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Disruption #1


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What if a microchip could identify your perfect match? What if it could be used against you and the ones you love?

Eight years ago, Mercer Corporation’s M-Bands became mandatory. An evolution of the smartphone, the bracelets promised an easier life. Instead, they have come to control it.

Two years ago, Maggie Stevens watched helplessly as one of the people she loved most was taken from her, shattering her world as she knew it.

Now, Maggie is ready. And Quentin Mercer—heir to the M-Corp empire—has become key to Maggie’s plan. But as the pieces of her dangerous design fall into place, could Quentin’s involvement destroy everything she’s fought for?

In a world full of broken promises, the ones Maggie must keep could be the most heartbreaking.

410 pages, Paperback

First published April 1, 2014

About the author

Jessica Shirvington

33 books3,262 followers
Jessica Shirvington is the author of THE VIOLET EDEN CHAPTERS also known as THE EMBRACE SERIES, stand alone novel, BETWEEN THE LIVES and has an exciting new duology called DISRUPTION on the way in 2014.

An entrepreneur, author, and mother living in Sydney, Australia, Jessica is also a 2011 & 2012 finalist for Cosmopolitan’s annual Fun, Fearless Female Award. She’s also one of the lucky few who met the love of her life at age seventeen: Matt Shirvington, a former Olympian and current sports broadcaster for Foxtel and Fox Sports. Married for twleve years with two beautiful daughters, Sienna and Winter, Jessica knows her early age romance and its longevity has definitely contributed to how she tackles relationships in her YA novels.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 549 reviews
Profile Image for Ezgi T.
413 reviews1,153 followers
May 11, 2017
Bu kadın beni öldürecek sanırım
İki Hayat Arasında'yı da çok sevmiştim

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Ama hiç beklemediğim kadar iyiydi kitap

Edit: Yorumumu yükledim, okumak için tık tık
Profile Image for Kat Kennedy.
475 reviews16.2k followers
July 13, 2014
Did you know this book is shiny? Just look at its cover! So shiny! Gloriously, gloriously shiny. You know how some people are beautiful on the inside and the outside? Well the great thing about this ponderously big tome is that it is shiny on the outside and the inside. Rather like a phosphorescent jellyfish, it shines even if you cut it open and play with its splayed tenders.

How is it shiny on the inside, Kat? You ask because you like things to make sense.

[image error]

Cat scientists are only marginally more terrifying than real scientists.

Everything inside this book is just so good and pure and awesome. Maggie is one of those unusual YA protagonists who actually moves the storyline along herself. She doesn’t wait for anyone to strike. She’s beautifully flawed, fatally flawed but you just can’t help love her. She has a goal, a job to do and she’ll manoeuvre people into position to do it, even to her own detriment.

The game she plays with Quentin is gripping and the romance between the two characters makes me want to drink a bottle of wine and present a ring to this book if only to keep it with me forever. Maggie’s pro activeness in everything drives the entire book. From plot and pacing to character reveals and the thrilling end.

In fact Maggie stalked me until she found out about that time I killed a old man over half a pickle sandwich.

Then she threatened to expose me unless I wrote a favourable review of this book.

Now she’ll probably discard me once I’ve become useless to her in her grand scheme to bring down a multibillion dollar corporation that controls the world.

I both fear and love her. Part of me respects her and I absolutely can’t wait to see how this series ends.

This review appears on my blog, .
I received this book for free from Purchased in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.
589 reviews1,071 followers
January 4, 2015
See more reviews at YA Midnight Reads

As most of you already know, I've been having the trashiest luck with books. DNFs and 1 stars left and right. But this brilliant, brilliant book totally swept me off my feet. I read this whenever I had the chance; in between classes, while on public transport and even during my Autumn Concert. If you haven't figured out already, I found Disruption to be insanely addicting.

Disruption is set in the future where all citizens must wear M-Bands. These M-Bands are designed to make everyone's life easier--they even help identify your perfect match by giving a rating of how well you will go together. However if you get more than 3 negative interactions a month, you will be taken away from society to be questioned and rehabilitated. Being rated negatively means that you'll do something terribly bad in the near future. In Jessica Shirvington's world, she calls them "Negs". Then enter Maggie Stevens, a girl whose father got taken away from her when he suddenly started getting negative interactions all the time. After a long period of planning, Maggie is now prepared to go and find her father. However the key to her sucess lies with Quentin Mercer--heir to the M-Corp Empire.

I absolutely loved Maggie. Her situation is really tough as she has a father who was taken away from her and a mother who is working night shifts to pay back the debts that Maggie's father left her with. Maggie's brother doesn't even want anything to do with them. For a tough situation, Maggie deals with it realistically. She's not huddled up in a corner sobbing or night, what she is determined to do,  she will do to the best of her ability. She'll fall and trip and take wrong turns, but her determination and passion for her goals is what pulls through. That's not all. Maggie is also very witty and has the best comebacks, I find myself grinning ear to ear. I am already missing her. (Can Corruption come out now?)

