La Petite Américaine's Reviews > The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
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After pondering long and hard, I'm going to try now to articulate just what it was about this book that sucked so much, why it has offended me so greatly, and why its popularity has enraged me even more. This book blew so much that I've been inspired to start my own website of book reviews for non-morons. So let us explore why.

First, let's deal with the writer himself. Hosseini's father worked for Western companies while in Afghasnistan. While daddy (who I am guessing, from Hosseini's tragic account of the "fictional" father, never accepts his son) worked and got wealthy, normal Afghans lived their lives. When war broke out, Hosseini's father was offered a safe position in Iran. Just before the revolution in Iran, his father was offered another job in Paris, before finally taking the family to the USA.

That's fine ... some of us are lucky in life. Others are not. What bothers me, though, is that The Kite Runner is so obviously what Hosseini WISHES had happened.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Hassan character really did exist in some form or another. Surely Hosseini had a friend/sometimes playmate/servant who was left behind while Hosseini's powerful family escaped. Surely, Hosseini feels guilty for leaving his homeland by simple privilege while the less fortunate were left behind to fight the Soviets, the Mujahideen, and then the Taliban. And surely, Hosseini wishes he were some flawed hero that didn't simply get lucky. He wishes he'd majored in English, as the protagonist does, and published fiction books instead of becoming a run-of-the-mill doctor; he wishes his father had depended upon him in the USA as happens in the book, instead of getting by just fine as a rich exile with a daddy-doesn't-love-me complex; he wishes he could go back to Afghanistan, risking his life to make ammends for his shitty and cowardly past, instead of remaining a wealthy outsider living happily in the USA.

Hosseini is simply some guy who feels guilty about having escaped what so many of his fellow countrymen couldn't, and he makes up for it in fantasy in a million ways: accepting his fallen father, marrying an "unsuitable" woman, listening to a voice from the past, saving the son of his friend he watched being raped decades before (when he was too selfish to intervene), stomaching the live stoning of a burka-clad woman and her adulterous lover, taking a beating from an old enemy/Taliban child molestor, giving $2000 to a poor smuggler who tries to feed his kids on $3 a week, and saving a 12 year-old from suicide. If Hosseini REALLY did all this, what a hero he would be. Instead, he just makes it up and calles it a novel ... and people devour this shit with tears, labeling it as "inspirational" and "moving."

What really bothers me? Besides all of the contrived and predictable plot twists?? What really disturbs me is that people not only eat this shit up, but they also call it "literature," award it, and give this guy money and license to write another book.

For lack of better words ... WTF?!!!??! Has everyone just gone STUPID?!!?!?

I could go on about how the writing sucks, especially when the author admits to using cliches (elephant in the room, dark as night, thin as a rake, et fucking c) but I won't.

Why? A couple of reasons:

1) If you liked this book, a part of you is sick, and a larger part of you is an idiot

2) I could write a 100-page thesis about how much this book blew monkey chunks, but it's not worth my time

3) This shit sells, and Hosseini, between his stupid book and movie deals, is an even richer man than he was before ... which in the end, makes him smarter than you, me, and everyone else .... He understands the market and fed it back to us. We probably deserve it.
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
May 11, 2008 – Shelved as: sucked
May 11, 2008 – Shelved
May 11, 2008 – Finished Reading
July 7, 2008 – Shelved as: middle_east
May 12, 2010 – Shelved as: worst-garbage-i-ve-ever-read
March 21, 2012 – Shelved as: rants

Comments Showing 151-200 of 265 (265 new)

La Petite Américaine Lol wait...did you just ask me about being judgmental and the turn around and judge me as someone harsh and living a sad life and who needs your blessings for a beautiful life?

JESUS. What a mind fuck.

message 152: by Will (new) - rated it 4 stars

Will Can't you make your point without being a huge asshole? Just say you don't like it. Don't go off on anyone who did. Weak.

