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Dominic Ramos is a Premiership football player with a secret. There are no trophies for being gay in his game. Locked into his rep as the meanest defender on the pitch, keeping his secret is soul-crushing, but love has no place in his sport, even if his soft heart craves it.

Lucky Coleman is on his knees when he meets a man with more money than sense. It’s a Grindr hook-up for cash, not a love match, but dreaming of his desperate, kind eyes earns a place amongst his numerous bad habits.

Meeting once was risky, twice pushes Dom’s courage to the limit. Losing Lucky seems inevitable, but his tight grip on his image counts for nothing when Lucky starts to fall.

Catching him could cost Dom everything, but if he can set his heart free, getting Lucky long term might be a risk worth taking.

288 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 18, 2018

About the author

Garrett Leigh

84 books2,212 followers

Bonus Material available for all books on Garrett's Patreon account. Includes short stories from Misfits, Slide, Strays, What Remains, Dream, and much more. Sign up here: https://www.patreon.com/garrettleigh

Facebook Fan Group, Garrett's Den... https://www.facebook.com/groups/garre...

Garrett Leigh is an award-winning British romance author and artist. Her debut novel, Slide, won Best Bisexual Debut at the 2014 Rainbow Book Awards, and she is a 4 time LAMBDA finalist.

In 2017, she won the EPIC award in contemporary romance with her military novel, Between Ghosts, and the contemporary romance category in the Bisexual Book Awards with her novel What Remains.

Garrett is also an award winning cover designer, taking the silver medal at the Benjamin Franklin Book Awards in 2016. She designs for various publishing houses and independent authors at blackjazzdesign.com

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Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,787 reviews3,921 followers
September 19, 2018
This is probably going to get lengthy since this book gave me feelings and when I have feelings I tend to get loquacious. So for those of you like me, who have the attention span of a hummingbird, here's the tl;dr: Lucky is an emotionally powerful tale featuring two gritty and layered characters who have to fight for every centimeter of their HEA that I would recommend to readers who cherish romances that flout the paradigm.


The sports angle is what drew me to this book. It's no secret that I have a thing for athletes and sport. True, I'm American and thus not hugely familiar with soccer (football) but for me an athlete is an athlete is an athlete. Dom has worked most of his life to get where he is-an elite defender for a Premiership team. There wasn't an inordinate amount of sport mentioned but it did center on what I like best: dedication to the craft and interpersonal relationships.

There are no two ways about it, Dom is fractious and grumpy. But his pain and weariness were a visceral and moving experience for me. He's been hiding who he is for years, hiding so long that it's made him vicious on the pitch and churlish off it. There are a few people that could potentially be sources of support for him, but the fear of being discovered has rendered him paranoid and mistrustful of everyone so he lives a solitary existence. Years of hiding have aided the formation of well fortified defenses that are now force of habit. That’s the trouble with masks, after wearing them for so long it’s hard to remember what's real, the mask or what’s buried beneath. There are glimpses of the person he could be but they are rare. Until Lucky.

As much as I would like to dismiss his fears as baseless, I cannot. Because it's not true. The evidence lies in the way Cristiano Ronaldo was and still is being treated. Google Cristiano Ronaldo + gay. See how many hits you get. One word: relentless. Or what about Micheal Sam or any number of past and present football players? Too many continue to endure a harsh reality that forces them to live half-lives which engender depression, anxiety and suicide. I want to believe the tide is turning but it is the slowest fucking tide ever. So it’s my fervent hope that people, both young and old, will not only read this book, but people like Garrett Leigh will continue to write them, continue to pound at the gates singing Lin Manuel Miranda's now ubiquitous "love is love is love" anthem until it no longer needs singing. So people like Dom no longer have to hide in the shadows exhausting themselves whilst doing so.

His furtive and anonymous hookups have never been satisfying, conjuring more anxiety and frustrated longing than anything. But they do provide relief and to that end he arranges a paid Grindr hookup with Lucky.

Something happens in that run down room in Dalston, something that defies explanation. It's not instalove but there is chemistry and dazzling attraction that is the beginning of something for both of them.

What was supposed to be a one-off turns into a two-off then regular texting then more. Then forever. The progression of their relationship was like watching a colt try to walk for the first time. Neither of them have a whole lot of experience nor do they put a lot of stock into happily ever after. Both are rough around the edges but there is an ineffable force that seems to bind them together.

Lucky is anything but, actually. His life is not unlike countless other queer kids who have homophobic parents but that doesn’t diminish his experiences or how affecting they were. Left to his own devices at a tender age he's developed some bad habits (trigger for drug usage) and simply put, he doesn't have much support. He has a best friend who does what she can but oftentimes he goes without. Pride is a factor but Lucky's world is riddled with poverty, drug use, violence, crime and prostitution, so the people he knows don’t have much to give in the first place. One would think that would make him bitter or dolorous, but he isn't; he verges on puckish at times.