Disruption also excels with the relationships. I loved the family dynamic, though it was not a strong focus. However the relationship between Gus and Maggie was. Gus is a bit like Maggie's helper. He helps her on her missions and finds contacts for information that can help Maggie achieve her goal to save her father. However, Gus only does it because Maggie blackmails him. Their arguments are always highly entertaining but it is clear to us readers that they have grown emotions--PLATONIC EMOTIONS--for each other and always have each other's backs no matter what they claim to say.

The romance is a pretty big focus in Disruption. While I could have done with less focus and less angst, it was sweet. It started off with a reluctant partership after Maggie manipulated Quentin's view and fooled him into believing that he was a Neg. Soon it grew into a very sweet and squeal-y romance that I adored.

A book brimming with gorgeous writing, a witty female lead, strong world building and fantastic relationships--platonic and romantic, I highly recommend people to read Disruption. While I'd say that I loved Between the Lives better, this one comes as a close second.

~Thank you HarperCollins Australia for sending me this copy!~

Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,581 reviews2,432 followers
November 21, 2014
Just another YA dystopian story which started with an interesting premise but never really followed through. The main female character was not appealing and I was uncomfortable with all of the dialogue which seemed stilted and unreal. Also unfortunate was that when I finally made it through 400 pages of just okay book I found it ended on a cliff hanger. So I am supposed to read a sequel. I don' t think I will. I may just have to settle for never knowing what happens to Maggie and Quentin.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,090 reviews395 followers
September 20, 2016
4.5 Stars!

I love when a book can not only pleasantly surprise me with how much I enjoyed it, but leave me hooked and begging for the second one.

This is my first Shirvington book and I can say with absolute certainty it will not be my last. Not only do I want book two now, but I can't wait to see what else she has written and to get my hands on them because I truly had that much fun with with Disruption.

I have a thing for authors who can think outside the box and come up with something totally new and completely entertaining. It doesn't always happen as much as one would like or even expect so when it goes, I take notice.

Disruption is something different from the norm. Not only imaginative and realistic feeling but believable in its complicated simplicity.

With great characters you will fall in love with, a slow burning romance, and secrets, truths, and twists around every corner, this book will hook you after the first couple chapters and leave you eagerly turning the pages until the very last one.

*An ARC copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Giselle.
1,067 reviews909 followers
February 10, 2017
Imagine a microchip embedded into every adult person so they can find their mate and live happily ever after. This is the world that Maggie lives in. When her father gets tested as negative and disappears from her life, she is determined to do anything to get him back.

Wow that one thrilling read! I love how this dystopian society was so obsessed with having relationships the one thing everyone cared about. Granted it's not far off from our reality, but I still enjoyed reading about it. Imagine wearing a band around your wrist that will determine if you are a long-term match, a lustful match, a friendship match or even a negative match from the people who are around you. That's the world that Shirvington has created and I was thoroughly entertained. We as a reader are privy to Maggie's plan when one of the characters is not. And you just know that by the end, something is going to happen to expose her lies. I pretty much devoured this one and in good time since I wasn't in a reading mood lately, but this one flew by.

I admire Maggie's determination to save her father no matter who she hurt in the process, and I can't say I didn't see the end but nonetheless this had a great but terrifying world to boot. Their chemistry was just lovely to read and I would get goosebumps whenever Quinn would declare his love. He's no one dimensional love interest that's for sure. Then there's Maggie herself who is an anti-heroine which I loved as well because she's not determined to save everyone and everything, just her family. And that fierce determination is what sets her apart from other characters I have read.

Needless to say, if you're looking for a swoony romance but without the cheesiness, pick this one up! You'll be glad you're in for the ride. Cannot wait for the sequel!



How can I know what I am and yet feel every single fibre of my being falling for you?
Profile Image for Lynne Stringer.
Author 12 books330 followers
February 12, 2020
It's always nice to read a book that won't let me leave it alone. This was one of those.
Before I sing its praises too much, there were a couple of things that bothered me, but they're relatively minor - a bit of repetition and some spelling mistakes. They weren't enough for me to give this lower than four stars.
It was an entertaining and engrossing story. Maggie was delightfully cold-blooded and I could understand her struggles and why she did what she did. Quentin was suitably magnetic. All the characters were well-written and engaging; my favourite thing in a book.
Even though the story largely went the way I was expecting, it was still a hell of a ride and quite a journey. I was immersed in the world and picturing myself there was easy. It was not too tall an ask either, as it's not that dissimilar to our own.
All in all, a great story.
Profile Image for Zey.
222 reviews18 followers
November 19, 2019
3,5 Güzeldi ama eksiklikler var gibiydi. Karakterlere de nedense pek ısınamadım.
Profile Image for Lexie.
224 reviews198 followers
February 5, 2016

We need a lot more girl anti-hero protagonists. Just saying. This was entirely too good.
Profile Image for Beliz.
399 reviews19 followers
February 6, 2017
Şu an tamamen ŞOKTAYIM :O

M-Crop denilen bir teknolojiyle sağlık durumunuz, nerede olduğunuz sürekli takip ediliyor ve hatta mükemmel eşinizi bulabiliyorsunuz. Ama eğer neg yani negatifseniz her şeyinizi kaybediyorsunuz.

Maggie'nin babası böceklerde denediği bir teknolojiyi bir şekilde M-Crop'lara bir parazitle uygulamayı başarıyor ve ailesini paramparça ederek ve tabiki arkasında kocaman bir borç bırakarak hükümet tarafından tutuklanıyor. Her şey Maggie'nin onu kurtarmak istemesiyle başlıyor.