La Petite Américaine Hahahah no :)

message 154: by Paul (new)

Paul Bryant LPA - will this comment thread ever ever end? (I hope not).

La Petite Américaine It's what, 6 years strong now? :)

message 156: by Paul (new)

Paul Bryant no sign of flagging.

La Petite Américaine It'll be 7 years in May. 7 years of offending idiots. Make me queen. :-D

Cheshire Cat [Heidi]~ We're All Mad Here ~ Ok, La, weird, off-topic question: What does your name mean? I'm not sure if I should trust Google Translate.

La Petite Américaine The little American

La Petite Américaine The little American

message 162: by Will (new) - rated it 4 stars

Will La Petite Américaine wrote: "It'll be 7 years in May. 7 years of offending idiots. Make me queen. :-D"

That's a little arrogant don't you think?

Cheshire Cat [Heidi]~ We're All Mad Here ~ Will wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "It'll be 7 years in May. 7 years of offending idiots. Make me queen. :-D"

That's a little arrogant don't you think?"

Will, that's kind of the point. This is all a game. People like you are the ones that make it funny and enjoyable.

message 164: by Will (new) - rated it 4 stars

Will Heidi wrote: "Will wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "It'll be 7 years in May. 7 years of offending idiots. Make me queen. :-D"

That's a little arrogant don't you think?"

Will, that's kind of the point. This..."

So this is all just trolling? Why?

message 165: by Laurie (new) - rated it 4 stars

Laurie People can dislike books, hate them if they want to but, they like you, are allowed their opinion of them without your arrogance, condescension, and insults. I hope you enjoy the view from that very high pillar you've placed yourself on because it's going to hurt like a bitch when you fall. I've noticed that you don't use your real name on your profile...well maybe you should, and a list of the best sellers you've written. Then we could revel in the glory that is you.

Spider the Doof Warrior Oh goddess's titties. Have you written a book? Plus, what book is considered a bestseller? A poorly written book. I could write better, sexier porn. Popular doesn't mean good.

message 167: by Laurie (new) - rated it 4 stars

Laurie ....oh sorry, truly I am.
*and a list of any books you've written.....
There, does that make it better?

Spider the Doof Warrior I am working on books.

message 169: by Laurie (new) - rated it 4 stars

Laurie “Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge… is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding.”

― Bill Bullard

P.S. You're opinion means nothing to me as I couldn't care less what you or the other one think. Hope you have a nice life.

message 170: by Booky (new) - rated it 5 stars

Booky Good psychoanalysis of the author. Perhaps you're right...but it's fiction, you know. Not a memoir. Fiction is a form of therapy. Our fictional selves are better people than we are capable of being...I think you will probably hate me too. I've done some activism in my life (because for once I wanted to be a part of the solution), donated miniscule amounts to some charities to ease my guilt...but I really am a coward overall. A coward who likes this book.

La Petite Américaine Booky wrote: "Good psychoanalysis of the author. Perhaps you're right...but it's fiction, you know. Not a memoir. Fiction is a form of therapy. Our fictional selves are better people than we are capable of being..."

I'm sure you're fine.

Anyway, don't get a 26 year-old me drunk and talking about this book...then reviews like this one happen.

message 172: by Booky (new) - rated it 5 stars

Booky I really liked your review. I live in India, and many Indians have very hard lives. In many ways I am like Hosseini, I can do a lot to ease their pain, but most of the time I look the other way. Maybe I'll do a few small things to ease my guilt, but lately, I don't even feel much guilt.

La Petite Américaine Booky wrote: "I really liked your review. I live in India, and many Indians have very hard lives. In many ways I am like Hosseini, I can do a lot to ease their pain, but most of the time I look the other way. Ma..."

