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Home is where you make it.

Beau Hopper is good at good-byes. A minor-league hockey player, he goes where the league tells him. Single and estranged from his family, Beau drifts without connections or commitments. He makes a living, not a life.

Former Marine Connor Casey's life revolves around his siblings. After Hurricane Harvey took their home and a car crash claimed their parents, Connor is determined to rebuild their house and their lives.

When Beau learns Connor might lose custody of his siblings if he can't finish the rebuild in time, he volunteers to help in exchange for a place to stay, and it isn't long before he finds himself in Connor's bed.

It takes more than passion and plywood to build a home, so when the league comes calling after Beau, Connor can't ask him to stay...but how can he ever let him go?

Contains mature themes.

Listening Length: 10 hours and 6 minutes.

11 pages, Audible Audio

First published April 1, 2018

About the author

A.E. Wasp

48 books595 followers
After time spent raising children, earning several college degrees, and traveling the world with the U.S. State Department, she is returning to her first love - writing.

A dreamer and an idealist, Amy writes about people finding connection in a world that can seem lonely and magic in a world than can seem all too mundane. She invites readers into her characters’ lives and worlds when they are their most vulnerable, their most human, living with the same hopes and fears we all have. An avid traveler who has lived in big cities and small towns in four different continents, Amy has found that time and distance are no barriers to love. She invites her readers to reach out and share how her characters have touched their lives or how the found families they have gathered around them have shaped their worlds.

Born on Long Island, NY, Amy has lived in Los Angeles, London, and Bangkok. She currently lives in Fort Collins, Colorado for who knows how long.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 247 reviews
April 24, 2018
As with everything A.E. Wasp writes, a perfectly good story was tainted by the utter lack of regard for the English language. Come on, Ms. Wasp, please edit your work! The constant punctuation and grammatical errors were cringe-worthy and pulled me out of the story time and again.

I've given this author several passes because I do enjoy her characters, but my patience is stretching thin.

Editing rant over; commence review:

I liked this book but didn't love it. The MCs were hot together, and the kids, who were VERY present, didn't overwhelm the romance. The epilogue was cheesy as hell but cute.

However, the story felt LONG. I mean, it is sort of long, but I've read much longer books where I blinked and it was over. Score wasn't like that. At one point, I felt like I'd been reading forever, but I was only at 25%. It was a bit of a struggle to finish, truth be told.

Between that and the editing issues, my rating of 3 stars feels fairs.
Profile Image for ~Mindy Lynn~.
1,399 reviews656 followers
April 20, 2018
4.5 Stars!

I am a complete sucker for books with a strong sense of family. So this hit on every damn button I have. I laughed, cried, and fell in love with this family and the men taking care of them.
A.E.W. writing was brought to my attention last year and ever since I have one clicked her books or I've had the pleasure of receiving ARC's from her. I fully enjoy her writing and her stories.

Beau Hopper never stays in one place very long and has become accustomed to saying goodbye with no problem. He's use to moving around to wherever his hockey career takes him. He's gotten good at being alone. But when he meets Conner and his still mourning siblings he doesn't think saying goodbye and going back to being alone will be so easy. In fact it's not.
Conner Casey hasn't been a constant in his siblings life since he has been stationed all over the world as a Marine. But when his mother and step-father, his siblings father, is killed in a car accident he has no choice but to leave his career behind to take guardianship of his two younger brothers and two younger sisters. To say he's a bit lost with the world on his shoulders is an understatement. Then there's the Walrus nipping at his feet as well. He is doing his best at trying to raise four kids he doesn't know very well but loves fiercely.
Conner has social services (the Walrus) on his back to make his parents home livable again for the kids after Harvey destroyed a lot of it. He's made some improvements but not enough. He has a lot on his plate with the kids and his work at the car garage. But he only has a month to get it all done or the kids will be put in a home. Who knew the blue haired hockey player, Beau would be the answer to all his prayers.
Beau is pretty well off and doesn't need to work per-say. His family owns a huge ranching business in Oklahoma and it has left his family very well off. Beau is also pretty good with tools and construction. He proves this when he shows up and Conner's job needing his brakes fixed and shows off all the work he has done on the inside of his van. When Beau lets slip that he's needing a new place to crash Conner's boss jumps on it trying to convince Conner to let Beau stay with him in exchange with helping him fix the house up. Conner isn't sure he wants a stranger staying at his home no matter how attracted he is to the blue haired Beau. But with more pressure coming from the Walrus he gives in.

