Selfish Quotes

Quotes tagged as "selfish" Showing 61-90 of 647
“You will think me cruel, very selfish, but love is always selfish; the more ardent the more selfish. How jealous I am you cannot know. You must come with me, loving me, to death; or else hate me and still come with me, and hating me through death and after. There is no such word as indifference in my apathetic nature.”
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Carmilla

“I didn't want kids, though I knew it'd be good for society. I just couldn't imagine giving up my "me" time for other people - I'm selfish in that way.”
Kyouka Izumi, The Savior's Book Café Story in Another World, Vol. 1

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Facts can be ignored, but they can’t be avoided.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

C Pam Zhang
“Once upon a time I'd left Los Angeles and been swallowed down the throat of a life in which my sole loyalty was to my tongue. My belly. Myself. My mother called me selfish and so selfish I became. From nineteen to twenty-five I was a mouth, sating. For myself I made three-day braises and chose the most marbled meats, I played loose with butter and cream. My arteries were young, my life pooling before me, and I lapped, luxurious, from it. I drank, smoked, flew cheap red-eyes around Europe, I lived in thrilling shitholes, I found pills that made nights pass in a blink or expanded time to a soap bubble, floating, luminous, warm. Time seemed infinite, then. I begged famous chefs for the chance to learn from them. I entered competitions and placed in a few. I volunteered to work brunch, turn artichokes, clean the grease trap. I flung my body at all of it: the smoke and singe of the grill station, a duck's breast split open like a geode, two hundred oysters shucked in the walk-in, sex in the walk-in, drunken rides around Paris on a rickety motorcycle and no helmet, a white truffle I stole and shaved in secret over a bowl of Kraft mac n' cheese for me, just me, as my body strummed the high taut selfish song of youth. On my twenty-fifth birthday I served black-market fugu to my guests, the neurotoxin stinging sweetly on my lips as I waited to see if I would, by eating, die. At that age I believed I knew what death was: a thrill, like brushing by a friend who might become a lover.”
C Pam Zhang, Land of Milk and Honey

Ron Baratono
“It’s always the people who complain about the little things, they have no grasp on the real hardships in the world. They live in a bubble where thing must be perfect. News flash, nothing is perfect! And those minor complaints make them sound selfish, and unaware.”
Ron Baratono

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“When we extend our authorship to the writing of morals and the crafting of truth, we have in fact authored our own ending. And be aware that that chapter will be unexpectedly short, frighteningly dark, it will be written by your choices before you ever have the chance to pick up the pen, and the ink will be indelible.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Your purpose is the expenditure of self, not the preservation of it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“There is no place where greed has walked where it did not leave regret in its wake.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Neelam Saxena Chandra
“Love – whether romantic,
Or filial,
Is as selfish as those mountains.”
Neelam Saxena Chandra, the lost mint taste

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Sometimes our greed gets unhinged to the point that we lose the hinges, we misplace the door, and we can’t remember which house we were in this time.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Greed believes that fact is a fully refundable accessory.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Abhijit Naskar
“You've got to be extremely selfish, to be happy without human company.”
Abhijit Naskar, Aşk Mafia: Armor of The World

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I am not ‘surrendered’ to the fact that something greater than myself exists. Rather, I am ‘liberated’ by that fact. For then I am able to understand my role in the immensity of the universe in which I reside. For if I am my own role in my own world there is no immensity in that, and neither is there any destiny other than the demise of the self that never found itself.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Jarle Breivik
“The fact that the body ages and dies is not
a mistake. It is part of the genes’ strategy to copy themselves from
one generation of organisms to the next.”
Jarle Breivik, Making Sense of Cancer: From Its Evolutionary Origin to Its Societal Impact and the Ultimate Solution

Jarle Breivik
“We are temporary cell colonies made by our genes to pass them on to the next generation.”
Jarle Breivik

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“When will we choose to rise to the greatness embodied in the wholesale expenditure of self, versus choosing to live in the cowardice fed by the preservation of self?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Dushawn Banks
“When I asked to get closer to God, I got closer to the woman. I said, “God I don’t want any amount of success if it doesn’t get me closer to you.” When I changed the way that I walked and talked, many people abandoned me; but right there was the woman. She supported every step of my growth. When I asked to get closer to God, I got closer to you. It was you that challenged me to be a great man. It was you that taught me how to love. It was you that gave me a story. It was you that helped me find my purpose. Though we have been through ups-and-downs, no amount of pain could make me ever stop loving you. As a writer, I’ve had people misunderstand my bad description of a woman. Yes, a woman isn’t singular. She is all that I described. What many fail to realize is that when you can love someone beyond the bad times, that shows a deeper level of love. I love you to that level. I hope that I gave you a million smiles for every one time that I made you frown. Thank you, for loving me. Thank you, for trusting me. Thank you, for believing in me. Thank you, for having faith in me. Thank you, for forgiving me. Thank you, for teaching me. Thank you, for supporting me. When I was younger, I didn’t understand why I’ve been surrounded by women my whole life. Now, as a man, I see where that experience helped me with success in relationships. The pillow of love from the women in my life made life easy.”
Dushawn Banks, Selfish

