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Another rollicking Vermont romance is coming your way!

I fled Boston, and my cheating jerk of an ex, with three hundred dollars and a lip gloss in my pocket. Waking up the next day in Burlington, Vermont, with a crick in my back and a frozen ass hadn’t exactly been my plan. If there was one. Which there wasn’t. Story of my life.

Three hours later, I’ve somehow got myself hired as temporary help in the local veterinary and grooming clinic. I might know zip about animals—but I do know I’m crushing on the sexy, absent-minded vet I work for.

My life is a hot mess, and the last thing I need is another relationship. Emmett pushes all my buttons, but he isn’t out. He's overwhelmed with a business to run and a son to look after and the kind of domestic life I never thought I wanted.

I should walk away. But Emmett believes in me, and I'm beginning to believe in myself. As different as we are, is it possible we're exactly what the other needs?

345 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 6, 2021

About the author

Jay Hogan

21 books810 followers

JAY HOGAN IS A two time LAMBDA LITERARY FINALIST IN GAY ROMANCE in 2020 and 2024. She is a New Zealand author writing in m/m romance and romantic suspense. In another life she was an Intensive Care Nurse and a counselor. She is owned by a huge Maine Coon cat and a gorgeous Cocker Spaniel.

You can find Jay at:






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Displaying 1 - 30 of 400 reviews
February 23, 2024
I'm an outlier this time round, because I didn't like this story nearly as much as my Goodreads friends did.

What worked for me:

- Emmett, the vet, was a caring guy, a good dad, and hid a dirty mind beneath his buttoned-up persona. I liked Emmett a great deal.

- I liked that Tai was part Maori and from New Zealand; Tai's spunk and flirty ways were endearing.

- The slow burn between the MCs was delicious; we're talking sexual tension galore.

- And the fulfillment of that sexual tension .... *fans self* Emmett and Tai were on fire, and Emmett was not at all shy about fully exploring his attraction to men.

- Ivy, Emmett's groomer at his veterinary practice, was a hoot.

- The various animal mishaps made me grin; so cute!

- The bonus epilogue was especially sweet (although I wish authors didn't make readers sign up for newsletters to receive content that really should be included as part of the book; bonus scenes, yes, but an epilogue should be a given, not an extra).

What didn't work:

- I wanted to slap Tai upside the head so many times. He didn't want to be dependent on another man because of his douchey ex. I get that. But there's a difference between independence as a strength and independence as a flaw, and Tai crossed that line.

He was sleeping in his car for fuck's sake and still wouldn't accept help from anyone. I can relate to a degree, as I don't like to ask for or accept help, but if I were homeless, you bet your arse I would.

- Speaking of the douchey ex, the OTT drama toward the end was distracting and unnecessary.

- And, finally, let's talk about Leo. I have an 11-year-old son who's very bright, and Leo didn't strike me as a realistic 10-year-old boy. I liked his exuberance, but at times he seemed too involved in his dad's personal life (kids really don't care about adult relationships). His reaction to finding out his dad and Tai were together was out of character and not believable.

I speak from experience. My husband died when my son was 9. Kids, especially very young kids (Leo was 6 when his mom passed away), grieve differently than adults. They forget and move on sooner. My kids don't expect me to be alone forever. They want me to be happy; my daughter even asked me if I was going to date only men or women too, and I told her it would depend on the person. Leo wasn't raised by a bigot, so why the extreme reaction and assumption about Emmett's sexuality? It just didn't fit.

Maybe I'm being nitpicky because the losing-your-partner storyline is so personal for me, but I got frustrated as the story progressed and almost gave up on it at one point. I'm glad I stuck with it, but this book just wasn't my favorite.
Profile Image for Papie.
772 reviews167 followers
June 12, 2021
75% and dreading the rest. I’m calling it. Done. Boom.

This has two tropes that don’t work well. The “I can’t stay because I need to go rebuild my life” trope and the dead wife trope. So on the one hand, I’m exhausted by Tai’s brain and how he keeps saying he can’t rely on a man, and he needs to go and figure out his life on his own (nothing wrong with that, but then just do it and STFU), and on the other hand I’m exhausted by Lu’s (the dead wife) presence on every page.

