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The Bravos of Valentine Bay #6

The Right Reason to Marry

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She turned him down. Twice.

Karin Killigan refuses to marry Liam Bravo solely for the sake of their pending baby. This time, the widowed mother of two is holding out for true lasting love. And even though she is knee-deep in kids and family chaos, Karin and Liam's attraction is hotter than ever, but Karin won't settle. Liam will have to prove he's in it for love if he wants a family for his baby's first Christmas.

224 pages, Paperback

First published December 1, 2019

About the author

Christine Rimmer

689 books421 followers
New York Times bestselling author Christine Rimmer has written more than one hundred contemporary romances for Harlequin Books. She has won Romantic Times BOOKreview’s Reviewer’s Choice Award for best Silhouette Special Edition. She has been nominated seven times for the Romance Writers of America’s prestigious RITA award and five times for Romantic Times Series Storyteller of the Year.

A California native who first longed to be an actress, Christine earned her theater degree from California State, Sacramento and then went to New York to study acting. Later, she moved to Southern California, where she began her writing career with short stories, plays, and poems. Her poems and short stories were published in a number of small literary journals. Her plays were produced at The Back Alley and Group Theaters in Southern California and have been published by Dramatists Play Service and West Coast Plays.

She now lives in Oregon with her family and two very contented cats named Tom and Ed.

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Profile Image for Julie.
4,151 reviews38.2k followers
November 22, 2019
The Right Reason to Marry by Christine Rimmer is a 2019 Harlequin Special Edition publication.

Once bitten, twice shy-

When Karin discovers she is pregnant, informing the father isn’t a priority for her. But, when she runs into her former lover, Liam Bravo, at the supermarket, the proverbial cat is out of the bag. Not only that, Karin’s worst fears come to light when Liam immediately steps up, insisting he do his part, and begins an all -out campaign to convince Karin to marry him, and is much more persistent than she had anticipated. But, Karin’s first marriage fell apart under the exact same set of circumstances and she’s not about to make the same mistake twice…

Liam is stunned to discover he's about to be a father. However, he’s determined to do the right thing by Karin and his child. But, while Karin is convinced his feelings stem from a sense of duty, Liam knows deep down that his feelings for Karin, and the baby, are far more complicated than that. But no matter what he says or does, Liam can’t talk Karin into taking another chance on love.

We’ve all loved and lost at some time, and we know people like Karin, who thought getting married was the right step to take after an unplanned pregnancy. We’ve all made mistakes, made decisions we regret, and we hope that we learn from those mistakes.

However, there is a big difference between learning from our mistakes and being so afraid of making another one we never take a chance or try again, for fear of failure. Karin falls into the latter category and while she makes some valid points along the way, she’s asking for something none of us ever get… a guarantee.

Now, ladies- Liam Bravo? Whew! He’s my kind of guy! I wish this type of hero would show up more in romance novels. I don’t always like the message the ‘bad boy’ stories send, or the suggestion that there are no good guys out there anymore, because, let’s face it- we seldom hear about those stand-up guys who talk the talk and walk the walk. Rimmer reminds us that yes, there really are mature, respectful, guys out there who are committed to making their relationships work, are hands on parents, and family men.

However, because Karin couldn’t quite screw up the courage to admit Liam was solid gold, and that he had real feelings for her, and she for him, I became really frustrated with Karin before all was said and done. I was team Liam all the way!! This guy will make your heart melt!

But life is and love is a gamble- you’ll lose sometimes, but you’ll have to stay in the game if you ever want a shot at winning. Karin may have lost a few rounds, but I’d say she finally hit the jackpot…. Big time!

By now, if you follow my reviews, you’ll have noticed I tend to stick with just a handful of romance authors these days, mainly those I’ve followed or read for ages. Christine Rimmer is one of those authors and this book happens to be her 115th Harlequin romance novel! Congratulations Christine and thanks so much for all these touching stories that brighten our lives!

