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Love Comes Softly #2

Love's Enduring Promise

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Tragedy brought them together, but love bound them into a family.

Clark and Marty Davis, the pioneer couple thrown together after the death of their first spouses, now preside over a growing number of youngsters in their prairie home. Together they face the joys and trials of life on a homesteader's farm.

Will they be able to find a suitable teacher for the long-awaited new school? Is the "very learned" Eastern preacher going to be able to communicate with the simple people of the West? And how do Clark and Marty guide their lovely daughter, now grown to womanhood, in her choice of a partner?

240 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1979

About the author

Janette Oke

302 books3,115 followers
Janette Oke writes with a profound simplicity of what she knows best—real life, honest love, and lasting values. With over 23 million in sales, her historical novels portray the lives of early North American settlers from many walks of life and geographical settings. She also writes engaging children's stories and inspiring gift books that warm the heart.

Janette was born during the depression years to a Canadian prairie farmer and his wife, and she remembers her childhood as full of love and laughter and family love. After graduating from Mountain View Bible College in Canada where she met her husband, Edward, they pastored churches in Canada and the U.S., and they raised their family of four children, including twin boys, in both countries. Edward eventually became president of Mountain View Bible College and recently established a coalition of colleges that became Rocky Mountain Bible College.

During her earliest years, Janette sensed the desire to write. Though she yearned to be a published novelist, she devoted herself to being a wife and mother because, she says, "there is no higher honor—that is my number-one priority." She began serious writing when her children were entering their teens.

Her first novel, a prairie love story titled Love Comes Softly, was published by Bethany House in 1979. This book was followed by more than 75 others. She reaches both religious and general markets, telling stories that transcend time and place. Her readers of all ages and walks of life can identify with the everyday events and emotions of her characters. Janette believes everyone goes through tough times—the key is to be prepared with a strong faith as the foundation from which decisions are made and difficult experiences are faced. That perspective is subtly woven throughout her novels.

After Love Comes Softly was published, Oke found her readers asking for more. That book led to a series of eight others in her Love Comes Softly series. She has written multiple fiction series, including The Canadian West, Seasons of the Heart and Women of the West. Her most recent releases include a beautiful children's picture book, I Wonder...Did Jesus Have a Pet Lamb and The Song of Acadia series, co-written with T. Davis Bunn.

Janette Oke's warm writing style has won the hearts of millions of readers. She has received numerous awards, including the Gold Medallion Award, The Christy Award of Excellence, the 1992 President's Award for her significant contribution to the category of Christian fiction from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, and in 1999 the Life Impact Award from the Christian Booksellers Association International. Beloved worldwide, her books have been translated into fourteen languages.

In recent years, Janette and her siblings lovingly restored their parents' prairie farm home, and it now serves as a gift shop and museum of prairie life. Please see below for a special invitation to the Oke Writing Museum and The Steeves' Historical House. She and her husband live nearby in Alberta, Canada, where they are active in their local church. Visits from their families, including their grandchildren, are their delight.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 519 reviews
Profile Image for Elaina.
339 reviews203 followers
May 25, 2017
I liked the last book a lot, but I think I enjoyed this one even more!! :D There was a lot more going on this book...at least it felt like it lol With all the weddings and babies being born :P But it did cover about ten years though so it is understandable I guess haha xD

I don't know what is so special to me about these books...they are just so nice and relaxing to read :) You don't have to think too hard when you read these, or worry about missing anything important if you didn't read carefully enough...idk I am terrible at trying to express what I want to say into words xD Can anyone else relate? lol

I know not everyone likes these type of books, but for me, it's nice sometimes to read a book that doesn't require a lot of brainpower, one you can just sit and relax with while drinking a nice cup of hot tea ya know? :P I enjoy lighter reads sometimes...and this was perfect for me!
Profile Image for Christy.
688 reviews
February 11, 2017
Janette Oke has an endearing writing quality that can tug at you a little bit. While I did enjoy number two in this series I did find myself wishing that instead of everybody growing up and out so quickly that the pace could have been more day to day. I wanted to linger more over coffee at the table with a friend while the children were laughing and picking strawberries. I wanted a quilting bee in town where friends were gathered to discuss hearth and home and a little gossip and giggles. Everything was just too quick for me and I missed the slow and steady pace which I preferred.
Profile Image for Kelly.
35 reviews1 follower
November 16, 2008
I read this book, having previously seen all the movie versions of the books in the Love Comes Softly series by Janette Oke.