Both of these men have baggage and at one point I did think the narrative was going to be too bleak for me, but I couldn't put it down. They are both such nuanced, genuine and beguiling characters that I found myself helplessly at the mercy of Leigh's narrative. Fear not, Lucky is not all doom, gloom and angst. There are emotionally weighty topics obliquely mentioned-homelessness, suicide, child abuse, abandonment-that played a role in their formation, but this is not the focus.

Their journey to becoming a 'we' is the focus and it was the easiest thing in the world to root for them.

I won't claim to be a Garrett Leigh expert but Lucky is hands down the sexiest book I've read of hers. Ever. Maybe it was the emotional connection built between them or maybe it was the scorching desire they have for one another or maybe it was the fact that so much of what transpires between them Dom's never experienced before. I really don't care. Whatever it was it should be bottled and weaponized. For the good of mankind. What's more, their sexual compatibility aided in deepening their connection, so my face melting AND their was a purpose! It should be noted that Lucky is pansexual and there are references to him having sex with a female prior to his really investing in Dom.

Lucky could've easily become a bromide Cinderfella story with their disparate income gap and backgrounds, but instead Leigh contravened the mold and stayed the course. Both Lucky and Dom are prickly and independent in their own ways and their emotions and actions align with those characterizations. Yes, they fall in love and yes, that is a transformative event for them but neither magically morph into Disney characters that skip off into a technicolor sunset. Years of trudging through their pallid realities comes with an austerity that’s not easily reversed and I cannot overstate how much I admire that they are emotionally and behaviorally congruent; it's what elevated Lucky to unforgettable territory.

Leigh's prose is above reproach; it's fluid and captivating. The usage of dual perspectives made them three-dimensional, subtly showcasing their differences and highlighting their similarities. Their lassitude was palpable without being burdensome and their triumphs were realistic without being banal, something that takes a sophisticated hand to accomplish.

Before I tip over into obsequious, I'll just say if you are someone who appreciates tenacious, meaty and authentic characters finding a unique happiness unto themselves within a relevant landscape, I think you'll enjoy Lucky.


An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,842 followers
September 6, 2018
4 Stars

A believable portrayal of a gay Premiership football player planted firmly in the closest and a down on his luck young man.

Neither of them had any idea a casual Grindr hook up would change both their lives...

"You're here for a blowjob,right?We said fifty quid(...)

Dominic cuts an extremely lonely figure....He's fallen out of love with the beautiful game....he might have wealth and unwanted fame but he's lost in a sea of bitterness and self hate.He's never had any kind of a relationship with a man.He can't due to the nature of the sport he's involved in....

Sometimes it seemed like my sexuality was nothing but a demon dancing around my brain, reminding me every ten minutes that I was living the worst kind of lie, but in moments like this it was real.

Unfortunately Garrett Leigh got this spot on.I say unfortunately because this appears to be the world we live in today.I've been following football for years and in all that time there have only been a few footballers who've come out and one of those cases ended in tragedy.So,I felt Dom's struggle....it was all too real.He's gone to great lengths to keep his personal life secret but his resolve is severely tested when he meets Lucky.

I adored Lucky and he's one of the reasons this book worked so well for me.He's got his demons but still knows right from wrong.I found him such an endearing,likeable character...and physically he pushed ALL of my buttons,

Fucking hell. Are you kidding me? LCK £ _98’ s profile picture had been a pale, slim torso, and in our private message exchange he’d sent me a snap of his full lips pressed together in a teasing pout, but there’d been nothing else to giveaway the streak of fae-like beauty that stood before me now. Dark skinny jeans clung to his long legs, and a ripped vest hung from his slender frame, showing swathes of milky skin, all set off by piercing blue eyes, a ton of weathered leather bracelets, and sandy hair tied into a messy knot at the nape of his neck.


Long hair was my kryptonite. Damn. Did I dream him? “(...)

I was practically salivating at this point...

Dom and Lucky are from two completely different worlds but they fit together perfectly.This Author never fails in creating a believable chemistry between her characters.Theirs isn't an easy journey as they navigate their way from a sexual hook up to friends,to more with all the pressures surrounding them.

I absolutely loved the Epilogue and,hello? Cash? ......let the swooning begin......you know when you have a good feeling about a character?...Can't wait for his story.

Recommended read.

An Arc of Lucky was kindly provided to DirtyBooksObsession in exchange for an honest review.

My reviews are posted on DirtyBooksObsession

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Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,982 reviews6,163 followers
October 22, 2018
Gritty and very British, Lucky is a typical, solid Garrett Leigh story but with a sporty twist.

I know literally nothing about Premiership football, but I enjoyed this story a great deal. The football aspect was very minor, and could have been literally any sport and the story would have been about the same. Plus, I don't know if I'll ever get tired of closeted celebrity stories, especially when they have been deprived and repressed for as long as Dominic Ramos.

