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The Whale Library

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A poetic fable for grown-ups full of wisdom and beauty, by two Belgian masters of graphic storytelling.

Out on the high seas lives a whale unlike any other, who spends her days reading stories to all who will listen, taken from the vast library hidden in her belly. When the whale bumps into a sea postman’s boat one fateful night, it’s the beginning of an extraordinary friendship. But not every story can have a happy ending…

80 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 28, 2021

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349 books136 followers
Pseudonym of Benoît Drousie.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 198 reviews
November 17, 2021
4 blue-tinted stars 🐋

Moby Dick alert! The whale as an emblem of wisdom seems thus imprinted in our imaginary. The questions posed by the Whale are silently haunting and thought-provoking; and yet, as collector and librarian, would you not think that she would be able to tell us more than we could tell her about the Mysteries of the World? But, you see, these are questions far out of the reach of the wise and creative; these are questions that colour the human mind blue:

What happens to rivers that never make it to sea?

This is a book that encapsulates the essence of simplicity; that captures the love of the sea, and the darkness of the sea. It is a parable that speaks of a moving friendship, of the many important truths that are lost along the way of the human's path, of the joys of reading and its power to connect the living.

And yet, my heart and soul, they're weeping! The jolting pang of loss and regret threatens to crush that sense of prevailing warmth the book attempts to summon as the redeeming force: a community gathered around a fire reading stories.

The story of The Whale Library, in its fleecy simplicity, is one that I recommend to those who like to read graphic story books. The illustrations complement the story beautifully! I found it refreshing and quietly powerful, so much so that you will not expect it to strike you so forcefully towards the end!

Thanks go to Netgalley and Europe Comics for this ARC. All thoughts expressed here are my own.
Profile Image for Dennis.
660 reviews305 followers
December 9, 2021
The sea, like the human heart,
is full of secrets.

But when our human hearts overflow,
we can take up a pen
and let wash onto the shore of a page
those words that weigh too heavily on us.

We learn to tell stories
for the same reason we learn to swim.

To keep from drowning.

This is the story of a guy working as a postman for the sea mail service and a 100,000-year-old whale that holds hidden behind her smile the world’s largest undersea library, and of their unlikely friendship.


Or is it about the comparative obscurity of sea mail? Or the love for books? Or maybe about overfishing? Or relationships in general? Zidrou packs a lot of themes into not that many pages. It probably shouldn’t work, but it does. The story is strangely affecting.

I also like the artwork. It isn’t particularly detailed, nor is it pretty, in a traditional sense. But it fits the story’s mood very well and the colors are nice.

Recommended, if you are looking for something profound and quietly sad.


Thanks to NetGalley and Europe Comics for providing me with a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own and in no way influenced by the aforementioned.
Profile Image for Rosh.
1,874 reviews2,983 followers
July 19, 2022
This is a poignant graphic novel that tells the story of a beautiful friendship. And a lot more.

In the high seas, there lived an old whale who had a vast library in her belly. She spent her days reading to any fish who was interested. One day, the whale bumps into a sea postman and this accident results in an extraordinary camaraderie between the two book lovers. However, not all beginnings lead to happy endings… 😢

The main content of this book is not literal, of course. The story is quite allegorical, though I feel that the takeaways will depend on each of us individually. It’s a story that will make you pause and ponder during as well as after.

The bittersweet ending didn’t really make me happy. But I let it go as the rest of the book is so memorable. The idea of a huge whale carrying an undersea library is so fantastical yet attractive. I loved the way the bond developed between the whale and the sea postman. I loved learning about sea mail. I loved the sweet connection between the sea postman and his wife. I loved seeing the curiosity of the whale about all things connected to land. I loved the whale’s belly library (and its octopus assistant!) But I say again. I hated the end (or to be very specific, the part a little before the end.) I really wasn’t prepared for that!
(Now that I think about it, I don’t know why I wasn’t prepared for that. I have read Zidrou’s “The Adoption” and that too twisted in a way that was totally unexpected!)

The artwork is quite simple yet it serves the story well as it doesn’t steal the limelight from the narrative but complements it wonderfully. The dominant blue colour of the whale-related narratives add to the melancholic feel towards the end. The font becomes a little tricky to read at times but this isn’t a major deterrent.

