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Revival #8

Revival, Vol. 8: Stay Just a Little Bit Longer

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The final collection in the acclaimed REVIVAL series. The existence of the Revivers is killing the world, and an unlikely alliance of Dana, Em, and Em's murderer must travel across a community in the midst of civil war to stop it.

Collects REVIVAL #42-47

144 pages, Paperback

First published April 19, 2017

About the author

Tim Seeley

1,455 books556 followers
Tim Seeley is a comic book artist and writer known for his work on books such as G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, The Dark Elf Trilogy, Batman Eternal and Grayson. He is also the co-creator of the Image Comics titles Hack/Slash[1] and Revival, as well as the Dark Horse titles, ExSanguine and Sundowners. He lives in Chicago.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 129 reviews
Profile Image for Chad.
8,952 reviews984 followers
May 18, 2018
I can't say I'm dissatisfied with the ending, but it didn't have a lot of depth to it. A lot of the answers were glossed over in favor of gun battles. In these last two volumes, Revival shifted from a rural noir to a post-apocalyptic flick complete with the government trying to wipe out the town and Snake Plissken's daughter.

I would have preferred an ending focusing on the Cypress family and the core group of characters. While I still liked it, the last 2 volumes did come off the rails some.
Profile Image for Nancy.
1,546 reviews42 followers
February 19, 2024
The last volume was a poignant ending to the complete series and felt true to the beginning. The series had such a promising start, and while I struggled a bit in the middle wondering where the mystery was headed, it came together beautifully at the end.

There was a lot to cover in the conclusion of the series, as General Cale, the splinter militia groups and the escaped Revivers are in the woods and preparing for battle. Dana has finally put together the clues of who killed her sister Em which made her a Reviver and confronts that person (I resisted spoiling it for you!). She learns the connection between Em’s dead former lover Professor Weimar, the killer, and yet another character we have met; as the trio that caused the whole Reviver phenomenon.

Dana, the pregnant Em and her killer head to the river to try to rectify the damage and stop the carnage, as death and chaos erupt nearby. Sacrifices are made, yet parting loving words are shared and the uneasy allegiance they had to strike to stop the madness works. The two-page spread of an imagined future between two characters was so beautiful, that I teared up, and reread it several times simply to experience its emotional power again.

A sweet two-year flash forward continues to show the resolution of the character arcs, and while one of my favorites didn’t live, their death was not in vain. A tease of a possible continuation of the story concludes this powerful and complex rural noir series.

As icing on the cake, I won a contest to have myself drawn in as a cameo in the last issue, and was thrilled to portray a doctor in two panels in the last pages. I will be talking about this honor and showing people my picture in the book until my dying day. Not only was that opportunity the very coolest, but it was in one of my absolute favorite graphic novels!

This is a picture of me!! I won a contest to have my cameo drawn into the last issue!

I will be keeping my eyes out for future work from the skilled team of Tim Seeley and Mike Norton. These talented men created an amazing fictional world that kept me enthralled for a year, for Seeley knew how to create a thrilling series, and Norton’s fantastic illustrations elevated the story to new heights. So, if you haven’t already, read the entire thrilling mystery for yourself!

This review can also be found on my blog: https://graphicnovelty2.com/2017/04/2...
Profile Image for Wing Kee.
2,091 reviews31 followers
April 11, 2017
Rushed and sidetracked. But still good.

World: The art was great, the emotions were real and the art really informed the tone of the book. The world building was good, the pieces in the end and the revelation was very rushed and very light on depth and there were the Milita and all the other new pieces which were the sidetrack I did not like (it felt like the last season of Fringe) but it was done and handled as well as it could given the 6 issues it had to tell the end of the story. Just not the story we started out with and what we wanted to see in the end.

Story: Rushed and choppy and motivations were too basic. It's sad because the rest of the series until arc 6 it was so good and the small moments were so great. This last arc follows up on the sidetrack that the book took in the last arc and finishes it off. What we have here is a rushed sprint to the end towards a destination that was not what I had wanted. I would have wanted a smaller Fargo like finish. I would have liked the small moments to matter and the last moments to be small and intimate. The Government moving in and fighting the Militia and Cale and her agenda just took everything away from this small intimate tale about a town dealing with stuff like this and Dana finding the murder of Em and how it changed this family. Instead we have this end which was satisfying in it's own right but was not the one I had wanted in the first place. The final reveal was very rushed and slap dash because of the 6 issues and the killer motivations were basic and not enough world building was given to us for the 47 issues we waited for it. It's a shame.