Lucky wasn't an easy romance for these guys. Both MCs have a TON of baggage, and they are fighting tooth and nail for every bit of happiness in their lives. Dominic is painfully lonely, and my heart ached for him throughout the book. Lucky Coleman is a fighter who has faced an upward battle since he was kicked out of his home as a teen. He lives rough and faces some addiction issues (which were a little downplayed, IMO), though he is doing his best to find his way out of the hole he is trapped in.

I really liked Lucky and Dom together, and thought their chemistry worked well, even if I thought that it was based more on physical attraction than anything else, especially at first. Which is fine, but I like my romances to be a bit slower... a bit more slow-burny, and this was not quite that vibe.

The actual story was fairly intense, and I kept feeling like their lives were going to be upturned and disaster was going to strike at any moment. It isn't a dark story as much as it is a angsty, real story, probably more real than any of us will ever know. There are men right now in both of Dom and Lucky's situation, and the story really made me reflect on them and their hypothetical lives.

If you are a fan of Garrett Leigh, you won't be disappointed by this one. Another great effort from this author.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*


Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,393 reviews1,538 followers
November 15, 2018

I liked Dom.

I liked Lucky.

I liked their banter and snark.

I liked their steamy scenes.

I liked their tender, heart-felt moments.

I liked how they kept finding their way back to one another, again and again.


I didn't really like the feeling of déjà vu that I'd (somehow, somewhere) already read an angstier, druggier version of this story from Leigh.

3.75 stars.


This book is *FREE* with Kindle Unlimited membership.

See All My Latest Reads (Review Quick-Links)

October 2, 2018

For a Garrett Leigh book, Lucky isn't terribly angsty. It deals with the ubiquitous homophobia in men's team sports, drug abuse, and homelessness.

But these themes aren't overwhelming, and the romance between Dom and Lucky is a beacon of light and hope.

When they first meet in a seedy flat, Dom pays Lucky to suck him off, and then pays extra so he can blow Lucky too. What begins as a "rent boy" Grindr hookup develops into a genuine friendship, even though both men are keeping secrets.

There is some serious steam in this story. Once Dom allows himself to enjoy sex with a man sans guilt or shame, the passion explodes. My favorite scene is when Dom begs Lucky to fuck him. That was insanely hot!

Indeed, much of their relationship is lust-based. I wish the guys had gone on a date or something. Their interactions were rather limited.

Dom plays football, but he could have been any athlete in any sport. There was almost no mention of the game. I didn't need every gritty detail, but we were told about Dom training/playing without really seeing it.

I really liked the epilogue, which establishes a tentative HEA for Lucky and Dom, and the fact that the MCs stayed true to themselves throughout the story. The writing, as per usual for Leigh, is authentically British, evocative, and nuanced. I will definitely read the next book in this series.
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews952 followers
April 16, 2019
3.5 stars

I thought this was going to be angsty, to my surprise i found it sweet and sexy.

I liked the characters and the fact that they got mad chemistry. Dom and Lucky fit together.

The banter was on point.

This book is about one of the MC being Premiership footballer, there was nothing about the said football.

Overall it was i still enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Ele.
1,310 reviews40 followers
September 10, 2018
*4.5 stars*
"I was proud to be seen. Proud to love him. Proud to even know him. And proud of my fucking self.

"I'm happy, Lucky. Are you?"

His answering smile set me free."

This is why I love Garrett Leigh's work. It doesn't matter if it's a chef, a sex worker, a cowboy or -in this case- a freaking closeted Premiership football player. It doesn't matter if it's an ordinary tale between two people who happened to cross paths with each other or an once in a million years situation; her stories always feel like a slice of real life. No sappy or fluffy -and basically empty- scenes in sight. No grand gestures or public declarations of love. Just two guys finding their soulmate in each other, fighting against the odds to get their hard won happy ending. Always delivered in the gritty and melancholic tone I 've come to love so much.

This book is also important for another reason. However you look at it, sports is not a welcome place for gay/bi/pan + folks. History has proved it and -sadly- keeps proving it to this day. Being inside Dom's head made me feel trapped and desperate sometimes and I'm just a reader. I can only imagine how a gay athlete must feel.

Dominic Ramos lives half a life. If he wants to keep doing the only thing he's ever been good at (which is football), he must hide who he really is (which is gay). The thing is that after hiding for so long, the thing that he loved the most starts to feel like a noose around his neck and meeting Lucky will soon become his way out, even if he doesn't know it yet.

Now Lucky...I freaking love this guy so much (and not just because he's this blue eyed cutie with long blond hair). Life dealt him a shitty hand but he's pushing through. He might live on the streets most nights or get himself high when things get too tough, but he's not martyr, nor a whiner. And he definitely won't be treated like trash.
"Use me or fucking lose me, yeah? Cause I'm not up for the bullshit in between".

I loved the messages, the secret dates and the steady pace at which the romance progressed. I loved how Lucky slowly became Dom's lifeline and his ticket to freedom. Other reviews mention that this is not a Cinderfella story and they 're right. Dom does not save Lucky. Lucky saves himself with Dom by his side. I LOVED that.