If you want a graphic novel that leaves you mesmerised and devastated at the same time, do pick this up.

4.25 stars.

My thanks to Europe Comics and NetGalley for the ARC of “The Whale Library”. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

Join me on the Facebook group, Readers Forever! , for more reviews, book-related discussions and fun.
Profile Image for Trish.
2,164 reviews3,677 followers
November 21, 2021
Ooof! this book should come with a warning so here it is: warning!

As the title suggests, the story tells of a whale in whose belly is a library.
One day, a sea mailman encounters the whale and a friendship blossoms. We thus learn of the sea and the creatures living in it as much as about fishermen and mail and how hard it is for family who stay behind when their loved ones go to sea to do their job.
But most importantly, we learn about the power of stories.

As befits a story about the sea, the art is mostly blue-ish and done in watercolours. I was pleasantly surprised about the "honesty" of the art (many books don't show all human body parts for example, especially not in children's books). Here are my favourite illustrations:

However, this did pack quite a punch in the end which I had not seen coming. If anyone asks, I was cutting onions!

Still, the ending was perfect in a way and necessary, so don't be discouraged because of my warning. Some stories need to be told even if or especially because they make us cry.
Profile Image for Alexander Peterhans.
Author 2 books256 followers
November 17, 2021
Zidrou's name on a book has really become a pretty reliable sign of quality writing for me, and he doesn't disappoint here. There's some beautiful writing here, with its own striking imagery, besides the actual art.

People at sea get mail too, and someone needs to bring it to them - our main character is such a sea mailman, going out in a little row boat to deliver the mail.

At sea, he meets a whale, and it turns out she has swallowed one or more libraries, and now functions as a living, swimming library, regularly visited by sea creatures to borrow books. The whale lends the mailman a book, and off he goes, back to his pregnant wife. Soon he returns to the whale.

It's a lovely, tender story, and it ends beautifully.

The art looks like a children's picture book at times, although the story isn't directly for children (nothing here that children wouldn't enjoy, I think).

(Picked up a review copy through NetGalley)

[image error]

Profile Image for Himanshu Karmacharya.
1,033 reviews110 followers
November 4, 2021
This book needs more recognition!!!

This is the first time I've been introduced to the artist and writer duo of Zidrou and Judith Vanistendael. And what they've accomplished here, is magnificent.

The Whale Library, like its goodreads description suggests, is a fairy tale for adults. It's short but deeply moving. In its 80 pages, the book manages to connect the readers with the characters. The art fits the mood of the story. the use of colors is perfect, and brings out a melancholic fable vibe.
Profile Image for Hosein.
214 reviews99 followers
November 24, 2022
چه قدر دوست داشتی بود و چه قدر غمگین بود. من خیلی کمیک‌های اروپایی نخوندم، ولی همیشه اون‌ها با احساسات و تجربه‌های ساده داستان می‌گن و همین باعث می‌شه تاثیرگذارتر باشن. تقریبا مطمئنم که داستان و تصویرهای این کمیک رو تا سال‌ها یادم نمی‌ره و قراره خیلی بهش فکر کنم.
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,773 reviews274 followers
November 14, 2021
If you know me, you know that I love all things underwater and ocean. Plus a friend reviewed this and mentioned watercolours. So this was a no-brainer.

Pretty watercolours, a mature story about a whale who contains a large library, a postman delivering sea mail, his wife and a smattering of sailors, pirates, fish, sea turtles, octopi and more…

I loved the parts with our narrator, the postman, and his pregnant wife. Lovely and humorous.

