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Beyond the Cove #1

Drawn to You

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Leaving his enormous family behind, native New Yorker, Elijah, decides to move to Brighton Pier for a fresh start. Being part of a large LGBTQ community and landing his dream job at Inkubus, a local tattoo shop, is too big of a draw for him to turn down. But just when he thinks his new life is going perfectly, he finds out his burgeoning relationship is nothing more than a friends-with-benefits arrangement to the man he was swiftly falling for. Suddenly, everything that felt so right to him feels all wrong, and he wonders if New York, with his family, is where he is meant to be after all.

Jake has worked hard for the life he’s made for himself in Brighton Pier. His life as a bachelor is pretty set in stone. Running his own business and spending time with his family and friends is enough for him, or so he’s convinced himself. Though he’s met a man he cares for, he’s adamant about keeping his single life as is. He has his reasons for not wanting to commit to the beautiful man he’s irrevocably drawn to. He just hopes their friends-with-benefits arrangement will be enough to keep Eli in his life.

When tragedy strikes, and Jake’s world is turned upside down, his instincts lead him to lean on the one person who’s become someone special, despite his best efforts to try and push him away. Eli—unable to turn Jake away when a loss so great takes the strong man to his knees—steps selflessly into the void in Jake’s life, regardless of the toll it takes on him. As both men struggle to deal with their own emotional turmoil, their lives veering off course, they grow inevitably closer as the days pass. But even so, they are still left wondering—can two people, drawn together by tragedy, turn a devastating situation into a fresh start? Or is it too late for a new beginning?

8 pages, Audible Audio

First published November 20, 2018

About the author

Jaclyn Quinn

20 books436 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 185 reviews
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,001 followers
January 15, 2019
⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*Can Contain Spoilers*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

The book centers around Elijah ‘Eli’ Taylor (28) and his ‘friends-with-benefits’, Jake ‘J’ Novak (35). Eli is a tattoo artist and he works for Jake who happens to be the owner of Inkubus Tattoos. Jake doesn't want to let go of Eli, so he keeps coming back to him and believes being friends-with-benefits will be enough. However, Eli can't go on like this, because he loves the man and he wants more. When tragedy strikes the Novak family, Eli does everything he can do help Jake, even if he knows Jake only needs him in this trying time. What he doesn't get is that Jake needs him always, he just doesn't think he can have it all. Overall, the book was heartbreaking, cute and had funny moments amidst the pain. As a person who has lost my own brother, I can definitely relate to Jake and his hurt. Though the book didn't have a twist or a ‘oh shit/oh no’ moment, it still captures our hearts with people trying to move on from something you'd think you can't move on from.
Jake put his hands on the door frame and leaned his head against the door. This thing between them was spiraling out of control. Maybe space would do them some good. He pushed off the frame and went down one flight of stairs, opened his door, and flung himself down on the couch. He didn’t know what it was about Eli that made it impossible to stay away. From the beginning, he’d been drawn to the guy and managed to keep his distance for a year. But somehow, walking home from a bar one night, they’d ended up at Eli’s place. One fucking taste of the guy had Jake going back for more. Hell, he’d even thought—
Didn’t matter now. They wanted different things, and sex was only blurring the lines.
Really good sex. Best sex I’ve ever had.
“Fuck.” Jake exhaled in frustration.