From there a beautiful relationship builds between Conner and Beau, Conner and his siblings, and between Beau and the kids. The way Beau meets Conner's family was pretty adorable. I loved the pets names too. But the kids really stole the show. They didn't take away from the romance nor did they take away from the relationship between Beau and Conner. What I mean by stealing the show was that they will completely make you fall in love with them.

I would love a Sean story.

Pick this one up!

Happy reading dolls! xx

Profile Image for Erth.
3,949 reviews
August 31, 2019
I’ve been an AE Wasp fan for a while – I love the Veterans Affairs series and the current Hot Off the Ice series. She continues her hockey theme but brings it to the ECHL in Texas. I really enjoyed Connor and Beau’s story and am intrigued by the Hidden Creek concept, to see how this story intersects the others.

Connor and Beau hit my catnips – they are stronger together but each needs to learn to ask for what they need and recognize that they are building a family with Connor’s half-siblings. I didn’t realize that I had a thing for couples building families at the same time as they built their relationship (see my reviews of Poke Check, Skater Boy, and Squared Away).

I'll probably bump this to 5 stars once I find myself rereading it.
Profile Image for Dani.
872 reviews96 followers
February 10, 2024
This was such a pleasant surprise!!

I absolutely loved this book. Connor and Beau had me crying and laughing the whole way through. The epilogue also has the best proposal I've ever read, and I always hate proposals!!

There are a good few errors throughout the book that were a little jarring, but I couldn't not give this five stars.

I want to know what happens to Sean though!
Profile Image for Len Evans Jr.
1,474 reviews223 followers
March 31, 2018
I received this ARC from the author in return for a fair and honest review!

This book hits all the right spots and does it with humor, love, four incredible kids, two (apparently) gay guinea pigs, one former marine and one ice hocky player. Seriously... who could ask for anything more. I laughed, I cried and laughed some more! Beau and Connor are just fantastic as individuals and are magic together. It's a case of 4 kids + 2 guinea pigs + 1 former marine +1 hockey player = absolute perfection. What a wonderful, heartwarming and uplifting tale! I loved Ms. Wasp's "Hot Off the Ice" series and this was every bit as good as those books!
Profile Image for Trio.
3,313 reviews182 followers
October 4, 2020
Absolutely adorable. I would never have listened to this one except I needed it for a challenge... well I'm urging you all: do not hesitate to read or listen to it whenever you need a really sweet/sexy/interesting/just plain old excellent story. There's angst, but it's not really between the couple so much as it's in the characters. Wasp does an amazing job building this extensive cast, and the story flows from beginning to end seamlessly. Really, really well done.
November 19, 2023
Seems like there’s a reason why some audiobooks are free with your audible subscription: they’re usually mediocre at best 🙄.

And tbh Chris Chambers (the narrator) wasn’t good enough to keep me listening to it, even though I’d have been content to have it as background buzz.

The book is part of an anthology, but can be read on its own. It’s the story of Connor, a former marine who now works as a mechanic, and who desperately needs help in renovating his house so he can keep custody of his 4 half siblings. He’s gay, but not out, not even to his family.

The second mc is Beau, who’s apparently from a wealthy family, has some uni degree and plays hockey. And who lives in some kind of frat house with his team, but wants to move out because some of his teammates are homophobes.

Why not rent an apartment, you ask? No idea. Doesn’t matter, because for some reason, the moment he sees Connor, he falls into insta lust and offers to help him with his renovation, because he fancies moving in with Connor (or at least in the camper van Connor owns).

They hook up immediately, and apparently have some kind of connection. Problem is, I don’t feel it. Like… AT ALL.

And I don’t seem to care about either of them, the only characters I felt interested in so far are Mac and Cheese, 2 guinea pigs Connor’s siblings own, mostly because I love their names.

So I decided that my tbr is too long and too interesting to wait if the book (and the characters) get more interesting - cutting it short at around 30%.