About the love of books and other things. Poetic, funny, mellow, tragic and sad. No, it‘s not a sad ending per se. I was smiling, while I was fighting some tears…

”We learn to tell stories
for the same reason we learn to swim.
To keep from drowning.
So let me tell you the story
of a good friend of mine:
a whale like no other.
Behind her smile was hidden
the world’s largest undersea library…




I received this free e-copy from the publisher/author via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review, thank you!
Profile Image for Shaghayegh.
135 reviews163 followers
November 25, 2022
شاعرانه ، چشم نواز ، عمیق و خاص .
یه ایده ی قشنگ که سعی نمیکنه با اضافه گویی خرابش کنه ؛ چون به موقع تمومش میکنه .
و قرار هم نیست همه چی به زیبایی دیالوگ ها ختم بشه ؛ چون در عین غیرواقعی بودنش ، واقعیت رو تو صورتت می کوبونه .
به این خاطر که کوتاه هست چیزی نمیگم . خودت ورق بزن و یهو میبینی به همین سادگی تموم شده :)
Profile Image for Kadi P.
808 reviews134 followers
July 20, 2022
“We learn to tell stories for the same reason we learn to swim. To keep from drowning.”

What a strange, strange graphic novel.

It started out as a deeply poetic children’s story, then launched into the semi-informative rants of a bonafide cat man before it finally morphed itself into an absurd story featuring a talking whale of all creatures. By that point, I (and the plot) had mentally checked out. Then there were pages filled with preposterous questions to which the only sensible answer could be: “you what, mate?” And the ending was so abrupt and violent and the reason for the plot twist was never elaborated. It was just so odd and badly paced.

The main problem with this graphic novel was that it seemed to be completely pointless. What was the objective of the ramblings, the end goal of the plot? It was just madness after madness for no conceivable reason. Like the unnecessary amount of nudity and a story within a story about Redbeard feeling up a mermaid. I had to stop and laugh for a good five minutes at the stupidity of that.

The art was not great. It felt like it was trying to be whimsical or endearing, but it mostly looked like the art of an accomplished eight year old in position of a good watercolour paints set.

This seemed like something you’d enjoy if you were a little kid, or alternatively, if you were very high. If you’re neither of those I’d recommend giving it a miss.

(Recommended by Lex)
Profile Image for Bahar meow.
177 reviews44 followers
November 30, 2022
“The sea, like the human heart,
is full of secrets.”

Fabulous! Lovely!
a colourful world that makes me happy.
Profile Image for Shankar.
181 reviews4 followers
March 11, 2022
A wonderful tale ( reminds one of Moby Dick ) that’s really a fantasy. A huge library inside a 400,000 year old whale ( yes I got the zeros right …you didn’t read wrong ).

It’s truly child like - and I really enjoyed.

Profile Image for Larnacouer  de SH.
788 reviews172 followers
April 25, 2023
I, too, hate sad endings.


Her insanın hayatında diğerlerine sıradan gelen ama kişi için özel bi’ yeri olan şeyler vardır ya; mesela bir nesne olarak kitaplar.
Hayvan olarak kelebek belki balinalar.
Deniz. Kesinlikle deniz.
Çoğu için gün batımları. Bazılarına geceler.
Mesela bu listeye kendim için sulu boya ekleyeceğim.

The Whale Library işte tam olarak böyle: Sıradan ama herkesin içinde özel bir ışıltı bulabileceği bir kitap.

Kitap ingilizce fakat dil ile haşır neşir olmayanlar hemen tedirgin olmasın oldukça kısa bir hikaye ve anlaşılır bir dili var, şans vermenizi isterim.

Profile Image for plainzt .
705 reviews87 followers
February 3, 2022
This book tells the story of a sea postman and whale that bump into each other on the sea. Their connection is the love of books. The whale carries a library in her belly, and the sea postman is the lover of stories. So their friendship began.

The best part of the book for me was the illustrations. Coloring, style, drawing, etc. everything accompanies the tale very beautifully.

However, the story did not have the same effect on me. It ended abruptly in my opinion. There were sudden cuts and jumps. In the end, I cannot shake the sense that there are so many things that could be added to the tale. So in this case illustrations steal the focus. I was rather fascinated with drawings than the story itself.

Also, this is a personal complaint but I am going to mention it anyway. Since I have bad eyesight I struggled with reading the writings. I wish characters would be bolder.

