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Extinction New Zealand #1

The Rule of Three

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What would you do to survive the apocalypse?

Jack Gee, hiking the New Zealand mountains, is blissfully unaware of the Hemorrhage virus sweeping the world. A desperate message from his wife Dee alerts him, and he must return to Hamilton. On the way, he is captured by man-eating monsters and taken to their meat locker. To escape, he will need to draw on all his experience as an outdoorsman, but first he must find the will to survive.

Surrounded by Variants, Dee is trapped in her Hamilton basement with a group of survivors. With Jack missing, and dwindling food supplies, she must leave the basement, her only defence a Katana.

The nightmare has just begun. Will they find each other in the chaos?

Audible Audio

First published April 9, 2017

About the author

Adrian J. Smith

12 books56 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 120 reviews
Profile Image for Claude's Bookzone.
1,550 reviews247 followers
November 30, 2020
I did it!
Book 20 in my Zombie-a-thon for Zomvember!


Well it's amazing how my reading experience was affected by the fact that this book was set in a place I know well. Obviously I have read books set in New Zealand before, but absolutely not from this genre. It made the experience so enjoyable! However, I do wish they used a narrator who could pronounce the Māori place names correctly.

This book is set in the Extinction Cycle world by Nicholas Sansbury Smith so the zombies are the same as in this series. The writing was okay and the author certainly does action sequences incredibly well. You know how sometimes it's all go and you are just left with the impression of chaos? Well this author's action scenes are exciting and clear if that makes sense. I loved the final chapter which was from the point of view of the alpha Variant (zombie). I will actually finish this series because as it so happens I have a NZ author challenge going on right now and am woefully behind on my books!
Profile Image for Tracy  .
906 reviews12 followers
August 12, 2022
Author Adrian J. Smith has done a fabulous job entering Nicholas Sansbury Smith's Extinction series universe with this first book of his Extinction New Zealand series. 'The Rule of Three' introduces us to Dee and Jack Gee - a married couple who are separated when the blood thirsty Variants first make themselves known down-under. Their main goal is getting back to each other at all costs. Along the way they each hook up with various survivors - both young and old - who all prove to be steadfast in their determination to fight together and protect each other. Adrian Smith describes the Variants in perfect detail and exactly as I know them from Nicholas Sansbury Smith's Extinction series - their clicking claws, high intelligence, and right on down to their horrifying sucker lips - he has hooked me right in. Great job.
Narrator Raphael Corkhill is delivers a grand performance - the perfect choice as the voice for this series.
Up Next: 'The Fourth Phase' (Extinction New Zealand, #2).
Profile Image for Rhett Bruno.
Author 74 books592 followers
February 8, 2019
What a spin off!

It’s incredible to see the tense, thrilling world created by Nick Sansbury Smith carried over to New Zealand. This novel really fits the series and feels like it was written by him. Great voice, pacing and an action packed story. Definitely worry the trip down under!
Profile Image for Kay.
2,178 reviews1,104 followers
March 11, 2020
This book was fun if you're in this sort of thing- unknown virus and monsters. Just like its main series by Nicholas Sansbury Smith (Extinction Cycle) stinking Variants somehow arrived in New Zealand and wreak havoc to this picturesque country. Men, women and children fought to survive this nightmare, no Marines here. I'm very curious to know what happens next!
Profile Image for Brittany.
1,032 reviews153 followers
October 10, 2021

4 Stars!!

What would you do to survive the apocalypse?

Jack is hiking in the woods totally oblivious to the world crashing down around him. He finally gets within cell phone range and makes a call to his wife Dee. Dee alerts him to the outbreak that is taking place and all the strange things happening in the city.

On the way to reunite with Dee, he starts to understand what she was going on about. He faces danger at every turn and meets many characters along his race to get back to his wife.

Meanwhile waiting for Jack- Dee is trapped in her basement with a group of survivors. All she cares about is finding Jack and getting to their cabin in the woods. Dee faces her own challenges and struggles in her race to find him.