Other Characters:
Makenzie ‘Kenz’ Dawson and Ryder tattoo artists working with Eli at Inkubus, a local tattoo shop. Kenz’s the only body piercer at Inkubus Tattoos.
Zachariah ‘Zach’ and Jonah and Micah, Eli’s brothers. Zach owned a bar.
Dakotah, Savannah ‘Sav’ and Miah ‘Em’ (22 years younger than Zach), Eli's sisters. Tom, Savannah’s husband.
Cameron ‘Cam’, Jonah's boyfriend.
Jocelynn, Dakotah girlfriend.
Drew, works in Zach's bar (for 2 years now) and is interested in Zach but Zach finds him too young (is Eli's age)
Kevin ‘Kev’ Novak, Jake’s older brother and a lawyer. Maggie, his woman who was one of the top real estate agents in the count.
Nicholas ‘Nick’ (12) and Dylan (10), Jake's nephews and Kevin's kids.
Parker, who displaying his art in Inkubus and has done so for a few years. He also designs websites. Is a part of the ‘crew’ of Inkubus Tattoos.
Arthur and Evelyn, Jake's parents who hates him for, well, being himself; aka gay and a tattoo artist.
Avery Hamilton, was a coworker of Kevin’s and his best friend.
Stan Ackerman and his wife, Nina. They were an older couple in their late sixties who could never have children of their own. With Jake and Kevin’s parents being the way they were, and Maggie’s parents gone, Stan and Nina were like surrogate grandparents to the boys.
Abby and Will Taylor, Eli's parents.
“So, you gonna make an appointment?”
That got her attention. “Appointment? I wanna get one today.”
“No can do.”
She stood back up, the smile fading from her face. “Why not?”
Eli gave his best shit-eating grin and pointed behind the group of girls to the sign hanging on the wall. “Shop rules.”
One of the girls read out loud, “Must be eighteen or older for tats and holes. If you are pregnant, drunk, stoned, dirty, smelly, ignorant, or a fucking pain in the ass, come back when you are not.” The blonde’s friends all started to laugh, but blondie didn’t look amused.

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Contemporary Romance (M/M).
Series: - Series, Book One.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Elijah ‘Eli’ Taylor.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Sure.
Would I recommend this book/series? -Sure.
Will I read this again in the future? - Probably not.
Rating - 3 stars.
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,166 reviews769 followers
September 12, 2021
4 Stars

Eli & Jake’s relationship was always the same; showing up unannounced, fuck, escape… rinse and repeat. Eli always thought that eventually there would be more between them but with every day he knew it’s a joke. And the problem was he couldn’t stop himself wanting more but this thing between them was spiraling out of control and then the tragedy strikes…

Told in dual POV, 3rd person, it’s the first installment in the "Beyond the Cove" series and it can be read as a standalone. This was my first read by this author and it was a good one. It’s an emotional read with a good dose of angst and it gives you all the feels, loved both MCs and the secondary characters as well. They had such wonderful friends. I will definitely read their stories! All in all, it was an enjoyable read and hope you like it too!
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,709 followers
June 8, 2020
New to me author, I really enjoyed this one.

Likeable characters.
Some good angst.
Nice steam.
Great cast of secondary characters - that I look forward to reading more about.

Definite win.
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,549 reviews1 follower
December 3, 2018
There are stories which are of an certain importance... with a content that should be read, this is one of them.

Eli has so much feelings for Jake... Jake doesn’t want anything permanent, only a fuck buddy... so Eli withdraws with pain in his heart.

Then the most horrible thing happened... something with an incredible impact...
The world tumble upside down and nothing will ever be the same...
In that tumultuous time Eli and Jake are coming closer to each other.
Eli knows how Jake feels about certain things and wants to withdraw again... so Jake has to convince Eli of his true feelings.

This story did something with me... at times I was so so angry. I was reading with my nails pushing in my fist. Those... those parents ugh...I wanted to scream at them.... no I wanted to punch them... hard.
And I cried and cried... my heart hurt for Nick, Dylan and Jake.
The sword of Damocles was hanging above them and that felt so awful.

The pretty bunch of colleagues/friends were awesome to watch. They were witty, adorable and lighten up the spirit.

Amazingly written journey, well thought out and put down with so much honesty... I felt all the deeply moving feelings of this bittersweet story, my head and heart hurt by the emotions. All the insecurities and doubts felt so real. A big hooray for love, for family and for chosen family, for honesty and chances for better times.
The attention exactly on the important sides was really well done, it held the focus just were it should be... on Nick, Dylan, Jake and Eli.

Read and reviewed for Diverse Reader
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,713 reviews376 followers
April 5, 2019
This is a great opener for Jaclyn Quinn's new series, an off shoot of the Haven's Cove trilogy.