I enjoyed this book more than the first, but them movie seems to depart even farther from this book than the first, and there is quite a bit of liberty taken with the first book. It is almost as if one could put a disclaimer on the movie that "any similarity between this movie and the book it is based upon is coincidental."

Seeing as I think this book was better than the first (or perhaps to the author's writing style has grown on me), I think I may read the other books in the series also.
Profile Image for Moriyah C.
105 reviews19 followers
February 3, 2023
“Willie LaHaye!” she exploded. “When are you ever going to grow up?”
Janette Oke, Love's Enduring Promise

Rating: ★★★★★
Cleanness: ★★★★★

My first read & five star book of February was Love’s Enduring Promises by Janette Oak!
Oh, this was SO cute! I loved seeing Marty & Clark adopt (my dream)! I also love seeing them have more kids, watch their kids grow up, get married, and have families of their own! Honestly I would have loved to read a book from each of their older girls and see their love and growing up stories!

Missie!!! Oh Missie’s love story was my absolute FAVORITE!!! Her love story reminded me of Anne Shirley & Gilbert Blythe! A sweet and heartwarming enemies to lovers that I LOVED (this isn’t often my favorite trope but this one was done beautifully)!!!

Tommy! He was just so sweet to! He had his own hardships but I’m so glad he did have a happy ending! <3

All in all this is a wholesome and sweet read that I LOVE! I can’t wait to keep reading the series and see more from Missie and her love! <3
Profile Image for Shirley Chapel.
652 reviews143 followers
February 17, 2020
Loves Enduring Promise covers Marty and Clarks small family growing as new babies were born into the household and two young girls were adopted into the family. The story continued on over the years as the children grew into young adults and the girls married young men from the community. Readers saw the town grow as a school and church was built. Years passed and the book ended with Missy marrying Will LaHaye and getting ready to move further west to start a new life.
This is the kind of book that this reader can get swept up into the story. I really enjoyed reading this beautiful classic story of a family that lived their lives through the good and bad things that came their way. God was the head of their humble home. Love abounded between the family members and neighbors. Marty and Clark were loving parents who raised their children to be responsible adults. I can't wait to read Loves Long Journey!
This book can be read by elementary school students, youth and adults. It's good for family reading. Clean and inspirational reading. Highly recommended by this reader.
This book is part of my personal library. A review was not requested but since I love the book I'm more than happy to recommend it to others. All opinions expressed here in this review are my true feelings about the book.

Profile Image for Amanda Tero.
Author 27 books532 followers
August 13, 2023
I do have to be “in the mood” for Janette Oke’s books because she does have an older style with a lot of telling (the fact that this book spans over ten years is proof of that). But when I’m in the mood, I love rereading her books! There is so much nostalgia with me for her books. I appreciate that they are wholesome and unashamedly Christian. They are just cozy reads with the whole-town feel and glimpse into everyone’s lives.
Profile Image for Rahma.Mrk.
727 reviews1,430 followers
May 19, 2023
في الحقيقة هذه الرواية والسلسة التي أرجو أن أكملها لا أقيمها بنجوم هي رفيقتي بعد الفجر ليالي night.
واكمال آخر careto the baby.
بحكاوي اللطيفة وأسلوب الهادى.