This was such an exciting and action packed read. It takes off from the first page and doesn't stop. I read it in one sitting and cant wait to read the next books in the series to see where things will go next for this group of survivors.
Profile Image for Alexia Purdy.
Author 115 books1,093 followers
April 13, 2017
I've never read any books of the world this story is set in but, wow, what an amazing novella that really pulls you into the characters' struggles to survive an ELE. Dee and Jack Gee journey and fight against the Variants who have resulted from a deadly hemorrhagic virus turning people into monstrous mutations that feed on humans. It's a horrific event and the entire story centers around this couple's determination to get back to each other after being in two separate places when the event happens.

Don't read this before bedtime, it will scare the beegeezus out of you and keep you wide awake. A thorough heart pumping adventure that makes you hold your breath in so many spots, you just pray these things won't jump off the page and come haunt you. Excellent storytelling. I will totally check out this world further.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
452 reviews11 followers
April 12, 2017
A truly worthy addition to the 'Extinction Cycle' series!

Adrian Smith has taken the original, vivid series and expounded the experience into New Zealand. With beautiful writing, descriptive characters, and a suspenseful story line, this novella immerses the reader in the terrifying world of the apocalypse. Read in a single evening, I was very impressed with Mr. Smith's debut tale!

The story starts the reader on a frantic journey to reunite a husband and wife, separated when the world descended into chaos. A sprinkling of survival tips and ingenuity makes this a wonderful Kindle World addition to the original series.....and there's the promise of more! I honestly can't wait for more from this author and these characters. Very well done!
Profile Image for Cynthia Terrones .
190 reviews11 followers
April 13, 2017

This book is a definitely must read. As a new author Adrian Smith has done an awesome job bringing to life his character Jack Gee and everything Jack had to endure to reach any kind of safety. The "Alpha" in this book is something all in NZ left alive seriously should fear. I can't wait to read about both in the continuation of the Kindle Worlds Novella, Extinction Cycle: The Rule of Three, Book 2. Anything having to do with the "Extinction Cycle Series" is #1 on my list. So here's hoping everyone out there reads this book. It seriously is awesome.
Profile Image for Lisa Omstead.
127 reviews5 followers
April 11, 2017
Phenomenal new addition to the Extinction Cycle Series!

Taking its title from the wilderness survival rules of three, this action-packed thriller is set in the Waikato region of New Zealand’s North Island. Like the area itself, this story is rich in detail and suspense. The main characters’ horrific journey to reunite in the midst of the apocalypse is peppered with just enough hope to find that strength deep down inside. Looking forward to more adventures with Jack, Dee and their mates in NZ.
Profile Image for BookLoversLife.
1,815 reviews9 followers
February 13, 2019
Jack Gee is hiking in the wilderness when he decides it's time to head back home. When he finally gets some cell reception he finds frantic messages from his wife stating some truly terrifying things. He manages to reach her and tells her he will be home soon. What should only take an hour or so turns into a trip to hell. Meanwhile, Dee agrees to drive her friend to her house and then return home till Jack gets back, but it's not as easy as that and Dee is in a fight for her life too.

I adore The Extinction Cycle by Nicholas Sansbury Smith and always wanted to read the novellas set in his world that other authors wrote, but the Kindle World books were taken down and I didn't get a chance. I was thrilled when the author said he was publishing them through his own press and they would be available world wide!! It was also a bonus that this author was expanding his books and adding more content.

When I started this, I wasn't sure what to expect to be honest, because this is a debut author. I thought it would take a while for him to find his flow, but colour me impressed because this was seriously good!! We are brought into the action right from the start and it doesn't let up. The action sequences are well written and were easy to become lost in.... I had a real hard time putting the book down!! The plot was fast paced and well developed, and his characters were really easy to connect to and like, so yes, I was seriously impressed with the authors writing skill!!

The authors ability to grab me and make me see the landscape with his descriptive writing was brilliant too. New Zealand is a bucket list item and I could picture the scenes perfectly. Also the geeky references were awesome ;) Loved it!! I also loved the fact that apart from Ben, none of the rest are military. This is told from the point of view of ordinary people, in a country where they don't have access to guns easily either. It was relatable and scary because where I live, we don't have access to weapons easily either, and it makes you think.

In all, I loved this book and can't wait to dive into the next one. Jack and Dee, Boss, George and Ben have all captured my heart.
Profile Image for Mark.
128 reviews8 followers
July 3, 2024
I picked this up as part of the full trilogy and listened as well as read. The author does a great job describing the areas of New Zealand and the monsters were interesting. I’ll be curious to see how the virus actually changes people or if there’s something else afoot. I really started to like the cast of characters with Boss, Dee, Jack, Ben, and the young one. I look forward to seeing where the story goes and how they are able to escape the extinction area of NZ!
Profile Image for TP.
1,010 reviews39 followers
December 8, 2019
I liked it.