Powerfully emotional, seriously sexy, it looks at what makes a family into a family and that doesn't always involve DNA.

Here things are spiky and edgy at first, with a friends with benefits relationship on the skids when Eli wants more than Jake is prepared to give.

But life changing experiences have a sneaky way of forcing people to re-evaluate just what is truly important and the narrative turns into an honest romance when Jake realises that losing his fears could give him the life he's been too scared to take on.

I loved both the kids in this, they were completely age appropriate imho, neither some amazing genius child, both dealing realistically with deep trauma.

It was awesome to catch up with Eli's family and I loved the next door neighbours. As far as Jake's parents are concerned, they can do one.

Looking forward to more.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Ele.
1,310 reviews40 followers
June 2, 2020
Ι liked this a lot! Maybe a little OTT at times but very good nonetheless. Yummy relationship angst.
Profile Image for Agla.
695 reviews57 followers
May 28, 2022
This was a mixed bag and my review will mostly be under a spoiler tag. I liked it but didn't love it and I'm not sure I'm a fan of the tragedy used to get those 2 together. This book is heavy on kids so if that's not your jam look away. At the end of the book I'm not sure I know either MCs that well, I don't know it's weird. I really enjoyed the later part of the story hence the 3*. .
Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,150 reviews476 followers
December 7, 2018
A Joyfully Jay review.

2 stars

This book…didn’t work for me from the first chapter. Eli and Jake have a hook-up relationship going on, but Eli knows he’s in love with Jake. The two men work together as Jake owns the tattoo shop, yet Jake barely speaks to Eli and doesn’t even treat him as a friend, so the dynamics were off for me from the start.

The writing overall, came off as simplistic and amateurish and read as a first draft as the story never came together for me. Jake has a family tragedy and through this tragedy he realizes how much he needs Eli, but I couldn’t really buy into that it was truly for his feelings for Eli and more that his life had changed so drastically. Also, for such a crisis, everything worked out fairly well.

The men are tattoo artists and really, they could have had any occupation as besides the fact that they were close with their co-workers, being tattoo artists added no significance to the story. Eli has a large family with many siblings and there are the friends from the tattoo shop, and random lines are added in for many characters, presumably as a set-up for future books, and they all seemed randomly placed and crammed into various scenes. Jake also has the stereotypical, caricature homophobic parents that came off as more of a tired plot device that wasn’t written well. When the men have to make changes to living conditions, they claim they are going to bag up any and all items that are even remotely feminine because they’re men, and why this had to be called out…I don’t know.

Read Michelle's review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for Ronie Reads.
1,306 reviews18 followers
December 18, 2023
Like I wasn't going to read a book with tattoos in it. Ending up enjoying these family dynamics.
Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,442 reviews160 followers
August 11, 2022
I ended up enjoying this so much more than I thought I would.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,047 reviews854 followers
December 3, 2018

Jaclyn Quinn starts her new Beyond the Cove series on a high note with Drawn To You. Two men who want very different things in their lives are thrust into a situation that forces them both to look deep at themselves and each other. Emotional, sexy, but with enough humor to keep it from getting too dark, I loved Drawn to You.

Coming from a large and loving family, Elijah moved to Brighton Pier, a LGTBQ friendly area, for a fresh start. Landing a job at Inkubus, a well known tattoo shop which he loves, but is second guessing his move since he started a f*ck-buddy relationship with his boss and co-worker, Jake. Elijah wants more and he thought they were headed that way until Jake pulled back leaving Eli feeling like it is time to move on and make some changes in his life, but when Jake’s life is turned upside down Eli knows he must do all he can to help him through it.

