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Nanny Needed

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368 pages, Paperback

Published October 5, 2021

About the author

Georgina Cross

7 books727 followers
Author of ONE NIGHT and NANNY NEEDED with Bantam, Penguin Random House, and author of THE STEPDAUGHTER, THE MISSING WOMAN, and THE NIECE with Bookouture, Hachette Publishing.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 854 reviews
Profile Image for Kat .
280 reviews919 followers
September 22, 2021
I’m not opposed to the occasional ride on a literary crazy train. That said, this one requires a LOT of just going along for the ride and not asking questions, and for most of the ride, I didn’t want to get off.

Sarah Larsen is a 26-year-old up to her eyeballs in debt after shouldering the medical bills of her now deceased Aunt Clara, who raised her after the death of her parents when she was five. She’s waitressing alongside her supportive live-in fiance, Jonathan, as they struggle to make ends meet and save up for their eventual wedding. When she sees a man post a flyer in their apartment foyer seeking a nanny for a family living in a swanky area of NYC, she sees her opportunity to get out of the financial mess she’s in.

As can be predicted, this is only the beginning of a MUCH bigger mess she’ll find herself in with this secretive family. For the record, this is the part where the crazy train pulls up to the station…

I don’t want to go into the plot any further, because there’s no good way to do so without spoilers. All I can say is that, as my friend and fellow reviewer, Michelle, pointed out, you’ll probably see the initial reveal coming a mile away, and I’m not sure the author, Georgina Cross, was really trying to mask it. I think it was more of an intentional ‘easing into the unease’ of what’s to come, because things get just plain weird from that point out.

I enjoyed the bizarre direction the story took and I seriously didn’t want to put the book down. Chapter after chapter, I kept going, waiting eagerly for the big reveals that were sure to come, enjoying my ride on the train and savoring each scene I was looking at.

That is ... until the train, which was SO tantalizingly close to our final blissful destination, made an unexpected stop at the Sillyville Station, where apparently Farmer Jenkins and all the other Scooby-Doo villains, whose confessional trope so many of us despise, got on board and encouraged one of this book’s characters to try out their own eye-rolling confessional.

NOOOOOOOO. Why? Why? Whyyyyyy? I hate them. I’ll always hate them. Ugh. So disappointing.

The final reveal was pretty cool, if you’re willing to suspend (or just utterly destroy) disbelief, and I like where things end up with Sarah, so all was not lost at the end. All in all, I liked the book and would recommend it, but next time I’m getting a non-stop ticket to my destination!

My rating for 90% of the book is a 4, my rating for the last 10% is a 2.5, so for now I’ll settle on 3.5 and see how I feel in a couple days. It may go up (doubtfully) if I can bring myself to forgive that darn Scooby-Doo ending.

★★★ ½ (rounded down to 3)

Thanks to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Bantam, NetGalley and author Georgina Cross for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinions. It’s due to be published October 5, 2021.

This and all my other reviews can also be found at: https://acuriouskatreads.blogspot.com/
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,587 reviews52.7k followers
December 14, 2021
Gripping, disturbing, WTH I just read kind of high tension thriller giving you Night Shyamalan’s digital series Servant vibes.

It’s intriguing mystery with promising start and extremely smart conclusion:

26 years old Sarah Larsen barely makes ends meet with her waitressing job, dealing with piling up unpaid bills, getting threats from debt collectors because of unpaid hospital bills of her recently passed away Aunt Clara.

Her fiancée Jonathan works at the same restaurant with her cannot be helpful to pay her debts either.

She needs a quick way out : the flyers she’s found at her apartment about nanny job can be the answer for her predicament. She doesn’t have any babysitting experience but she loves children so it cannot be so hard to take care of a four years old child, can it?

She scheduled an interview by Stephen Bird who is 32 years old stepson of Collette Bird: the mother of baby who needs help to take care of her little girl Patty, as she concentrated on philanthropist achievements at children hospitals.

Even though she doesn’t have any experience about children, Sarah makes great connection with Collette, an elegant, sophisticated second wife of wealthy, high achiever businessman Alex Bird.

The job is too good to be true: weekly 12 hundred dollars payment ( Monday through Friday from 9 a.m to 3 or 4 p.m.), she will spend her time mostly unbounded in the multimillion dollar fortress of Upper West Side apartment. There are plenty toys, board games, movies to keep little Patty busy. It seems like piece of cake.

Of course Sarah gets so exhilarated when they chose her for the job. This means she can solve her entire financial problems with this godsend job and she can also keep her waitressing gig at the same time!