Profile Image for Jessica.
59 reviews22 followers
March 1, 2010
This is the second book in this series and probably the last one I will read. It was sweet, but if I have to be perfectly honest, a bit boring. I kept waiting for some sort of prairie-disaster to happen, like a fire, snow storm, or bear mauling, but no such luck. Also, I felt the author side-stepped any difficult issue. For example, one of the sons of the heroine's friends falls in love with an Indian woman. Rather than dealing with the cultural/racial implications of this union, the problem is dealt with sort of wussily. The Indian grandfather takes the Indian girl away, where she is expected to marry an Indian brave, and the young white man goes off for a few years to work in a saw mill and then shows up back home with his new (white and therefore acceptable) wife, his heart since healed. I also found this book to be considerably more religious than the first. It sort of crossed the line for the amount of scripture reference that I'm willing to put up with when I read a fiction novel. That said, I really did enjoy the book. It's very sweet, sort of a religious Little House on the Prairie.
Profile Image for Julianna.
Author 5 books1,338 followers
June 9, 2011
Reviewed for THC Reviews
"4.5 stars" I'm pretty certain I read Love's Enduring Promise years ago in my teens, but prior to picking it up again, I couldn't really remember a thing about the story. As a consequence and knowing that this was a continuation of Clark and Marty's relationship, I was kind of expecting an epic love story which isn't quite what this novel is all about. The book opens about two years after the ending of Love Comes Softly. It is still primarily about Clark, Marty, and their growing family, but more like a series of snapshots of their lives together over a span of approximately twelve years. It is also about how the community in which they live and the people within it grow and change as time goes by as well. I didn't find this one to be quite as romantic as the first book of the Love Comes Softly series, probably because it doesn't focus in on the building of one couple's relationship, but I suppose there was enough romance present in the multiple courtships and marriages among secondary characters and the next generation of the Davis family to loosely characterize the story as a historical romance.

Once again, I loved reading about life on the frontier, the sense of warmth and love that comes from family, friends, and community, and how they all share in the joy and sorrow, laughter and tears that life can bring. Most of the story is still told from Marty's point-of-view, but occasionally snippets of other character's perspectives pop up. Then Missie takes over some of the bits near the end, probably as something of a transition to the next book, Love's Long Journey, which will be her story. There are numerous mini sub-plots that highlight all the changes in the community. As more people come to the area, the residents welcome a new teacher, new preachers, and new neighbors. I particularly liked the part about the new preachers, because it highlighted a spiritual position with which I agree, that true spiritual sustenance doesn't come from big words or fancy sermons, but from an ability to sense an earthy oneness with God on a much simpler level. The people also say good-bye as some of their fellow residents move on and others pass on. I was very taken with a sweet side story about a young couple's much longed-for child not being exactly what they were expecting, but he ended up being a remarkable boy who was their pride and joy. There was also one of the many romances that ended in heartbreak, which also tore my heart open a little too, not just because of what the couple experienced but because of other issues which I'll address in a moment. Overall, every little piece of the narrative came together to make me feel like I was a part of this little frontier neighborhood.

I would have to say that Marty is still the main character in this book. She strikes me as a no-nonsense kind of woman who works hard, and would do just about anything for anyone. She can be pretty stubborn and independent at times. She can also be fairly exuberant in her faith, and is eager to share it with others, but I wouldn't characterize it as being particularly overbearing or preachy. Underlying everything is a loving woman who is a great wife and mother. I was rather disappointed that Clark didn't play as much of a role in this book, but what we get to see of him through his interactions with Marty and their family, I could tell that he is the same kind, gentle man with a heart of gold. He is a loving, attentive and protective husband and father, always thinking of others before himself. Clark is just an all-around great guy. Clark and Marty's family grows by leaps and bounds until their little frontier home is just about bursting at the seams, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading about their interactions with each of the children and watching some of them grow up and move on to lives of their own.

Overall, Love's Enduring Promise was a gentle book that was a joy to read, but there was one little part involving the secondary romance I mentioned earlier which left me rather troubled. It involved a white young man (a character I had come to care about a great deal) and an Indian girl (who was very sweet in her own right), which raised the issues of racism and prejudice. The couple was obviously very deeply in love and wanted nothing more than to be married, but not a single person in the story supported that desire (except for one short line from his sister who was immediately chastised by their mother for being naïve and having her vision clouded by her own upcoming nuptials). Marty came the closest by agreeing to meet the girl and talk to the boy's mother, but even she wasn't entirely on board with the relationship. What bothered me the most though was when the boy's mother essentially stated that it wasn't God's will for people of different races to be married and have mixed-race babies. I realize that prejudice of this nature was quite common back then, and that no matter what happened the couple would have faced a difficult road. However, they certainly wouldn't have been the first white/Indian pairing of the era, and since the only way to combat prejudice is for someone to stand up and say it's wrong, I couldn't help wondering if things might not have been different for them if well-respected members of the community like the Grahams and Davises had taken that stand instead of being wishy-washy about it. After all, they are supposed to be good Christian people and to me, that seems like the Christian thing to do. Admittedly, the girl's Indian grandfather wasn't any better, but since he had lost many family members in white attacks, I felt like he at least had a good reason for hating them. The main point I'm trying to make with my mini-rant, is that I felt the author opened a can of worms that ultimately went nowhere and then copped out on a very sensitive issue. However, I'm willing to admit that perhaps, I'm applying too much of my modern sensibilities to a historical fiction story that was written over thirty years ago. This was the one and only thing that kept me from giving this book the full five stars. Thankfully, it was a very small part of the overall narrative and otherwise, Love's Enduring Promise was an enjoyable, feel-good story that left me with warm fuzzies all over, and very much looking forward to revisiting Missie's book soon.
Profile Image for Bethann.
138 reviews48 followers
December 23, 2013
I read these books ages ago when I was a pre-teen and though it would be fun to revisit them. The first one is quite charming - simple, not overly complex but touching and even a bit believable. This second one however raced along from year to year haphazardly but through all that somehow remained, as one reviewer put it, a little boring.