I’ll admit I wasn’t a fan of Jake at the beginning of this book and while I grew to like his character I was also a bit suspicious of how easily his feelings changed. Elijah was a saint and I adored the way he bonded with Jake’s youngest nephew and refused to give up on the oldest one. He was a fantastic friend and sounding board of Jake and I’m really not sure if Jake would have done as well as he did those first few weeks without him in his life. I felt Ms. Quinn did a fantastic job of showing grief in very different ways and how it can affect everyone differently, I love that she didn’t shy away from that or try to gloss it over. I had hoped that at some point Jake’s parents would have stepped up, but sadly they were simply horrible people who didn’t deserve the family they had and threw away.

It is never easy to write a romance when there are children in the picture and especially when someone becomes an instant parent, but it was handled with respect, unconditional love, and a lot of humor giving this book a “real life” feel.

I’m excited for the next book in this series, author Jaclyn Quinn has become a new favorite author of mine and she does not disappoint.
Profile Image for JenMcJ.
2,357 reviews324 followers
November 23, 2018
This was a good story. I eventually liked both MC's and it did make me tear up. The kids acted age appropriate and weren't trotted out just to move the plot forward. I didn't think the sex scenes were all that great, but I think a lot of that was because they had too much of a "hook up" vibe when I knew that wasn't what Eli wanted so it took away from them.

I'm looking forward to Avery and Parker and the other stories it seemed to set up, like Zach and Drew.

Profile Image for Kaity.
1,613 reviews16 followers
December 31, 2021
4-4.5 stars

The cuteness of the kids in this book made it for me. I love fictional kids…. Not real ones haha but man the amount of pain they went through and the support of Jake and Eli was great!

I was glad Jake was able to get his head out of his ass and man up and make Eli feel wanted, because damn, Jake and the beginning was really using Eli.

Overall loved this more than I thought, and Kirt Graves did an amazing job with the audiobook like always!
Profile Image for Debra.
2,132 reviews257 followers
July 20, 2023
4 Stars for the series

Like the Haven's Cove stories, I read all of these in a short period of time. I find the author to be very readable, all the books contain a good balance of drama and romance. While some worked better than others, I enjoyed them all.

This one is particularly emotional and introduces a bunch of the future MCs as well.
Profile Image for ML.
1,375 reviews1 follower
November 21, 2018
Throughly enjoyable read

It’s my first time reading this author. This book came highly recommended.

This is an angsty book in places but the build up and pay off are really worth it. My only complaint is I wish it was longer. I was not ready to let Eli and Jake go.
I loved that it was a dual POV. It made it great to hear from both MCs.

I want book 2 now!
Profile Image for Mo.
82 reviews9 followers
August 12, 2019
I don't know... it wasn't bad, just kind of boring to be honest. I couldn't get into it even though I really wanted to.
Profile Image for Jesslan Rose.
1,133 reviews43 followers
October 16, 2020
Drawn To You By Jaclyn Quinn

It has a lot of emotional angst. I cried through most of the book, but there were happy and funny moments too. And of course a HEA.
Profile Image for Jenny Wood.
Author 26 books308 followers
April 10, 2019
Sigh.... I love this whole family!

When I saw the next one coming out and that it was a spin off from the Hard To series, I was sooo hoping it was Zachariah... but just as well, it's his little brother Eli.
Eli moved away from his big supportive family, and found a job and a slew of friends at tattoo shop, Inkubus Tattoo's. What he didn't plan for, was falling for owner and best friend, Jake, who kept making it clear that he wasn't the forever kind. Forced to listen Jake brag about his conquests and then come right back to Eli, hurt Eli so bad, but, for some reason, he just kept letting Jake in.

I wasn't sure I was going to like Jake at first... It took me a bit to get to know him and realize at least a little bit, why he was the way he was. I still wanted to shake him and maybe throat punch him... but.. issue's man.. we all got em!
It was just when Eli had decided that enough was enough that tragedy struck the only family that Jake had, and Eli was running right back to him. To have his back and be there for him. And Jake needed it... he needed Eli, and he the more Eli was there for him, the more he was made to realize that not did he need him, but his nephews he was now raising did too.