Profile Image for Susan.
4,585 reviews113 followers
October 23, 2019
This was a fantastic and emotional book that opens with Liam Bravo getting the shock of his life. A chance encounter with the woman he had a very brief relationship with earlier in the year reveals that she is pregnant - very pregnant. Once he recovers his wits, Liam knows he wants to be involved in his baby's life.

Karin kept putting off telling Liam about his impending fatherhood. She knows he's a good man, and she's sure that he will want to do "the right thing." The problem is that she's already had one marriage for that reason and it didn't work out very well. There's no way she's going to risk her heart again for anything but real, lasting love.

Liam does exactly what Karin feared and proposes marriage. While he's not happy about being turned down, he is undeterred in his desire to be part of the baby's life. He also figures that he will keep trying to bring Karin around to his way of thinking. One of the things I loved about Liam is that when he makes a decision, he goes all in. Rather than trying to handle his involvement from his home in Astoria, he rents the cottage next door to Karin from her brother, Sten (Switched at Birth). Karin isn't happy about it because it keeps Liam far too close for her peace of mind. I loved watching Liam's transformation from carefree bachelor to daddy. The scenes with him and baby Riley, or RG as he calls him, are adorable. He also gets close to Karin's father and her two children. But his main desire is to show Karin that they belong together.

Karin has a tough time keeping distance between herself and Liam. Everything he does shows her that he could be the man to make her happy. But her first marriage left her wary of trusting her judgment when it comes to her feelings. She had loved Bud with all her young heart, but he wasn't ready to be a father and husband. He withdrew, spending more time away than with the family, and even when he was home he wasn't really there.

I loved seeing the development of the relationship between Liam and Karin. Karin ended their earlier relationship when the intensity of her feelings scared her, exacerbated by the discovery that she was pregnant. She was afraid that if she told Liam about the pregnancy, she wouldn't be able to resist him and would repeat her mistakes. In spite of the breakup, neither Liam nor Karin forgot what it was like when they were together. From the moment Liam found out about the baby, he was there for Karin, day in and day out. The more time they spent together, the deeper their connection grew. They also discovered that their attraction was just as strong as it had ever been.

I think Karin frustrated me almost as much as she frustrated Liam. She welcomes him into her home and her life, encouraging him to spend as much time as possible with Riley. But at the same time, she tries desperately to keep her distance emotionally. Even when they give in to the attraction between them, Karin insists on keeping it a secret. Every time that Liam tries to talk about the future, she shuts him down. I ached for Liam, who realized that he loved her and wanted to marry her and make a family with her, but could not break through the walls she had around her heart. I hurt for Karin, too, because part of her knew she was falling for Liam, but she could not let go of her fears. My heart broke for both of them when she panicked over his second proposal. I liked the advice that Liam got from Daniel that helped him hang on to hope. But my favorite was the advice that Karin received from her brother Sten, who capped it off with the comment, "Super painful, isn't it? When your own words come back to bite you in the ass..." I loved Karin and Liam's big moment at the end, especially seeing Karin finally put the past behind her and believe in their love.

I loved the secondary characters, too. Karin's dad, Otto, was terrific. I liked the way that he and Liam bonded, and how he supported both of them. I liked his subtle and not-so-subtle ways of throwing Karin and Liam together. Liam's family was great in the way that they supported Liam in his efforts to win Karin over. I especially liked how they already considered Karin and her kids family because of Sten's marriage to Madison. My favorites were Karin's kids, Ben and Coco. Ben is such a serious little boy, mature for his age, but also showing unexpected vulnerability. His man-to-man talk with Liam was sweet but also heartbreaking in what it revealed. Coco was a trip. Her variety of superhero personas was fun, as was her boundless enthusiasm for everything. I laughed out loud at her lunch with Liam and the story of the leftovers. I loved seeing them wiggle their way into Liam's heart.
Profile Image for Cassie.
57 reviews
November 6, 2019
Karin Killigan has a lot of baggage. She had one bad marriage and is waiting for true love this time around. Liam Bravo is that guy! They have a thing and it results in an unexpected pregnancy. She knows she needs to tell Liam he is going to be a father but keeps putting it off until they run into each other and it can't be avoided any longer. Liam is a great guy and tries to put Karin's fears to rest but she is stubborn. Add in an adorable 7 year old girl and a to smart 9 year old boy and you have a great story that will bring tears to your eyes. This is a great holiday story and gives us all hope that great things are waiting if we are willing to grab them.
1,553 reviews12 followers
November 9, 2019
Karin is pregnant and due in a week, she is at the store and runs into Liam. He is surprised to see that she is pregnant. He asks her if the baby is his. He asks her to marry him and she says no. She wants to make sure that he is in love with her before they get married.