Dushawn Banks
“[fictional speech]
As a woman. And as a woman in psychology, I’m expected to absorb the problems of the world. My super power is taking the world’s negative energy and giving that energy back to the world in a new positive form. With great power comes great responsibility. With great responsibility comes a strict commitment. So I’ve committed every day to keeping the world calm. I wake up and pour into the world. Wake up pour into the world. Wake up again and pour into the world. A process I love, but then I come back with an empty cup. So I have to refill, and repeat again. Super woman! We are super women in psychology. But what happens when the world has drained out all of our power? How do we recharge? We know how to pour into the world, but have we forgotten about ourselves? Are we allowed to put our pitcher down and pull out our glass? Are we allowed to be selfish? I want to challenge what we think about the word selfish. I want to change the way that we think about caring for self. As we know it today, the word selfish means being devoted to or caring only for oneself. In other words committed to self care. So if the definition only means this, where did the word go wrong? Being selfless, self....less, is defined alongside words like noble, charitable, and generous; while self interest is looked down upon. We can be self interested without the expense of hurting others. If indeed we change the world by changing ourselves then it is productive to the world to be selfish. If we are constantly meeting the demands of the world, are we satisfying ourselves? I agree that as a society it is more beneficial for the majority for everyone to work together, but the world also works on balance. I want everyone to go out into the world and uplift it, but I also want everyone to put that same amount of energy into themselves. Our place that we call home should be a place where we can be selfish. A place that we can have full peace and not worry about the politics of the world. A place that we are held to our own standard and not the standard that the world sets for us.
[time passes]
Ladies, you are beautiful. You are strong. You are intelligent; and you are committed. You are the foundation of the world and everything enters through you. You are the nurturers. You are the healers. You are the teachers. Your job is much more greater than your career in psychology. You are magic. While letting the world borrow some of your magic, don’t forget about healing, nurturing, teaching, and providing for yourselves. Thank you.”
Dushawn Banks, Selfish

“Say NO to the dogma of the media and the selfish.”
Vladimir Živković, A Guide to the Psyche of Atheism, Religion and Philosophy and Their Impact on Contemporary Spirituality

Dushawn Banks
“In a room full of nothingness, I’m still happy with you.”
Dushawn Banks, Selfish

Mitta Xinindlu
“The truth is that we were all born selfish. All babies are born limited to thinking only about their needs and what they want. It then becomes the growing environment that determines whether they learn to be selfless or that they graduate into being narcissists.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It may have been that the detour was easier to walk and more permissive in the walking.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Aida Mandic
“The Dark Cloud
Is a victory that transformed into a bloody match between two
Is a bully that wants to hit you many times with their shoe
Is an insatiable appetite for learning that leads to mental health issues
Is a selfish ex that wants to make you cry into your tissues”
Aida Mandic, The Dark Cloud

“There are other beliefs which, though disproved countless times, never die out, because they appeal, not to something in everyone, but to a certain perennial type of person. An example is, the belief that everyone is at bottom selfish, or that no one ever acts intentionally except from motives of self-interest.

There is a perennial human type to whom this belief is peculiarly and irresistibly congenial. It is almost never a woman. It is a kind of man who is deficient in generous or even disinterested impulses himself, and knows it, but keeps up his self-esteem by thinking that everyone else is really in the same case. He prides himself, both on having the perspicacity to realise, what most people disguise even from themselves, that everyone is selfish, and on having the uncommon candour not to conceal this unpleasant home truth. Who has not met people of this type? In the Australian-English of 50 years ago, there was a wonderful expression for this kind of man: he was said to be 'as flash as a rat with a gold tooth”
David Stove, Darwinian Fairytales: Selfish Genes, Errors of Heredity and Other Fables of Evolution

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Making the world a better place is not making the world my better place.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Abandonment is sacrifice thrown into reverse.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Ryan Gelpke
“What I find hilarious is that these people looking for ego death, who want to become so enlightened are usually those with the most enormous egos. The huge egos seeking the egolessness, in order to show off how enlightened they are, all they want is to post on social media or write books about their journey. They actually want to find in it a way to seem selfless while still getting some selfish pleasure out of it. And then they have the guts to lecture you on selflessness!”
Ryan Gelpke, Peruvian Nights

Abhijit Naskar
“Greed makes us narrow,
Greed shrinks our soul.
Beyond greed lies gallantry,
Beyond greed all is whole.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavatan: 100 Demilitarization Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Be a gentle giant like the elephant, not an opportunistic carnivore like the wolf. The elephant doesn't harm anyone to prove its greatness, while the wolf doesn't think twice to devour another wolf.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets

Abhijit Naskar
“Worst of all carnivores are the humans,
There is no end to their appetite.
Animals no longer partake once they are full,
While human greed knows no sane height.”
Abhijit Naskar, Dervis Vadisi: 100 Promissory Sonnets