Characters: All those quiet moments with characters have been blasted away after arc 6 and what we have are reactionary characters and them being swept away by the sidetrack. There are still some moments but most are so rushed now we lost the emotions and the essence of the story. A perfect example of this would be the end with Wayne, it was just...rushed. What about the First Nations angle they were touching upon, and the...yeah there's a lot left.

It was satisfying for what it was but it was not the end and the sidetrack that I wanted this series to end with.

Onward to the next book!
Profile Image for Andrew.
2,345 reviews
July 11, 2019
And so the series comes to a close - and I must its a spectacular finale.

Ironically the book is called stay a little longer and in fact the book is slightly longer than the previous instalments - I wonder if they had too much to say and had to add a few more pages in - not that I am complaining as I have enjoyed this series far more than I expected.

You see I stumbled across this series purely by accident in a charity shop and saw the first two books and thought why not. So here I am 6 books later reading the final chapter and coming to terms with the face of the revivers and those around them.

To be honest I feel there were sections I would have loved to explored more and concepts that were not fully utilised however these are my opinions and I am sure they were discouraged for good reason.

Instead you see all the questions answered and some I can tell you. This was an award winning series and rightfully so - yes I lost its way at times but it still found its way home and delivered in the end. This is a series I am glad I found and I look forward to exploring more of the work of Tim Seeley and his peers.
Profile Image for OmniBen.
1,192 reviews32 followers
December 24, 2022
(Zero spoiler review - Best to read my previous reviews for context)
I knew it! I just knew it! I could smell the book I had fallen for over the previous three hardcover collections coming apart at the seams towards the end of the third volume. I delved into this somewhat in my previous reviews, although maybe I was a little starry eyed? Maybe I was in denial just a pinch? Maybe I was just hoping this book would stick the landing. And while I wouldn't say it fell flat on its face, it certainly tripped and stumbled, or landed on its ass even. Ok, so a little spoiler free context to go with this disappointment I'm feeling, whilst its still fresh.
As soon as I finished this series, I toddled over to my computer and started this review, not exactly sure whether I was more angry or disappointed. I wasn't sure whether I could do justice to my feelings without delving into spoilers. I would really enjoy being able to disseminate exactly what went wrong with this final arc, as it would definitely help to get a little of this pent up frustration out. But I'll stick with the spoiler free and do my best without spoiling what this book becomes, though if you have read up to this point, I would imagine you would be committed to the series and aren't worrying so much what others say about it now.
So, where did this go wrong. The strength of this story in my opinion, was the small town character study it started out as. It reminded me of my favourite Stephen King story, Under the Dome. Now, I know many will disagree with that choice, but it started out as a rather brilliant examination of a small town, with a small town mentality caught in the middle of an unprecedented crisis. The narrative flow is certainly not as good as King when he's really cooking, but it appealed to me for the same reasons. From the outset, you could tell Revival was building to something. Amidst the supernatural tones, there was something grounded and human keeping it centered. But towards the end of the third run, and absolutely in the fourth, that more grounded, more simple aspect was well and truly thrown to the wayside, replaced by what can only be described as a ridiculous, uninteresting and poorly executed B movie plot, littered with plot contrivances, numerous plot conveniences and characters decisions which were either nonsensical or downright degrading to what they had become. What was previously a well paced slow burn became a rushed and muddled mess. Yes, there needs to be an inevitable ratcheting up in pace as the story draws to a conclusion, but this here is not how you do it. It was jumbled and jumpy, which only added to the disaffection I felt with where the story was heading. If it took its time and sold it a little more, I'd be more inclined to get onboard. I won't belabour these points, although I really can't stress enough how I feel the author really shat the bed with where he ultimate went with this, particularly in the final six issues. Though the opening six issues weren't exactly stellar either. I also felt a bit of wokeness creeping in here and there as well, but I'll simply mention it, and leave it there.
A positive I should mention before wrapping this up is Mike Norton's artwork. The man kept improving throughout the series, and this final arc had some gorgeous art to accompany a lackluster story, which is always a shame. if the words improved like the man's drawing did, then we would have been in for something special.
So, I was right, although I take no joy in that admission. If I'm honest, I kind of thought it might have gone to pot a little sooner than this, so I got a good thirty plus issues of solidly strong content, before it came unstuck. The sad thing was, if Seeley had simply stuck to his guns and kept things going as they were, and reigned in a few of is more outlandish choices in this final arc, it could have been oh so different. We could have been looking at one of my favourite series, for its length and consistency if nothing else. But heavy lies the crown, and after such a long run, people remember the finish far more than they remember the beginning. Just look at Game of Thrones. This series didn't screw things up as badly as what that abortion turned into. But nor was Revival as good as Thrones was in its heyday. So, should you read this series? Should you happen to be reading this without having started it? Yes, I would ultimately say so. Would I reread it. Hmmm, maybe. I'd likely skip the last book though. Right now, the taste of shit is still just a little too fresh. 3/5