Her first marriage didn't turn out well before her husband died they were having problems. He has a tough road ahead to prove to her that he loves her. A really good book that I think you will enjoy it.
Profile Image for Janie.
1,428 reviews15 followers
November 17, 2019
Welcome back to Valentine Bay and the newest Bravo series "The Right Reason to Marry" by Christine Rimmer. I love this series and Liam Bravo's story is great. Karin Killigan has been keeping a huge secret from Liam. Seems like their last tryst left a permanent reminder. Not only did Karin not tell Liam, but she was days from delivering her 3rd child. Karin is widowed and she has no intention of ever marrying again. Liam wants to do the right thing, but he also cares very deeply for her. Even as she is pushing him away he will not give up. She needs to trust that this time her heart is making the right decision, and he just needs to continue to do what he is doing and not give up on her. This is a really good story, and I didn't want to put it down.
34 reviews
November 17, 2019
Karin is a widowed mom of 2 with one on the way. Liam is the baby daddy for the one on the way. He is blindsided by her at a chance meeting at Safeway! He starts off not really knowing what to do or where to turn but really comes into his own in terms of showing up and standing up for the family he wants to build. There is an awesome bromance with her dad, Otto and several awesome moments with her two kids from her first marriage. Karin just doesn't want to marry for the wrong reason and it takes her a while to get around to seeing that Liam is made up of all of the right reasons!

Another awesome Bravo novel from Christine Rimmer. Love to see the cameo appearances by characters from previous novels. An excellent book. Highly recommend.

November 16, 2019
Another clear winner from Christine Rimmer!!! This is a perfect story of finding your one true love. Karin was burned the first time around and wasn't eager to jump in to the marriage pool again, regardless of her very pregnant condition. Liam, the father of her baby, has finally decided he's done with his no commitment life and wants to marry Karin. They finally find their way to the alter, but not until they prove to each other it is true love. Add in a Holiday theme, a serious young man ,Ben a cuddly, funny Coco and a co conspirator named Otto and you have a fantastic Holiday read!!
12 reviews
November 18, 2019
Christine Rimmer has hit the jackpot with ths story! If it were not for the fact Karin's first marriage began with an unexpected pregnancy, she and Liam could have married and living their H.E.A. on page ten. Unfortunately, her hurried marriage to Bud was neither happy nor long. Even thought the chemistry and the connection between Karin and Liam was instant, Liam has a difficult road to win her trust. The reader spends most of the book cheering for them individually and together. Block out enough time to read in one sitting!!
132 reviews1 follower
November 19, 2019
The Right Reason to Marry By Christine Rimmer
Karin Killigan and Liam Bravo are the main characters. Karin is pregnant with Liams baby but didn't tell him that he was going to be a dad until a week before the baby is born. He wants to marry and she does not. She wants to marry for love or not at all. I really enjoyed this book. It was a fun read.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sandy Bartles.
1,395 reviews40 followers
November 19, 2019
This is a fabulous book featuring a very pregnant Karin Killigan and Liam Bravo, who doesn’t find out he is going to be a father until just before the baby is born. Karin has two wonderful children from a previous marriage, Ben and Coco. The closeness of everyone involved, including Karin’s father, Otto, just touched my heart so much. I couldn’t put the book down until I was finished.
55 reviews
November 19, 2019
How many marry for the wrong reasons even though we saw we won't. Well Karin Killigan sets that goal and sticks to it even though her body and mind says otherwise. Liam wants to marry the women that is having his baby, but she keeps refusing him, will she be able to refuse for ever. This book will keep u guessing from one minute to the next. Will Karin play the game of mouse.
Profile Image for Tami.
391 reviews2 followers
November 19, 2019
She didn't want to get married because of the baby she was pregnant she wanted him to love her and her kids on their own merits. So Liam goes above and beyond to prove that he already loves her and her kids.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
868 reviews2 followers
November 13, 2019
I loved Karin and Liam's story. Karin was afraid to open her heart and love again. She just didn't realize she has always loved Liam. Great story line and characters. A great addition was Ben and Coco. Wonderful and heartwarming.
Profile Image for Kendra Peterson.
52 reviews1 follower
November 2, 2019
Loved this book. Had been waiting for this story since we had been introduced to Liam and Karin in Switched at Birth. So worth the wait.
Profile Image for Amy O'neal.
147 reviews5 followers
November 18, 2019
Loved this book. Such a good feeling to know the guy wanted to do the right thing.
89 reviews1 follower
May 3, 2020
This is a well-written book. It doesn't drag, the voice is engaging, and the characters are fully realized. It gets a 3 from me, though, because it uses a type of hero that I can't stand. If this kind of hero and story doesn't bother you, I do recommend trying this book out.