Heed the warning tags (suicidal ideation, self-harm, abuse, drug use) but know that the author did not delve very deeply in these subjects. Just enough so that we can get a satisfying background of the characters.

I'm thrilled that this is going to be a series. Recommended!
Profile Image for Snjez.
860 reviews761 followers
July 24, 2022
This might be my favourite book by Garrett Leigh so far.

The story was beautiful and the characters felt so real. I adored Lucky. He is everything I love in a character, inside and out.
The chemistry and emotional connection between Dom and Lucky was amazing. I loved their moments together and I loved how gentle and caring both of them were.

The pace of their relationship was perfect. Nothing felt rushed and nothing was skipped.

Audiobook review:
The narrator's voice was a bit too rough for my personal taste and I prefer a more natural narration, but I did get used to it and it didn't distract me from enjoying the story just as much as the first two times I read it.
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
719 reviews42 followers
December 24, 2018
***4.5 Stars***

To say it in Cupcake's words... This book gave me feelings!!!

All the feelings... Definitely one of my favorites by this author.

No one does emotionally stunted characters like Garrett Leigh and with Lucky...

who desperately needs money, and Dom...

who desperately needs some human connection, she brought two guys to life who are apparently as different as they come on the surface, but who just seem to click from day one of their hookup and gradually discover that they are like two sides of the same coin and just what the other one needed... And GL always conveys an authenticity to her stories that gets to me and I could not not root for the guys to get their HEA.

Loved this steamy, a bit angsty and emotional read to bits!
Profile Image for JAN.
1,186 reviews905 followers
December 16, 2018
What a heartbreaking and moving story. The pressure is unbelievably suffocating and it's absolutely surreal to think that this is happening to football players at the year of two thousand and fucking eighteen!

I urge you to read Ariana's stunning review.

**Available on KU ATM.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,709 followers
October 1, 2018
You know, I've decided Garrett Leigh might just be my favorite MM author. Consistently love her stuff. She writes the kind of angst I can deal with.

My heart seriously broke for Dominic. And Lucky. This one was a pretty heavy read. And a bit of a downer. I honestly had no idea how things could possibly work out for Dom and Lucky. I really didn't.

But they did. And I loved experiencing their journey.
Profile Image for Martin.
764 reviews497 followers
January 11, 2019
As I am writing this review, I am still not sure how to rate this book. It was certainly unusual in many ways for me.

It's the story of a famous professional British soccer player and a street kid.
Dominic Ramos is a 26 year old closeted gay athlete playing for a leading club in London. He has this weird habit of hooking up with strangers on grindr and *paying* them for sex. He doesn't do that because he couldn't get anybody, but because he tries to buy the men's silence, thinking that being outed would be disastrous to him.

(This is THE KEY CONFLICT of the entire story. I am a bit unsure how to take this. It seems like a pretty weak obstacle, especially as Dom is an introvert guy who mainly stays by himself. He isn't a Cristiano Ronaldo type of socialite soccer star)

So his most recent hook-up turns out to be a young guy (I think about 20 years old) named Lucky who is new to the whole sex for money grindr business. Lucky's background is pretty sad and dark. He basically lives on the street most of the time and does soft (?) drugs to cope with his life.

Both guys meet again and again and eventually can't get enough of each other.
BUT they don't talk about themselves AT ALL.

So Dom is this mysterious hot and hunky rich guy who takes Lucky to anonymous hotel rooms and gets him take-out lunches during their secret meetings. And Lucky is the cute guy with the long hair and manbun who isn't really ashamed of being more or less a street kid, but who also tries to not have Dom feel sorry for him or obligated to buy him stuff.

To sum this whole mess up:
Both guys don't know a thing about each other's lives. Dom could be a married closet case for all Lucky knows. And Lucky always appears presentable when he meets Dom, so the older guy doesn't know about his sad street life.

The whole 'Dom gets outed' scenario becomes so big during the story that it really felt like the world was gonna end if they got caught.
I found that a bit weird. I know that soccer is a pretty homophobic sport, so it might not be too far fetched. But as a key story element it felt somehow off.

Don't get me wrong, I liked both guys a lot. The story is very character driven and absolutely intense. Not a single second was boring.

Still, I felt that both guys were a bit overdrawn. Lucky the homeless drug addict sleeping on the streets who then manages to climb up in life during the story since he's also a determined smart guy.

And Dom, the soccer player whose social life is basically a fake one planted in the media by his agent, while the real Dom is a recluse who thinks of his body as a machine that only serves the club he plays for. He even says he doesn't know a thing about nutrition, he 'just eats what they put in front of him'.

Very weird.

However, as a romance, I can safely say I wanted them to be together. And despite everything, the separation angst in this wasn't too heavy at least. Their love-making was super sweet and gratifying too.

Although, I am still cringing at that scene were Dom was down with a stomach bug and they STILL made out and had sex.