No rating, because I never rate if I dnf so early - so far, it would be somewhere around 2 stars.
Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
January 14, 2020
So damn cute !! Loved this, way more than I expected. It was sweet, warm and made me happy. A beautiful family that eventually flourished after a terrible tragedy. String characters that really hit the mark.
Profile Image for Jenna ✨DNF Queen.
432 reviews50 followers
April 11, 2018
4.5 stars

Wow this book really surprised me! These characters were much deeper than I epsected at first glance... Connor was amazing and needed a knight to ride to his rescue... Beau shocked everyone including himself by not only being the knight but also by unlocking the great cabinet o feels and omg he socked me right in the emotions 😭❤️👏🏻 And the kids... omg. They were cute throughout, including their goofy guinea pigs, but you MUST read the epilogue because it had me literally laughing out loud with cute and fluffy.

Really nice surprise.
Profile Image for Asia.
533 reviews1 follower
September 26, 2018
barrrrddzzo mi sie podobała. napisać książkę o zwykłym życiu.. codziennych troskach, obawach, drobnych radościach, nooo... genialne. nie moglam sie oderwać nie moglam sie nasycić. chce wiecej takich książek o zyciu czytać. co ja gadam. zawsze chce takie ksiazki o zwyczajnym niezwyczajnym zyciu czytac:) a juz w ogole Benji skradł moje serce i chce ich wszystkich adopotwać z Księciem i jego Rycerzem na czele. uwielbiam ich wszystkich.. uwielbiam. bede i bede powtarzac ja sobie wielokrotnie.
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,777 reviews291 followers
October 19, 2018
***3.3 Stars***

Overall, I enjoyed this story. Yet, like many other reviewers, I thought this novel needed editing grammatically and plot-wise. It felt unfinished and unpolished, like a garment trailing threads on its way out the runway.

Despite not being a winning outfit, neither did it fall in the bottom three. Score, you are safe this week, at least from me.

I'd go into the discontinuities which made me cross my eyes, but seeing as this is the second go around writing the blasted review on this horrid kindle fire, I won't. Sorry. It's not my fault that reviews disappear on a hair's breadth of a brush on the screen.

I listened and read this. While the grammatical errors could be glossed over in the audio book, the narrator didn't blow me away. He did have a sexy Texan accent, though!

I wanted more consistency in the UST flounced in my face. The tension was all over the place and didn’t make me ache for the first kiss like it should have. I also wanted more hockey. We only had one scene, and that scene felt very out of place—why include it at all?

That being said, I enjoyed this book more than this review displays. Wear with caution.
Profile Image for Ula'ndi Hart.
929 reviews15 followers
September 10, 2018
Overall book rating: 4
Audio Book: N/A
Book Cover: 3.8

Low on “drama” high on family. I enjoyed this one. I really liked the kids and I just enjoyed going along for the ride with where ever the story took me.
Profile Image for Eden Finley.
Author 56 books6,323 followers
April 15, 2018
And funny.
And sweet.
And teary.

P.S "He has mermaid hair."
Profile Image for Emreadstoomanybooks (semi-hiatus).
331 reviews36 followers
September 20, 2023
DNF at 22%.

Quite a lot of errors in this book. There’s a chapter that’s told from Beau’s perspective where we get told Connor’s reply to a text message.

I don’t love books that glorify being in the military and for a book I decided to read because I love Ice Hockey romance this has had zero ice hockey in it so far.

Also I just cringed too hard when Beau was making awkward jokes about a storm in front of children who had been air rescued because of a hurricane… it was a bit painful to read.

Don’t think this book is for me.
Profile Image for Emily Seelye.
726 reviews26 followers
April 3, 2018
*ARC provided by author

Beau is a hockey player for the ECHL league. Instead of a housing allowance, he lives in the team “frat”house. When his car breaks down and his mechanic finds out his living situation, she hooks him up with her coworker. Connor is a former marine who is left raising 4 half siblings when their parents die in a car accident. He needs help with the kids, and fixing up the house after a hurricane or their social worker will remove them from his care.

I love watching Connor rebuild his relationship with his siblings and how everyone accepts Beau into the family right away. Connor and Beau’s relationship grows out of spending a lot of time in close proximity. Along the way, they also gain some new female friends in Connors boss and her partner, and some hockey fans that he and the kids befriend while watching one of Beau’s games.

