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Dear Violet

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For Violet, a typical overnight shift at the Wide Awake Cafe consists of the usual late-night commuters, lots of downtime to read, and unlimited cold brews.But one seemingly innocent cup of java turns into unwanted surprise visits, disturbing love letters, and far-too personal gifts from a man with an aura darker than the midnight coffee she brews. The customer quickly turns into a regular- both at the shop and in her life.Soon, Violet can't shake the feeling of his dark eyes watching her every move, and her lack of sleep has nothing to do with her love of caffeine.Just when she thinks she can't take anymore, she's blindsided by an ultimatum that will change the rest of her life. She knows exactly what she has to do, but he's determined to win both her heart and the game he's forcing her to play.She has a hard choice to make in the end, but one thing is for certain. The customer isn't always right.

Kindle Edition

Published July 8, 2021

About the author

Mikaela Bee

8 books95 followers

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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews
Profile Image for T.M. Shivener.
Author 10 books218 followers
April 11, 2022
Finished Dear Violet on the airplane! I loved that this book was written from not only the girl being stalked perspective, but her stalkers perspective as well!!
If that sounds like something you’d enjoyed, check it out!!
Profile Image for Jessica.
52 reviews
April 30, 2022
Great book!

4 1/2 stars from me! Loved it. Kept me going and didn’t expect some of the twists. Will be Reading more From this author.
Profile Image for K.T. Lyon.
Author 3 books30 followers
July 26, 2021
Mikaela Bee has done it again, her second thriller will keep you hooked until the end. I had the pleasure of ARC reading this little gem of a book and I read it within a couple of days. I can promise you that if you loved The Lakehouse, then you will most definitely love Dear Violet.

Violet lives a quiet life that is quickly thrown into a disarray of fear as a love interest becomes infatuated with her... without her knowledge. Violet's life begins to spiral out of her control until she is left with a potentially deathly ultimatum.

This author is one to keep your eye on, there's no stopping her! Highly recommend to add to your summer reading list.
Profile Image for Heather Rollins.
4 reviews2 followers
April 19, 2022
I really wanted to love it because the author seems so sweet BUT for me it felt very immature, very silly at times. It needed more depth, more character development and better editing. I do feel it had the potential to be great, it just needed more thought put into the actual writing, maybe not so rushed. I am rooting for her and plan to read another. Maybe all 4 who knows, personality goes a long way with me. 💜
Profile Image for Paula  Phillips.
5,216 reviews327 followers
April 16, 2023
I had a start to a bad reading day on Tuesday last week as I wasn't feeling the greatest, to begin with, and then every book I tried was just so blah and boring with a capital B. I just could not get into anything. After watching The Big Bang Theory and relaxing on the couch with a wheat bag, I decided to scroll through my Kindle and see if anything jumps out. I decided to go with a thriller as when all else fails, often for me a thriller and edgy read does the trick. I came across Dear Violet by Mikaela Bee and started reading. This one hit the spot as I was drawn in instantly to the book. Dear Violet introduces us to Violet who works at the local coffee shop in the train station. As I was reading this, I had the image of a coffee shop in the Wellington Train Station and the passersby getting their tickets, hopping on trains, etc. Violet does the night shift which normally she doesn't mind, that is until she starts to get letters and gifts from a secret admirer. At first, it seems like innocent fun and super sweet, but soon the ante escalates and it turns into a full-blown stalker mode. When people that are close to Violet start getting involved or in danger, Violet decides the safest thing is to leave her job when her mean boss won't let her swap shifts. Soon though, Violet will be jobless, friendless, and homeless when the stalker believes that if he can't have her, then no one else can and he's not going to let anyone stand in his way of happiness. I did enjoy the story, but it did get me wondering why on earth the person wasn't less desperate as it turned out he was not that bad looking and seemed friendly enough and if he had not creepily pursued Violet, she probably would have gone out with him on a date and who knows things could have turned out differently but alas his true stalkerish colours shone through and we have our book Dear Violet by Mikaela Bee - an edgy YA/NA psychological thriller that turns the song Every Breath You Take into a horrifying reality.
Profile Image for Nicole (all_bookedup).
376 reviews23 followers
January 5, 2024
2 Stars

I hate giving bad reviews and this one is killing me because I heard so many good things about this book. But I did not like it at all.

**Possible Spoilers**

Violet is being stalked. She tells the people around her and nothing is done. She refuses to call the cops. Why? Because "he hasn't done anything yet." Her best friend thinks it's cute that she's getting attention. Her mother laughs when she sees the guy. She literally laughs and says:

"He looks like such a nerd! He doesn't look like he'd be able to hurt a fly even if he tried."

Yes Mom, laugh at the guy who is stalking your daughter. Violet's boyfriend and best friend fall for fake texts. They know this guy will do anything to get to Violet, yet they don't put 2 and 2 together. Her dad invites him to her house. Okay, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because at this point we don't know who the stalker is. Speaking of her dad, he really couldn't get her car looked at for a month?!?

