Irene's Reviews > The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Reading Progress

June 10, 2010 – Started Reading
June 10, 2010 – Shelved
June 10, 2010 –
page 17
9.44% "This main character is awfully susceptabler to advice."
June 10, 2010 –
page 18
10.0% ""...that flabby impressionability which is dignified under the name of the 'creative temperament.'""
June 10, 2010 –
page 23
12.78% "Her face was sad and lovely, with bright things in it."
June 10, 2010 –
page 28
15.56% "-that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool."
June 11, 2010 –
0.0% "I wonder what a 'burning garden' is?"
June 11, 2010 –
0.0% "'I've been everything, seen everything'-Daisy. But doesn't that attitue itself make her less advanced? Who can see the world if they think they are the center of it?"
June 11, 2010 –
0.0% "'As if his sturdy physical egotism no longer nourished his pereptory heart.' Reminds me of my boyfriend, once in a while, when he's off in 'man mode.' Ugh."
June 11, 2010 –
0.0% "Tom spoils her rotten. I wonder if he spoils Daisy, too? Does he love them both? Or maybe he's just a greedy, selfish man after all."
June 11, 2010 –
0.0% "Do they really intend to get married? Or only keep each other company as long as they are able to? Maybe there's just no connection between love and marriage. Maybe none of them love each other at all."
June 11, 2010 –
0.0% "Why do women put up with men smacking them around? Especially a man who is married to another woman. That's disrespectful to both women in the first place. That must be a horridly self-assured man, to be so confident in the woman they have trailing after them as to beat them and still expect to be pampered."
June 11, 2010 –
0.0% "Men and girls came and went like moths among the whispers and the champagne and teh stars...if only everyone could come and go this way."
June 11, 2010 –
0.0% "These people can turn anything into a conversation, I swear. What ever happened to "Small minds talk about people, average minds about events, and great minds talk about ideas?" Are all the rich people on Long Island small minded? Perhaps they are just trying to blend in for safety's sake."
June 11, 2010 –
0.0% "I like large parties. They are so intimate. There is no privacy at a small party" - Jordan Baker, and she has a point. It is impossible to slip away and talk or canoodle at a small party, where everyone is keeping tabs on everyone. Is THAT why rich people always gather in such large groups? So they can do whatever they please?"
June 11, 2010 –
0.0% "Summers do have a way of making some nights longer than others. Are the longest nights the most important? Are the ones we remember best the ones with the most to teach us? After all, our subconscious may be more intelligent than our conscience. Take that, Jiminy Cricket."
June 11, 2010 –
0.0% "When did it become unfashionable to be concerned with inconveniencing others? When did even the wealthy and "high class" people of society become so careless with one another's time and emotion? I mean, rich people have always been self absorbed and twisted, but at least they used to be deliberate about it, by jove."
September 5, 2010 – Finished Reading

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