Maggie muhteşem bir karakterdi. Güçlü, tuttuğunu koparan kadın karakterlere bayılıyorum. Amacına bu denli sadık olması beni çok etkiledi. Ve gelelim Quentin'e.... Tek kelimeyle BAYILDIM!! Çocuk neg olduğunu düşünmesine rağmen bağıra çağıra aşkını haykırdı.... İşte aradığım yüreklilik!!!!!!!

Ve Maggie'nin babası... İğrenç adam,sövmelere doyamadım. İçime oturdu o son.

Elimde olsa da milyonlarca yıldız versem<3 Seni seviyorum Shirvington<333333
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘.
870 reviews4,103 followers
October 23, 2014
✰✰✰ 3 give me a lie stars ✰✰✰

I don't know you, but that's really difficult for me to write a review for my 2 or 3 stars ratings. I mean, when I hate a book that's pretty fun, when I love a book I adore rambling, but when that's average *shrug* I have a hard time writing. Sorry about that.

Warning : I'm really hard on dystopias. Perhaps that's because I read a tons of them, and wonderful ones, but I have always huge expectations and my disappointment mirrors them.

Disruption isn't a bad book. Not at all. That's quite the opposite actually : it's action-paced, really well-written and kept my interest enough to make me be eager to read the sequel - Not to mention the very unpredictable twist which totally surprised me at the end. You've been warned.

After all, 3 stars isn't a bad rating, and I really liked my reading.

But I didn't love that book.



1) The lack of strong feelings. Maybe I'm being harsh but if there is a flaw which is unforgivable for me when I read a dystopia that's this one. Basically, the genre deals with some harsh and heart-breaking issues, so I'm willing to expect to be moved. I don't want to be a random witness of that world, no, I want to feel me there. If that's not the case, I begin to sulk. And nobody wants to see me sulking right?

All right, I must admit that I did feel something in the second half but even if I had my inside in knots sometimes, it was romance's angst, and not what's the hell is gonna fall on us angst (and that's what I seek in a dystopia).

2) The lack of world-building. Okay, okay, there is a gap between our world and theirs : I mean, everybody has a sort of band attached to his wrist which give many information like -
- who you match with (pheromones and all that stuff - and yes, that sucks if you don't match with anyone, trust me on this)
- how your heart beats (awkward when you don't want to acknowledge the fact that you're attracted by someone)

You don't have those bands, right?

Add some compounds we never visit and.... here's our world.

That's not enough for me.

What did I love, then? The characters and the romance.

First of all, Maggie isn't our average heroine and I really appreciated it. Nevertheless, despite the fact that I usually like female leads who aren't flawless and who follow their own rules - sometimes at the expense of the others' feelings - I must admit that I had a hard time connecting with her. Don't get me wrong, I understand the reasons behind the harsh choices she makes. Really. But, I don't know, there was a moment I just couldn't stand her lies anymore, even if she feels the burden of them. I was feeling manipulated, because hey, of course the truth would come out, I'm not stupid -

Well, I didn't expect the truth would come out like that. Well done, well done.

Quentin doesn't escape the common stereotypes of the genre - you know, he's sweet and adorable whereas at first he seems to be a jerk, which remind me of oh, well - but he succeeded in moving me in his quest to know his family and to overtake the fact that all he used to know was a lie.

Oh, and there isn't any love triangle, and I'd be willing to give a bonus star just for that.

To sum up, Disruption is definitely worth a try, and contains some passages which made my heart race and a male lead I could swoon over (yes, Quentin is adorable, seriously). Yet I cannot hide my disappointment - because I loved the romance and I wanted to love the book.

Yet I'm really curious to find out where the story will go in the sequel.

Oh, well, I'm confused about that book. Read it and tell me what you think?

It's been a long time since my last dystopia. I'm craving for a story which deals with -

*check Wikipedia* "dehumanization, totalitarian governments, environmental disaster, or other characteristics associated with a cataclysmic decline in society."

OMG. Really?

Guess I'm just weird.
Profile Image for starryeyedjen.
1,707 reviews1,261 followers
August 25, 2017
I love discovering books not because they're being promoted but because other readers are simply enjoying them and sharing the love on Goodreads. I probably would have dismissed this book without a second thought because it sounded a little too dystopian for my tastes, but it is sooo much more than that. The utter mind-fuck that Maggie pulls over on Quentin, the infiltration, the romance, the utter chaos of it all...I am so glad I didn't have to wait for the sequel like so many others complained about after that killer cliff-hanger.
Profile Image for Nur Ötken.
Author 2 books37 followers
November 6, 2019
Gerçekten çok iyiydi, bir solukta okudum. Oluşturulan teknoloji ilginçti, Black Mirror tadındaydı. Güçlü ve baskın kadın karakteri bazen çok sinir olsam da sevdim. Mantık hataları vardı, bu nasıl olabilir ki deyip düşündüğüm yerler oldu. Çok beğenerek, severek okudum bunun dışında. Ve ikinci kitapta neler olacağını çok merak ediyorum. Yazar beni hayal kırıklığına uğratmadı.
Profile Image for Joy.
205 reviews27 followers
March 22, 2014
When I was studying psychology in first year uni, I was always interested in human pheromones and how it influenced the way we develop relationships with one another. Jessica Shirvington took the idea of pheromones and turned it into a fast paced and action packed novel full of kick.