Profile Image for Sooraya Evans.
935 reviews61 followers
August 29, 2017
Kinda weird seeing the series ending at issue 47.
Regardless, we finally understand who killed Martha, and the reason behind it.
Martha's unborn child seems to be the key to everything. A quest to seek immortality by some folks that went terribly wrong. General Cale got what she had coming. And I loved it!
At the end of the day, I think Revival is all about mending family relationships. Particularly, the Cypress's.
The series had its ups and downs. But overall, it was a thrilling ride.
That final afterword by Tim Seeley was indeed touching.
Profile Image for orangerful.
952 reviews51 followers
September 24, 2018
My biggest gripe with these last two trades was the introduction of characters that feel they should have been brought into the story much sooner. And I'm not sure I was sold on the whole reveal of what "caused" the entire thing, perhaps I missed something in the earlier issues but I didn't see the threads that they were tying together at the end for me.

Still, apart from these few missteps, it was a solid series and a unique story. Definitely will pick up more of Seeley's work later on.
Profile Image for Dasha M.
241 reviews11 followers
March 1, 2018
A touching conclusion to a sometimes mixed bag story. Always worth it for the artwork, however.
Profile Image for Jenbebookish.
666 reviews179 followers
February 2, 2019
Read 02/01/2019

As much as I didn’t want this to be the case, this was a bust. If all that mattered was that the artwork be bright & aesthetically pleasing, it would’ve been 5 stars all the way. It was the artwork that made turning each page a delight rather than a drag despite the dragging storyline.

I think conceptually this deserved more than 3 stars, but execution was poor. The whole soul separated from body is a matter that’s been addressed/discussed/theorized/expanded on a plenty, & I thought it was actually smart to capitalize on that cliche and add a personalized & illustrated spin on it. Interesting take on a story that’s been done before a thousand times.

Now, that being said. It’s still been done a thousand times before. Zombies, undead, souls separated from bodies & need to be reunited with their bodies, tethered to a body by objects reminiscent of their former lives & loved ones. All this COULD have been interesting if there had been a more coherent &/or endearing storyline. My favorite characters didn’t enter stage till very near the end (Weaver Fanny-the Amish mercenary that went rogue in order to save & help our heroine, & baby mercenary aka her daughter) & their part wasn’t nearly big enough. In fact, I think Revival would have been much better off had it put Weaver fanny & her daughter front & center.

My biggest complaint was that it lacked originality, as well as any characters or story that really pulled you in & caused you to form any attachment to them whatsoever so that you were invested in the storyline enough to want to see it through. Like I said, my favorite characters barely made their appearances by the time the story was gearing up to wrap up, & Dana was very nearly by least favorite character, surpassed only by her younger sister Em who was indeed the central character around whom the entire story revolved. I cared nothing for their back stories & found them both to be hot messes with hardly any redeeming qualities. Em, I know you’re like undead and all but lighten up girlfriend. Your pages are a drag. Put a smile on your face or something, you’re always so...so...sinister and dark all the time. Girl, chill. I think there were way too many irrelevant storylines coursing through this series, it clogged the flow & natural ebb as well as made it difficult to follow & become invested in.