But as soon as she reaches to Bird family’s fancy Upper West apartment for the second day of her job she finds out the jaw dropping secret they have been hiding nearly 2 decades! She cannot resign because without reading her NDA she just signed it and she forgot to demand her copy. It’s all written there what kind of secret she has to keep along with family!

And if she doesn’t oblige the part of her responsibilities, there will be legal complications which could turn her life into hell. She cannot even tell a word about her predicament to her fiancée so at least three months she’s trapped in this apartment with Bird family.

If she dares to open her mouth, things will get more complicated for her and when she digs out more about what happened to the nannies before her, she has every right to scare for her life!

The conclusion of the story is shockingly unexpected and well played!

It was engrossing, spine tingling, heart pounding thriller I highly recommend!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group/ Ballantine / Bantam for sharing this digital reviewer copy with me in exchange my honest thoughts.
Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
884 reviews2,428 followers
June 3, 2021

Sarah is drowning in debt when she comes across an ad for a nanny in New York. It is like a dream come true and she is on top of the world. She later finds out that she will need to sign a contract with a lot of small print, which she doesn't bother to read.

An easy, dramatic mystery. It skips along at a good pace as we learn more about the "nanny contract". The author adds a few elements of surprise that had me scratching my head, trying to figure out what was going on inside the upscale home.

Lifetime movie stuff, add some eerie tunes and perhaps a murder or two?

If you'd like to meet the Bird family and are looking for a different take on the nanny plot with some deceptive, colorful characters and some cray-cray charades, enjoy the ride. Although, you will need to turn your believability radar completely off to enjoy.

Thanks to NG and the publisher for granting my wish! OUT 10-5-21
Profile Image for Tonya.
576 reviews117 followers
December 31, 2021
Wow! This is just what I needed to get me out of a reading slump. Nanny Needed was a total thrill ride from page one. Sarah Larsen is thrust into the creepy world of the Bird family when she answers an ad for a nanny. From the moment she agrees to take the job an eerie feeling of unease engulfs her life. The story is disturbing, compelling and macabre. I couldn’t put down this fast paced nail biting thriller! The book is full of sinister and surprising twists from start to finish. Georgina Cross is definitely an auto-read author. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you NetGalley and Bantam for my advanced copy.
Profile Image for Michelle .
980 reviews1,679 followers
September 15, 2021
Nanny stories are a dime a dozen in the psych thriller genre but this one was a little different than the others that I've read.

Sarah is struggling with debt and getting by on tips waitressing. She lives with her fiancé, Jonathan, and they have grand plans for their future if only they could get out from under the mountain of debt.

One day, Sarah, see's a posting on the bulletin board of her NYC apartment building. Nanny Needed. Utmost discretion required. That should have been a red flag but the salary she is offered is exactly what her and Jonathan need to move forward with their future.

Once she meets the Birds she realizes this nanny position is much more than she ever bargained for.

I'll admit as soon as she interviews with the Birds family I knew instantly what was wrong with the situation. I think most readers will and I'm not sure if it's actually meant to be a twist and it certainly didn't hinder my reading experience for having figured it out. It sets the stage for what can only be described as a WHACKADOODLE story. Oh my, things aren't right at the Bird residence but Sarah has signed a contract. She can not leave for 3 months or she will be sued by the family or worse.

Okay, so the ending you will need to suspend disbelief for. It get's a little far fetched. I didn't actually buy the ending but it fits well with the rest of the story and since I had such a good time with it I accepted the ending for exactly what it is. This isn't highbrow literature. This is a book meant simply to entertain the reader and in that respect it has proven successful. 4 stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Bantam for my copy.

Profile Image for Kim ~ It’s All About the Thrill.
655 reviews600 followers
February 1, 2023
Who loves a crazy thriller?? Meee! 🙋‍♀️ Wow!! This has been on my TBR for way too long. This book was so much fun…😍… by fun I mean… crazy… twisted…and murderous..😳😬🤫 MY KIND OF BOOK!! Give me ALL the cray!! 😂🤷‍♀️

So… if it sounds too good to be true.. it probably is.. right?!😉 Sarah is sooo lucky when Mrs. Bird… of “The Birds” of the Upper West Side suddenly need a nanny. Mrs. Bird is an absolute delight.. 😇… she is elegant… fashionable… 👠👜👗… VERY generous….💵… she like to drink…ALOT..🥂🥂… but most of all … she loves her baby girl 👧 Patty! 🥰