I loved the beginning. Tai is adorable. Emmett is amazing. Leo is cute. But then it started dragging and dragging and exhausting me without much happening.

I think also part of it is that I don’t always mesh with this author. Sometimes it works and sometimes I feel her books drag forever. This was one of those dragging forever instances. 🤷‍♀️
July 1, 2021
Audio - 5++++ Stars. Gary Furlong and Iggy Toma!!! Say whaaattt?!! I was like.....

I hope they get cast together again!!

Story - 4.25 Stars

I have to admit there was a point where the story lulled so much, I was afraid this would be a DNF. Thankfully, the narrators had me wanting to push through, and the story proved to be worth continuing.

The MCs were extremely likeable. And I have to give it up to the author for making Emmett perfectly imperfect. He had the beginnings of a dad body and receding hair line. But he was still sexy as hell.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,713 reviews377 followers
April 17, 2021
This book just filled me with joy, even though at times there are elements in the narrative which aren't quite so pleasant.

I absolutely adored both Tai and Emmett, they were utter sweethearts both separately and together and Emmett's son Leo was an epically well-written kid too.

The premise worked beautifully for me, it was organic and while this takes place over a relatively short period of time at the start, the feelings hit you like a Mac truck from the off. It's clear Emmett is a man who falls fast and stays steadfast as was evidenced by his relationship with his late wife.

When he sees Tai he's captivated from the start and this is part of what brings the necessary tension to the plot. Emmett is bisexual but not out, although his wife and a few select friends knew. I liked that this was the main driver in his fears, how it would affect Leo, what his parents would think, but not that at any point he intended to stay in the closet.

For Tai, he's just left a very toxic relationship, the echoes of which are lingering both in his head and in the physical day-t0-day of his life as he tries to get his feet back under him.

I won't go further into the plotting, other than to say, I had a massive smile on my face throughout this book from start to finish and the happy ending is all the more sweet for the effort both men put in to get there.

#ARC kindly received from the publisher Heart Eyes Press in return for an honest and unbiased review
Profile Image for D.L. Howe.
Author 23 books556 followers
August 6, 2022
Tai woke up in Burlington, VT after he caught his boyfriend cheating on him with not one but two guys. So he upped and left with just the clothes on his back and the cruddy car his ex gave him. Thank god for the car or he’d have no place to live.

He finds himself in Vino and Veritas where he he meets Briar who helps him get a job with the local vet. Who happens to be the cute man he held a stray cat for.

Emmett is a widower with a ten year old son. He’s always been bi but few people knew.

It’s pretty much instalove with these two no matter how much Tai wants to deny it. Emmett’s son Leo is unknowingly his father’s wingman bringing Tai closer into the fold.

There’s some drama with Tai’s ex and the shit inevitably hits the fan creating a bit more interest in a story that is mostly quirky and sweet.

Overall not a bad story but honestly nothing to write home about. It was entertaining like a cute hallmark movie.
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,232 reviews1,298 followers
May 6, 2021

We're back in Vermont!

Vino & Veritas #10

Tai + Emmett

Tai moved to Boston from new Zealand three years ago. For love. But that's over now. He just left that cheating rich bastard and spent the night in his car in nowhere Vermont.
Enter Emmett. He's been a single dad widower for four years now.
He desperately needs someone to fill in as a receptionist at his vet clinic.
Tai has no experience with animals and he's way too colorful for this nerdy vet and he's not staying anyway ... right?




Aww. That was adorable!

I absolutely loved this story ... and Tai and Emmett and Leo and Ivy and the animals!
Tai and Emmett are so sweet and a bit broken from different happenings in life. They just belong together.
I loved reading this.
This will definitely go on my top 3 Vino & Veritas list!

Like I always say when it comes to books in the True North World: I could read these kinds of books every day for the rest of eternity!
And I also wouldn't mind seeing this whole world on Netflix one day!

Can't wait to get more Vermont soon!