In Maggie Stevens’ present day world, M-Corp has introduced a wristband that each individual must wear. But it’s not until you turn 18, that your M-bands are equipped with the technology that allows you to rate every individual that you pass based on how their pheromones match with yours. In this present day world, people are becoming obsessed with rating each other, to the point that anyone who rates ‘negative’ three or more times a month will be taken away for questioning and sent to ‘rehabilitation’ camps.

These ‘negs’ are people that are suspected of having done something extremely unforgiving, or are expected to sometime in the future. Similar to how scientists are looking for a ‘killer gene’ or even a ‘gay gene’, this novel revolves around the idea that negs are considered dangerous and unworthy of life within common society.

Maggie Stevens is a brilliant character that’s been training and gathering intel for two years, in search of her missing father who turned neg suddenly with no explanation. Left with a shattered reputation and all her father’s debts, Maggie’s family moves from their countryside home to Arlington, Washington DC, to start a new life. Little did her mum or brother know, Maggie was on a mission to find her dad. She’s discovered that the ‘rehabilitation’ camps advertised by M-Corp are bogus, and instead they are keeping negs in underground facilities, and stripping away their identities and hopes in order to produce well-behaved and robotic human beings. Maggie will stop at nothing to save her dad, even going as far as using a ‘Disruption’ formula her dad created to manipulate M-Corp’s youngest heir to work on her side.

This novel is amazing, and it’s all because of Maggie. She’s held herself so well, given all the crap she’s had to deal with following her dad turning neg. She’s a strong person, inside and out, and has this unwavering determination that helps her get the job done. But most of all, even though she continuously puts on a cold front, deep down she’s as human as anyone else. And that’s what makes her great, because she’s empathetic and loving, making her a realistic character that you can’t help but root for.

Maggie doesn’t have many relationships in her life, but she’ll protect the people she does care about and trust. I loved her dynamic with Gus, her work manager that she’s blackmailing for his special IT skills. Gus and Maggie seem to hate each others guts, working along with each other only for their own benefits. But at the end of the day, they will always be there for each other if one’s in danger. I had so much fun reading their interactions with each other, because each is just so snippy and irritated all the time. They share a brother-sister dynamic that’s not often seen in YA novels all that much. It’s hard to beat a relationship like theirs, and I will admit it was my favourite relationship in the book.

Maggie and Quentin Mercer’s relationship began on shaky grounds, as Maggie manipulates him into thinking he’s a neg with her father’s Disruption formula, which changes a person’s pheromone signals for a short period of time. Believing Maggie had saved his ass from a neg interrogation, Quentin reluctantly works with her in exchange for a way to turn him from neg to normal for short periods. Little did he know, he wasn’t a neg a all. Maggie and Quentin’s relationship develops slowly, which I really liked. There are definitely traces of insta-like there, to push along the story, but it wasn’t distracting or the only plot of the story. Huzzah!

As an heir to M-Corp, Maggie was using Quentin to gain access to his father’s computer and files, in order to search for her missing dad. Along the way, they start to develop feelings for each other. Sneaking around in tunnels together and running for their lives really helped. Literally. Their oxytocin levels must have been out of this world. I really enjoyed Quentin as a character, whose ability to change from a stuck-up wealthy heir to an empathetic individual had always been there. From the first page, he was portrayed as someone that looked beyond just ratings, but was brainwashed by his family into someone that didn’t care. Believing he himself was a neg led him to thinking he was dysfunctional, giving him the sympathy to open his eyes to what was happening under his nose.

I really liked this world Shirvington had built. Having read a lot of dystopians in the past year, I kept forgetting that the story was based in our world, with only one difference being the M-Bands. The world is Disruption actually seems disturbingly believable, especially with our rapid technological growths every year. Will Google Glass turn into something similar to the M-Bands? Eep!

While I really enjoyed the story, I just thought the twist at the end was a bit…unbelievable. It wasn’t exactly a surprising twist, but it wasn’t exactly an ‘omg no way!’ twist either. It’s hard to explain why the twist makes no sense without ruining it, so I will just say that there are certain points that don’t add up. This by no means ruins the story in any way, but personally, I had just hoped for something different … not exactly sure what. My brain is mush I swear.

Overall, Disruption was such a brilliant and different novel. I loved the characters, I loved this world, and I’m itching to know what’s going to happen next. Ms Shirvington, you’ve done it again!

Thank you to HarperCollins Australia for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review.

- - - -

This review also appears on Thoughts By J. Visit for more reviews like this!
Profile Image for Jeann (Happy Indulgence) .
1,023 reviews5,435 followers
August 18, 2016
This review appears on Happy Indulgence. Check it out for more reviews!

Actual rating: 3.5

Disruption transforms our world into one where people can find partners from a microchip on their wrist, changing the way we communicate and interact with each other.