Just don't write a self-serving book about what a hero you are. :)

Saoirse Flaherty To each her own but I have one question. Did the author ever try to pass off the book as semiautobiographical ? He did not. It is work of fiction. He some inspirations from his life like we all do when we write but the book is a work of fiction. Your review says less about the plot and the structure and merit of writing and sounded more like a personal attack on the author. Something stood out in your review of the book thief as well. That a 30 year Australian should not write about Holocaust. It bothered me as a reader ! Though it was a better review than this one. Well !
Since I have read both, loved both , wonder why these books should only appeal to morons. They have a good plot and the history is sccurate btw.( I too have two Graduate degrees and working on third)

Saoirse Flaherty To answer your question, one of the joys of reading is sharing our experience of reading a particular book with like minded people. That is why we also read book reviews. It certainly does not mean we have no life.

Saoirse Flaherty *drew inspirations.

La Petite Américaine Dunno. I read it like 10 years ago by now. Bad writing + bad plot + praised by everyone = appeals to morons (?). I just remember it was offensively bad.

message 178: by Jessie (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jessie Seems like you are making many unfounded assumptions about the author. Also, you directly insult readers who liked the book instead of showing respect for a different opinion. You made some good points, but sorry, I found most of your criticism to be melodramatic and without substance. Overall, the review is unhelpful and reeks of immaturity.

message 179: by La Petite Américaine (last edited Feb 01, 2016 11:52PM) (new) - added it

La Petite Américaine Jessie wrote: "Seems like you are making many unfounded assumptions about the author. Also, you directly insult readers who liked the book instead of showing respect for a different opinion. You made some good po..."

It appears you just joined godreads to comment on my review. A quick refresher for newbies such as yourself: this site is where I get to post my own opinions about books. If you want to critique my reviews, go ahead. Yes, teach the world, one internet review at a time, why said review is wrong. That's not the point of the site at all, but do what works for you. It makes you look like an idiot, but by all means, carry on.

Just don't get too excited about it -- people care about my ideas about books -- not about your opinions about my reviews. If you want attention, make a name for yourself on here by writing some opinions that dont suck -- and write them about books, not about reviews.

My reviews are my soap box to say what I think. They're not here to entertain you. Don't like it, go away. Pretty simple solution.

message 180: by Booky (new) - rated it 5 stars

Booky La Petite Américaine wrote: "Why, it almost looks as though you signed up just to attack my review of the Kite..." are quite something.

message 181: by Booky (new) - rated it 5 stars

Booky La Petite Américaine wrote: "Ew ick where's the block user button? I can't have these idiots popping up on my blackberry over a three year old book review. Get a life or a job or a boyfriend or something. Have fun with your Ju..."

ROFL...Rock on, have every right to voice your opinions. These people should ignore your review and post their own glowing review if your review offends them. Why attack your review?

message 182: by Booky (last edited Feb 02, 2016 12:36AM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Booky La Petite Américaine wrote: "Churning out garbage for the masses of sentimental housewife book buying drones is what these authors do to have success. Glad you liked the book."

ROFL...housewife book-buying drones! I still love this book but idk why you crack me up but in a good way. I enjoyed your perspective on this book, your psychoanalysis of the author seems spot-on. Both the book and your review encouraged me to face up to my inner hypocrite and to be a better person. We see so much injustice around us. But we don't speak up till it affects us. Sometimes we make up stories with happy endings to cope with it. But the reality is far more bitter.
Fiction (unfortunately) often brings some kind of resolution to the story. This resolution is often what we wish for, not always the reality. We might be doing a disservice to the truth by buying/reading/writing such a book. But it's fiction, it doesn't claim to be anything else. And that's why I like this book. But I also like and respect your take on this.

La Petite Américaine Booky wrote: "La Petite Américaine wrote: "Churning out garbage for the masses of sentimental housewife book buying drones is what these authors do to have success. Glad you liked the book."

ROFL...housewife b..."

I'm glad you liked my review, even though we disagree on the book.

It's been like 8 years since I wrote the review, but I stand by what I said. I can't see the point in reading fiction about a country/political situation when there's so much enthralling nonfiction about the same topic: I Am Malala, The Favored Daughter, and From My Memories to name a few.