UNGUARDED was such an adorable + sweet + sparky + sexy M/M love story! I loved reading it! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Tai + Emmett - they'll be sold out in no time!

💜 💜

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Profile Image for BookSafety Reviews.
394 reviews351 followers
October 8, 2023
Book safety, content warnings, and tropes & tags down below.

“[…] Be careful of dismissing something good just because you’re scared or because you’ve got some idea of how things should be, and this doesn’t fit.”

Yet another top notch book by Jay Hogan. This one nearly matched my love of Off Balance. Nearly. Emmett and Kai are very different, and at different places in their lives. It was a lot of fun watching them having cute little crushes on each other and try to pretend that they didn’t. They didn’t fool a single soul, lol. At some points their story was a little sad as well, as they both had issues to get past in order to make it work.

I might’ve found some balls at long last, but they were nowhere near hairy enough to face roughing it on the streets, not in a Vermont fall that seemed designed to freeze those fuckers right off you if you weren’t careful.

Emmett is a single dad, a widower, and closeted. Trying to get past all of that and date a man for the first time is difficult. It wasn’t made any easier by Tai’s manipulative and controlling ex doing a number on his head for years either.

I was also pretty damn sure he’d guessed I wasn’t straight. The drool marks on my chin were likely a dead giveaway.

Overall super sweet and funny characters, great side characters, and an exciting and engaging plot. Highly recommend.

“Have you lost your freaking mind? Keeping our hands off each other has about as much chance of success as me buying a flannel shirt, ever.”

⬇️ Blanket spoiler warning ⬇️

⚠️ Tropes & tags ⚠️
Single dad
Awful ex
Closeted MC
Bisexual MC
Sassy MC
Femme MC
Small town
Found family

⚠️⚠️ Content warning ⚠️⚠️
Bi erasure
Animal surgery
Explicit sexual content
Manipulative and controlling ex
Sick and injured animals
Mentions of cheating ex (some details)
Death of a partner (off page, past, some details)
Death of a pet (off page, past, some details)
Mentions of car accident (past)
Violent encounter with ex boyfriend
Child running away (found safe)

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Book safety ⚠️⚠️⚠️
Cheating: No
OM/OW drama: Ex shows up and causes drama, but the MC wants nothing to do with him.
Third-act breakup: No
POV: 1st person, dual POV
Genre: Contemporary romance, M/M
Strict roles or versatile: Strict roles

I glanced away and acted as . . . ungay as I could, which, let’s face it, was a complete waste of time so I glossed my lips instead.

And it had been a good morning in the clinic—no dramas, no anal gland expulsions, no floods, and only two scratches from an elderly cat that didn’t like the thermometer shoved up its are. I really couldn’t blame her. After all, prep was everything.
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,486 reviews67 followers
March 28, 2022
I really liked Tai and Emmett.
And the scenario.
I thoroughly enjoyed the first 30%, but then …

Somehow things began to slip.
Maybe it was because …

… the overly light and super happy tone throughout the book? Yes, I admit that sounds weird. But somehow, I wished for a little bit more gravitas, a little bit of more seriousness in certain situations. Everything was so unrealistically cheerful all the time I felt like I was in an alternative universe.

… Tai and Emmett‘s attraction to each other is well overplayed (for my liking). I did think of two puppies on adrenaline. They are so super excited just looking at each other all the time, constantly stressing how wonderful the other is etc etc. It was just a teeny bit too much for me.

… the timeframe: wow. That first week felt like half a year. And that is probably what it should have been. These guys are more or less in love after two days of meeting.

… Leo: I’m afraid he is one of those clever, mature 10-year-olds who will not hold back commenting on his dad’s love life. Although he isn’t the worst case I’ve come across, there was a bit too much of him in the story, imo.

... Tai constantly going on that he would have to leave. No, he didn’t. Why? He could do exactly what he wanted. This being one of a few things I could not quite follow.

I don’t want to sound super negative here because all in all this is a nice enough book. With some cute banter. And some hot scenes. And yes, Tai’s accidents at the vets are funny, but ultimately … it left me kind of … cool? (Not cold, because I did enjoy a good part of it).

