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It wasn’t just the animals…
People were going mad too.
Passengers and crew of the transatlantic cruise ship, Intrepid had hoped the threat of animal attacks and volcanic catastrophes had passed, and that their world of luxury and normalcy would return.

Ted and TJ just wanted to relax, after helping the ship’s crew and guests avert disaster. But something far worse loomed ahead of them and their ship.

The disease they feared, now affects humans. Without warning, the person you love could become a beast dead-set upon your violent murder.

No one is safe!
There’s nowhere to hide!
And if your loved-one has become parasitic, there’s only one thing you can do… Run!

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The Apocalyptic Horror Trilogy, known as the MADNESS Chronicles:
MADNESS: MADNESS Chronicles I (June 1st)
PARASITIC: MADNESS Chronicles II (June 30th)
SYMPTOMATIC: MADNESS Chronicles III (August 30th)

262 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 24, 2018

About the author

M.L. Banner

30 books130 followers
Hello lovers of apocalyptic thrillers!

I devour the same books I enjoy writing: science fiction, set in an apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic or dystopian world. I love stories about regular people being thrust into extra ordinary circumstances, and having to rely on their own cunning and that of others to survive. And I love a twist at the end.

My just released Ashfall Apocalypse, as well as previous series Madness, Highway and Stone Age are those kind of stories. They're fast moving, have some regular (and amazing) characters who must make life changing decisions, all while the world is experiencing an apocalypse.

Besides writing, my wife and I travel the world (often to research the next book). But often you can find me on a beach, Kindle in hand, with my Toes in the Water (name of my publishing company).

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Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews
Profile Image for Megan.
113 reviews1 follower
September 26, 2018
Fabulous Second Entry in Madness Series!

Phew! What a ride! The poor cruise ship, The Intrepid, had seen the worst available - but had managed to stay afloat and alive. Well, some people are alive, some aren't anymore, and some, well... You need to read the book!
The characters are all crafted to be memorable, even the passing background players, so to speak. Action wise, it never stops. The novel is one long edge of the seat grabber! For those who love apocalyptic fiction with flavor, readers who enjoy characters that become very three dimensional and capture your attention faster than a dog fart in a crowded car, and endings that are not endings but leave you salivating to continue this cruiser ship trip from the depths of (a not nice place) - this is the series for you!
Kudos to the author for originality, attention to vivid and correct details, and scientific analyses that are navigable by the average person. M.L. Banner is a writer to watch. Oh, read the first book, Madness, before boarding this vessel of wordy goodness. Then, do like I am, get to the third installment -Symptomatic! (I Do have one book to read before, because I have been waiting for it...!) Enjoy!
442 reviews9 followers
June 28, 2018
Horror cruise

This second book in the series was even more exciting and impossible to put down than the first book! Ted and TJ continue to battle for their lives on the cruise ship. Not only can animals turn, but any humans infected with t gondii in their past. Scary thought! They find out the apocalypse is world wide and must make decisions to save the passengers and crew that are left. I really enjoyed this book, I literally read all night because I could not stop! To me that is one of the best indicators that this is a book worth reading when I see it posted in a review!
Profile Image for Johnny.
1,894 reviews65 followers
August 9, 2018
Book two

In book one the dog attack on T.J. Indicated that she froze and got her partner killed. Was this a second dog attack? I ask because this book has her surviving the dog attack and heroically taking out the bad guy without any backup.
While I generally expect people to be stupid and do the worst possible thing in a disaster, I know that there are those that are smart and sensible and will do the right of heroic thing regardless of the crowd of sheep and lookie-loos around them.
I'm not seeing much of this so far in this book. You would think that after everything they went through in book one, they'd start to get a clue. Nobody seems to be doing anything sensible and I'm surprised they haven't managed to sink the ship.
The so called MC's of the series felt more like side characters in this book.
I normally read a book a day, it took four days to slog through this one book.
251 reviews1 follower
March 3, 2019
In this second book of the Madness Chronicles, the story continues with the numerous characters still being on the ship. They are still seeking answers as to what is happening with the animals, but are now also dealing with passengers that have become infected. It took me a LONG time to get through this second book. The first one was full of excitement, but this one just fell way short for me. It just wasn't action-packed enough for me and the constant change in character perspective started to wear on me. Good concept, but I won't be continuing the series.
Profile Image for Lisa.
66 reviews
October 4, 2018
Book one GREAT! BUT..