I loved the world building and the concept of the new technology, which was explored in detail in Disruption. Phera-tech is the reigning technology, where everyone must wear M-Bands to show how they’d interact with each other. Friends, partners and true love will be found through their compatibility ratings from their M-bands. But if they rate as a negative too many times, they’ll be removed from society. People monitor their M-Bands as they walk past the opposite sex, turn off their M-Bands when they believe they’d found their match, search the world looking for their true matches. The technology has even reduced STDs and teenage pregnancy as people refer to their M-Bands for their matches.

On the flip side, the phera-tech also has a dark side to it, where illegal lust serums are used to boost people’s compatibility ratings, when those who consistently receive negative ratings are removed from society, and the usage of disruption – a serum that gives negs the ability to have ratings for a short period. The unique concept of phera-tech was discussed intricately and weaved into the story, which I really enjoyed.

Maggie was a determined, tough character with a single purpose – to break into M-Corp and rescue her dad. I admired her strength, bravery and dedication all the way through, and loved how she took Muay Thai classes to toughen up. I felt like there was a certain amount of detail missing though on how exactly Maggie achieves her rebel missions other than through the help of Gus’s surveillance and Quentin accompanying her. This made it hard for me to understand how she could achieve such a dangerous mission, relatively single-handedly.

While the romance between Maggie and Quentin evolved over time, I felt like the storyline when he came into the picture would be predictable, and it was. From their falling in love, to Maggie’s inevitable betrayal, there weren’t many surprises here with the romance. While Quentin was a wonderful character who supports Maggie on her missions, even going against his family, I wanted more fire out of him, especially after the big reveal. Instead, he turned into a big mushpot, and I felt like his dedication to Maggie was somewhat unrealistic, especially when she’s going against his own family.

Maggie’s love/hate friendship with Gus featured heaps of witty one-liners and comebacks and I don’t think I’d be in the minority when I say I preferred her and Gus over Quentin. I wish there were specifics given about the blackmail though, because Gus kind of treated Maggie like a friend and the animosity felt kind of playful.

Disruption featured an awesome sci-fi concept, great character development and a slow building romance. I did feel like it was predictable and lacking details especially around the characters, which could have helped me connect with them a bit better. Jessica Shirvington’s crisp, addictive and readable writing was wonderful as always though, and I think YA readers everywhere will enjoy this book. There’s a cliffhanger at the end of the book though – to be continued in Corruption.

Thank you to HarperCollins Australia for sending me a review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jaime Arkin.
1,441 reviews1,370 followers
October 4, 2016
Disruption was an interesting read. I kind of went in with high expectations mostly because I had seen a couple of blogger friends raving about and if I’m being honest it took me quite a bit of time to just click with the story.

That said, once I did, I struggled to put the book down.

It’s the future… some form of it where everyone wears an M-Band. They’re mandatory and they pass information on to Mercer Corporation and the government about everything. They were a promise of an easier life, but instead they’ve torn families apart.

Two years ago Maggie watched her father be taken from her family because his status on his M-Band became negative, and Maggie has spent the last two years searching for him to rescue him from the Neg camps and bring him home. The one catch is that she needs Quentin Mercer to do it and she’s already proved to others that nothing matters except finding her father so she’ll do whatever she has to along the way to make it happen.

Like I said, it was slow going for me at the start. I struggled to connect with the story but there are definite elements that had me intrigued. First and foremost the idea behind this story. It’s something that you can imagine happening in the future and that is always fun to kind of imagine as you’re reading. Second, Maggie. She’s such a complicated character and I kind of found myself just loving her. Not only does she kick ass … literally… she knows Muy Thai and she has to use it a couple times, but she’s smart and a bit devious and I love it.

There is definite romance in this story if you’re looking for some. Quin stands for and IS everything that Maggie has learned to hate over the past two years. His family are the ones behind the M-Bands, the Neg camps and her father disappearing so she has no bad feelings about what she’s doing to Quin in the beginning. But when she starts to get to know Quin and he comes to some definite realizations about his family, she can’t help… no matter how hard she tries… to deny she has acquired some feelings about this guy. While it’s not necessarily insta-love, it did feel kind of instant to me how strong their feelings progressed. Either way, there’s some definite swoony moments among all the action and crazy.

I just have to say that I love Gus and I love the ‘friendship’ between he and Maggie… can you call it a friendship when a guy uses a tranq gun on you and basically hates your guts? I mean he has his reasons, but I kind of feel that beneath the gruffness and anger towards Maggie, he might actually care what happens for her…. Maybe.

The end on this one is tough you guys… I don’t know that I’d call it a cliff-hanger, but you’re left wondering what exactly is next for this crew and you’re going to want to know pretty much immediately just because of where Shirvington leaves that last page. Lots of stuff goes down, so I’m definitely intrigued to see where Shirvington takes book 2!

If you love an intriguing story filled with characters you’ll love and a romance you can’t help but swoon over? Definitely grab Disruption and join me in the wait for book 2!