And isn't it obvious how sunken I am for a hot single dad, or a hot uncle, or a sibling that takes on that role. Hot guys that are good with kids are my favorite! I love how realistically the loss was portrayed with the kids, how their grief was so different from both of them and how wonderfully it was handled. Especially because the guys were just kind of thrown into the deep end and it was either sink or swim... especially with Jake's parents looming and being terrible people.
You will not like them.... prepare for that going in.

But, like every story I've read from this author... it all works out in the end, and everyone is stronger and happier because of it. I loved everything about this story.... the chosen family and how amazing Eli's family is in accepting the new additions in Eli's life. All of their friends and neighbors that step up and love them unconditionally.... and even the prospect of Ryder and Avery, and hopefully Zach, sooner rather than lter. I have a feeling I'm going to love him!

So, if you haven't.... go read the other's in the Hard To series, that this spinoff was based around, you won't be disappointed... this one is a perfect addition.
5 stars from me!
Profile Image for SoCalBookReviews.
602 reviews19 followers
December 6, 2018
This is my first book by this author and I really liked it a lot, to the point that I downloaded the previous series Jaclyn Quinn wrote for Haven’s Cove, which I think this one is connected to. I am really looking forward to reading those books, and I cannot wait to get another book for this series too.

Jake “Novak” and Eli.

The storyline in this book is great, with some sexy tattooed men who are super-hot together.
Friends with benefits who end up falling in love with each other after some serious soul searching and tragedy.

My heart went out to these two men for different reasons:

Eli, because of the way Jake treated him and pushed him aside every chance he got. Even after learning Jake’s reasons and knowing they were totally valid, my heart still hurt for Eli. He was so selfless throughout this entire book, being the rock that Jake and his nephews needed and keeping them all together. I really loved Eli.

Jake, because of the horrible thing that happens in this book. You kind of get the idea of what is coming but still can’t fully brace yourself for it until it hits you. Jake’s parents are horrible people and I felt so bad seeing the way they treated him. It definitely had some lasting effects on him. I’m just glad he pulled his head out of his butt in time to make it all right for Eli and him and Dylan and Nick.

Such a great book. I was really impressed by the writing and I am glad I picked this one up to read. I hope *fingers crossed* that we get a book for Avery and Ryder next. Those two guys have some serious hate going for each other that I think could make for an explosively hot book.

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***
Profile Image for Marthea.
881 reviews7 followers
October 18, 2020
To fajna, dobra historia. Może nie super hiper fantastyczna, ale naprawdę tak porządnie dobra.

Z Jake'iem miałam problem przez dłuższy czas - nie podobało mi się, jak na początku traktował Eli'ego, nawet bardzo mi się nie podobało. Pewnie dlatego później miałam problemy z uwierzeniem, że w końcu tragedia, która go dotknęła sprawiła, że się zmienił. Miałam wątpliwości, czy on naprawdę chciał, żeby Eli był z nim, czy to było tylko dlatego, że go znał i był pod ręką. I był chętny. W końcu, w którymś momencie, uwierzyłam w jego uczucia, ale zajęło mi to sporo czasu 😉

Eli natomiast miał problem z Jake'iem, duży problem. W pewien sposób toksyczny. Dał się wykorzystywać przez długi czas i nie potrafił powiedzieć nie. Trochę mi zabrakło jakiegoś takiego mocnego akcentu w końcu z jego strony, ale w sumie... nie wszyscy przecież muszą jakimś gwałtownym ruchem wyjawić swój punkt widzenia, swoje racje i uczucia. Czasami to przychodzi cicho, wśród wątpliwości, wahania, cichej miłości, możliwości wybaczania i dawania jeszcze jednej, kolejnej szansy.

O rodzicach Jake'a nawet nie będę pisać, bo szkoda na nich słów...