OMG 😳 guys… this family was flipping Crazzzyyy!! I was hooked from the very first page!!! Was the ending insane??!! YES!! 😳🤯 My favorite kind of ending! 😂😏

This was such a fun creepy read!! I loved it!! Five stars!!👏👏 This is my second book by @georginacrossauthor and I loved both! I can’t wait to read her new one out in August!! One Night! It sounds fantastic.
Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,360 reviews1,970 followers
April 28, 2022
Sarah Larson picks up a flyer left in her apartment building. A nanny is needed where “discretion is of utmost importance“ and “special conditions apply”. Sarah debates whether to submit an application but as she and her fiance Jonathan are drowning in debt, she decides the extra money would be very useful. She applies, meets Stephen Bird, stepson of Colette Bird and stepbrother of Patty who is nearly four who she will nanny. The money is good but her first meeting with beautiful Colette is strange if not positively peculiar. Further money is offered and Sarah accepts the job.

What have I just read!! This is immersive reading that’s for sure and although parts of the story are bizarre especially surrounding Colettes behaviour, I can’t put the book down and I’m all in! There are some almost surreal but very colourful scenes some of which make you gasp as they’re quite shocking but it’s what I describe as “deliciously awful reading“! The Birds are super rich and the luxury penthouse exudes an atmosphere all of its own as even though it’s huge it feels very claustrophobic and there is tension in abundance. Add in odd behaviour from other staff and the overprotectiveness of Stephen and his father Alex and you begin to get the picture. At times it’s very creepy and sends chills down the spine as the narrative takes a very disturbing direction, way beyond things that can be put down to wealthy eccentricity.
Events take a much more dangerous turn and the suspense builds. Then, we enter the station at Crazy Town with an ending which is almost overly dramatic ( and accompanied with malevolent cackles!) and I really don’t like it at all. However I dare say even if I don’t buy into it, it fits since a lot of this is pretty bonkers anyway! As the majority of the book is crazily entertaining I’m going to give it four stars despite my feelings about the ending.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to Avon for that much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,838 reviews12.4k followers
August 28, 2023

When Sarah Larsen finds a job posting in the lobby of her building from a wealthy family looking for a nanny, she thinks it may be just the break she needs to get out of debt.

Sure, it says, special conditions apply, which is a little suspicious, but she's never going to make headway in her bills with just her waitressing gig.

Applying for the job, she can hardly believe it when she quickly makes it through to the interview stage.

Even more unbelievable is the family home, a penthouse on the Upper West Side. This is exactly what she needs and she gets it!

The Bird family is extremely wealthy and cherish their privacy, therefore, Sarah is required to sign an NDA, which she doesn't think too much about.

The pay, the work hours, the minimal job requirements, it all seems a little too good to be true. And y'all know, if it seems that way, it's because it is!

It doesn't take long on the new job before Sarah realizes something is very off with the Birds. Very, very off.

Although the other members of staff aren't completely willing to talk with her about the family, the little she is able to pick up indicates there have been a few nannies before her, the last one departing suddenly.

What happened to them? What would make them leave such a seemingly prestigious placement?

Nanny Needed is one wild ride. Getting to meet the Bird family was quite the jaw dropping experience. Oh wow, the secrets we keep.

Sarah got into it deep. I can't believe how long she stayed into it, but there we go. Throughout it all, I was hooked, I'll admit it, like a moth to a flame.

Rich people drama is a trope I love. While this was a bit far-fetched, it still kept me entertained. Particularly the second-half, which I read it one sitting.

I think if you are looking for a fun, fast-paced, Lifetime movie-type read, this would be a good one to pick up. Even though it most likely won't be super memorable for me, it kept me engaged the entire time I was reading and that's a great thing!

Thank you so much to the publisher, Bantam, for providing me with a copy to read and review. I definitely look forward to picking up more from this author!
Profile Image for L.A..
578 reviews229 followers
August 23, 2021
This gripping, suspenseful thriller will leave you shocked with an unexpected reveal! I found myself rushing through it to find out what is going on!!!!!????

A typical young couple are trying to make ends meet when a job posting comes available for Sarah Larsen. Her boyfriend Jonathan works with her waiting tables at a local restaurant in NYC while she chips away at her Aunt Clara's medical bills. Her parents died when she was too young to remember them, so she feels responsible for the only woman who cared for her before she died.