All The Kite Runner offers is some random Afghan dude's poorly-written melodramatic fantasy story. If people like it because they like it, fine. I just wasn't into it. :)

message 184: by Jessie (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jessie The reason I really disliked your review is not because you didn't like the book. I totally respect your opinion that this book "sucks." I joined this site to find good books to read, and for that I rely on opinions such as yours. Your review was not helpful to me because 1) you don't give clear reasons why this book sucks, other than to make negative comments about the author, and 2) you don't limit your judgement to the book, which is what this site is about, but also pass judgement about other readers' health and intelligence. Let's stick to the books, shall we? Save the insults for Facebook.

La Petite Américaine Jessie wrote: "The reason I really disliked your review is not because you didn't like the book. I totally respect your opinion that this book "sucks." I joined this site to find good books to read, and for that ..."

Why should I save insults for Facebook? And when did you become the one to decide the purpose of this site? I wrote a review of a crappy book a long time ago, said it was the author's lame little fantasy and a stupid story. You can't handle it? Cool. Move on.

message 186: by A|_A¥A (new)

A|_A¥A wow. remind me never to read this book!

( ͡❛ _⦣ ͡❛) I adored the book but I really appreciate this review :) I thought the frequent bursts of gorgeous writing more than made up for the odd little cliche. That's said, I'm tempted to knock a star off this and a thousand splendid suns after reading and the Mountains echoed. Mountains is the one book that makes me feel like he's a writer, not someone who just got good grades in English who wanted to write books that raise awareness about his homeland.

Wajihah Ullah I think you need to get over yourself. No one is 'sick' for liking this book. If you have your opinion that's fine, but don't start bad mouthing other people for what they like. Also, it's FICTION! It's not real, so what if it's what he wishes happened? If you want real events go read NON-fiction. How's that sunshine?

La Petite Américaine Nullifidian wrote: "Wajihah wrote: "If you want real events go read NON-fiction. How's that sunshine? "

LPA, writing just a few comments back on this very page: "I can't see the point in reading fiction about a count..."


message 190: by Edyta (new)

Edyta Wow, these comments may be funnier than the Book Thief ones. I just spent way too much time reading them. Housewife book buying drones... you really crack me up. This book was so so so bad btw; the plot, the writing, just bad.

La Petite Américaine Edyta wrote: "Wow, these comments may be funnier than the Book Thief ones. I just spent way too much time reading them. Housewife book buying drones... you really crack me up. This book was so so so bad btw; the..."

Oh, to be 25 again...and drunk book reviewing again. Good times. :)

message 192: by Marieke (new)

Marieke I simply never tire of the responses to this review

message 193: by Verona (new) - rated it 5 stars

Verona Wonderful book

message 194: by Verona (new) - rated it 5 stars

Verona Amazing

La Petite Américaine Verona wrote: "Amazing"


message 196: by Tara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tara I have started reading this book just recently and so far i have read only 30 pages or so. Honestly I like the way the author describes his childhood feelings or Amir's for that matter but i was interested to see what people think of the whole stroy. I am not very fond of sad stories but this one seems very real and touching. Of course you are entitled to your opinion bud i dont think you are entitled to insult people for their opinions! If you had not put yourself across in such an aggressive way i would certainly consider it!

La Petite Américaine Tara wrote: "I have started reading this book just recently and so far i have read only 30 pages or so. Honestly I like the way the author describes his childhood feelings or Amir's for that matter but i was in..."

You may want to read a few of the comments above for context.

message 198: by Tara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tara Actually I don't! But thanks anyway!

La Petite Américaine Tara wrote: "Actually I don't! But thanks anyway!"

Well, don't attack people over reviews--ever, but especially when you're only 30 pages into a book and then refuse context. Makes you look even more pedestrian/juvenile than you already are.

message 200: by Tara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Tara Look who is attacking? I'm not saying you are wrong about the context.Well it seems you don't know any better language! Sorry to bother you! Have a great life!

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