It ran into trouble for me when Marty & Clark have their disagreement about whether or not she should visit Wanda Marshall. Although Clark was clearly intended to be in the right and the scene was supposed to illustrate Marty's stubbornness, it in fact is one of the few scenes that made Clark appear like a domineering, sexist bully and Marty like a petty child who doesn't know what's good for her. In and of itself, it's not a problem: all couples have these problems and it could have been a great opportunity to address them. However the author skimps over the problems and in the end portrays a decidedly anti-feminist resolution in which the bratty Marty is sufficiently chastised by her all knowing husband.

The next issue was even more concerning and made me unsure if I want to continue with the series. The author's treatment of the illicit relationship between Mrs. Graham's white son and his Native American love interest is highly racist. Although Marty sympathises with the young lovers, Ma repeatedly says it's unacceptable and no good can come of children that are "not white or brown." She furthermore goes on to say she will pray God breaks the lovers apart! Even Marty is concerned the couple will be hurt and hopes they will break it off. Literature is full of complex and challenging portrayals of racism and racist protagonists (Gone With the Wind, anyone?) but in this case, the racism is never addressed, directly or otherwise. The couple breaks it off and everyone else seems to breath a sign of relief, especially when Tommy comes home with his new white wife several chapters later.

This scenario left me feeling extremely uncomfortable. As the reader, was I supposed to accept this unsettling incident and continue enjoying the book? Does that and me complicate in the supposedly Christian characters overt racism? As an author, if you are going to tackle an issue like racism, do it right! You can't just pop it into the middle of a book, gloss it over, and worst of all make it look like it was no big deal and the characters were probably justified in their sentiments to begin with. Wait no, worst of all isn't that, it's the fact that they all seem to think God is on their side and ultimately an inter racial relationship wasn't part of his divine plan. Disappointing doesn't begin to cover it!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Katja Labonté.
Author 25 books245 followers
December 21, 2023
5+ stars (7/10 hearts). Oh!!! How I loved this book!! It’s even better than book one. I loved seeing the love between Clark and Marty. It was so sweet and precious! I also loved all their interactions with their kids. They were just such a beautiful, happy family. Clae and Nandry were so sweet, and I loved Tom. (I do hope Owahteeka shows up again <33). And I loved Willie, and Pastor J, and… oh, man, I love the characters soooooo much!! The plot line was amazing, and I lovedddd the messages. It was just such a sweet, beautiful, hooking story. <33 I so want to read book three!