The nanny job consists of caring for a 4 year old girl Patty on a 12th floor penthouse apartment on the Upper West side of NYC. Meeting the mother, Sarah was in awe of her beauty and elegance. Mrs. Collett Bird greets her in a strange and uncanny way, but not thinking anymore about it and meeting with Mrs. Bird's stepson, Stephen, she signs a 3 month contract with a salary of $1200 a week and a stipulation "Discretion is the utmost importance".

A very odd twist and take on the Nanny story you do not want to miss. These are some of the wealthiest strangest people all working together with staff to spoil and lavish Patty. Who is more spoilt the mother or Patty? Strangely, they never leave the apartment, which quickly claustrophobia closes in, as well as the wickedly entitled before their secret is out.

She should have heeded the small fine print in the contract as a warning and the red herrings all along the way. There were so many chilling encounters in this book I couldn't stop until that final shocking wave.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine for this incredible ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader.
2,384 reviews31.5k followers
November 10, 2021
About the book: “A young woman takes a job as a nanny for an impossibly wealthy family, thinking she's found her entre into a better life--only to discover instead she's walked into a world of deception and dark secrets.”

My thoughts: Sarah is looking for a fresh start, and her nanny job is just the ticket out of her old life. Working in a penthouse, for the Bird family, on the Upper West Side of NYC, what more could she need?

Well, the Birds are odd with lots of secrets, and Mrs. Bird never leaves the home by herself.

Easy to read and tightly plotted, I really enjoyed the characters and storytelling. The ending took me by surprise, and the entire story was pure entertainment and drama. Loved it!

I received a gifted copy.

Many of my reviews can also be found on my blog: www.jennifertarheelreader.com and instagram: www.instagram.com/tarheelreader
Profile Image for Fran.
712 reviews836 followers
July 7, 2021
Imagine working as a nanny for a glamorous family, living on the Upper West Side in New York City. Upon entering the lobby of the apartment building view the floor-to-ceiling white marble...Burgundy carpet [leading] to a vintage gold-colored elevator. Sarah Larsen would be interviewed for the position at the Bird family's 12th floor penthouse.

Sarah and boyfriend Jonathan both worked as servers at a restaurant in the East Village. They lived from paycheck to paycheck. Hounded by debt collectors and trying to pay off Sarah's Aunt Clara's medical bills, a second job would be most beneficial. A posting in the lobby of their apartment building caught Sarah's eye. "Nanny Needed. Discretion is of the utmost importance. Special conditions apply" Sarah was determined to work for both the restaurant and as a nanny, if hired. Jonathan's thoughts: "What if the family is batshit crazy?" "There was no public listing for this job...Collette Bird, the one hiring a nanny, doesn't have much of a digital footprint...one link...A website for a local children's hospital-the fundraising chair...". The job requirements: Nanny for an almost four year old girl named Patty. "Collette takes her time speaking in a sing-song voice and reaches down to hold the little girl's hand...I like to meet with the nanny candidates first and let Patty listen. Then whoever makes the cut can come back for a follow-up."

Stephen Bird, Patty's older brother explains, "It's comforting for [my stepmother] to have someone here with her and Patty...I think she sees potential in you...didn't seem too concerned with your lack of nannying experience." The job will be a piece of cake. "Imagine an entire family doting on the little girl. Patty never wanting for anything." Collette seemed to be an intense helicopter parent who wanted her young daughter to stay within the penthouse walls.

Sarah couldn't resist when the job was offered pending her signature on a three month employment contract which contained a non-disclosure agreement to maintain the Bird family's privacy. Contract signed! Within a few days, despite a promised weekly salary of $1,200 in cash, Sarah had buyer's remorse, a dark secret having been discovered. Stephen Bird informed Sarah that she didn't look closely enough at the contract. "But I assure you it's something you will learn to tolerate, to work with and respect...We have a system. Each of us has a role...You agreed to a three-month stay." There will be dire consequences for early termination.

"Nanny Needed" by Georgina Cross is a suspenseful, riveting thriller. It was clear that the environment at the Bird penthouse was controlled and contained. "Underneath the manipulation and erratic moods, [Collette] is a deeply lonely woman. A woman in pain." Sarah's pain was of a different sort, "I know I should leave this place, but I don't...I stay put." However, why did the prior nanny leave? Why were Collette and Patty basically homebound? The twists and turns created an unputdownable read with a surprising, unexpected reveal.

