Hatred Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hatred" Showing 1,141-1,170 of 1,198
Laura Hillenbrand
“The paradox of vengefulness is that it makes men dependent upon those who have harmed them, believing that their release from pain will come only when they make their tormentors suffer. In seeking the Bird's death to free himself, Louie had chained himself, once again, to his tyrant. During the war, the Bird had been unwilling to let go of Louie; after the war, Louie was unable to let go of the Bird.”
Laura Hillenbrand, Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption

Marcus Aurelius
“Will any man despise me? Let him see to it. But I will see to it that I may not be found doing or saying anything that deserves to be despised.”
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

Lauren Oliver
“This is not the person I wanted to become: Hatred has carved a permanent place inside me, a hollow where things are so easily lost.”
Lauren Oliver, Requiem

Lynda Barry
“It is true that I am a person with black pockets of evil and hatred in my heart. There are underground places inside of me”
Lynda Barry, Cruddy

Damien Echols
“Most people who spew hatred aren’t very intelligent or motivated. They tend to be lazy, and if for some reason they are coaxed into picking up a pen, their messages are mostly incoherent and largely illiterate.”
Damien Echols, Life After Death

Adley Maddox
“Well, good afternoon, sunshine. How are you feeling?"
"Like something the cat dragged in, then dragged back outside to leave in the rain, and mud, then the lightning hit it, and burned it, and the cat came back to tear it into pieces, before burying it.”
Kimberly Montague, Racing Outside the Line

Patrick Süskind
“And he wallowed in disgust and loathing, and his hair stood on end at the delicious horror.”
patrick suskind, Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer

Димитър Димов
“Демокрация?... Ето ви демокрация!... Стачки, безредици, класова омраза... всичко друго, но не и творчески труд!...”
Dimitar Dimov, Тютюн

Jean-Paul Sartre
“What then did you expect when you unbound the gag that muted those black mouths? That they would chant your praises? Did you think that when those heads that our fathers had forcibly bowed down to the ground were raised again, you would find adoration in their eyes?”
Jean-Paul Sartre, Black Orpheus

Victor Hugo
“There is a sacred horror about everything grand. It is easy to admire mediocrity and hills; but whatever is too lofty, a genius as well as a mountain, an assembly as well as a masterpiece, seen too near, is appalling. Every summit seems an exaggeration. Climbing wearies. The steepnesses take away one's breath; we slip on the slopes, we are hurt by the sharp points which are its beauty; the foaming torrents betray the precipices, clouds hide the mountain tops; mounting is full of terror, as well as a fall. Hence, there is more dismay than admiration. People have a strange feeling of aversion to anything grand. They see abysses, they do not see sublimity; they see the monster, they do not see the prodigy.”
Victor Hugo, Ninety-Three

J.R.R. Tolkien
“Gandalf: Often does hatred hurt itself!”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers

“The paradox of anti-Semitism is that it is invariably up to the Jews to explain away the charges. The anti-Semite simply has to make them.”
jack bruce

Colleen Hoover
“Now I know it’s because somewhere in my mind, I still harboured hatred and fear for that man, so it was just easier to erect the brick wall and never look back.”
Colleen Hoover, Hopeless

Donna Lynn Hope
“It's not that I am "above" feeling hatred. It's that I make the choice whether to yield to it or not. Hatred keeps a person with you, and the last thing I want with me in my thoughts is someone who doesn't deserve to be there.”
Donna Lynn Hope

Richard Yates
“Don't worry, I can't be bothered! You're not worth the trouble it would take to hit you! You're not worth the powder it would take to blow you up. You are an empty, empty, hollow shell of a woman. I mean, what the hell are you doing in my house if you hate me so much? Why the hell are you married to me? What the hell are you doing carrying my child? I mean, why didn't you just get rid of it when you had the chance? Because listen to me, listen to me, I got news for you - I wish to God that you had!”
Richard Yates, Revolutionary Road

David Mitchell
“What if the differences between social strata stem not from genomics or inherent xcellence or even dollars, but merely differences in knowledge? Would this not mean the whole Pyramid is built on shifting sands?"
I speculated such a suggestion could be seen as a serious deviancy.
Melphi seemed delited. "Try this for deviancy: fabricants are mirrors held up to purebloods' consciences; what purebloods see reflected there sickens them. So they blame you for holding up the mirror."
I hid my shock by asking when purebloods might blame themselves.
Melphi relplied, "History suggests, not until they are made to.”
David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“Hatred, as well as love, renders its votaries credulous.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Confessions

Shannon L. Alder
“A thorn in your side will drive you to find someone or thing to remove it. Therefore, don't hate your enemies. Thank them. Without them, you wouldn't have traveled as far in your life to find peace and happiness.”
Shannon L. Alder

D.B. Harrop
“Hatred only tarnishes the soul that carries it.”
D.B. Harrop

Toba Beta
“If there's no hatred in your heart,
then your mind won't find fault with others.”
Toba Beta, Master of Stupidity

“I had lots of good intentions but I wasted them on people who didn't deserve them...”
Bellamkonda Avinash Babu

Cameron Jace
“Looking down from my throne full of thorns, I glanced at the people on Earth. Oh, man. I despised them. It wasn’t like they were becoming better humans or anything, Devil forbid. In fact, they all roasted in their sin, mayonnaised in their stupidity, tomato-sauced in their envy and anger toward each other....”
Cameron Jace, Mary Mary Quite Contrary

Enock Maregesi
“Heri kuogopwa kuliko kupendwa kama huwezi kuogopwa na kupendwa kwa wakati mmoja.”
Enock Maregesi

Laura Anderson Kurk
“I meant that the hatred of that July day in Nashville was alive and well on that horrible day in Pittsburgh. People hate others so they strike like snakes. It’s all connected—we’re all connected, bumping around into each other, some of us good, some bad, most a mixture. Every thought acted upon has consequences. Every one.”
Laura Anderson Kurk, Glass Girl

M.F. Moonzajer
“Hatred, rancor and grudge, they are not humanity elements; but you need to have them to survive.”
M.F. Moonzajer

Shannon A. Thompson
“Why do they hate us?" He paused. "We didn't do anything wrong.”
Shannon A. Thompson, November Snow

“The hatred of hatred is still hate.”
Ralph Dominic Castro

Umberto Eco
“Priešas turi būti atpažįstamas ir baisus, jis turi būti tavo namuose arba prie durų slenksčio. Štai kodėl žydai. Mums juos atsiuntė Dievo apvaizda, tad, dėl Dievo, pasinaudokime jais ir melskimės, kad visada būtų žydų, kurių galėtume bijoti ir nekęsti. Priešo reikia, kad tauta turėtų viltį. Sakoma, patriotizmas - paskutinė niekšų prieglauda: neturintis moralės principų dažniausiai apsisiaučia vėliava, o mišrūnai visada rėkia apie gryną tautos kraują. Tautinė tapatybė - paskutinė varguolių atspirtis. O tapatybė įgyja prasmę tik per neapykantą kitokiam. Reikia puoselėti neapykantą kaip pilietinę aistrą. Priešas yra tautų draugas. Visada reikia turėti, ko nekęsti, kad kaltintume dėl savo vargų.”
Umberto Eco, The Prague Cemetery

Fernando Lachica
“We soon fall asleep in each other’s arms, knowing to myself that I captured her, like a prisoner in a cage.”
Fernando Lachica, OFW Struggles Hopes and Dreams

Ariel Seraphino
“Sekarang saya tahu satu hal, ketika kita berpikir tentang Semangat yang mudah menular, begitu juga yang terjadi pada Kebencian.”
Ariel Seraphino