecessarily archaic as if he were try-harding to be something more than he is.

message 3: by Ashley (new) - added it

Ashley Agreed. I made it to page 170ish. I stuck it on the DNF shelf, perhaps one day, if I ever get my appendix removed, or if something equally unpleasant lays me up for a while, I may possibly finish it. good call though...

message 4: by Bryno (new)

Bryno I finished it, but mostly because I just didn't want to put it down without completeing it. The parts with Van Dorn were enjoyable, but the restof it fell flat for me.

Glyn Waudby I finished it but only because I dont like to leave books unfinished. Took me ages! Just a few pages at a time. What’s all the old English about? I loved donnybrook but this was just too much shock factor and no real story. It won’t put me off another book by Bill but fingers crossed he’ll pick it up a bit next time.

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