I had only two minor critics.
First I noticed that the action scenes weren’t smoothly at times. Small details in the sequence of the action scenes were missed. Like the author skipped one sentence now and then and that reduced the fluency of the read. I pictured the scenes in my mind and suddenly the characters were one step ahead then described.

And secondly, the reasoning for Ben to go to the dam on a suicidal mission and abandoning his current, in my opinion important, well organised and working mission, was too superficially handled. The author should have given it more thought and a deeper reasoning for the decision.
As well as some more meaningful words or memories, just a little more depth, for Dee and Jack thinking about each other. The repetitive reasoning of both for loving books, movies and gaming got trivial fast and was not necessary.

Otherwise it was a great read. I enjoyed the plot, the characters and book in general. Ok writing.

This was a worthy side story to the extinction cycle series compared to another one I have read which couldn’t match up in the slightest.

Happily on to book two in the series.
Profile Image for Tai Sanders.
27 reviews
June 28, 2017

Curious to see how the story unfolds in the coming books. Where do the creatures come from and how did they get here in the first place.
Profile Image for Pixie 🍜.
852 reviews28 followers
September 25, 2023
I had to dnf (we both did) as we didn’t find any connection to the characters.
The main characters Jack and Dee are a married couple trying to find each other in the apolocypse. The thing is I found it hard to care or root for them when they kept just leaving other people to die. Jack literally let’s a whole family get killed. Okay he attempts to save one kid and then as soon as it looks difficult he just floats away on the river like oh no what a shame.
Dee does the same when her best friend is injured and instead of helping her she just leaves her to die after her friend is like no you go. Like she only tries once to argue and it’s like the weird no I’ll pay except you listen the first time and your date then dies.

The survival stuff was cool but I never felt like they were in real danger as they both seem to kill the zombie things with little effort. I think this just wasn’t for us.
Profile Image for Marina.
79 reviews19 followers
June 16, 2019
This is an excellent read if you're looking for fast-paced, tension packed, monster filled run for survival! Unputdownable 🆘☢ ON KINDLE NOW $1.24
Profile Image for Stephanie.
69 reviews18 followers
May 6, 2022
I loved this version of zombie apocalypse! Suspenseful all the way to the last page. The audiobook was perfectly narrated.
Profile Image for Jody.
97 reviews
October 5, 2020
Wow, what a ride. I am glad I found this series!
Profile Image for Kristina.
28 reviews
April 26, 2021
I was excited to continue on with another version of NSS original, but this book seemed choppy and I was actually getting confused at how much it seemed to jump around, it needed more flow.

I don't understand how in Sansburys and Brownings storyline when you got body fluids from the variants on you then you would turn but in this storyline they don't, it is very confusing.

I listened to the audiobook version and I will have to say that when you have multiple characters in a book then there should be a heading on each chapter to tell you which character the chapter is about, again just for better flow...just a fyi.

I plan on finishing the series regardless because I have to find out how it ends.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nathan.
45 reviews
January 10, 2021
OK disclaimer, I have read and enjoyed World War Z, but this is not really my preferred genre, so I haven't read any of the Extinction series of books before this one, and only picked this up because it is set in NZ...

That being said, I largely enjoyed this volume, and will read the next two in the series. I only gave it 3 stars as the narration a little clunky at times, and I felt the author over-egged the NZ explanations/Kiwiana. This is possibly warranted for foreign readers, but as a NZ'er I found it a little cringey, and not always accurate. As other reviewers have noted, it also veers into sappy romance novel type writing at times...

It is a good story however, and the action scenes are written well enough to make you want to keep reading. it is interesting to see how non-military/unarmed characters respond to the Variant threat, and the characters are engaging enough.

I will also read the original Extinction after these 3 volumes to see how things compare.
214 reviews5 followers
April 14, 2017
A fast paced, scary as hell story! This man has a way with words, seriously! The characters are three dimensional, primary and secondary, and the story is rich in detail that brings it "alive". Mr. Smith intimately describes his country in a rich and knowing manner. Overall I rated the book at 4.40. Yes, I am a tough reviewer and rarely have I rated a book at a 5.