A Favourite Quote: “Sometimes,” Clark began slowly, “sometimes God knows better than us what is best. He knows thet what we want might not be right fer us now; so, soemtimes, ’stead of givin’ us what we asked Him fer, He sends instead what He knows to be best fer us.”
A Favourite Humorous Quote: “Reckon there ain’t much of enything thet will make Jedd Larson change his mind, lessen he wants to. Me, I wouldn’t even be knowin’ where to begin to work on thet man. He ain’t got ’im much of a mind, but what he had got sure can stay put.”
Profile Image for Mikayla.
1,033 reviews
April 16, 2018
After loving the first book, I was excited to read this one. Honestly, I didn't like this one quite as much as the first, mainly because it covers about fifteen years. I felt a bit lost by the end of the book because of all that had happened and changed.
But still, the book was good. Not as strong of a message with this one. Hopefully the next book is better.
Profile Image for Ana Lopez.
305 reviews37 followers
March 24, 2024
4.5 stars.
I really enjoyed reading this second book in the Love Comes Softly series.
It was great to follow along with the Davis family again and see everything that they go through in their lives. It was also great to see how the family keeps growing!
While I do absolutely love the movies, it was very interesting to see how much they changed from the books. I didn't remember if the movie had been very different to the book since I had read the book more than 10 years ago, but they did change quite a lot.
I'm really excited to continue reading the rest of the series and see what else is in store for the Davis extended family!
Profile Image for Emma.
454 reviews2 followers
May 19, 2022
I loved this dear book so much! It was both fun and bittersweet following the journey of the Davis family as the children grow up and watching some of them get married.💗 I’ve grown to love these characters so much! Marty and Clark are such a sweet, admirable couple!
I loved the addition of new characters too!
I love Willie and Missie so stinkin’ much! All I can say is I am SO happy about the way things happened! 🥰 Those two both cracked me up and made my heart melt. They’re adorable. I also loved Clae and Joe soo much! Nandry and Josh were so sweet! And Tommie❤️ I loved him and I’m so happy he found someone for him!
Anyways, I just really loved this sweet book and love these characters s’much! Can’t wait to continue reading this series.🥰
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kirsten Hobbs.
Author 1 book7 followers
June 25, 2009
I was so deeply sad when I read this book because it moved way too fast, and did not give me the details I desperately craved after finishing Love Comes Softly. I still loved the story. It was a simple yet very fulfilling read, but I was hoping to get more details of those early years between Clark and Marty. I felt like Marty became seasoned and wise (like Ma Graham) over night,and I missed hearing about her struggles and learning processes. Still, this book left me with a warm heart, and a greater appreciation for what people went through in those times gone by.
Profile Image for Bobbie Sue Davis.
104 reviews4 followers
January 17, 2019
Not often are movies better than the books, but The Love Comes Softly series is the exception. Don't get me wrong. I love Janette Oke. She's a very sweet Godly woman and i respect her for her love
of family values and she's very good at creating characters and settings. I really wish Clark Davis was a real person. However Michael Landon Jr getting involved with this series is the best thing that could've happened to it. Together their combined efforts made this series perfect. My opinion, just watch the movie series and you'll fall in love with it as i have.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
6 reviews
March 1, 2008
The second book in the Love Comes Softly series. After finishing the first novel I found myself aching for more. I immediately picked up this book with my hot chocolate and dug in. Started at 9:30am and finished at 2pm. Great read. Having watched the movie series I was sad to find the book completely different, but was glad to learn more about this wonderful family and watch them grow. I can't wait to start the third, but needed to shower and check email...off I go.
Profile Image for Kris.
1,458 reviews209 followers
May 27, 2023
Reread October 2022

Unlike Love Comes Softly, which was more focused on Marty's personal growth, and one year passes, in this book the focus is on the growth of the larger community of people surrounding Marty, and at least ten years pass. Marty is still the axis around which everything revolves, but things feel slightly... detached somehow. We get to see other people grow -- accidents, sicknesses, death, marriages, and births. Meet cutes. Relationships do or don't work out. But because the growth is spread out across lots of people, the plot feels scattered. Dropped to two stars. Watch the Hallmark movie!

There's some questionable theology -- "If Clark's prayers were answered more frequently, it was because Clark had more faith. She determined to exercise her faith more" (pg 54). Umm... what? There's cultural clash, with Tom's desire to marry an Indian girl. Lots of agonizing over this leads to nowhere. Oke took the easy way out. What a wasted opportunity. The marriage could have been used for such great character growth -- on behalf of Marty, Ma Graham, or others. They could have overcome their prejudice and been proven wrong. Found a way to welcome the couple and future children into the community. Faced the awkwardness and overcome it. "Opened their hearts" as the cross-stitch pillows would say. But Oke entirely side-steps this conflict in the end.

Conveniently, the Clarks have grown very prosperous, and they seem made of money in this one. Children go to school. New house is built. We needed some conversations about finances. We needed slightly more hardship. One or two bad crop years, a drought, or some bad storms to set things back a little.