Thank you Random House Publishing Group/ Bantam and Net Galley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nancy (playing catch-up).
472 reviews270 followers
February 5, 2022
Well, that was just bonkers! Nanny Needed is unlike any other nanny book out there. Sarah is swimming in debt, barely making ends meet as a waitress when she comes across an ad for a nanny position. The salary is too good to pass up, and she just has to sign a contract which states that discretion regarding the Bird family is required.

It is honestly hard to say much without spoiling the book. I actually didn't care for Sarah, but found Collette Bird to be a very interesting character. I found myself most interested in the parts of the book where she was involved. Just know that this story requires the reader to suspend belief quite a bit, but despite that, it is still a compelling story and one that definitely held my interest. Once I decided to let go of reality and go along for the ride, I was invested in the story and definitely wanted to see how it would all turn out. My biggest issue came with the ending and the manner in which the big reveal was shared, and for me it was a big issue. For that reason, 3.5 stars rounded down.

Many thanks for NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for ReadAlongWithSue ★⋆. ࿐࿔.
2,832 reviews383 followers
April 4, 2022
I liked it! I liked it a lot!

“Nanny” books have been written a dime to a dozen, some good, some not so good.
This one was different, definitely different and I loved it and the concept and the twist.

Nanny needed but why, when she app,ied and admitted she didn’t have any experience as a Nanny did they decide to take her on?

You need to know, you need to know these things.

And why has she to sign a discretions clause. She can’t speak about anything to anyone.
What’s the big secret?

I was hooked…..
But that’s not all folks….
When she gets the job it’s most bizarre.

I absolutely loved it.

I read some then I listened to some on audio. Audio is brilliant, the narrator is so good at holding your attention.

One I won’t forget, and an author I will certainly be following.
Profile Image for Tammie.
221 reviews59 followers
June 18, 2021
Nanny Needed, a thriller book, was a solid 3.5 star read.
Sarah is a young woman that is heavily in debt, so it’s a dream come true when she is hired as a nanny for a wealthy family. Working for a nice and loving family in a luxurious penthouse, and a high salary-what more can a person ask for? No spoilers here, but Sarah is definitely in for more than she bargained for. This may seem like a vague description but it’s best to go in “blind” on this one.
I throughly enjoyed Nanny Needed-it’s a quick read (maybe one to bring on vacation or to the beach) and I enjoyed the twists and turns throughout the book. Highly recommended to fans of mystery/thriller books. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of the book exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Pat.
2,310 reviews473 followers
April 3, 2022
Oh, what a tangled web we weave
When we practice to deceive

When Sarah Larsen accepts a job as a nanny for the mega wealthy Bird family in a sumptuous penthouse apartment and signs a Non Disclosure Agreement she doesn’t know what she has let herself in for.

Special conditions apply.
Discretion is of the utmost importance.

It is clear that the super rich get pretty much whatever they want by simply throwing money at a problem. When she starts work she doesn’t get to meet the child, Patty, who is nearly 4 years old as she is a little sick. Still the mother Charlotte Bird, the housekeeper Pauline, and Charlotte’s adult stepson Stephen from his father’s first marriage are very welcoming. Sarah thinks the job will be a piece of cake. How wrong she will be!

Nevertheless Sarah needs this job. She and her fiancé Jonathan are really struggling to keep up with all their debts as they are still paying off medical bills for Sarah’s grandmothers terminal illness. The nanny job pays really well.

But it isn’t long before she notices Charlotte’s bizarre mood swings and her almost manic behaviour. The family seem intent on keeping the fragile Charlotte a virtual prisoner in the apartment. She starts to wonder what happened to the previous nannies, I mean the whole vibe of the family is pretty crazy town.

But when when she thinks maybe she should chuck it all in they offer her a raise and remind her that her contract stipulates she remain for at least three months. Disconcerted she does the ‘verboten’ and confides a few of her concerns to Jonathan (what happened to the utmost discretion?) and that’s when the excrement really hits the fan.

A lot of the book was in bonkers territory but it was such a fun ride I donned my disbelief suspenders and ended up enjoying the story a lot. It was let down a little bit by the very ending but a very entertaining read. Many thanks to Netgalley and Avon Books UK for the much appreciated arc which I reviewed voluntarily and honestly.
Profile Image for Carrie.
3,402 reviews1,632 followers
November 1, 2021
Nanny Needed by Georgina Cross is a mystery thriller novel. This one certainly is a book that makes you think about the old saying too good too be true as the story unfolds.

Sarah Larsen is living with her fiance in New York city and knows that they are barely scraping by with bill collectors constantly calling. Sarah had grown up with her aunt raising her after her parents passed when she was young so when her aunt got sick Sarah stayed by her side as the bills piled up.