I mean...


I wanted a few more details about certain key elements in the story (like

Despite all my rambling, this romance closed very satisfyingly and left me very happy for both guys, so the journey was definitely worth it.

4 stars!
Profile Image for Christelle.
808 reviews
September 27, 2018
**3.5 stars**

A case of “I expected something else”, so even if it was good – and good it was-, I was a bit thrown out of my chair. All on me.

Dom is a professional football player (football as in “European football” - I’m not going to start a discussion regarding what “real” football is, LOL). Obviously, he’s very deep in the closet for good reasons, like being really weary of paparazzies. Add to that he’s not an out-going guy by nature and you can guess how lonely he is, even bitter. One night, he meets Lucky for a quick blowjob, Lucky who is trying to get out of the streets without relying on anybody as much as he can.
This anonymous encounter will have a dire effect on both their life. Not saying more for not spoiling the story.

Usual GL…and at the same time, a bit different. Angst and melancholy poured out of the writing, both characters were well fleshed out and their inner struggles were potent. I even felt a soft spot for Lucky (yes, Judith, I adored him as well…no point in fighting that !).

But I felt that the situations Dom and Lucky had to deal with each on their own were a bit glossed over, especially the rampant homophobia in the sporting world. In western Europe, there is still a long way to go regarding LGBT rights, and when it comes to male football, it’s plainly and simply a taboo subject.
I expected more in this book, maybe because it’s a bit personal for me (football and struggling for a warm meal). Due to that (my bad only) and the “insta-lust” between Dom and Lucky, it took me a while to get immersed into this romance.

However, once I was in it, I can’t deny, the development of the bond between Dom and Lucky was “something”. I loved the fight Lucky put into it, his caring for Dom and his strength in getting a life on his own, as well as Dom’s struggles to change his habits for Lucky and himself. And just for that, I don’t regret reading this book.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,713 reviews376 followers
January 2, 2019
There isn't anyone, imho, better at writing these gritty slices of British life than Garrett Leigh.

There are trigger warnings for this one to be aware of but the narrative itself isn't overly angsty or too dramatic

In this one, the first in a new series, we get a closeted Premiership footballer and a young guy down on his luck and hooking up on Grindr for enough cash to get off the streets.

It's not your usual fare though, as the hook up where Lucky meets Dom is his first time and he's not too good at the keeping things professional lark.

Both men find something unexpected in the other which leads them to question where their lives are at.

There's the usual trials and tribulations of dealing with the fears of being outed - and let's not go there on how there's been less than a handful of top-level footballers who've come out and one ended up taking his own life a few years later...

As a Brit, what happened to Justin Fashanu is a very vivid memory from my 20s which still saddens me two decades later.

But here all is handled in a completely believable way without over egging the pudding. Dom's fears are completely understandable and it's only as he realises his life is stifling and that his manager has already spent years falsifying his publicity trail that he starts to wish things were different.

Finding Lucky acts as a catalyst for change but he has his own problems to deal with and watching the two of them muddle through attraction into friendship and then love isn't an easy ride.

But the saying goes that nothing worth having comes easy and the fumbles and hiccups along the way only serve to strengthen feelings.

I loved this, as I've loved all of Garrett's books and the sneak peek of book two has only intrigued me more!

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Jewel.
1,858 reviews271 followers
October 6, 2018
4.5 Stars

I sure do love Garrett Leigh's brand of angst. Her characters seem so real to me. No matter their situations, or social standing, I can always find something to relate to. Lucky had the perfect balance of angst and was I glad there wasn't a bunch of melodrama mixed in. What we get is a believable mix what I could see as real life.

Lucky is about a homeless young man down on his luck and a closeted professional footballer desperate for affection. Neither expect to find anything beyond a release, but they actually find a connection amidst the fear of discovery.

Lucky is homeless when he decides to try a hookup for cash exchange. He's got acquaintances that do it and so he figures he might as well, too. He needs the money to try to get off the streets. He wants to find a job and a place to live and lead as normal a life as he can. A Grindr hookup for cash was a means to an end.

Dom is in a completely different world. While he does come from more humble beginnings, he is way beyond that now. A professional footballer, with a contract and tons of endorsement offers, he should be living it up. Sounds great, of course, and it probably would be if he could be himself. But being in the spotlight means Dom has to hide the gay, like he's done his whole life. When he went pro, he locked it away, only acting on it when he was desperate for another person's touch. Being on guard 24/7 has also given Dom a bit of a rep as an asshole because he doesn't socialize or party it up.

What starts as a one-time hookup, becomes two, and then all bets are off when neither of them can get enough. But life has a way of interfering with people and when one or both have something to hide ... longevity isn't in the cards. Dom's fears get the better of him and he runs.

The story also touches on a segment of society the comfortably middle class just doesn't see. Not just the homeless, but those trying to find their way off the streets and how bad some of those situations can be. Even when Lucky finds himself a spot in a halfway house, he feels safer sleeping rough, and that broke my heart.