But overall it's enjoyable to see this little pioneer community grow.

I also find it interesting that the scene depicted in the artwork on the front cover doesn't actually happen. The closest we get to a scene of Missie and Willie leaving is the last chapter, which is their wedding, which happens before they leave.

First read this as a child so I still see it through a nostalgic haze.
807 reviews3 followers
January 22, 2015
I am not a romance person but I enjoy this series. However, a few things bug me about this book, including about 2/3 of the way through when Oke completely sidesteps the issue with the Graham boy. If a white christian male was going to marry a First Nations female of a different religion in the late 1800s, there would be HUGE controversy. I thought it was unrealistic how "okay" Marty and Ma (mostly Marty though) were with the situation. Even if they weren't racist, all Christians should be concerned about their children being "yoked with unbelievers". Marty just basically said that his emotions about this girl bypassed everything. Also, I though Oke resolved the issue in a poor way (SPOILER) by letting her get sent back to the reserve- the girl's grandfather had been resilient about going to the reserve and it seems like no one else had seen the couple together so it doesn't seem likely that she would actually get sent back to me. I felt like Oke had an opportunity to really get into this serious issue but she chickened out at the end.

Also, I felt like the first 3/4 of the book were at a good pace and the last quarter was rushed through. At least 5, if not closer to ten, years were rushed through. I distinctly remember at one point Ellie was a new born and in the next paragraph (with very little indication) she was 3 years old with a new baby brother. It seemed like Oke was tired of the kids being young and sped towards growing them up so she could continue the series with Missy.

Overall this book is still nice "brain candy". Also isn't it interesting how when the girls are moving out and getting hitched one imagines Marty to be 45+ but she's really just in her 30s? Crazy!
Profile Image for Helen.
136 reviews13 followers
March 30, 2009
This is the second in the Love Comes Softly series. Clark and Marty continue to add to their family by taking in the two Larson girls as well as their own Ellie and Luke. In this story, the children are growing up and beginning to make their own lives as Clark and Marty help to build up their community by adding a school and church, as well as a teacher and preacher. Clark builds a large new house, Clae Larson goes to normal school to become a teacher, Missie grows up and follows in Clae's path to normal school, and the young people begin to pair up and marry. This is another tender, touching story of life on the prairies.
Profile Image for Joy Gerbode.
1,812 reviews15 followers
April 6, 2015
Wonderful ... again. This one spans quite a few years, so moves very quickly ... but the stories of each time really help you know the family as it grows, along with all the neighbors. More importantly, it shares a life-style that would, in many ways, really be wonderful. They did work awfully hard, though ... makes me very grateful for all that I have.