When Sarah sees a notice in her building’s lobby advertising a nanny position in the more elite section of the city she thinks this may just be the thing to get them out of debt. However, after applying and accepting the job Sarah quickly finds that things may not always be what they seem and having signed a contract she’s not sure she can leave.

I have to admit that when I began reading Nanny Needed by Georgina Cross I was not too sure how this one would work out for me in the end. Some books pull you right in and others take a while and this was a mix between the two. The first twist in the story was a bit obvious to me as a reader but the problem there was not that it wasn’t hidden well but that the main character’s reaction put me off a bit. However, that being said I was definitely pulled under by then and needed to continue to fly through the pages and was certainly entertained by the rest of the twists and turns. One that I would say try for yourself, you just may find you enjoy this wacky ride.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

For more reviews please visit https://carriesbookreviews.com/
Profile Image for Chelsea | thrillerbookbabe.
582 reviews848 followers
June 23, 2021
What a creepy domestic thriller. Thanks to Netgalley, Georgina Cross, and Random House for my copy of Nanny Needed. The book was about Sarah, a woman who finds a job posting in her apartment lobby too good to pass up. She interviews to be a nanny in the gorgeous Upper East Side apartment of a rich and secretive family. When she is offered the job, she is so excited that she signs the NDA without a second thought. But there is something going on beneath the surface in the Bird family. Where have the previous nannies gone? And what is the Bird family trying to hide?

Thoughts: This book was incredibly creepy. There were so many little details that were slightly off, that made you feel like there was something sinister in the background. I could never quite put my finger on where this book was going- I only knew something wasn’t right. It wasn’t necessarily realistic, and I did see lots of potential holes in the plot. There were so many things that were almost too convenient and didn’t leave me feeling satisfied.

Sarah was hard to root for as a main character, but I loved the odd and creepy Bird family. I did see a good majority of the twists coming, but there was one I had no idea would happen. It was more of a light popcorn thriller that can be read in a few hours, and it was definitely entertaining. If you love quick domestic thrillers, this one's for you. 3.5 stars!
July 5, 2022
I loved this audiobook!
It's another one where I kept finding things to do that would enable me to keep listening!
The narrator was superb, a truly engaging voice and my attention never wavered.
The plot was great, keeping the suspense high throughout and a killer ending!
Highly recommend.
Profile Image for Christina.
551 reviews212 followers
October 17, 2021
In Nanny Needed, Sarah signs up for what sounds like a dream job nannying a beautiful little girl in a rich family’s penthouse for a huge sum of money … until, on her third day, she realizes this is the creepiest nanny job ever. Her boss is totally unhinged. And the kid is just…well….unexpected. And that’s just the beginning of the madness that is Nanny Needed.

Going into this book I thought I was so smart for figuring out the big twist early on. Surprise! That twist was not the BIG twist. At all! The creepiness begins early but things escalate and get wild and murderous before you know it, and the weirdness of the child (and mom) Sarah is nannying is suddenly not even the strangest or craziest part of this story!

I loved the ongoing suspense, the page-turning writing, and the totally bonkers ending I never saw coming. Georgina Cross is a super fun psychological thriller author, and if she’s got more books as nutty and fun this one, I need to read them all immediately! Googling her backlist as I type.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for this extremely fun, twisty, roller-coaster worthy psychological thriller! 4 plus stars!
Profile Image for Mandy White (mandylovestoread).
2,365 reviews679 followers
December 16, 2021
Nanny Needed was one crazy ride! I had seen it all over Bookstagram and knew that I had to read it so I ordered a copy from Book Depository. Once I started reading it the shocks and twists just kept coming - it was insane and I couldn't get enough.

This is a book you need to go into fairly blind, and you will need to suspend belief quite alot. If that is your jam then you have to read this one. It is basically the story of 26 year old Sarah, who is broke and has no family left. She is waitressing and trying to make money to pay off her debts and marry her fiancée. So when she sees a job advertised for a Nanny in a swanky part of NYC she jumps at the chance. But this is a nannying job like no other, and she has to sign an NDA. It just gets wilder and crazy from there.

The ending was clever and although I did pick some of it there were a few extra things thrown in that I did not see coming. Definately worth a read, a quick and easy one that is enjoyable.
Profile Image for Dennis.
890 reviews1,817 followers
October 5, 2021
TALK ABOUT BINGE READ! I flew through this so fast, wow! I've never read anything from Georgina Cross, but if she writes anything like Nanny Needed , I know I will continue reading her books.