Lucky and Dom are both very different and exactly the same. They both hide, they both hold their cards close to the chest, the both only reveal what they must when they must. But where Dom is emotionally closed off, Lucky is more comfortable in his skin. And in spite of the fact they are world apart financially they are also both stronger than they realize.

Stories with characters experiencing self-loathing can be touch and go for me. I know that there are plenty of people that experience it, but my problems generally are because the character seems to get over it way too easily. I didn't feel that was the case, here. While Dom did experience plenty of self-loathing, it wasn't because he was gay, but because of the pressure to play it straight. Every time he gave in to his need for affection, he felt like he failed and his career was on the line. I never got the impression that he actually hated himself or the fact he was gay. He just hated that he could't actually BE himself. And that made the world of difference to me.


ARC of Lucky was generously provided by the author, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,486 reviews67 followers
September 23, 2018
I had to google it.
Currently there is exactly ONE football (=soccer) player in England who is openly out. And he doesn't even play for the Premier League.

The FA chairman said at the end of last year that he knew of at least two players in the Premier League who are gay but do not feel safe enough to come out. To highlight the situation this bus with 'every out football player' in the Premier League was part of the Brighton Pride Parade in August 2018.

Of course it is empty.

The pressure for those gay men who happen to love a sport and dedicate their lives to it is enormous. For Dominic it is increasingly suffocating. The shame and guilt he feels for wanting men. The constant need to 'keep up appearances'. The fear of someone discovering his 'secret'. The self-imposed isolation he thinks is necessary because of that.

Garrett Leigh shows in so much detail and depth what it's like to 'live' like that, close up and personal. And the conclusion is that this is no life. Any joy, any happiness has been slowly squeezed out of Dominic as the walls around him start moving in closer and closer.

And his desperation, the sense of being trapped in an unattainable situation is palpable. And so so sad. For me the worst is that right now, this very minute, there are at least two football players in England who go through something similar. And that is only the two who are 'known'. What about those who would never dare to even be 'known'?

Dominic is 'lucky' that he meets a man who makes him re-evaluate his situation. Not at first, but all in good time.

Lucky can't even imagine what it's like to hide his sexuality. I adored his strength and the way he stands up for himself. Even though the chemistry between him and Dom is off the charts, Lucky draws a line when Dom keeps turning his back again and again.

Whoever you are, you can't change your world for someone like me, but don't think I'm gonna play make-believe with you either.

Despite his shitty life, Lucky has not given up. But he is as lonely as Dom, and as vulnerable.

Once again Garrett Leigh has created two characters who feel totally real and whose story deeply touched me. Both men develop and learn, although it's Dominic who has to take the more painful step in the end.
And did I even mention the 'rent boy plot' (which I happen to have a soft spot for) ? Lucky's actually not quite a rent boy, but just wants to earn some money by giving BJs. Falling in love with his first 'customer' is a bit unexpected! The whole scenario is brilliantly executed! And the heat and sizzle between these two is something special.

Fabulous writing all the way.
I just wish this was compulsory reading for all those who keep forcing sportsmen (of any sport) into the closet.

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Papie.
772 reviews167 followers
July 24, 2022
Sexy and sweet, rent boy meets rich man, with a dose of reality. I loved Lucky and Dom individually. Lucky is in a dark place, homeless, hopeless. Dom is a closeted footballer (soccer player for us North Americans), quasi virgin, terrified of his sexuality.

Loved their first encounters. The glimpses of their individual lives.

But. There was A LOT of sex. How do you fall in love with someone you fuck in hotel rooms and barely talk to? I think it needed more relationship development, more non sexual encounters, and more development at the end before the jump into the future.

Still a great read, and I will definitely continue with the series. 3.5 ⭐️ rounded up.
Profile Image for Bev .
2,051 reviews452 followers
August 6, 2019
Well, I rather enjoyed that! It's British, what's not to love?!? It's sweet and cute, angsty but not overly so, set in a real world with real problems that aren't downplayed, the characters had great chemistry and the banter just rounded it all off that took me to my happy place.

My first read by this author and it definitely won't be my last.
Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,777 reviews291 followers
September 27, 2018
Hot and Angsty!

Let's make this short and sweet:

Super closeted premier footballer falls for homeless, rentboy addict with a heart of gold.

They meet via Grindr, have the best orgasms ever and can't stop thinking about each other. They tell each other nothing about themselves. Lots of pride on the side of our beautiful street boy, Lucky. Lots of angst for our beefy defender, Dom.

This novel could have been shorter. Still, I liked it and these two had several hot scenes. HEA.

Triggers: drug use.
Profile Image for Adam.
611 reviews369 followers
October 14, 2018
3.75 stars

My feelings about Dom for much of the book:

How dare he treat my poor sweet down-on-his-luck (hah, you see what I did there?) Lucky like that.