Thank you to the publisher for an early copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.
Profile Image for Öznur (kendimizeaitbiroda).
387 reviews50 followers
March 3, 2017
Yorumun aslı :

Uzun zamandır okumak isteyip ikinci kitap hala çevrilmediği için erteleyip durduğum bir kitaptı Parazit ama daha fazla karşı koyamadım ve başladım. İkinci kitabı okuyamadığım için çıldırsam da kararımdan oldukça memnunum.
Kitapta gerçekten rahatsız edici bir dünya tasarlanmış. M-Corp şirketi bir teknoloji geliştiriyor ve devlet kullanımını zorunlu hale getiriyor. Şöyle ki; kolunuza taktığınız M-bant tüm duygularınızın ve hormonlarınızın değişimini takip ediyor, kalp atışlarınız yükseldiğinde uyarı veriyor, nerede olduğunuzun takip edilmesine sebep oluyor ve bunlar gibi daha pek çok şeyin yetkisini ele geçirmiş. 18 yaşına geldiğinizde ise eşinizi seçecek olan Feratekinizi aktifleştirmek zorunda kalıyorsunuz ve her ay belirli sayıda değerlendirme almanız gerekiyor. Duygularınızın hiçbir önemi yok, önemli olan feratekinizden yüksek bir değerlendirme almanız. Şayet değerlendirmeniz sürekli negatif olursa bir neg olduğunuz ortaya çıkıyor ve "rehabilitasyon kampı"na gönderiliyorsunuz. Ailenizin sizden nefret etmesi için, peşinizi bırakmaları için her şey yapılıyor. Maggie'nin babası da bir anda birçok negatif değerlendirme almaya başlıyor ve neg olduğu için ailesinden alınıyor. Kitabımız tam da burada başlıyor; Maggie babasının peşine düşüyor.
Maggie kafasına koyduğu planlarını gerçekleştirmek için iki yıl boyunca hazırlanıyor, yeraltına iniyor, kendisini ve çevresindekileri tehlikeye atmaktan asla çekinmiyor.
Ben Maggie'den ciddi anlamda nefret ettim. Gerçekten. Bencilliği, önüne çıkan herkesi planları için kullanması, planları için kitaptaki en masum insanı, Quentin'i feda etmesi... Maggie'yi tam olarak affedebileceğimi hiç sanmıyorum.
Quentin'e gelirsek... M-Corp'un en küçük varisi... Ama Mercer olamayacak kadar mükemmel biri. "Neden bu kadar güzelsin? " sık sık yinelediğim bir soruydu onun için. Maggie'den bu kadar nefret etmemin sebebi de Quentin'di. Quentin o kadar güzeldi ki, Maggie'nin yaptıkları, Quentin'e hissettirdikleri ondan nefret etmeme neden oldu. Ah,canım Quentin...❤️
Kitap son derece akıcı, ve inanın, o sonu asla tahmin edememiştim. Sürekli ürettiğim senaryolarım vardı ama bu aklımın ucundan dahi geçmezdi. Öyle şeyler oldu, öyle bir yerde bitti ki bir an önce ikinci kitaba kavuşmak istiyorum.
Bence siz de okumak, Quentin'le tanışmak için vakit kaybetmeyin.
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,179 reviews321 followers
September 27, 2016
4.5 stars. So so good!! I could not stop reading. I need book two nowwwww. It's even more torturous because I know it exists in the world.

What I loved:
1) This book is fast paced and had me reading quickly from stat to finish. I'm not a huge fan of government controlled dystopian these days, but I could definitely see our society getting addicted to the M-Band. And our world has definitely faced horrors like those Maggie discovers.

2) I'm always a fan of the hate to love romance. Maggie would consider herself the enemy of Quentin Mercer - or at the very least she sees him as a tool in the way of her quest to find her father. That is the perfect set up of course for a swoony romance. And Quentin and Maggie's is delicious to see build. Of course he's not at all what she thought he'd be at first, and I was dying to find out how they rated together!

3) Maggie is badass. This girl is determined on her path and will stop at nothing to accomplish it. though it was tough to see her make some of the choices she did, I admire her drive and discipline to get there. And I loved seeing her realize that she had a lot more than she realized. Though it took much pain to get there.

4) The ending is a tough one! Some hope is there but it's also very much a cliffhanger. This all just made me even more desperate to get my hands on the sequel. And it's all the more maddening because I know it exists in Australia. I just can't access it here :(

What I didn't:
5) I found some things about what Maggie discovers in the climax to be predictable, and at the same time hard to believe. I don't want to say more without a spoiler tag.

Love Triangle Factor: NONE
Cliffhanger Scale: High (but bearable)
Profile Image for Yasemin.
43 reviews7 followers
September 12, 2016
YAHU SONUNDA ADAM GIBI BIR DISTOPYA. Peki tek okuyuşta bitirmiş olmam? Uzun zamandır bir arayıştaydım ve bu kitapla susuzluğum dindi resmen.
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,868 reviews319 followers
June 10, 2019
I've had this book on my kindle for years. It was one that slipped through the cracks and I honestly just forgot about it - until it was picked for me to read as part of challenge. And I'm kind of sad that it took me so long to start it because this was a very intriguing book. Set in the future where humanity is ruled by technology, one girl is on a mission to save her family and prove that human emotions are nothing to be toyed with.

Meet Maggie Stevens. When her father is flagged as a neg (someone who is evil or will become evil), her life crumbles as she watches him get taken away. Armed with the memories of her dad and the intuition that he's not evil, Maggie sets out to rescue him from the underground prisons that negs are kept. In order to do this she must get close to the son of the man who took her father away.