April 2015 ... once again a wonderful story, continuing the family life of Clark and Marty and their children. The good times, and the hardships, the tragedies, and the triumphs ... all the parts that make life truly wonderful. I love these stories. Very simply, easy reading, but delightful messages of faith and family.
Profile Image for Loretta Marchize.
Author 6 books36 followers
June 10, 2018
Love's Enduring Promise I actually read a while (like weeks) ago, but I've been super busy (was at my grandparents, final editing a book, etc)
SO anyways, just like Love Comes Softly, I loved this book! Missie is very fun. I felt like this one was maybe a little more plot-driven than the last one, which I liked. The romance aspect was good too, although a little 'fake' at times.
Content: few kisses/hugs between a married couple, mentions of birth/pregnancy, the main character is pregnant at one point, but very very non-detailed
Note: because I don't know the exact date I read this, just in May, I'm not going to put a day.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
324 reviews81 followers
June 28, 2019
I want to *love* these books because they have so much going for them, especially the great characters but what stops me from rating them higher is how quickly the timeline moves. From one paragraph to the next it is just as likely that a year has passed as it would be an hour had. I despise that. Maybe it’s me, but when I’m in a story like this it is the ins and outs of daily life that make it. From the first book to this one there was a gap of about three years in which a lot happens that we aren’t privy to. Anyway, good book but annoying also!
152 reviews
May 1, 2019
I only made it a quarter of the way through before I gave it up as too boring. It reads like a very dull diary. “Dear diary, today I got up early and cooked breakfast. My kids ran around, ate the food and chattered away; aren’t they so cute? We talked about building a school. We built the school. I visited a sick friend. I made dinner, gave birth, and went to bed. Life is great.” Not really my cup of tea.
Profile Image for Violet Perry (Just a Bookish Blog).
337 reviews274 followers
March 25, 2020
This was sweet novel set in the time of Little House on The Prairie, with strong willed, and 3-dimentional characters. it was a little fast-paced, but altogether a very enjoyable book to get your mind off things. Through the joys and sorrows of this book, you'll be earnestly reaching for the third book!
This is a clean, lovable novel for about 7th grade+
Profile Image for Katie Glenn.
6 reviews1 follower
July 11, 2013
LOVE LOVE LOVE this whole series! I can't say much else about it. I have read and re-read them over and over since I was 13! Definitely worth the read!
417 reviews
January 28, 2018
Marty Davis woke up to a bad dream of being all alone. Clark was there to comfort her and remind her that she wasn't alone anymore. She had him, his daughter Missie (5) and her son, Clare. She was pregnant and soon delivered another son, Arnold Joseph or Little Arnie. The towns people all got together before plowing time and built a schoolhouse. The finishing touches were done during free time in the summer months.
Wanda stopped by to tell them that she was pregnant. She told them that Cam said that if it was a boy it would be the smartest and if it were a girl, she would be the prettiest. Clark told Marty that Cam always had to have the best of everything. It wasn't necessarily a good thing.
Wanda had difficulty delivering a small baby boy but he survived. She had perviously miscarried a few times but they had a doctor in town now. Mrs. Larson died and Marty was determined to change the mind of the two girls, Nandry and Clae's, father, Jedd, about letting them attend school now that a teacher had finally been found. The new teacher would be Mr. Wilbur Whittle. Sally Ann had a daughter and her brother Tom made a joke about being an uncle and needing a cabin now. Marty realized that Tom was growing up and hoped that would find a wife worthy of him.
Jedd got an offer from a family passing through on a wagon train to buy his land. He sold his house and took up their place heading west. He stopped by to tell Clark and Marty and they talked him into leaving Nandry and Clae with them, for $10 a piece. He dropped them off the next day and headed west.
Marty went to town to get groceries and things the girls needed to start school on the day the wagon train was pulling out. She was getting material cut when the storekeeper began making comments about the girls and them using the girls to get money and work out of them. Marty got mad and later regretted telling her that they actually paid to keep the girls. She then saw a family split apart by a wife and son leaving to go back east while their father stayed behind crying. Marty was happy for her husband's enduring promise of love knowing that would never happen to her and Clark.
The town had a gathering to meet the teacher and Marty was afraid to mention that Wanda and Cam's baby boy didn't seem to be moving around properly. One of the LaHaye sons, William (Willie), seemed to cause a lot of trouble in school. Clae told Missie that Willie gave her such a hard time because he liked her. Missie declared that she didn't like him and never would.
Clark brought home a new puppy for the family and they named him Ole Bob same as their other dog. Clark had brought the puppy home thinking it would make things easier when the first Ole Bob died. It did. Ole Bob didn't last much longer.
The school year finished and summer passed. Nandry was 15 and no longer wanted to attend school. Marty and Clark didn't force her so she stayed at home. She was a lot of help with the children and she seemed to enjoy taking care of the children and the house. Marty thought she would make someone a good wife.
Tom came by and told Marty that he had his own cabin now. He confided in her that he had fallen in love with an Indian whose name meant Little Flower. He asked Marty to talk to his parents to see if she could gain their approval of a marriage between the two of them. Tommie's niece was starting to walk and poor Wanda's baby hadn't yet learned to sit.
