Enemies Quotes

Quotes tagged as "enemies" Showing 211-240 of 824
Rebecca Yarros
“No one stays friends forever, Mira. Eventually those closest to us become our enemies in some way, even if it’s through well-intentioned love or apathy, or if we live long enough to become their villains.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

“Exhaling in resignation, Vanessa drew her sword, offered a silent prayer for Starke’s safety, and uttered, “Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat.” ”
Stephen A. Reger, Storm Surge: Book Two of the Stormsong Trilogy

Anthony Horowitz
“It's always been my belief that the best way to weaken your enemies, whether they are bullies, politicians or unpleasant relatives, is to laugh at them.”
Anthony Horowitz, Granny

“Some people the reason they hate you so much .It is not that you had done something , but It is because they are wrong about you. In their mind they already created a bad version of you. They want you to turn out to be a bad person , so they can hate you more and justify their hate towards you. but you are proving them wrong by being a good , kind, sweet person and that is killing them.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

“The human race has four great natural enemies; fire, flood, disease, and the human race.”
Marty Rubin

Mitta Xinindlu
“I have a good life. I'm not going to waste it by investing too much time on these enemies.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Dean Cavanagh
“Always bet on your enemy to win. That way, you can't lose.”
Dean Cavanagh, The Painter

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The enemy is often the one that we have created, which can make it more lethal than the enemy that we are in denial of.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Charles Soule
Empires need enemies. They need a justification for all those weapons… for all those soldiers. A reason for their subjects to be afraid, so the people will tolerate a level of control they would never otherwise allow. Palpatine was very good at finding enemies. First, the Separatists during the Clone Wars, then the Jedi during the Purge. I wouldn’t be surprised if he created the Rebel Alliance himself, just to keep the game going.”
Charles Soule, Star Wars: Hidden Empire

Criss Jami
“Know your enemy the devil without giving him the satisfaction of too much attention.”
Criss Jami

Dean Cavanagh
“If you don't make an enemy of envy, it will become your only friend”
Dean Cavanagh

Mitta Xinindlu
“You're going to wish that you'd left me in my happy state. But in your efforts to ruin my life, you've activated the hidden strengths in me. And now you're going to lose, again.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Rebecca Yarros
“Eventually those closest to us become our enemies in some
way, even if it’s through well-intentioned love or apathy, or if we live
long enough to become their villains.
—Page eighty, the Book of Brennan”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Roseanna M. White
“[T]hose who need mercy most are those who deserve it least. And … even our enemies are so valuable to God that He sent Christ to die for them. Yet, how often do we focus on stopping them for our sakes rather than their own? How often to we pray *about* them instead of *for* them?”
Roseanna M. White, Worthy of Legend

“Hope is the name that should be at the top of the Hit List. It’s worse than our enemies. Our enemies are thieves, but they come as advertised. Hope is ignorance, a liar, an accidental creature made of fear. And it failed my first love just as it failed me.”
Lancali., I Fell in Love With Hope

“I remember just after 9/11/2001
people were putting up American flags--
stand with America against its enemies was the prevailing feeling--
and all I could think was
"that's the feeling that got us here."
It seemed to me that empathy for our ostensible enemies was
the only way we could move forward
to something better.

I know that's true now.”
Shellen Lubin

“If we allow ourselves to perceive each other as enemies,
to be enemies,
and to behave as if we are,
there is no hope.

We have to have empathy.
We have to believe there is hope.”
Shellen Lubin

Mitta Xinindlu
“Never write people off. Surprisingly, it could be your worst enemy that saves your life.”
Mitta Xinindlu

Christina Estes
“But Larry always said enemies and anger help everyone—either through higher ratings or donations for a cause or campaign.”
Christina Estes, Off the Air

Robert Jordan
“Lan grimaced. Was she that afraid of a man wearing the hadori? Did she think his pacing a threat? Abruptly he became aware of his hands running over the long hilt of his sword, aware of the tightness in his own face. Pacing? No, he had been in the walking stance called Leopard in High Grass, used when there were enemies on all sides. He needed calm.”
Robert Jordan, New Spring

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Know your enemies when you find out stay away of them.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Thomas Berger
“If you continued to overestimate your enemy, he would eventually realize the prediction: some law worked in such cases, perhaps the reverse of Diminishing Returns.”
Thomas Berger, Neighbors: A Novel

Emil M. Cioran
“J'ai décidé de plus m'en prendre à personne depuis que j'ai observé que je finis toujours par ressembler à mon dernier ennemi.”
E. M. Cioran, The Trouble With Being Born

“I don't give too many options to my love, play until you give in;
I don't give too many options to my enemies, play until you give up.”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“А в нас що не сусід — братання.
Так і дивися, що вковтне.”
Ліна Костенко, Берестечко

“A peaceful country, it is a rich country. That is why our enemies are doing everything in their power to cause Instability in our country. The sad part is they are using one of our own people to cause that Instability, crime and lawless. They want to make our country ungovernable so they can come as saviors. Come as they are there to help only to find out that they are there to steal from us. To steal our resources and occupy our land. They create problems for us , so they can come up with solutions.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Patrick Bet-David
“I didn’t realize that, to find the key to my success, exactly what I needed was someone to insult my last name and my father. I learned that I do better fighting for others than for myself.”
Patrick Bet-David, Choose Your Enemies Wisely: Business Planning for the Audacious Few

Patrick Bet-David
“You judge an enemy based on the amount of emotion they create.”
Patrick Bet-David, Choose Your Enemies Wisely: Business Planning for the Audacious Few

Patrick Bet-David
“Choose enemies that give you energy, not drain your energy.”
Patrick Bet-David, Choose Your Enemies Wisely: Business Planning for the Audacious Few

Waldo Frank
“Enemies must have common ground. Else, they are not enemies but strangers.”
Waldo Frank