Maybe judge for yourself
Grumpy old woman here ... 😂
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,087 reviews248 followers
August 29, 2021
This story will grip you and make you smile.
Tai is hanging out at the bookstore, when a guy rushes in and asks him to hold his cat....
Tai, 27, a New Zealander with an accent,

long black hair, olive skin, lip gloss and piercings in interesting places, has turned up in Burlington after leaving his cheating ex in Boston, but what will he do now?
Emmett is a Veterinarian, 35, bi, has a son,

Leo, 10, and it's been four years since his wife died. He is in need of a vet tech.

The guys get along great, Leo is a fun kid, and the whole cast of lively characters is marvelous.
We have sharp wit, banter, sass and fun times. We see Emmett, Tai, and Leo hanging out, caring for the animals in many situations, serious and funny. Tai fits right in at the clinic and in Emmett's space.

The ex shows up and is a creep. Tai is enjoying his new life, making plans and he's happy, but worried about his future. Emmett is excited about his feelings and later the two have some super sexy times.

Trouble comes again with the ex, who gets what he deserves, but Tai is embarrassed and hurt, in more ways than one.
Emmett's coming out is crappy, but the whole bunch will have to talk and smooth the ruffled feathers.

This is cute, humorous, fun, witty, and sharp.
Written with flair, spice, and heart.

Profile Image for alyssa.
949 reviews198 followers
May 29, 2021
[4.75] I had so much fun reading this!! Giving it all the stars because it was exactly what I needed as a pick-me-up after one heck of a busy work week!

For starters, the writing style was right up my alley with the perfect blend of playful, snarky banter and humor carrying the story along at a nice pace.

Even though the MCs fall in love in a relatively short time frame, it never felt distastefully OTT. Insta-attraction/lust, yes—you could literally see the sparks between them erupting up from the page whenever they were in the same room—but not instalovey in the cringey sense, in part because they recognized that those growing feelings warranted a closer look at, despite their personal insecurities and fears.

Thank the heavens we get two adults who actually communicate and compromise, and even when they don't agree, they still listen and give each other the space they need. Any time a much-needed conversation gets delayed, it's not like they're sweeping it under the rug for the sake of avoiding said topic forever, but rather to find a more opportune time to fully address it. They even deliberately take a few steps back to get to know each other more as individuals because some part of them knows that what they have is more all-encompassing than a one-off fling.

Emmett is the town veterinarian and a single parent whose bisexuality is a secret save for a select few, but him being in the closet wasn't overplayed as a relationship barrier; his main concern understandably stemmed from how it would affect his 10-year-old son Leo (who was such a doll 🥺).

And we have Tai, my favorite sassy queen! Had several laugh out loud moments courtesy of his fabulous wit. The one thing that bugged me, although I could recognize where he was coming from, was his refusal to rely on people because of what happened with his cheating scum of an ex. I despise asking for help too, but there comes a point when it's just pride standing between you and your sense of self-preservation, and at times I wanted to bonk him on the head to suck it up and accept the help, repay everyone later once he had the reins on his life back in his hands again.

Besides this, I appreciated Tai's journey in recognizing his self-worth and looking to the future anew (with Emmett as his biggest cheerleader!).

All in all, these two were pretty perfect together and make the cutest family with Leo and their pets! The side characters were a hoot (*pretends not to see Emmett's mom* 🙈😂), the animals were adorbs, and the dual POV was delightful. Not to mention, there's enough drama from outside parties to keep things spicy but never too much where it entered soap opera territory.

I will 100% be checking out other books by this author :)
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
571 reviews542 followers
April 20, 2021

*** I received an eArc from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.***

This was another fun addition to the Vino and Veritas series. This one included a story with the grumpy/sunshine trope, which is one of my favorites. I also enjoyed that one main character was a veterinarian, the inclusion of animals always warms my heart and added an extra layer of sweetness that allowed the two main characters to connect on a deeper level.