Marty went to talk to Ma, Tommie's mother, about Tommie marrying Owahteeka. Ma wasn't happy at all to be told about Tommie but she said she'd pray about it. Marty then went to see Wanda to see about her son and saw that he was just sitting on his own at 18 months. Marty went into labor while visiting and left quickly to return home and have her daughter, Elvira.
The town had elected a committee to find a preacher and there was one coming in March. The school teacher had contacted a few people back east and one had agreed to come west. Mr. Whittle was 32 and had begun calling on the LaHaye's 18 year old daughter. LaHaye was very different than Mr. Larson had been. Larson had neglected his place and Mr. LaHaye spent all his time working on his property to the exclusion of all else, like church and social gatherings.
Tom's sister, Nellie got engaged. She was to marry after the new preacher arrived. The preacher was as extremely large as the school teacher was small. No one could understand the words he used to preach and the attendance soon dwindled. No one said anything but he wasn't well liked.
Tom suspected that Owahteeka's grandfather had found out that he wanted to marry her and had taken her back to the reservation. Tom was brokenhearted and left to head further west. He was missed and most especially by Missie.
Time passed and Marty knew that Nandry would soon be leaving. There were 2 young men who had their eye on her. Clae was almost through with her schooling and Marty and Clark were talking about how they would come up with money to send her away so she could become the schoolteacher that she desired. Missie was 11, Clare 9, Arnie 5. Ellie 3 and there was a new baby, Luke.
Another year came and went and it was Christmas time. Clae returned home from studying to be a teacher and Nandry was engaged to Josh Coffins. They were to be married in the spring. Tom returned home with a new bride of 5 months. He and Fran moved back into his cabin on the family property. The town had built a new church building thinking that the problem was the building and not the preacher. The town also marked off an area to be used as a cemetery. The new church didn't solve the problem of the people not understanding the vocabulary used by the preacher. Now they had to address the problem of asking the preacher to leave and finding a new one.
The cemetery had it's first use by an unexpected death. Mr. Whittle had married young Tessie and she and their son died in childbirth. They were the first make use of the cemetery. Mr. Whittle ended the school term and moved back East.
Nandry and Josh were married in the spring by a preacher two towns over. Clark had found him and paid him to oversee the ceremony. It took awhile but a new preacher was found. Clae finished her schooling and was asked to come home and take up after Mr. Whittle. Pastor Joseph Berwick arrived in town the same day that Clae Larson began her first day as the new schoolteacher.
The pastor was well liked and accepted not only because he could preach where the people understood but because he was a good man. He was always willing to lend a hand when he went to visit the people of his congregation. Clae liked him and was worried because he didn't come calling on her. He mentioned one afternoon after church that it would be difficult to do because she lived alone in the teacher's house attached to the school that had been built for Mr. Whittle and Tessie. Clae moved back home and Pastor Joe began calling on Clae. It was two years into her teaching that they were finally married. Missie had finished her schooling and had replaced Clae as the teacher in town.
Fran had Tom's child nearly the same time as Clae had a child by Pastor Joe. Cam had grown up and though he would always have the mind of a child, he was a big man. He was good with animals and drove wagons for others and was good at it. Wanda couldn't fault God for giving him to her because she had a child who would never grow up and leave her. Cam had learned to be more understanding and didn't have to have the best of everything anymore. He had learned to be less self-centered.
Missie was cleaning the chalkboard one afternoon when Willie snuck in behind her and covered her eyes with his hands. Missie was still determined to not like him. He left after a short conversation. Missie was 17 and a man from her school back east paid her a visit. She made it clear to him that they would be nothing more than friends. She thought that she had made that clear before she returned home. Her next caller was Lou. She liked him well enough and they dated for a while.
Willie came by the schoolhouse again to see Missie and he apologized for giving her such a hard time while they were growing up. He brought her some hair ribbons to replace ones he had damaged so long ago and she was touched. She then realized that she liked him. He told her that he was planning on moving farther west and wanted to run a cattle ranch rather than become a farmer. Missie decided that she needed to break things off with Lou. Willie was planning on leaving in 2 days.
Mrs. LaHaye, Willie's mom, died the next morning. Lou came calling that evening and Missie thought it was disrespectful and broke things off with Lou. She saw Willie and they talked again after the burial. She told Willie that she had broke things off with Lou and he began calling on Missie. Willie was well liked and accepted by Missie's family. Marty and Clark knew that it wouldn't be long before another child would be leaving their home.
Willie made the decision to leave Missie behind while he traveled west to look for a new home. Missie didn't like his decision but had no choice but to accept it. It was a year before Willie returned to marry Missie. The Davises had built a new home. It had taken two years and during that time Clark had badly injured his foot with an ax and was left with a limp. Missie and Willie LaHaye were married in the new house.
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