Ok so this river in this town was magical in a haunted kind of way? Somehow Lester was responsible for opening the floodgates of the undead? Bodies separated from their souls & tethered to the real world through people & objects? But somehow Em’s baby was some sacrificial trade off done within the well/waters, allowing for all the lost souls to find their bodies once again & the bodies to finally die & pass on? This was the general summary of events, tho there was so much more that just did not make much sense. It just was not easy to follow especially at the end, & the excessive storylines just detracted from the few that might have captured our hearts & minds if they had been given more space to grow!

Three stars means above average for me, but barely. The artwork was fantastic & carried this entire series & 8 volumes was about 5 volumes too long for this tired storyline, but the artists rendition made it tolerable.

Now...spin off? About the Amish mercenary daughter hell bent on getting revenge for her awesome assassin-with-a-conscience mother who’s death was the direct consequence of General Cale. Fuck General Cale. I hated her enough to make the ending of the series interesting, the illustrator did a good job of making her face hatable. I thought a life sentence was too good for her & was quite bothered that we are told that detail as almost a side note rather than shown. So much bogging this story down & yet one more image was too much? OH WELL. Glad to be moving on to a new series.

Artwork A
Story C-
Profile Image for Quentin Wallace.
Author 33 books178 followers
October 19, 2017
So we got a conclusion, and a pretty good one at that.

I have to admit I didn't guess the identity of the murderer nor did I put everything together before it was revealed. Overall a pretty complex plot that never really lost its way.

I would recommend the "Revival" series to any horror comic fan as it's a mature story that never feels dumbed down and was always entertaining.
Profile Image for Sesana.
5,640 reviews337 followers
May 24, 2017
Not as good of an ending as it could have been. I get the distinct impression that Seeley wandered farther afield than he had intended to, and ended up having to yank the plot back onto the rails at the last possible minute. The solution to the mystery of Em's murder and the cause of the revival is particularly rushed. Really great last page, though.
Profile Image for Licha.
732 reviews112 followers
December 29, 2019
4 stars for the series as a whole.

I really loved the series. I thought the story was a good one even if I'm not sure that I bought the explanation at the end. The story had so many characters I loved and cared for, artwork that was beautiful to look at and felt right for the story, and I was sad when it came to an end.

Profile Image for Gaz Watson.
338 reviews2 followers
April 27, 2017
This is awful, loved every volume before, but this volume was too rushed, new people added, but then ignored, events unfolding that time wise don't even make sense. Ruined what was a great comic with a truly terrible and rushed ending, that didn't even really make that much sense.
267 reviews3 followers
May 9, 2017
Pretty lame infodump of an ending to what was once my favorite running comic. At least it ended, but I felt like I was reading a wikipedia summary of all the answers to all the questions; the plot was somehow both incoherent and too tidy. Bummer.
Profile Image for Devann.
2,457 reviews175 followers
October 10, 2021
actual rating: 3.5

This is basically a review of volumes 5-8 since I got kind of sucked in at the halfway point and didn't stop to write reviews for each volume. Kind of torn on this one because it was enjoyable enough but the last two volumes kind of felt like the ending to an entirely different story than the one we started with. I really liked the original cast of characters and the small town feel of the whole thing but towards the end a lot of new characters were introduced in a short period of time and we stepped away from the 'rural noir' vibe and more towards a very standard post apocalyptic 'the army is trying to kill us' kind of thing. Which isn't necessarily a genre I dislike - hence the high rating - but I did find myself missing a lot of characters in the last two volumes as we shifted towards a much larger picture. Overall a pretty good series though, like I said before it's not quite as good as something like Rachel Rising but I personally think it had much more consistent quality than what I've read of Hack/Slash so it's good to know that I don't need to write Seeley off completely.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
905 reviews66 followers
June 23, 2019
Overall a pretty good series. Redemption, solutions and movement to a better future.
Profile Image for Kaique.
82 reviews2 followers
December 31, 2018
I loved this whole series! It was so crazy and I feel like the past couple of volumes were even crazier. I mean, what was up with that ninja woman?! I have no idea why she was added to the story, but whatever haha. I was not expecting where this led to, but I enjoyed it. The ending in this was actually sad.

The story throughout was so intriguing. There was always so much happening, so I was never bored while reading this. I loved the mystery involved around this series. They would give out very small things here and there, but they would still keep a lot unrevealed. So, once I once I finished a volume I wanted to read the following right away because I was so curious to find out what would happen next. I was always so hooked to the story.