What is this type of hero? The kind that disregards everything the heroine tells him she wants and needs, and goes ahead and does what's best for himself. I'm not very fond of the trope where it's assumed the hero knows what's best for the heroine more than she does herself.

In this story, the hero makes plans for the heroine and her children...with the heroine's father without consulting her first. And then people act like she's unreasonable for pushing back against that.

The heroine tells the hero over and over that she needs to take things slow, and again, he continually disregards that, and the story paints her as the bad guy for getting upset at having her needs and boundaries ignored.

The book also had a surprising number of typos -- I expect better from Harlequin.
4 reviews
February 2, 2024
A great series

Just reading too fast! I’ll try to keep from reading too fast because I’ll be so disappointed when I’m through with the series. Hope Kindle will keep me posted all Miss Rimmers up an comers. Bye Dori
Profile Image for Cris.
215 reviews
June 17, 2024
Man finds ex girl-friend pregnant, and realizes she's carrying his baby. But she's frightened of marrying for the wrong reason and keeps saying no. Her refusal to acknowledge she loves him goes on for a long, long time and, shame, her procrastination actually somewhat spoils the story.
Profile Image for Sarah Houck.
Author 1 book3 followers
July 15, 2020
This was another great addition to The Bravos of Valentine Bay series. I loved the story and their dynamic. The end gave me warm fuzzies! I loved jt.
Profile Image for Kim.
546 reviews1 follower
December 3, 2019
Liam Bravo and Karin Killigan had a brief affair a few months ago resulting in a pregnancy. A chance meeting at the local grocery store has her confessing the truth. Once over the shock of becoming a father settles in Liam is all in. Karin only wants to co-parent. Can he convince her that he's got The Right Real Reason to Marry?