Anyway, there were a few inconsistencies that bothered me. An example and this is all from the same conversation:

"I've been here almost a year."
"I've been here for years."
"I have worked here for two years."

So which one is it? It seems like something that should have been caught. But anyway, this book was not my cup of tea.

I did like the different POVs, that's a plus.
Profile Image for Becca Ban.
59 reviews7 followers
February 3, 2022
Gripping, hair raising, electrifying….

Have you ever been afraid of someone watching you? Thinking or feeling that there’s always eyes on you even if you can’t see them? Imagine having those feelings, but also working the overnight shift in a small cafe, sounds recipe for disaster, right?

That’s what Violet has to deal with, working graveyard at The Wide Awake Café has its perks, it’s never busy so she can read, she gets a lot of alone time & she gets to chat with costumers… but what happens when someone’s infatuation with her becomes a problem? I started and finished this book today because it IS that good. The raw emotions of this book make me think *I* was the one with a stalker, and not Violet. Mikaela once again took my breath away with her writing and this thriller is not to be passed up on. When love is only one sided, it can turn murderous fast.

A modern day Romeo & Juliet, but only if Juliet has no idea Romeo wants her all to himself…. no matter the cost.

If you like books that bring a thrill, nerve ending panic, and a twist you’ll never see coming, this is the book for you.

One thing is for certain, the customer isn’t always right.
January 8, 2023
Ok I’m quickly realizing that almost every book I come across rated 4 or 5 stars is not my cup of tea because this one got a ton of 5 star reviews and I thought it was just borderline ridiculous. I hate to say that but the characters were really annoying. I thought Violet was naive. She could’ve easily guessed who her stalker was. She just didn’t pay enough attention. I liked Kira in the beginning. She was smart mouthed and not afraid to speak up. That is until 75% into the book & she completely changed on Violet. It even got to a point where Violet’s own Mom was giggling about the situation which was just so ridiculous.

This one just seemed a bit cheesy in my opinion. But hey, don’t let my opinion sway you from reading it. Give it a try. It did get a ton of good ratings so it might not have been my cup of tea but it just might be yours.
Profile Image for Kat Polcher.
115 reviews43 followers
September 3, 2022
This book just did not interest me. I did like how it was from the victim and the stalkers point of view, but it overall just felt a little cheesy, unrealistic and fake.

Some of the scenarios in this read were so dumb and unrealistic. I will keep it brief by just saying this. If friends and boyfriends don’t believe the victim when they know what’s going on?… i just can’t. So annoying.

I just didn’t enjoy it and unfortunately cannot recommended this read.
438 reviews1 follower
July 12, 2022
POV from the stalker and the stalked

Wow. Going in I thought it was going to be a dark romance. I really enjoyed the POV from the stalker, we see where his mind is at and what he is willing to do to be near his victim. We also get to see Violet’s POV, how it effects her and the people around her.
302 reviews4 followers
October 17, 2023
Wow! Fast paced thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat. Violet works the night shift at a cafe, and aquires an admirer. A possibly dangerous admirer. Letters, surprise visits, and gifts keep arriving. She feels watched everywhere she goes.
Profile Image for Tara.
270 reviews
March 28, 2024
If you are like me and are a huge fan of the show "You", this book is for you! The main male character is sketchy as hell. The story pulls you in and doesn't let go until the end of the book. I definitely need more of this story!
Profile Image for Danielle  King .
28 reviews1 follower
April 19, 2022
a really quick easy read . I could not put it down ! I enjoyed how the story was written in both POV
Profile Image for Alese.
168 reviews11 followers
June 13, 2023
Good book

Creepy & original. Very well thought out.. will read more from this author. I downloaded a few more of of her books through ku.
Profile Image for Hope Traynor.
3 reviews
December 12, 2023
This book had me. Until the last words, literally. I need a second book to this. But it was something that kept my attention for sure. And the cover is gorgeously morbid.
Profile Image for Lauren Smith.
8 reviews
May 15, 2022
Very fast-faced, read it in one day. The povs were easy to follow, and believable. Four stars instead of five as the characters and story-line came off a bit juvenile, but overall a good read that kept me engaged.
Profile Image for Behind The Bookshelf .
190 reviews24 followers
September 13, 2023
Read January 8th, 2023

"Dear Violet" by Mikaela Bee Author is a captivating novel that took me by surprise. From the moment I began reading, I was captivated by the unique structure of story, which is told from both, the protagonist and antagonist's view. This dual perspective adds a layer of depth to the story.
When I first picked up "Dear Violet" I had certain expectations in mind. However, as I got deeper into the pages I quickly realized that this book was going to be so much more than I had anticipated. The twists and turns that unfold throughout story are incredibly unexpected, leaving you eager to uncover what happens.
What I found most intriguing about this book is how it to kept me somewhat puzzled from beginning to end.
Overall, "Dear Violet" exceeded my expectations in a huge way. It's a book that surprises and captivates, leaving you wanting more. I highly recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys a thought-provoking and suspenseful read. Trust me, you'll love it!
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews

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