I'm sure you can see where this is going. Maggie ends up getting close to Quentin and her priorities get skewed. She starts getting careless and ignoring obvious red flags. And she ends up hurting people. The story was predictable, but I am very interested in where it goes next. I liked how Shirvington played on our societies obsession with everything social and technological. And tech that can tell who your match is by rating every person you come into contact with? You just know people would line up for this. There were holes for me that just didn't make sense and it was a little hard to connect the dots on how this tech company pretty much took over the world. But the underlying tone is there. If something can make life easier, the more people flock to it. And in that, we as a society, lose our identities and become numbers in a money game.

A very interesting and new concept that I'm glad I finally picked up. I will definitely be continuing this series to see how it all plays out.
Profile Image for Shaheen.
640 reviews76 followers
February 9, 2017

This book kept me up until 2 in the morning. TWO IN THE MORNING. I was absolutely useless the next day - the combination of lack of sleep and trying to recover from the sheer awesome that is this book was almost too much for me to bear.

An original, exciting science fiction thriller, Disruption is the first book in a new duology that explores the devastating effects of over-reliance on technology. In this case it's M-Bands, which are worn around the wrist and control your health and your wealth, and everything in between. For those eighteen and over, it also incorporates Phera tech, which claims to instantly tell you how compatible you are with anyone in a 2m radius using pheromones, in theory allowing you to pick your friends, lovers and life-partners without having to go through the awful guess-work that we do today. But of course, there's a dark side to it.

Enter Maggie, who knows about the dark side intimately. People are allowed three negative interactions a month. Any more, and they are taken away for questioning and then 'rehabilitated', the reasoning being that negative interactions allow for the prediction of future violence or other behaviour that can endanger the rest of society. Maggie's father was taken away for too many negative interactions and she will do anything to get him back.

Jessica Shirvington writes amazing characters so it's no surprise that I loved Maggie from the get-go. She's not perfect, and she knows it, but it doesn't seem important the face of all the hardship and injustice she has witnessed and experienced. Maggie needs to take on Mercer Corp and their M-Bands, and she's not going to do that by being nice.

The dynamic between Maggie and Quentin Mercer, the M-Corp heir, is different from that usually seen in YA. It's usually the boy who knows everything, and teaches her about the real world, and I love the reversal that Shirvington pulls off in Disruption. Quentin is absolutely clueless to what his world is really like, and he's easily manipulated by Maggie into helping her. She teaches him to navigate the black-market and then the underground tunnels, she introduces him to all her disreputable contacts, pushing, prodding, and generally orchestrating his betrayal of his family and all that they stand for.

This is not to say that their relationship isn't sweet or believable. The romance that grows between them is slow-burning and forms out of respect and grudging friendship, which has always been my favourite kind.

The world Shirvington has crafted in this book is detailed and evidently well researched. The science seems plausible and the execution is brilliant, never slowing down the action of the narrative with lengthly explanations or convenient monologues. At first I thought that there should have been more resistance to the idea of M-Bands and their widespread use, but then I realised that most forms of technology, if popular, become ubiquitous fairly rapidly. My only comment is that the technological monopoly that M-Corp has over the M-bands seems unlikely - when they were first introduced, why weren't there hundreds of companies that tried to emulate them? I would have thought a duopoly would be more likely (like Android and iOS in smartphones, for example).

Disruption is full of action that will set your heart racing (and keep you up to all hours of the night). It culminates with a brilliant plot-twist, which I'd begun to suspect but didn't give credence to (because surely not!), and will leave readers desperate for the next book, Corruption.

Disruption a sci-fi thriller in the purest form, and a fine example of it too. I think it has a wide appeal, because of the science fiction, action and romantic elements that it weaves together. Jessica Shirvington has proven, once again, that she is a very skilful and versatile storyteller. Grab a copy, devour it, and then join me in the wait for what comes next.

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher for review.
You can read more of my reviews at Speculating on SpecFic .
Profile Image for XXK.
520 reviews12 followers
May 10, 2014
*Cue freak out session.*
But be warned.
I expect this to be good as all your other books. Maybe even better, if it's possible.
Not that it's a problem, of course.
Just putting it out there.


This book, at first may have been a tad disappointing. A tiny bit. Just a tad! Trust me, Maggie seemed cool, past history seemed cool even the somewhat unstable Microchip seemed not bad. It's just....hmmmm... I think it was Quentin. It must be Quentin, right? I mean....it's not like THE Jessica Shirvington could write anything even a tiny bit less than what you expected. Pffft. Ha, this is just insanity, what am I saying?

Let's move on from this ridiculous horrible impossibleness.

Maggie was quite an unusual protagonist. Its not every day you see such a feisty, independent and alone person like her. It's somewhat of a rare treat, don't you agree? Not too healthy to have every night, but now and then it can be so very pleasant. But, of course, there must always be a consequence which, in this case, is the lack of strength and personality in the male character.

However, in this book (and admittedly, Vampire Academy as well as Divergent) this lover was quite different however. While there was quite less of a strength and scary demeanour, he is quite... different. While he seems to be some spoilt, rich brat at first he becomes quite deep. I don't know, maybe it's just me. But for once, I didn't really mind him. He was... refreshing, shall we say and leave it that.