Karin Killigan hasn't seen Liam Bravo since she broke up with him months ago. A chance meeting at the local grocery store changes their lives forever. Karin confesses that the child she carries is Liam's and that she's due in a week. After the initial shock Liam is ready to become a father. Karin wants to keep Liam a distance and just work together and raise their baby. As he becomes involved in her life and that of her family its hard for Karin to keep the distance she wants. Liam is determined to win the woman who's never left his thoughts since they grew up together and had a couple of dates in high school. Liam is visiting Karin and asking about the baby when she goes into labor and he takes her to the hospital and stays with her through it all. She's not thrilled to learn that her brother has rented their cottage next door indefinitely to Liam. Karin gets scared and pulls away from him and realizes the mistake. Liam is fitting into her family seamlessly. She wants to go back to having their secret affair when the time comes but then changes her mind when she gets scared. Liam keeps his impatience in check waiting for Karin to come around and they can be together. As he settles into the cottage and starts becoming a constant presence in the Larson-Killigan household some push back comes from Karin's oldest son. Liam takes him to visit his trucking company. The next weekend he takes her daughter as well. He's been having coffee each morning with her father. They give into the desire that they feel for each other. Liam takes on some family duties and watching his son as Karin goes back to work. She can't believe how effortlessly he fits into her family. As they continue their physical relationship as a secret they realize that they love each other. When she over sleeps and wakes up at Liam's place she takes a step back and pulls away. Karin is keeping her feelings a secret, but when she make a slip while being intimate it has Liam reaching for the engagement ring he's just bought. Karin gets so scared she lashes out and Liam has reached his limit patience. Karin realizes that she made a mistake but how to win Liam back. As Christmas plans they made are discussed she doesn't put up a protest. Liam and Karin are miserable. She finally comes to talk to him about her feelings and first marriage. A proposal is accepted and a wedding with family and friend comes soon. They settle into their lives at Sweetheart Cove.

Christine Rimmer's newest installment in the Bravos of Valentine Bay brings together life long friends that have had an attraction forever. She brings the emotions to the forefront of fighting your feelings and knowing what you want and going after it. Liam Bravo has never forgotten Karin Killigan. In fact, he's had some interesting reactions to her past marriage. Karin and Liam's affair earlier in the year will have them connected for a lifetime. He must convince her that he's into for more than his child and she must over come her past bad marriage to find love again. A pregnancy and a true love are their Right Real Reason to Marry.
Profile Image for Sharon.
363 reviews
March 4, 2020
Will Karin finally marry Liam Bravo? She did turn him down twice already. She's having his baby. Will Liam give up on her?
760 reviews8 followers
November 19, 2019
Blindsided...You're at the Safeway, and a woman you've been intimate with walks through the door at the same time...VERY PREGNANT. You quickly do the math, then ask the only question that comes to mind. Is it mine?

Confronted...You're at the Safeway and the man who you haven't seen for months walks past. Greetings are exchanged and you can see the wheels turning in his head. He asks, Is it mine? Well holy pete...you say the only thing that pops right into your brain and answer truthfully, Yes.

Liam wants to do the right thing and asks Karin to marry him. After a first marriage that began with a pregnancy and ended with a tragedy, Karin doesn't want to revisit a 'forced' marriage, so she turns him down. What follows is a lesson in patience for Liam, and an eyeopening lesson in true love for Karin.

What a lovely story. There are cute kids, new holiday traditions, acceptance, family, and joy, along with heartache, bruised feelings, and misunderstandings. Ultimately, can the issues Karin has with marriage be turned around by Liam's steadfast actions?

Another winner in the Bravos of Valentine Bay series.
31 reviews
November 28, 2019
Ah, those Bravo men and women! The path to true love is never easy for them.

This is Liam’s story. He and Karin grew up together. Her brother was married to his long-lost sister. A few nights with his beautiful classmate, then she breaks it off. He comes back to town and runs into the lady he couldn’t forget, at the grocery store. He notices her very obvious pregnant state and asks that all important question, “Is it mine?”

Karin’s procrastination in telling Liam about the baby they had created comes back to bite her when, stunned to see him, she answers truthfully, “Yes.” A widowed mother of two, Karin had already been down that road of marrying for the baby and was determined never to do so again. So, when Liam proposed, she said “no.”

What Karin wasn’t prepared for was Liam’s determination to be a proper daddy to this baby, marriage or not. I loved Liam’s persistence, in both getting Karin to say “yes” and in being the best daddy.

Watching Liam and Karin’s journey (Yes, I meant to say “watching.” When reading, the book is a movie in my mind.) to happiness was emotional and entertaining.

