La Petite Américaine's Reviews > The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
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After pondering long and hard, I'm going to try now to articulate just what it was about this book that sucked so much, why it has offended me so greatly, and why its popularity has enraged me even more. This book blew so much that I've been inspired to start my own website of book reviews for non-morons. So let us explore why.

First, let's deal with the writer himself. Hosseini's father worked for Western companies while in Afghasnistan. While daddy (who I am guessing, from Hosseini's tragic account of the "fictional" father, never accepts his son) worked and got wealthy, normal Afghans lived their lives. When war broke out, Hosseini's father was offered a safe position in Iran. Just before the revolution in Iran, his father was offered another job in Paris, before finally taking the family to the USA.

That's fine ... some of us are lucky in life. Others are not. What bothers me, though, is that The Kite Runner is so obviously what Hosseini WISHES had happened.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Hassan character really did exist in some form or another. Surely Hosseini had a friend/sometimes playmate/servant who was left behind while Hosseini's powerful family escaped. Surely, Hosseini feels guilty for leaving his homeland by simple privilege while the less fortunate were left behind to fight the Soviets, the Mujahideen, and then the Taliban. And surely, Hosseini wishes he were some flawed hero that didn't simply get lucky. He wishes he'd majored in English, as the protagonist does, and published fiction books instead of becoming a run-of-the-mill doctor; he wishes his father had depended upon him in the USA as happens in the book, instead of getting by just fine as a rich exile with a daddy-doesn't-love-me complex; he wishes he could go back to Afghanistan, risking his life to make ammends for his shitty and cowardly past, instead of remaining a wealthy outsider living happily in the USA.

Hosseini is simply some guy who feels guilty about having escaped what so many of his fellow countrymen couldn't, and he makes up for it in fantasy in a million ways: accepting his fallen father, marrying an "unsuitable" woman, listening to a voice from the past, saving the son of his friend he watched being raped decades before (when he was too selfish to intervene), stomaching the live stoning of a burka-clad woman and her adulterous lover, taking a beating from an old enemy/Taliban child molestor, giving $2000 to a poor smuggler who tries to feed his kids on $3 a week, and saving a 12 year-old from suicide. If Hosseini REALLY did all this, what a hero he would be. Instead, he just makes it up and calles it a novel ... and people devour this shit with tears, labeling it as "inspirational" and "moving."

What really bothers me? Besides all of the contrived and predictable plot twists?? What really disturbs me is that people not only eat this shit up, but they also call it "literature," award it, and give this guy money and license to write another book.

For lack of better words ... WTF?!!!??! Has everyone just gone STUPID?!!?!?

I could go on about how the writing sucks, especially when the author admits to using cliches (elephant in the room, dark as night, thin as a rake, et fucking c) but I won't.

Why? A couple of reasons:

1) If you liked this book, a part of you is sick, and a larger part of you is an idiot

2) I could write a 100-page thesis about how much this book blew monkey chunks, but it's not worth my time

3) This shit sells, and Hosseini, between his stupid book and movie deals, is an even richer man than he was before ... which in the end, makes him smarter than you, me, and everyone else .... He understands the market and fed it back to us. We probably deserve it.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
May 11, 2008 – Shelved as: sucked
May 11, 2008 – Shelved
May 11, 2008 – Finished Reading
July 7, 2008 – Shelved as: middle_east
May 12, 2010 – Shelved as: worst-garbage-i-ve-ever-read
March 21, 2012 – Shelved as: rants

Comments Showing 251-265 of 265 (265 new)

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La Petite Américaine Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "..."

Thanks for the reminder. :)

Kristina Coop-a-Loop La Petite Américaine wrote: "Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: ..."

No problem. I've blocked a few persistent loonies over my years on GR.

La Petite Américaine Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: ..."

Yeah, you’re right to do it, too. You can’t win with crazy.

It can be funny to watch people chase their tails in rage over just why someone else’s opinion is wrong 😂, but the super crazies get old fast. I’m not going fulfill some loser’s need for ongoing drama — I’m not here for your entertainment, take your psychosis elsewhere. Try Reddit or something.

Josefina Dumay Neder this post disgusts me



Yep. I have advanced degrees in it.


You sound a little unstable. It might be better if you just navigate away.

Kristina Coop-a-Loop La Petite Américaine wrote: "Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote:..."

And right on cue, another crazy walks on stage.

La Petite Américaine Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote: "Kristina wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Shouvik wrote:..."

Not fantabulous, that’s for sure.

message 260: by Calle (new) - rated it 2 stars

Calle Andreasson I agree with your assesment La Petite. Read fantasy and give me some good reviews :o

message 261: by Adelka (new) - rated it 4 stars

Adelka I rated this book 4 stars, retracting a star from the full 5 for reasons detailed in my review- basically, there were little elements that I didn't like. However, I have to say that I'm left quite confused by your review. Besides from stating a theory about the story's origin that has no evidence to it, and claims of bad writing (that are kind of subjective) you haven't really explained why people who enjoy this book are meant to be 'sick'. I would like to understand why you say that, because your review didn't really explain that part. I certainly don't believe myself to fit that description, simply because I enjoyed the story's emotional writing style and character development. Anybody who feels that they can answer my question, please do.

dreamer S This is just a very bitter review, full of negativity. You shouldn’t judge people on what they may like or dislike, and you shouldn’t judge Hosseini either. People who judge are usually insecure and projecting themselves. You don’t know anything about him even though you may claim to know the bare bones facts of his life. Even if some of these things may or may not be true, it’s not necessary for you to come up with your own hate filled judgements about someone you don’t actually know.

Kristina Coop-a-Loop dreamer S wrote: "This is just a very bitter review, full of negativity. You shouldn’t judge people on what they may like or dislike, and you shouldn’t judge Hosseini either. People who judge are usually insecure an..."

People who judge are usually insecure and projecting themselves.
Um, exactly. It's so amusing you wrote this. If you had any sort of self-awareness, you'd realize the irony of this statement.

Why not write a review about how awesome this book is and how much you loved it instead of pissing all over a well-written and analytical review? La Petite doesn't care about your opinion and (if she reads it), will probably have a good laugh.

Catherine the Great Pretty bold for you to assume a the author's wishes and motives. Maybe the author wanted to draw attention to guilt, and trauma, and redemption. Maybe he also wants to draw attention to the beauty of Afghanistan despite all the brokenness. Also, I think it's a little arrogant to say that people who liked this book are "sick" and "idiot[s]". Reading is subjective, and I can respect your dislike of the book, but I would also advise you to be respectful of other's.

message 265: by Karyssa (new)

Karyssa Thank you this was a great read (both review and ensuing comment thread).
I learnt some new terms, got to enjoy your response to every sanctimonious emotionally pressed person on here and seeing someone stand up for themselves against entitled demands was also wonderful.
How strange to think that since posting this review you must have experienced so much life as a person - does it feel nostalgic every time a moron comes along and comments on this thread?
Anyways sending good vibes your way as a thanks for making me laugh when I needed it.

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