I loved the characters. Martha, Dana, Derrick, Nikki, Lester, Jordan and so many others. I couldn’t never get enough of them.
I felt like things got a little weirder than usual in the end with the new characters that were added such as the ninja woman and the other woman with the cool haircut which I forgot the name haha. They felt really misplaced even for this book. But I personally don’t think they affected the quality of the story. As I mentioned, I was happy enough with the way things wrapped up and that we got the answer that we’ve been looking.

This was an amazing series and it will always have a place in my heart. Highly recommenced to anyone.
Profile Image for Daniel.
622 reviews48 followers
April 2, 2020
Mit dem achten Band kommt "Revival" zum Abschluss. Die Serie habe ich über lange Zeit gelesen und deshalb sicher den einen oder anderen Faden verloren. Aber selbst, wenn ich das nicht hätte - ich glaube, dass der letzte Band ein wenig zu schnell auf die diversen Storylines gepropft wurde.

Obwohl ... gen Ende hin hatten auch schon die letzten Bände das eine oder andere verwirrende Element. Wie auch immer: Ich bin zwar nicht mehr so restlos begeistert wie zu beginn, kann aber auch nicht behaupten, dass ich die Zeit, die ich zum Lesen aufgewandt habe, bereue. :)
Profile Image for Kate.
29 reviews6 followers
June 26, 2017
A convoluted, rushed, disappointing end to the series. Too much plot crammed into the last few pages, and the explanations for so many events felt like a cop-out.
Profile Image for Jacob.
708 reviews29 followers
November 20, 2017
A good cinematic ending sequence. Had a movie feel. Kinda felt a little rushed, but it did bring the series together.
Profile Image for Gautsho.
632 reviews20 followers
July 19, 2018
Kui ma tulevikus tahan hakata pooleliolevaid koomikseid lugema, siis meenutagu ma endale alati, kui hea oli seda järjest lugeda.
Tõsi, et see pole päris supersari, pildipool on ilus, eriti veel kaaned, aga mytoloogia pole nii eriline ega tegelased vahest nii rabavad kui mõnes muus saagas, aga need suured kysimused (miks surnud ärkasid ja kes tappis Em'i) polegi tegelt eriti olulised, järjest lugedes läheb ajutine rabedus kiirelt mööda ja need lihtinimesed oma lihtsa ja väikese eluga hakkavad justkui märkamatult aina rohkem korda minema, kuni lõpuks tahaks samuti katana haarata ja nende eest võidelda, sest kui nende lõpp oleks natukegi kehvem olnud, viriseks ma siiani (või neaks maailma). Ma tahaks, et ma saaks iga paari aasta järel neid guugeldada ja kontrollida, kas kõik on hästi. Autor võiks nende pereelust igavaid postkaarte joonistada.
Profile Image for Václav.
1,045 reviews41 followers
December 11, 2018
And here comes the final. And it was action and drama packed. I enjoyed it. It didn't wash the bad aftertaste from the previous books. And I'm now more convinced that Revival would be better if it would get trimmed (especially in the middle) to five or six books tops. Anyway, Revival has an interesting story, quite good art and fantastic cover arts by Jenny Frison. It started nicely, then it got bloated in the middle and finished with a big splash. I liked it, I wouldn't read it again, but I'm happy that I finished it. I wouldn't recommend Revival as "no-brainer", "must read", thing, but I would suggest to give it a shot. Or if you're in this sort of mystery/detective/action/little bit horror-ish stuff from present times, this could be an interesting choice.
Profile Image for Shannon Appelcline.
Author 25 books146 followers
November 1, 2018
Well, Revival certainly never really pays out its subplots that massively spun out of control about drug dealers and strippers and all the rest. Instead this last volume focuses on the core issues of the Revivers and all those who want to use them.

And it answers its core mysteries and they're ... OK. The answers are not exactly out of nowhere, but they really weren't setup that well in the series either.

The finale is pretty good, finishing the story of the Cypress family that was the heart of our story in a meaningful way, but I'm less convinced that it was worth the 47 issues it took to get here.

Anyway, I'm glad this story got to an end, but I doubt I'll read it again.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 129 reviews

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