But pretty soon, Dom grew on me. And by the halfway point I was all:

This book has a lot of the staples of an MM sports romance. The closeted player is all messed up and has trouble accepting himself. The love interest remains patient as long as he can. And eventually shit hits the fan.

But in classic Garrett Leigh fashion, the story didn't at all feel repetitive.

Both Dom and Lucky are dynamic characters.

Dom may have his hangups, but once he lets himself admit that he feels more for Lucky than just wanting a quick fuck, he refuses to let others control his life.

And Lucky bears all of his hardships without refusing to give up. He has his faults, but he owns who he is.

When these two get together, it's fireworks. They definitely set the bed on fire!

The emotional connection follows afterwards. While I wanted to see the two spend more time together outside of their secret hookups, I still thought the romance was very sweet.

Overall, I really liked 'Lucky'. It takes work for Lucky and Dom to get their happy ending, but this is a sweet and sexy romance. Recommended if you're looking for an MM sports romance.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,233 reviews257 followers
September 17, 2018

I've said before, and I'll repeat it: I love Garrett Leigh's writing style. She's got this quiet, understated, emotional quality to her writing that I love.

Lucky is the story about a deep in the closet soccer player and a young man just trying to stay afloat. The two meet during a Grindr hookup,and from the get-go, there was a connection that neither could deny and although they came from different backgrounds, different problems there was a comfort that they were only able to find in each other.

Some highlights:

-I love GL's pairings. She always matches up men from different walks of life and makes us believe they belong together.

-Realistic. The issues her characters face are ones that are real and often relatable.

-Dual POVs.

-The chemistry between Dom and Lucky is palpable from the beginning.

-I'm always a sucker for stories that begin with a casual hookup that grow into more.

-Secret rendezvous. There's something about sneaking around that always gets my heart rate going- the not being able to stay away from each other.

-And the end: sweet and swoon-worthy.

Lucky consumed me from the first page; I carried my iPad around so that I could steal any moment available to read. I highly recommend this book, an excellent start to this new series.
July 31, 2022
4.25**** stars

Lucky’s touch had me flying no matter the shadows weighing us down…

I loved this. One of my fav tropes (hooking up with a stranger) paired with their desperation for each other and intense sparks flying between them. And the whole I’m giving up everything to be with you had me swooning and grinning like a fool.

And omg, I freaking looooove the pics Simone chose in her review for Dom and Lucky *hot damn !!
Profile Image for Ky.
584 reviews80 followers
October 6, 2018
4.5 stars

In this romance Garrett Leigh paired up a homeless mechanic with bad habbits and a lonely, closeted football player.

The main characters were interesting and distinguished enough that I never confused one for the other. The secondary ones were less unique and I often forgot who was who but except for Jamila they didn't have a big part in the story so it wasn't really a problem. The story was very focused on the two MCs with their social circle playing minor supporting roles. I'm not complaining thought, those two had a lot to say to give page time to other people!

At first I was confused about whether Lucky was an addict or not but I'm satisfied with how the author handled that issue.

It's not a very heavy story thought, it had its moments. It's mostly sweet and hopeful.

At the end of the book there is a teeny tiny teaser for the next book, which is about Cash. It was really short and it left me curious and wanting more. And who was that guy??

*An ARC of this book was kindly provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. *
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,087 reviews248 followers
November 13, 2018
*** Troubled men who find each other and are given hope !
This is a British setting for a famous closeted footballer

who hides from paparazzi constantly. Dom, 26, with short hair and lots of toned muscles,

is tired of the public personality and lack of honesty. Despite all of his notoriety, he's desperately lonely, always hiding.
He goes to Grindr to hook up, where he finds Lucky,

about 25, a fae-like man with blondish long hair in a bun, who taps into Dom's attraction meter. The feeling is mutual, but each man is secretive and fearful. Lucky is a sweetie who is linked to a batch of tough friends, but he is down on his luck, for now. These are lovable characters even in their turmoil and angst. The author gives us language terms, and explanations in the opening statement.

* Lucky and Dom are growing together physically and emotionally, but their problems are in the way. We see great hotness with their scorching sex scenes.

In this tough, sexy, gritty story, where Garrett Leigh gives us a lot to think about; happiness, tears, struggles and triumphs.
Highly recommended. ENJOY !

Profile Image for BevS.
2,801 reviews2 followers
December 22, 2018
Nobody does gritty and supposedly realistic like Garrett. I've read quite a few of her stories now, and it's fairly normal to have a downbeat character [usually a drug user] and a person who....well, isn't... and that's going right back to the first story I read of hers Slide, back in 2013.

I have to say though that for me, this one was a little disappointing and nowhere near as angsty as it could and probably should've been, a lot of filler sex was used to pad out the story....oh, and there was hardly any football, so the blurb was a tad misleading really ☹. Yes, I liked Dominic and Lucky as characters, but personally speaking, much much more could have been made of Dominic's struggles with the football powers that be, teammates, fans and club management, cos surely [in the 'real' world] clubs wouldn't just roll over like Dom's club did, and accept his early 'retirement' due to say injury, or reluctance to sign a new contract, or a free transfer to another club?? His agent should've been beating other clubs off with sticks if Dominic was that decent a player. 3.5 stars rounded up.