Sarah Larsen finds a job posting about a nanny position for an affluent family in the Upper West Side and immediately is intrigued. Sarah and her fiancé Jonathan are working at a restaurant in the East Village and struggling with bills. This new nanny position could help them with bills, as the duo are at their wit's end with debt, and Sarah goes for the interview. Now, I have to be careful to not spoil the story, but Sarah meets with the Bird family and is hired, but why is she being sworn to secrecy. What is the Bird family hiding?

I can't say more, but when you read Nanny Needed , you will immediately know exactly what I mean when I say that your jaw will drop on the floor. I read this book extremely fast, because it's completely bingeable. This book dives into aspects of mental health and grief, but ultimately is a wild ride of power dynamics. While I didn't expect the ending to play out like it did, and ultimately is the reason why I dropped this binge read from a 5 star to a 4 star, Nanny Needed is a book you'll want to read if you want something fast and fun and have a couple of hours to kill.
Profile Image for Bianca.
411 reviews11 followers
October 8, 2021
if like me, you were waiting on a review to spoil what all the secrets were, scroll to the very bottom of this review. if you want to actually see how I felt about the book, read on.

as someone who understands the appeal of Lifetime and Hallmark movies, and also as someone who knows how to "suspend disbelief" when reading a book, this was Not it. predictable, thin, not enjoyable, too long! whooooo are all these people leaving positive reviews saying they were spellbound???? I don't get it.

none of this content was remotely thrilling or scary or surprising to me, beyond the stupidity of the characters (but again that's sort of part of the genre). a lot of the attempted charm and mystique this book is going for is actually just in the descriptions of NYC stuff and wealthy people stuff. can you believe the city has Expensive Stores?! this designer dress I saw online is ON A RACK in front of me to look at! it's so amazing how this woman is Pretty and smells like CHANEL! wish I'd kept a tally of how many times "creamy red lipstick" was mentioned, but I resorted to skimming about halfway through. the pacing was so glacial and the "terror" was so repetitive that it didn't even matter. there is also an antiquated view on mental health and therapy, with constant use of the word "crazy" and general disdain, horror, and lack of basic sympathy for those who are unwell. like... yes, even wealthy people can be ill. can you believe this RICH woman is GRIEVING?!?!?!!? blech.

anyway, spoilers below, in order. spoilers are split into two sections, with the latter group being Really Big Spoilers. scroll at your own risk.

- There is no little girl to nanny. Sarah is basically there to act as nanny for Collette.
-Collette's 3yo daughter Patty died (mysteriously), but Collette still believes Patty is alive and can "see" and speak to her.
-Patty died 20 years ago. The Bird family lets Collette continue to hallucinate her daughter because her grief would be extreme and it's "easier than telling her the truth." For 20 years.
-Patty has been "turning 4" for 20 years.
-There were three previous nannies. the first family nanny disappeared. the second nanny stayed on with the Birds for 15 years but then died. the third nanny left after one year. Sarah is the fourth nanny.
-Sarah does eventually tell Jonathan what's going on. He starts poking around the Bird family's businesses and they get mad, plant drugs on him, and later get him fired from his new job.
-Jonathan eventually dies (is killed).
-Turns out the second nanny was probably murdered.
-Turns out Patty was likely being poisoned, and that's why she was so sick.