Thanks, Christine, for another keeper!
Profile Image for Marie Campbell.
102 reviews1 follower
December 3, 2019
The Right Reason to Marry by Christine Rimmer is a wonderful second chance romance. Karin Killigan is a widow with two adorable children and allot of guilt about her past marriage. Liam Bravo is a gorgeous playboy who never considered love and marriage until he bumps into lovely Karin visibly pregnant with his child.
Liam quickly comes to realize that Karin and her adorable children are the key to his happiness and he is prepared to move heaven and earth to make their marriage happen. Karin loves Liam and feels a strong attraction to the gorgeous Bravo but is she strong enough to overcome her past unhappiness to risk it all on love?
I just loved The Right Reason to Marry by Christine Rimmer! Liam is a sexy strong hero who knows what he want and does whatever it takes to get it. Karin is a wonderful mom that knows she must be careful following her heart or risk her children's future happiness.
I cannot recommend The Right Reason to Marry by Christine Rimmer enough. This is a sexy, heartwarming romance that you will just love. Rimmer's romances never disappoint! I can't wait for the next romance about the Bravos of Valentine Bay!
517 reviews11 followers
November 19, 2019
The Right Reasons to Marry is the fifth book in Christine Rimmer’s the Bravos of Valentine Bay. We were first introduced to Karin and Liam in Switched at Birth.

Liam first discovers he’s going to be a father when he runs into Karin at the grocery store. Shocked at first, he upends his life and moves next door to Karin and her family. Karin has a lot of baggage from her first marriage. Every time Liam feels he’s made one step forward, Karin retreats.

This is an emotional story as Karin deals with her past and Liam does everything in his power to reach her. I loved Karin’s children. Her son Ben was wise beyond his years and her daughter Coco was hilarious.

It was heartwarming watching these characters find their way. This is a standalone book but I highly recommend reading this and all of the book in the Valentine Bay series. I received an advanced copy of The Right Reasons to Marry which I chose to read and review. This is my honest review.

December 2, 2019
The Right Reason To Marry is another fantastic Bravo novel from Christine Rimmer!!! A most excellent book with cameos from characters from other Bravo books. I recommend it highly.

Liam Bravo finds out he is going to be a father one week before the baby is due when he runs into Karin as he walks into the local grocery store. He is surprised or more accurately blown away but he wants to do the right thing, so he asked Karin to marry him. She says no, of course, because she has done that before and she has no intentions of ever marrying for the wrong reasons again. So, Liam moves into the house next door to Karin and is determined to be there for her and her family. Liam does just that. He is there with the new baby and with Karin’s children, Ben and Coco and with her as they grow close. There are so many emotions in this book, happy, joyful, sad, etc. The ending was wonderful and as always, I didn’t want the story to end. Ms. Rimmer did it again and created a beautiful story!
91 reviews2 followers
November 24, 2019
Liam Bravo finds out he is going to be a father one week before the baby is due when he runs into Karin at a store. To say he is surprised is an understatement, but he wants to step up be responsible, wants to get married, the whole nine yards. But Karin says no, been there, done that, never going to do that again. But she is not going to keep Liam from his child, so he rents the cottage from Sten and moved in next door so he can be there when and if he is needed. And step up he does with the baby and with Karin's other children, and she and Liam get closer than ever. But she still holds back. The emotions in this book will have you smiling then crying. Will Karin realize she has a diamond in the rough with Liam before it's too late? You will love the ending! I waited patiently for Liam and Karin's story since we had Madison and Sten's story, and Christine did not disappoint!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cyndi Cook.
18 reviews2 followers
December 1, 2019
Learning to trust her heart and take a leap of faith with Liam Bravo was a major roadblock for Karin Killigan. She had abruptly broke it off with him when she found out she was pregnant, then at the end of her pregnancy accidentally ran into him at the grocery store where Liam finds out he is about to be a father. Liam bends over backwards to be a part of his baby’s life by moving into the cottage next door and literally falls head over heels for not only Karin but her children and family. Liam discusses marriage & even Properly proposed but Karin refuses over & over again due to the damage done with her deceased husband and their marriage. Will Karin ever give in to her heart and live happily ever after? An absolute must read to find out if Karin loses Liam in her guarded heart or if something happens to push her past her previous marital baggage.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 47 reviews

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