
Cultural refers to books that depict a place or time and its culture.

New Releases Tagged "Cultural"

One of Our Kind
Four Eids and a Funeral
Cue the Sun!: The Invention of Reality TV
With Love, Miss Americanah
A Crane Among Wolves
Daughters of Shandong
Goddess of the River
Ghostroots: Stories
América del Norte
My First Book
Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches from the Wrong Side of History

Stephen Fry
I will defend the absolute value of Mozart over Miley Cyrus, of course I will, but we should be wary of false dichotomies. You do not have to choose between one or the other. You can have both. The human cultural jungle should be as varied and plural as the Amazonian rainforest. We are all richer for biodiversity. We may decide that a puma is worth more to us than a caterpillar, but surely we can agree that the habitat is all the better for being able to sustain each.
Stephen Fry, The Fry Chronicles

Joseph Fort Newton
Men build too many walls and not enough bridges.
Joseph Fort Newton

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Tags contributing to this page include: cultural, culture, multicultural, and world-culture