As a Nicholas Sansbury Smith and Extinction Cycle fan, I can say that this is rich addition to the Extinction Cycle World. You need not have read the Extinction Series to understand and "get" this story. However, if you haven't you should!

Amazingly, this is the authors first book and I look forward to reading much more from this very talented author, Adrian J. Smith!

Profile Image for Rachael Ashak-Benson.
356 reviews20 followers
April 13, 2019
Ok..... So the romance......

Ok, so I’m granting this book 5 stars because it is part of the Extinction Cycle storyline. It does stand on it’s own in many, many ways — except one.
It turns a corner, way too far often, into romance fiction. At one point, after really “getting it” (over and over) I actually felt myself gag a bit. Just a little too over the top with the very same love exclamations and stary-eyed romance. Perhaps if the author even switched up the language a bit? It may have helped with the snappiness.
Other than that oddness within the middle of an Extinction Cycle story - it was a fun ride! Cannot wait to move on to the next book ........
Profile Image for Nath.
263 reviews
April 27, 2021
I don't normally really get much into the zombie apocalypse genre. I can't quite reconcile the image of zombies (even millions of them) standing up to a modern military with tanks and especially air strikes from several thousand feet in the air.

But this one is set in New Zealand. New Zealand doesn't have any tanks, nor any fighter jets. Zombies in New Zealand might just have a solid shot at taking over!

Being half Kiwi, and a total Kiwiphile, I loved the setting and characters of the story. I was engrossed from page one! Which is a good thing, because it's a short novella, it'd already be over if it took 100 pages to get going!
Profile Image for Kathy Ann'tie.
249 reviews11 followers
November 6, 2017
This is an excellent first book by Adrian Smith. I was invested in this story from the moment I started reading it and I found it so very hard to put down. His characters were rich with character and full of life, making me care for what happened to each and everyone, I wanted to be a part of the story and it felt through his writing that I was there right along with them through it all. I can't wait to see where he takes his characters and how the story line progresses through the Extinction Cycle world. You can be sure that I will happily read any books that Adrian writes in the future.
Profile Image for Michael  Keller.
803 reviews7 followers
February 7, 2019
New Zealand fights the Variant infestation, struggling to find a solution.

Excellently depicted from a New Zealand point of view, Adrian has brought the action to this small island nation. The fight goes on and people will find ways to survive.

This novella is well-written with great action scenes and endearing characters struggling to understand and survive in a post-apocalyptic world populated by infected monsters and worse - human collaborators assisting the Variants against their own kind.

Can't wait to read more from the struggle down under! Great read!
Profile Image for Yalonda Butler.
30 reviews
February 21, 2019
I'll take a Rule of Three for $400, Alex!
What is an awesome short story? First time author? No way! Mr. Smith has definitely got the storytelling gene. Constant action and it flowed in right with the Extinction series but set in New Zealand. Looking forward to Book 2 and what sort of adventures they get into next. Pick up a copy today, you won't be disappointed. Mr. Smith is definitely an author to add to your TBR list. :)
Profile Image for Jon Theisen.
121 reviews1 follower
April 23, 2017
Awesome addition to the Extinction Cycle World

This is the first book I have read from this author and I have to say I'm excited to see what he has in stored for his readers next. This book was a polished addition to a great series by Author Nicholas Sandsbury Smith and it blended in seamlessly. I highly recommend this book and author and cannot wait to see where his imagination leads us next.
Profile Image for PHYL.
145 reviews5 followers
April 11, 2017
Most excellent story, characters you can relate to. Readers of horror, zombie-type monsters, dystopian books. l love this book. This might be a book readers who are tentative about reading this genre of books, should try it out
Profile Image for andrew jackson.
59 reviews2 followers
April 13, 2017
A great beginning

A great start to what will become a good series. Taking Nicholas Smith extinction series to a new level by telling a story from another section of the world. Love the mentions that relate to Aliens and Gandolph such are some of Adriana favorite things.
Profile Image for Dawn.
14 reviews
November 26, 2019
Quick read

A nice quick read that stays true to the original stories. The action starts off as soon as you start and doesn't slow until the end. I would definitely recommend this book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 120 reviews

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