I po raz kolejny punkty dodaje historii drugi plan - tym razem salon tatuażu, którego właścicielem jest Jake, i jego pracownicy 😉 Nie wspominając już nawet o rodzinie Eli'ego, która jest znana zwłaszcza z historii Jonaha i Cama oraz sąsiedzi, Nina i Stan. Nie wspominając już o bratankach Jake'a - Nicku i Dylanie 😁
Profile Image for Leelah&#x1f341;♋️ Orion.
1,221 reviews25 followers
May 19, 2020
Coming together

When tragedy makes you really open your eyes to the love that is right in front of you. When working together to save everything turns into love. Sometimes you need a little push to get to your HEA and it was enjoyable to watch. I love when kids are involved. Because let’s face it not everyone is childless. Watching them navigate that was fun, and the kids didn’t distract from the story. The writing was great, the smexy was hawt, and the side characters where very entertaining. Can’t wait to read about the other characters
Profile Image for Tanja OMGReads.
2,121 reviews49 followers
November 18, 2018
So I've finished this book at 1am this morning and I wanted to review it right away but went to bed instead because I thought that a good sleep will help me write down a review that will do this book justice. So here I am at 6pm with still no words but I'll try to do my best 😉

This book was an emotional rollercoaster. It had me crying like a baby, laughing my head off and feeling butterflies in my stomach. I love Jake and Eli. These two man will steal your heart from the very first chapter. I loved Jake's heart with wanting to do the right thing even when he doubted himself. I HATE his parents. And Eli ; that man has the biggest heart. I loved how he stepped up even when he thought he was only set to be pushed back by Jake. As the story develops you get to understand why Jake is the way he is when it comes to relationship. I was loving how much he was trying to make Eli see that he was it for him.

Jaclyn Quinn is one talented author. She was my first MM read at the beginning of this year and I've been the BIGGEST fan ever since. If you haven't read any off her books you need to do that now. I super excited to see what she has in store for us next and to see her become one of the best author in MM romance.

***Review copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads Blog***
Profile Image for SC.
784 reviews22 followers
November 27, 2018
I bet you're reading all these reviews thinking - no way this book is that good, no way these are not people just sucking up to the author with their 5 star reviews. You'd be wrong. This author has a way of writing really strong, yet vulnerable characters, and I don't mean girly by any means.

Eli - his family ties are so strong, and I think that's what gave him the strength to stand by Jake. Oh man, Jake. Tears, be ready for lots and lots of tears. Him and the boys. Let me tell you, I've seen first hand the anger that can take over a boy, and Jaclyn captured it so well. The way they all come together is just so well executed. I also really liked the supporting characters, and she gives us just enough to make us want to know more about them.

There is only ONE thing that got to me, but that's really me, personal choice, some people may not even notice. There was quite a lot "rubbing hand on back of neck" moments. I think it happened at the very least once if not more in just about every chapter at the start of the book. Possibly more, I didn't really count them. Still, bottom line, this book is incredibly well written, the story flows beautifully, the characters have depth, she wrote a 10 year old boy who actually spoke and behaved like an actual 10 yr old - I know, I'm so glad she pulled that off. It's a fantastic story, it makes it so hard to wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Antisocial Recluse.
2,713 reviews
November 30, 2018
4.5 Stars

Nothing’s better than finding a new-to-me author and really enjoying their writing. This is also, ultimately, a Christmas story too, so well timed. Jake and Eli were excellent characters, even though Jake was acting very badly at first. The authors presented the eventual deeper development very well, especially addressing the circumstances keeping Eli sticking around for Jake. There’s lots of great feels and emotion around the friends at the tattoo shop and the expanding family around Jake and Eli. Nick and Dylan, the kids, were included in just the right balance for the storyline. Sometimes kids in a story can become annoying to me when they’re too precocious or dramatic but not these two. This really tugged at my heart and then gave me all the good, warm feels. Excellent story.
Profile Image for Jennie.
757 reviews23 followers
December 10, 2018
Eli and Jake are friends with benefits. Eli wants more but Jake is determined to keep things how they are.
Tragedy strikes and it's heartbreaking for everyone. Eli and Jake struggle with learning a new normal and the complicated road ahead. They have great friends to lean on and help them through.
The hea was perfect for them.
I really loved this story. A great journey of love and hope and family. Happily recommend.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 185 reviews

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