Overall this was another well-told story that I thoroughly enjoyed.
Profile Image for Vanna (on partial-hiatus).
708 reviews83 followers
October 1, 2023
4 lovely stars!! ❤️ ❤️ Audio was amazing and the narrators did a fantastic job with the accents.
Emmett and Tai made a cute couple, add in Emmett's 10 year old son Leo, a sassy cat named "Sassy" and a whole menagerie of animals.. and you get a very heartwarming, loving but also steamy M/M romance. There is a little bit of an age gap b/w the MCs; and Emmett is not your usual M/M MC; he has a dad-bod by his own definition; and is still in the closet about his bi-sexuality. But Tai tempts him.. oh how he tempts him 😍 😉.
Overall, I really enjoyed this story. Highly recommended!! 👍 👍
Profile Image for Mariah.
1,271 reviews490 followers
July 23, 2021
Audiobook note: Lawd knows I love Iggy Toma but the man can’t do a Kiwi accent to save his life.
This would’ve been amazing with either Joel Leslie or Glen Lloyd narrating Emmett but alas. Gary Furlong was the perfect Tai.
Profile Image for ItaPixie.
1,132 reviews125 followers
March 17, 2022

I loved Unguarded so much, it was really enjoyable.

Tai Samuels left his cheating boyfriend during the night, without any plan and with only the clothes on his back. He arrives to Burlington and thanks to a friendly bookstore clerk he finds a job at a veterinarian clinic. Emmett Moore is a widowed, single father and a great veterinarian but he isn't too good organizing his work and clinic, so when his asstistant leaves him withouth any notice he needs a new one as soon as possible so he hires Tai on the spot. They easily become good coworkers and they refrain themselves to become something more even if they have a great physical chemistry.

Tai and Emmett journey is not too easy because the first has to overcome his insecurities and he has to become stronger and realize he is worth so much more than his ex boyfriend let him believe, the latter has to take the risk and coming out of the closet with his relatives and his son.

These two men found a place into my heart, even if they are so different from each other, messed up and stubborn I loved them in the same way because they are lovely and funny too.

The author made a very good work with the storyline, it is believable and well developped.

I recommend to read this one.

Profile Image for the kevin (on brainrot hiatus).
950 reviews152 followers
May 2, 2022
DNF at 9%

I do not have patience for casual misogyny. No one needs this. Stop it.

"So, Emmett, you’re her knight in shining armor, at least for today. Tomorrow she’ll likely hate you for even presuming she needed rescuing, but that’s women for you, right? Or so I’m told. I wouldn’t know much about that . . . as it happens.” Holy fuck. My gaze slid away in pure mortification. I didn’t ramble or get tongue-tied. Ever.

shut up

I also do not have patience for mind-fried instalust. Where's the tension? Why can’t these people function at all when faced with an attractive person? Am I expecting too much?
Profile Image for Caz.
2,927 reviews1,103 followers
June 1, 2021
I've given this an A at AAR.

Jay Hogan takes the number of books in the Vino and Veritas  series into double figures with Unguarded – the story of a closeted, repressed bisexual veterinary surgeon and an ex-pat Kiwi running from an abusive relationship – and it’s the best book of the series (that I’ve read) so far.  If you haven’t picked up any of the earlier entries, don’t worry; all the  Vino and Veritas  books are standalones so you can jump in here and not feel like you’ve missed anything.

When Tai Samuels walked in on his long-term boyfriend Dion and found him having fun being the filling in a twink sandwich, he stormed out – of Dion’s life and of his life in Boston, where he’s lived for the past three years.  It’s not the first time Dion has cheated on him, but it’s the last – Tai is done.  He hightails out of there with nothing more than the clothes on his back – which are far better suited to a night out clubbing than to a night spent by the side of the road in freezing Vermont, which is where he’s ended up after getting in his crappy car and driving just about as far away as he could get.