Book 2 not so great....it was good. But I am only reading book 3 because I loved book 1.
I can't put my finger on it but I thought book 2 was redundant and a little boring.
Not sure how the author was put in charge ..but it fiction right?
Some of the explanations did not make sense ..some unanswered questions but I will finish book 3 hopefully there isn't a book 4.
559 reviews2 followers
July 25, 2018
A very interesting concept

I found this story to be very interesting and entertaining. It is not you everyday apocalyptic book. The characters are well developed and the story itself flows well and is easy to read.I recommend this book and this series, and I am looking forward to reading the next and final book of the series.
336 reviews1 follower
October 8, 2018
Very impressive

Loved the first book in this series and I loved this second book! If you love apocalyptic horror, you will love this series which mainly takes place on a cruise ship. I could go on and on about how great this series is, but I need to begin book three immediately.
Profile Image for Ann237.
403 reviews5 followers
October 11, 2018

I am sailing right through these books, I am glad I found this author. I know so far with this series & only reading two of the books thus far, he knows how to grab his reader and keep them holding on. Want to enjoy an apocalyptic style? Then you need to start reading this series.
Profile Image for Lou Canning.
106 reviews1 follower
November 13, 2023
PARASITIC: An Apocalyptic Horror Thriller (Madness Chronicle’s Book 2)

Wow. What an action packed sequel! I actually can’t wait for the third so I’m going straight onto it. And no these aren’t zombies, it’s a totally different apocalyptic story but an original and one well worth reading! So interesting and too close to the truth that you can’t help but wonder, what if…….!?
November 13, 2018
A bit disappointing

Unlike the first installment this book's flow just wasn't as good. I was hoping to get a better grasp on the characters, but it didn't happen. This read was just okay for me and I don't intend on reading the next book.
Profile Image for Tom Anderson.
241 reviews2 followers
December 25, 2019
Very interesting take on the Zombie genre. An enjoyable read, fast-paced and you can't guess what is going to happen next. Proves that infections can be VERY unpleasant. Starting on the third book immediately.
Profile Image for Chrystal Roe.
1,116 reviews8 followers
November 11, 2023

This second book in this series is every bit as intense as the first. Terror is found around every corner. The uninfected people become fewer and fewer. I can't wait to see how this all turns out.
Profile Image for Michael  Keller.
803 reviews7 followers
July 18, 2018
The Rage Virus has gone viral! Worldwide! It started with birds, like a scene from Alfred Hitchcock, attacking everyone and everything. Then the rats and small animals chasing and eating their prey with a rabid intensity. Pets turned against their owners. All over the world. No place is safe!

The world has gone crazy, starting with the explosive eruptions of volcanoes around the 'Ring of Fire' and the haze of volcanic ash clouds blanketed the planet. Airline traffic was crippled as the powdery grit clogged engines. From the clouds of ash flew feathered fury. Nothing living escaped their wrath. Waves of mice and rats overwhelmed all in their path leaving blood and bones behind.

The explanation was found to be a parasite that is found in most mammals. This single celled amoeboid, named T-Gongii, infested the host brain, subtly rewiring parts for an unknown purpose and on known effect. . . until now. Thermophyllic bacteria from the volcanic clouds found a welcome home in the brains of warm-blooded mammals and merged with T-Gondii activating the rewired brains. Once activated, the host became able to identify anything not infected and became violently, ravenously, single- mindedly fixation on killing and consuming its prey.

The only safe place on earth may be the Regal European cruise ship, 'Intrepid', where Ted and T.J. Williams and the ship's officers and crew fought to keep the passengers alive and the ship afloat. Waves of red-eyed critters with murder on their minds wreaked havoc on the Intrepid and the latest wave of crazies were human!

This is a horror story in the tradition of Alfred Hitchcock and Rod Serling. The characters live and breath (for a while) in full Technicolor, brought to us from the mind of a master storyteller. The action is non-stop and insanely scary! Mindless rage and flesh-eating gluttonous appetites fuel the exciting prose. This is a must-read book, but choose where and when wisely! Read with a friend, or have a buddy standing by, but read it! I can't wait for part three!
Profile Image for Megan.
8 reviews
June 7, 2019
Great Read

A very good book, I love most zombie apocalyptic books, but its getting harder to find any with substance and this series has that.
Profile Image for Shari.
94 reviews1 follower
November 27, 2019

I really enjoyed this book and the previous book in the series. Keep up the good work writing entertaining books.
May 28, 2020
Sooooo good

I got hooked with first one, and am now a full blown addict. This series is amazing. Not your average apocalypse book, which makes it all the better
May 24, 2024
loved this series

Hoping the author will release a fourth installment, the last book “symptomatic” left us on a cliffhanger. This series was hard to put down from start to finish
Displaying 1 - 22 of 22 reviews

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