Really Big Spoilers

-Turns out Sarah's Aunt Clara wasn't actually her aunt... she was the first nanny.
-"Aunt Clara" and Family Doctor realized Patty was being poisoned, so made a plot to get her away from Collette, who they suspected was responsible.
-most of the Bird family had no idea Patty never died. They had "always been suspicious" of having to do a closed casket sudden funeral, but never questioned it.
-Stepbro and Family Chef realized Clara was the first nanny when they saw her obituary.
-Stepbro discovered Sarah was likely Patty, had her followed, and then specifically put up a nanny flyer in her building to see if she'd apply. He took a DNA sample from the tea he served her at the interview.
-TURNS OUT! Pauline the HOUSEKEEPER was the one poisoning Patty, because the child "disrupted" her relationship with Collette, who Pauline has been obsessed with for years.
-Pauline did not realize Sarah was Patty until the reader finds out.
-The Birds had no idea Patty was being poisoned at all
-Stepbro was aware Sarah was Patty for about 2/3 of the time he was threatening her and Jonathan.
-Sarah leaves the Birds and decides to tell the police everything, because fuck these people!!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mallory.
1,557 reviews224 followers
September 27, 2021
I would give this one a solid 3.5 but I will round up for the official star rating (why aren’t half stars a thing??). I will say this was an easy book to fall into and it definitely did catch my interest. I didn’t think the ending was a super surprise, but it was twisty in a Lifetime movie kind of way. I did think they rushed the reveals and it wasn’t all totally believable how they went about it. Sarah is living in New York City with her live-in fiancé as they live pay check to pay check drowning in the debt the aunt who raised her left from her end of life medical care. Sarah watches a man post a notice in the lobby of their building posting for a nanny needed with utmost discretion required. It’s too hard to go into it any further without spoilers which I want to avoid, but it was definitely a wild ride. I will be reading more by this author.
Profile Image for Mark.
1,363 reviews
April 8, 2022
On a positive note anyone either loving or having an interest in New York will be dazzled by the wonderful descriptions given of the various areas, shops, people, restaurants and general day to day living in this massive and diverse City, you cant help but be swept up in the NY vibe and the author clearly has done a good job of bringing the book setting to the reader
Most of the characters are purposely hard to like and again the author has done their job brilliantly of creating these weird, privileged, oddballs that are existing by a fine thread
The story was not for me though, I am stopping short of saying why as will ruin it for other readers but at best I would describe it as unfeasibly far fetched ( I did finish it however hence the review )

8/10 for the descriptions mentioned above and characters
2 Stars for the actual story

Difficult to give an overall rating
Profile Image for Georgina Cross.
Author 7 books727 followers
January 20, 2021
Please join me in reading NANNY NEEDED! I loved writing this book combining the glamorous world of the Upper West Side, New York City, with secrets and torments that are buried deep within a family. Find out what disturbing details the nanny discovers about the girl in her care and how everything she thought about this family changes in an instant. Nanny Needed is a twisted fun read with a shocking reveal at the end. I can't wait for you to explore my book!
Profile Image for Nicole.
495 reviews234 followers
October 4, 2021
Sarah Larsen is up to her eyeballs in debt. Working as a waitress she decides she needs an additional job. She peruses a notice in her building lobby for a nanny position. With no nannying experience, she decides she is going to apply for the job anyway. She believes this job is the answer to all her problems.

Sara lands an interview, and later the position. A beautiful penthouse, an amazing salary, a mother who is elegant and friendly, she signs the ND agreement without hesitation. The job seems too good to be true.

There is something odd about the Bird family. Why did the former nanny leave so abruptly? Why does Mrs. Bird never leave the apartment? As the questions dance in Sara’s head ,she beings to realize all is not what it seems in this glamorous penthouse on the West Side.

I could not put this book down and really enjoyed the unpredictable ride!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc.
Profile Image for Krista crone.
298 reviews70 followers
November 11, 2022
Thank you to @PRHaudio for the complimentary audiobook.

Wow, why did I wait so long to try Georgia Cross’s work! I loved this twisty book. This was an edge of your seat, suspenseful thriller that had so many unexpected reveals that will leave your jaw on the floor. There is plenty of nanny themed thrillers but these was just had a completely unique twist that you will not see coming.
I listened to this as an audiobook and I loved the narrator, Emma Ashton. My ears were glued to my earbuds. This was my first book by Cross and I already plan on gathering up her back list to read them all! I highly recommend you checking of Georgina Cross if you haven’t already!
I rated this 4.5 stars but rounded up on Goodreads.
Profile Image for Kristine.
141 reviews134 followers
May 4, 2022
All aboard the crazy train and the ticket is the price is your belief!

Not in a bad way, though - this was a fun book to read, but I did feel like I had to suspend my belief quite a lot. Still an enjoyable read. I would have to rate it 2.5 stars rounded up.

I sort of guessed where this might be going quite early on in the book, with some hints dropped here and there.

For a thriller, I found the pacing a little off, and last one point it gave me a straight on whiplash!

If you do not want a book to take too seriously, this is your lucky day!

Thank you, NetGalley for the ARC!
Profile Image for Carol.
3,033 reviews116 followers
February 17, 2023
Sarah didn't remember the old saying "if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is". I don't know about other readers but when I am presented with a story with this amount of psychological suspense, I like to work on figuring out the bad guy or gal...this one didn't let me guess near long enough...I knew the twist about halfway through and that took a lot of the fun out of reading the book in the first place so that is why it got 4.5 stars instead of 5. I did love the writing, the great characters, and the very disturbing storyline. The short chapters made this a quick, fun read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 854 reviews

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