Next morning, when he goes to the nearest bakery to get some breakfast, he realises the situation is even worse than he’d thought.  His payment cards are declined – Dion has cleaned out all his accounts – and Tai has just three hundred dollars to his name.  He knows how stupid it was to allow Dion to control every aspect of his life, but hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself before now; it was easier to look away and believe everything was okay.  And now – broke, homeless, alone (and fucking freezing) – all he’s got is time to mull over his foolishness. Which he figures he might as well do in the warmth of the Vino and Veritas bookstore with a hot cup of coffee.

After a couple of hot drinks and a chat with Briar, the store clerk – who gives Tai a few tips about the local amenities – Tai’s attention is caught by another customer, a tall, blond,  mouth-wateringly gorgeous man wearing a harried expression and carrying an empty cat-carrier.  Tai can’t help watching as Mr. Gorgeous heads off into a hallway – and then reappears, the carrier now full of yowling grey cat.  To Tai’s surprise, the man approaches him and introduces himself as Emmett Moore, the local vet – then asks him if he’ll keep an eye on the animal while he goes to the bathroom. Which is how Tai ends up dissing crappy boyfriends in conversation with a huffy feline.

Emmett is pretty much run ragged between running his practice and caring for his ten year old son Leo.  His wife was killed in a car accident four years earlier, and he’s never really managed to get things back onto an even keel; a situation made worse by the fact that his receptionist has just quit, leaving him even more short-handed than he already was.  So he’s relieved when Briar tells him he’s sending someone over who might be able to help out until Emmett can find a new receptionist – and then flustered when it turns out to be the beautiful young man with the cute accent he’s been fixated on since he left the bookstore.  And that’s a can of worms he really wants to keep well and truly unopened.

There’s an instant spark of attraction between Emmett and Tai, but both men have their reasons for trying to ignore it. Tai isn’t planning on sticking around, and has just got out of an abusive relationship, while Emmett is a single dad and… well, it’s complicated.  He’s always known he’s bisexual, but he’s not out;  after he fell in love with his late wife – who knew about his sexuality –  he never looked at anyone else and never thought he’d need to say anything about it.  He hasn’t been seriously interested in anyone since Lu died, so he’s been content to continue to keep his queerness under wraps.  Until Tai.

It isn’t just Tai’s looks that have captured Emmett’s attention, it’s everything about him; his vibrant personality, his sense of humour, his easy charm and intelligence – and the way he can be so brashly confident one minute and so quietly insecure the next intrigues him. But even though get on like a house on fire – they enjoy each other’s company and work together really well – both of them need to think seriously about next steps.  Tai knows Emmett is nothing like Dion, but he needs to make his own way on his own terms, which might mean taking a bit of time and distance to make sure being with Emmett is what he wants; Emmett has to work out how to tell his son that not only is he dating someone new, but that he’s dating a guy.  He hasn’t deliberately kept the truth about himself from Leo, but in the wake of their grieving and putting themselves back together after Lu’s  death, Emmett…  just hasn’t got around to it.

The romance between this unlikely pair progresses quite quickly, but it’s so superbly written and developed that it never feels rushed or as though any steps have been missed out.  The chemistry between them is off the charts and there’s a definite opposites attract vibe going on – Tai is a force of nature, Emmett is quiet and considered – but somehow they’re each exactly what the other needs.  Tai has spent most of his life feeling like he never measured up, and then his ex really did a number on him, seriously denting his self-esteem and sense of self.  He’s used to being thought of as just a pretty face and nothing else, but Emmett quickly sees the kind, gentle man beneath the layers of brittle snark and doesn’t let him get away with talking himself down.  Giving Tai the chance to work at the clinic makes him feel useful for the first time in ages, and Emmett provides the support Tai needs in order to re-locate his inner strength and to move towards realising his true potential.  In return, Tai brings vitality and colour back into Emmett’s life, making him realise he’s just been going through the motions and that it’s time to start living again for real, that he deserves more in his life than work and a kid he’s crazy about – a loving relationship and to be proud of who he is.  One of the things I absolutely loved here is the way Emmett is so sure of who and what he wants;  he might not have had a relationship with a man before, but he knows himself, he knows what it feels like to fall hard for someone, and once he’s in, he’s ALL in.