I love also how the kids are present and act their ages (5-16).
Profile Image for Jay.
240 reviews44 followers
February 15, 2019
4 stars -- Plenty enjoyable, mostly smooth read (though there are some bumps in places). I was worried the story was dragging toward the inevitable goodbye scene, but it did what it needed to do to make me feel it.
Profile Image for Jane (whatjanereads).
635 reviews126 followers
December 30, 2022
Actual rating: 4-4,5

TW: death of parents, war, PTSD

Rep: Gay MCs, questioning SC, lesbian SCs

When I started this I was like „oh god, this is one of these books with instalust where the two dudes do nothing but each other“.
Well, I was wrong.
This book starts with Beau, a professional hockey player in the AHL being traded and moving to a new town in Texas, when on his way his car dies on him.
At the car repair shop he meets Conner, who’s kind of forced by his coworker Peggy to let him stay at his place as long as he has no other accommodations and his car is in repair.
The deal is: Beau has to help renovating the house, which has been destroyed a lot by a hurricane.

Conner has been in the Marine for years, and only just gotten out to take care of his four siblings who he doesn’t know well, after their parents died in a car crash.
All of them are still in mourning and impacted by their trauma, suddenly being forced to take care of four children wasn’t in Conners plans.
Bringing Beau into this mess was not his ideal situation either. Starting with a gay Guinea pig wedding (I laughed my ass off!).

I absolutely loved the found family element in this.
Beau has been traded a lot and never lived long in one place. His relationship to his own parents is not very tight either.
Him sneaking his way into this dysfunctional family was so cute and heartwarming to read. The way he takes care of the children and talks and really listens to them. He’s not only a physical but also such an emotional help for Conner and his siblings. It felt like he was the missing piece for their family to finally work out. And he fit in so well. (Did I mention he has blue hair?! 😂)
After the first instalust it slowed down immediately and this book is not very steamy at all. It had a lot more depth than I first anticipated and was more of a slow burn romance after all. They were so cute together. Like new parent trying to figure out life. 😂

As far as I know Texas is a very conservative state, so being openly queer there is not a given. This book is SO queer though. Both MCs are gay, one of the kids is questioning, there are married lesbians. I loved it!
I loved all the side characters, from the kids who each have their own problems to the woman in this being absolutely fantastic badasses.

I loved this, the ending was super cheesy yet very cute and simply perfect.

The only critique I have was the fat phobic comment in the beginning. There is a horrible social worker trying to take away the kids from Conner because he’s a homophobe. Yes, he’s a horrible person, yet it has nothing to do with his statue. It’s not a thing I like to see or read.
Also the storyline wasn’t picked up again in the end and just left hanging at his threat somehow? Or maybe I missed it.

🎧 Audio review: I love Chris Chambers, I really loved some of the audios he did! But somehow he sounds different in every single one and in this one he was rather monotonous and emotionless sometimes. Also to me it is SO hard to follow a book with two POVs and only one narrator. It’s super confusing sometimes and I wished they would have done two narrators instead.
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,336 reviews526 followers
May 5, 2018
4.25 stars!

This was so good! I was so glad to get back what I love about Wasp's stories with this one when the last book I read didn't feel quite as good as usual with Wasp's stories.

But this was on par. There were still typos here and there, which are starting to feel like a staple of Wasp's stories as well as the fun and great stories, but oh well. I've learned to deal with them by this point.

Beau is 29, in the ECHL, which is a step below the AHL, so it's the lowest professional rung of of Hockey, and he could have probably gone on to the AHL an then NHL, but he's never cared enough, never put in the effort. And he's always been comfortable leaving, going from place to place, never staying long.

And when he meets Connor, 28, where he works at a mechanics in a small town in Texas when his car needs tuning up, there's an instant connection for both of them.

But Conner, just 4 months ago, got custody of his 4 younger siblings, all below 18, when his mother and step father (and father to the rest of the 4) died in a car accident, leaving him with the responsibility of raising them. But social services is breathing down his neck, and his house still needs repairs done - Hurricane Harvey did a number on it and it still isn't finished. And the social worker threatens to take away the kids if the house isn't completed with repairs in a month.