Thank you to NetGalley and Europe Comics for providing the ARC of the book for the reviewers.
Profile Image for madame Gabrielle.
672 reviews584 followers
August 22, 2021
mais quel bel album. premièrement, l’histoire est belle comme tout et que dire des illustrations! j’ai trouvé l’idée bien bien originale et c’est un album que je suis maintenant vraiment heureuse d’avoir dans ma bibliothèque 💛
Profile Image for verbava.
1,056 reviews132 followers
May 26, 2022
у цій книжці було якраз те, що мені треба. іс��орія від зідру, який уміє розповідати всіляке зворушливе так, що від нього не оскомно. акварельні малюнки від джудіт ваністендаль, які хотілось би з'їсти очима. кит із бібліотекою всередині — це приблизно так само дивовижно виглядає, як і звучить. красиві рядки (we learn to tell stories for the same reason we learn to swim. to keep from drowning), яким вдавалося не бути занадто претензійними.

а потім стався сюжетний поворот, від якого я аж задумалася, що хотів сказати автор.

утім, це все-таки гарна, ніжна й поетична книжка. просто ми з нею одна одну трохи не зрозуміли.
Profile Image for Cindy.
429 reviews7 followers
November 1, 2021
Een teder "bittersweet" verhaal met prachtige tekeningen met de mooiste blauwtinten van Judith Vanistendael! Een verhaal voor boekenliefhebbers en fans van echte post :-)
Profile Image for Mehsi.
13.3k reviews404 followers
November 12, 2021
I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I spotted this book yesterday (Nov 5th) on Netgalley and when I saw it was Zidrou (fav writer/artist) and Judith Vanistendael (great artist), I just knew I had to get it. And then I thought I would read a few pages.. well I can tell you that I ended up reading the whole book, much to the hilarity of my husband who was wondering why I wasn’t responding. XD

In this gorgeous book we learn of a mailman, but not just any mailman, a guy who rows in his boat to deliver mail to boats and other places on sea. We also learn of a big big whale, a beautiful whale who is something very special, she is a library! Yep. Fish (and later the mailman) all get to read books there. These two have a chance encounter at night and that is how they become fast friends. I just loved reading about the mailman and the mail he brought and I loved the conversations between the whale and the man. The blushes. The books. The talks about books. But also the talk about how afraid she is for the whalers (bah, stupid whalers). I just loved how they bonded.

I would have loved to hop into the library myself. Look up a book, ask the librarian octopus for the book, then snuggle up and read it. It is such a magical place.

Next to mail and a bit of history about that and also the whale we also see the mailman’s wife. Who is very pregnant. We don’t see a lot of her, but there are parts with her, mostly with her waiting. Waiting. Hoping that her husband comes back safe again. I was a bit angry that the guy left when his wife was super-pregnant, I get he needed to deliver the mail, but why couldn’t he ask someone else?

The ending though, OMG, I think I could have expected it, but it just came like a slap. It was painful and I was crying. It was horrible. Horrific. WTF. NOPE. But after that event we also see hope. We see a community get together. Work together. Save things. That is all I want to tell. But really, it was so painful I just had to look away. Read. Look Away. 🙁

The art is just absolutely stunning and fits so well with this gorgeous and beautiful graphic novel/book. Wonderful use of colours. Love it all.

I could probably talk more, but I will just end it here. I would highly recommend this beautiful, heartbreaking, gorgeous, special book to all.

Review first posted at https://twirlingbookprincess.com/
Profile Image for Yousra.
460 reviews80 followers
November 21, 2021

Whales, books, nature, and beautiful art. It’s like this book was written specially for me!
Profile Image for Swati.
415 reviews65 followers
November 3, 2022
“Deep, deep at the bottom of the ocean, there lived a 100,000-year-old whale…Behind her smile was hidden the world’s largest undersea library.”

Zidrou and Judith Vanistendael's graphic novel “The Whale Library” starts off with this fantastic premise and is narrated by a postman who delivered mail by sea. On one of his trips, he comes across a 100,000-year-old whale that hosts a large undersea library within its belly. At first, the postman is terrified but a beautiful friendship blossoms between them when he sees how much the whale loves books just like him.

This was such a poetic, poignant allegorical story which combines flashes of darkness with playfulness. It urges us to see the harmony we naturally share with nature. It opens our eyes to the power of stories. It shows us that animals can truly be our friends.