Jay Hogan’s inimitable sense of humour, her talent for creating strong, relatable characters who are easy to fall in love with, and her ability to achieve a superb balance between light-hearted snark and thoughtful introspection make Unguarded a fantastic read in every way.  Tai and Emmett are complex and fully three-dimensional, with real-life problems that are dealt with in a believable way,  their romance is funny, tender, sexy and emotional, and Emmett’s relationship with Leo is just lovely.  There’s a strong secondary cast, including Emmett’s colleague Ivy, who is wonderfully forthright and won’t let him get away with anything and Jasper, a friend who is also a widower (his story is coming soon in Kate Hawthorne’s Daybreak).  You’ll laugh, you’ll tear up and everything in between; Unguarded is a contender for my Best of 2021 list, and I’m more than happy to recommend it.
Profile Image for Ed Davis.
2,531 reviews91 followers
March 6, 2023
I really enjoyed this audiobook. Iggy Toma could read the phone book and I’d probably enjoy it. The story was also very sweet and I loved Emmet and Tai. The side characters and of course the cat all just added to the fun. I literally was laughing out loud the first time Tai helped Emmet with the dogs anal glads. It sounds horrible and I’m sure it would be, but it was also hilarious.
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,777 reviews291 followers
October 22, 2023
Short review here: 2.5 Stars.

This was too long of a story—one in which nothing much happened & what did happen was rehashed over and over.

Despite a great narration, neither the characters nor their story pulled me in.

My rec? My least favorite of this series thus far.
Profile Image for Sarah.
730 reviews34 followers
November 23, 2022
4.5 - Jay Hogan’s books feel like a warm, familiar hug to me. Her writing has a nice predictability that I enjoy, she always has a solid story to tell with well developed characters, some plot/drama/angst thrown in somewhere and not too much sappiness.
March 7, 2022
3.5 feel good - stars, rounded up because of the excellent narration by Gary Furlong and Iggy Toma.

Burlington, Vermont is where Vino&Veritas, the inclusive bookshop/bar is located, and all the characters end (or start) up their story here.

I picked the book because after reading Jay Hogan’s Painted Bay goodness, I just wasn’t ready to say good bye to her writing, and she didn’t disappoint, even though I wasn’t as enthralled as I’ve been with the Painted Bay series.

Tai ends up in Burlington with nothing but what money he has in his purse after running away from his boyfriend of 3 years, whom he (again) caught cheating. Needing a job, he starts working (temporarily) for the local vet Emmet, a widower with a 10 year old son, Leo. The attraction between the both of them was instantaneous, and after a few days of push and pull, they give in, even though Emmet isn’t officially out as bi yet.

There were many things I liked - characters that actually talked about their feelings and issues, adorable side characters, small town gossip, dogs, cats - it’s probably been that insta lovey thing that keep me from being fully into the story. It’s a comfort read/listen for a rainy day, perfect if you want something that entertains, but doesn’t wreck you emotionally.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,234 reviews257 followers
May 7, 2021
Unguarded by Jay Hogan is probably my favorite by Jay Hogan. It had so many elements that I love in a romance.

-Heartwarming characters
-Slow burn
-opposites attract

AND that wonderful epilogue!

This was a winner!
Profile Image for Jessica Alcazar.
4,126 reviews577 followers
May 7, 2021
When I read the blurb to this book (not that I wouldn’t have read it anyway), I laughed stupid hard at “I might know zip about animals—but I do know I’m crushing on the sexy, absent-minded vet I work for”, because it gave me Schitt’s Creek vibes like you wouldn’t believe and I was there for all upcoming shenanigans! (Those of you who may not get the reference, don’t tell me, just please step away from under your rock LOL (kidding but not)) Unguarded did not disappoint!

What an absolute swoonfest this story turned out to be. All of it was swoony guys. I mean just look at that cover! Amirite?! I dunno where Jay Hogan has been all my life, but I’m glad I found her. Not only am I looking forward to the future but I downloaded her Auckland Med series for when I get a minute to binge :)

I was consumed with this entire storyline from beginning to end. I could not read enough of Emmett and Tai and all the animals ;) The story wasn’t without conflict, but it was organic and real. These two were kismet and it was written perfectly! Well done!

Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,442 reviews160 followers
July 20, 2021
It took me forever to get into this book but when I finally did, I grew quite fond of Tai and Emmett. Especially Tai. Leo, Emmett's son was the one who stole the show though. He was a hoot. Jay Hogan is usually more a miss than a hit for me, so I'm seeing this book as a win.

What really bothers me though is the cover. It looks more like a Bulldog puppy than a Boxer puppy. Silly I know, but I'm very peculiar about my dogs.
Profile Image for Enay QueerBooklover.
434 reviews184 followers
November 4, 2022
Gawd, I so love everything Jay Hogan writes. Her characters are vivid, the banter is fun, and she makes me believe in true love & the possibility for everyone that they’ll find that kind of forever-love. Tai jumps off the page in technicolor, and Emmett is adorable & relatable. Second chances at real love are my kryptonite, and this has it in spades. As well as them burning up the sheets! And I learnt about piercings I’ve never heard of before!
Profile Image for Carol.
3,033 reviews116 followers
January 1, 2023
I liked the characters of Emmett, the vet and Tai. Tai was from New Zealand and was proud, sexy, sassy and snarky and had more sense than many of the characters in these books. He was smart to leave his horrible, controlling ex..., should have done it sooner... but he made some mistakes. He didn't take the time to close out his bank account or cancel ALL his credit cards. His ex-boyfriend had full control of his assets and made quick work of bankrupting him. It was way too easy for the jerk to track him down also. Emmett, the vet had lost his wife in a traffic accident several years ago and was raising his young son. He was a big softie and was just what Tai needed at that time in his life, and Tai fit in like the preverbal glove. I loved the cat and all the other animals that came through the clinic and how the people interacted with them. There were times that the situations they found themselves in was very funny, but anyone that reads these type books knows that something or someone is going to soon come along and upset the apple cart. Fortunately, this didn't happen until almost the end of the story. These books that are part of the Vino and Veritas series and are written by different M/M romance authors and fairly short...but all take place in Vermont. Some of the characters cross over which is something else I like. This is such an intense and captivating story that deserves to be read time and time again, which I certainly will do. Another amazing author that I will be following.
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,549 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2021
A must-read story period! Some stories are right from the very first page. This one was! It has two amazing men, an adorable kid, a feisty vet groomer, wonderful supportive residents, and a heartwarming plot. I enjoyed it all immensely.

Tai Samuels was just eye/arm candy for Dion, cheated by him, Tai flew away, far away.
With only three hundred dollars he ends up in Burlington. The coffee bookshop is the place where he sees a gorgeous man. That same man asks him if he can watch the cage with a cat and introduce himself as Emmett Moore, the veterinarian.

What are the odds... Tai needs money and Emmett needs a receptionist. A match made in heaven. Just for a few days. Tai could proceed to wherever and Emmett had some time to find a receptionist.

Emmett is thirty-five, a widower, and has a ten-year-old kid, Leo. Emmett is completely mesmerized and drooling by Tai in his pink net top, leather jacket, and tight pants, a sight to the eye.

Tai is twenty-seven and a delicious sassy, cheeky person, with a delicious vocabulary. He was hilarious I laughed out loud!! You have to read his comments LOL

Working with the vet was a challenge, Tai had to stop himself to not kiss this lovable now and then spontaneously. He guessed Emmett wasn’t quite straight but also not out. After Dion Tai was done with men for the future.

The attraction is too strong to resistance. They didn’t make a chance.
But there is some trouble in love land.

Fun, so much fun I had while reading this story.

The author created two beautiful characters, I fell hard for both. Two kind, honest, expressive men, not shying away about how they feel, doing great effort for making things work. The humor was amazing. Leo was an amazing kid.
A special shoutout for Ivy, my goodness what a woman, humorous and hilarious.

The whole story was awesomely written, it gave me the best feelings.

All the stars!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 400 reviews

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