So Conner turns to Beau, who's looking for a place anyway, to help with the repairs. He doesn't plan for Beau to help out with the kids, and he sure as hell doesn't expect to fall for Beau.

And Beau wasn't looking to come to love the kids either, and definitely not fall for Connor and finally not want to leave, to want to stay forever.

But Connor and Beau are both scared, and take them a bit to get with the program and fight for what they want.

I loved this story - all the 4 kids were great, to adorable little 6-year-old Benji to 16-year-old Sean. Micah and Fiona are the other two kids, and they were great as well.

There are a few angsty moments, like it diving a little deeper into Connor's slight PTSD after leaving the Marines, which he'd been in for 9 years.

But having Beau there helps them all, and helps Beau too. He brings light and laughter to the family but also gains a family as well.

And Beau and Conner were awesome together, I loved them - their chemistry was off the charts, and the sex was hot ;) (well, what little we got of it. Having 4 kids around did not make it easy for these two to get busy).

The ending was great too, it was adorable and sweet and made me laugh and smile like a loon. Loved it! Definitely recommend this, it was awesome :D
Profile Image for Kendra T.
2,635 reviews42 followers
April 8, 2018
Damn it, A.E. Wasp! You made me cry!

Connor was in the Marines, but had to return home after his mother and step-father were killed in a car accident. He became the guardian for his 4 siblings, and was struggling with how to manage his emotions, their emotions, keep food on the table, and get them to all the places they needed to be. The whole family was going through a tremendous adjustment, and they had social services breathing down their neck the whole time.

Beau was an ECHL hockey player who tended to move around a lot, and was recently playing for a team near Hidden Creek. He was living in the team house, but hated it mainly because of one homophobic teammate.

Connor met Beau at the garage Connor worked at, and found out that Beau was looking for a place to stay and was handy at fixing things. He gave Beau a trailer on the property to live is he would help fix up the house to get it ready for inspection (it was damaged after Harvey).

Beau brought so much light into the lives of the kids and Connor. He helped them come closer together, and helped keep Connor's sanity. There were some times where things fell apart and feelings had to be dealt with, but it was beautifully written. My heart really broke for the family. Thankfully, once Beau came on board and Connor realized that asking for help was not a bad thing, he was able to build his circle of support, and they all became much healthier.

I would love to read more about Beau and Connor, and I would LOVE to read more about some of Beau's hockey teammates. This was yet another fabulous Hidden Creek book.

I am voluntarily reviewing an ARC of this book I received from the author
Profile Image for Sali .
1,321 reviews8 followers
April 8, 2018
Omg, I loved it! A great book, wonderful story!
It's beautiful!
It takes times, no pressure. No jumping into sex or relationship. They are friend.
The sex is hot and sensual and sexy and intimate and charged with feeling. Those scene were something else.
Both guys were interesting, cute, fun and doing their best. Thank you for making the kids realistic, they acted accordingly to their age and situation. The relationship between Conner and them is inspiring. It's trust & truth. No preaching.
I love it.
Connor's sleeping position is my fav!
Love Beau's characters. His personal grow through the story was beautiful and well done.
I love it!!
Profile Image for Elyxyz Elyxyz.
Author 7 books49 followers
October 4, 2022
Ci ho messo un po’ a carburare questa storia e ammetto che ci sono parti che mi hanno conquistata di più e altre meno, ma nel complesso è una bella lettura, dove il coraggio di osare vince, dove l’amore trionfa – non solo quello fra compagni, ma anche quello familiare e amicale – regalando un’oasi di pace anche a chi ha sofferto molto nella vita. Consigliato soprattutto a chi ama le storie con figli, perché qui sono una parte corposa e dolcissima della trama, anche se lo scoiattolo arrabbiato è il vero protagonista in incognito.
Profile Image for Leaundra.
1,185 reviews50 followers
April 22, 2018
This is the first book I've read by A.E. Wasp and it won't be the last. I really enjoyed this one. I really liked Beau and Connor and even liked them more together. I love the kids also. All of them. It, of course, made me cry in certain parts. It wasn't overly sad but some parts make me choke up. It was a beautiful story of them making a family together.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 247 reviews

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