I felt a mix of emotions when I finished this short, bittersweet 80-page book. In the 20 minutes or so that it took for me to read it, I had smiled, feared, reminisced, mused, and, finally, closed my eyes with unshed tears.

The artwork is simply stunning with vibrant blues and reds as befits an ocean theme. I am already a fan of Zidrou’s work. And I had enjoyed every page of Vanistendael’s The Two Lives of Penelope, which was the first book I read by her, and this one has now made her a firm favorite.

There’s so much in this tender story. If you get a chance to read it, grab it with both hands.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
Profile Image for Yuyine.
904 reviews48 followers
July 21, 2021
La baleine bibliothèque est une merveille. Visuellement sublime, chaque page devant œuvre d’art, c’est un roman graphique beau et très touchant qui nous parle du plaisir des histoires, d’amour et d’écologie marine. Aussi beau que triste et aussi puissant qu'onirique. Un livre superbe qui m’a fait chavirer le cœur.

Critique complète sur yuyine.be !
Profile Image for Ecem Yücel.
Author 3 books122 followers
November 23, 2021
This was a beautiful, poetic, and sad story. I loved the artwork very much, it masterfully emphasizes the emotions of the story in each frame. In terms of story, it doesn't unfold as one expects it would, and it beautifully reflects the joy and the sadness of life, the good and the bad, the kind and the cruel, the ugly and the beautiful, and sometimes all of them at the same time.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Europe Comics for the advance copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sakina.
570 reviews66 followers
January 9, 2022
Une bande dessinée qui porte sur la lecture et la préservation des espèces marines. Les illustrations sont vraiment sublimes et les sujets me touchent particulièrement. 🌿🐳
Profile Image for Maude.
679 reviews36 followers
March 7, 2023
il y a à peine un mois, j’ai dis bon voyage pour toujours à mon parrain. il a été postier et marin… et j’aurais beaucoup aimé lui partager cette belle découverte.
Profile Image for River.
294 reviews111 followers
November 11, 2021
I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This was so incredibly beautiful, my heart is broken! Thank you so much for allowing me to read this book.
First of all, the writing is flowery and poetic and so immensely beautiful. I am so glad that I discovered this author because the way they write is stunning.
The art is gorgeous and I feel that the art style matches the writing perfectly. Forgive me, I'm not an artist, but it looked like watercolour paintings (or something close to it) and I couldn't stop staring at them, trying to take in every detail.
It's a very unique story! I've never read anything quite like it and I adored it. In all honesty, I'd never even thought about sea mail before and that also added interest to the story.
The characters are engaging and loveable from the start, even without a lot of time to get to know them. The whale and the words it spoke alone were enough to break my heart. The questions it asked were beautiful and I wish I could read more of their friendship.
The end! I won't share any spoilers, but let me just say my heart has been absolutely ripped in two. I won't lie, I did expect it, but I still was not prepared. I also have salty tears!
Profile Image for Gert De Bie.
378 reviews41 followers
June 5, 2021
Een verhaal over verhalen, vertellen, voorlezen, liefde en schoonheid.
Een verhaal dat flirt met de grenzen van het ijle en toch met beide voeten aan wal lijkt te blijven.
Een verhaal met frivole passage, maar ook harde realiteiten.
En die - ietwat brutale - plotwending zag ik niet komen.
Met ronduit indrukwekkende, sfeervolle en bloedmooie tekeningen van Judith Vaninstendael.
Profile Image for Virginia.
912 reviews39 followers
March 17, 2023
Se un giorno, passeggiando sul bagnasciuga doveste trovare un libro trasportato dalla marea, raccoglietelo per favore. Portate la vostra barca in mezzo all’oceano. E una volta là, leggete il libro ai piccoli pesci. Fatelo per me. Affinché le mie lacrime non sappiano più di sale. Perché, vedete, anch’io odio le storie che finiscono male.
Profile Image for Bibliomaniaque.
805 reviews410 followers
September 26, 2021
Quelle belle histoire qui ne va pas sans rappeler le genre du conte. Des illustrations tout en douceur qui vont de pair avec l'histoire dans laquelle les mots sont riches et les phrases sont poétiques. Une belle BD pour adultes en quête de douceur.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 198 reviews

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