**Rant follows** As a real football fan, who even though she can't literally follow her football team for reasons of distance [Liverpool], follows them religiously on TV, I have visited several grounds around the country and the one thing that immediately strikes you about the 'sheep' mentality of most football fans is that they are not open to new ideas...like at all!! I think that SO much more could've been made of the unwillingness of most football fans, clubs and the ruling bodies i.e. FIFA, UEFA etc. to get with the times [when they're not too busy lining their own pockets of course 😠], embrace the 21st century together with the attendant technology and just accept that yes, there are gay footballers shock, horror [the statistics speak for themselves. There are BOUND to be gay, closeted players in the Premier League, La Liga, the Bundesliga and every other football league around the world]. To me, it's perfectly understandable that gay players are in AND stay in the closet...when you hear some of the filth that gets thrown at players and other fans during matches, why the hell would you willingly choose to open yourself up to that type of moronic abuse every week?? Is there anything worse for a gay person than to be a top sports-person in their chosen field and be unable to come out, to live a lonely unfulfilling life?? To actually, you know, BE themselves?? Probably not 😕. Yes, there are and always have been rumours about Cristiano Ronaldo, but most footballers don't crave [nor actively seek it has to be said] attention and fame as he does. Does he do it to deflect attention away from his personal life?? If so, it hasn't worked I'm afraid.
Profile Image for Gabi.
678 reviews115 followers
January 29, 2019
4.5 stars
Loved it!

"The man shrugged out of his leather bomber jacket. The label inside caught my attention and I tried not to cringe. He’d paid more for his coat than he had for me. What did that say about either of us? That I was desperate and he was a kinky bastard? Or maybe he was the desperate one and I was just a whore. "

“There’s nothing wrong with being alone if you like it that way.”
Profile Image for Nelly S. (on semi-hiatus).
565 reviews141 followers
July 28, 2022
3.5 stars

“You can’t have it both ways, Dom. You can’t be stroking my hair, gazing at me, and making me feel like something, then dropping me when it gets real for you. Use me, or fucking lose me, yeah? ‘Cause I’m not up for the bullshit in-between.”

— Closeted footballer/rent boy
— Hookup-to-lovers
— Angsty and sweet
— Hurt/comfort
— Coming out
— Steamy
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
September 16, 2018
I eagerly pounce on any and every Garrett Leigh story I can get my hands on for good reason. She never fails to move me with her tales. I have great respect for her as a reader. Her writing is brave, bold, and beautifully expressive. She takes us deep into the shadows but always illuminates them and lifts my heart at the same time. It’s…an experience reading her books. If you haven’t had the pleasure, I urge you to step into her den. Lucky is a real and raw story about two unlikely soul mates that demonstrate love is never impossible.

What's to like: Dominic Ramos is struggling to maintain his carefully manicured life. Being a premier football player comes with expectations and a spotlight he despises. So far he’s been able to conceal his biggest and most terrifying secret. He’s gay. He can barely admit those two words to himself, but there’s no denying his intense relief and pleasure when he allows himself to briefly indulge. The hide-n-seek game with his sexuality is slowly turning his heart to stone. But then…suddenly it’s his lucky day. His Grindr hook-up with the stranger in the sketchy flat pierces his bubble. He finds himself wanting. And one time is not going to suffice him this time. He’s never met anyone like Lucky before and never wants to let him go. Unfortunately, neither are in a favorable position for a relationship. Can they still find a way when all the cards are stacked against them?

What's to love: Leave it to Garrett to bring a homeless addict without a cent to his name and a wealthy well-known soccer player together in a fierce burn of passion. They meet, they ignite, and I wish I could say they get their happily ever after. Sorry. This is not an easy score. Both are forced to step into uncharted waters. But what is clear from the beginning is that they both want to find a way. I adored Lucky from the start. My heart instantly picked up speed when pieces of his story came to light…and it never slowed down. I was nervous. I was anxious. I was scared that something dreadful and irreversible was going to happen. Turns out it was their connection and bond that was everlasting.

Fierce MC’s, strong secondary characters and conquering your own demons comprise the concoction for this Garrett Special. SO good.

Beware of: Garrett doesn’t tread lightly when it comes to in the flesh reality. You want to hide behind smiles and cloud jumping? This is not the place for you. Lucky is homeless. He is also a recovering (struggling) addict. You may care about his intricate relationship with his best friend…but I understood it even though I wouldn’t have encouraged it. Dom is so far in the closet, he’s suffocating himself. Their struggles are harsh and heavy…but they are also daring and divine.

This book is for: If you like a treacherous trek on your road to HEA, this is for you. I can promise you it won’t be easy…but I can also promise you it will be rewarding.

Book UNfunk
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