And that ending. Oooooooh, it was NOT DISAPPOINTING. NOT AT ALL. Wonderful, really, though at times I really don't know if I'm happy about it or sad. I do hope her "condition" shall we call it remains in the second book. And a certain somebodies manages to see her like that. It would be magical. Perfect.

So, I think I rated this 4.396675. I don't know, everything seemed pretty good but just didn't really reach the expectations I initially had. Maybe, it's just because I didn't read it as quickly as I'm used to. But.. even so it was fantastic. I'm so glad Gus didn't die. Good job JS! :D
Profile Image for Louisa.
497 reviews394 followers
May 22, 2014
How is Jessica Shirvington not a bigger name in YA? Her marketing peeps need to step up their game. Besides some info-dumping and a lack of other female characters, Disruption was kickass, an intriguing addition to the YA sci-fi genre, aaand holy crap, DAT ENDING. I'm definitely taking my pheromones more seriously now (is something I never thought I'd say).

Longer review to come when I'm not drowning at work :'(
Profile Image for Büşra Öztürk.
515 reviews166 followers
April 22, 2017

Quentin Mercer kim olduğunu biliyordu ve kimsenin beklentilerine uyma ihtiyacı hissetmiyordu. Gömleğinin yarısı pantolonunun dışına sarkıyordu. Kravatı mükemmel bir şekilde bağlanmıştı ama çarpık duruyordu. Ayakkabıları çok parlak olacak şekilde cilalanmıştı ve birinin bağcığı açıktı. Yürüyen bir zıtlıklar silsilesiydi ve onu rahat hissettiren de tam olarak bu gibi gözüküyordu.
Profile Image for mith.
874 reviews285 followers
March 11, 2024
Bruh. I remember liking this years ago when I read it, and I could see why. It still isn't BAD, if you go into it with some level of apprehension and the wearied acceptance of "not like other girls" being a thing. We really played on that, huh?
Profile Image for Beyza B..
72 reviews1 follower
September 14, 2019
Sen ne harika bir kitapsın be.Sonunda kurtardın beni şu reading slump’tan.Yazın başından beri kitaplar elden ele gidiyor hiçbiri sarmıyordu.İyi ki seni elime almışım.Öyle sürükleyiciydi ki zaten dün gece kendimi kaybedip 4 buçuk 5’e kadar okumuşum.Gözlerim fıldır fıldır dönmeye başlayınca mecbur birkaç sayfa kala bıraktım.Bu güne nasipmiş.Kitabı yeni bitirdiğimde enerjim çok yüksek oluyor umarım fikrim değişmez bana göre içinde masumane bir aşk olan çok da derine inmeyen bir distopyaydı.Panzehiri elime aldım bile bakalım neler olacak..
Profile Image for nick (the infinite limits of love).
2,120 reviews1,524 followers
August 5, 2016


I’ve been in a Aussie YA phase the past couple of weeks, so when I came across Disruption and Corruption by Jessica Shirvington, an Australian author, I didn’t hesitate to borrow them and dive right into them. These books aren’t my typical kinds of reads, but they were entertaining in every way and I had no trouble sinking myself into the story.

What made both Disruption and Corruption work well for me was all the character growth. In the beginning, particularly in the first book, I struggled a lot with Maggie, our protagonist. She was a smart and hard-edged character who kept her emotions well-hidden. As much as I loved that she was focused and determined on saving her father, I also struggled with how manipulative she was, using people along the way and nearly destroying them emotionally. However, Maggie matures a lot throughout the duology, the events in her life forcing her to do so. By the beginning of Corruption, I really loved the kind of girl she had become – tough, but also vulnerable, compassionate and caring. Jessica Shirvington made her go through hell and more in these books, but I loved that Maggie was the kind of girl who rose from every failure, even stronger and even more determined than before.

Quentin, Maggie’s love interest and the son of the tech owner who ruined Maggie’s family, was my favorite character in this series. This boy was seriously one of the sweetest, kindest and most loyal boy I’ve ever come across in a book. There was an air of gentleness around him and together with his dedication to be good, there was no doubt that I would be a swooning pile whenever he was on page. He’s the kind of character you want to protect from all evil when you find out just how rough his family life is. I really loved the side characters as well, particularly Gus, a hacker that Maggie befriended. Their dynamic was fun and the platonic banter was one of the best parts of this book! I also really loved how family-focused the book was and I loved that Maggie’s brother and mom were such a big part of the series.

Quentin’s romance with Maggie was rife with complications from the start because Maggie was essentially lying to his face and using him for her own purposes, but oh my goodness. The progression was so beautifully done. Corruption especially had some swoony and romantic scenes that melted me. I shipped them so so hard! Despite the initial lies between Maggie and Quentin, these two turned out to be a refreshingly open couple with each other. Quentin slowly showed Maggie that she was as deserving of love as everyone else and he brought out the absolute best of her personality. What I especially loved about them was how Quentin never overshadowed Maggie from her goal – instead he went along with her by her side and never stopped or undermined her. It was really nice to have this male love interest who had so much faith in his heroine and who gave her the space to reach her goals.

I’ll admit, part of me was nervous that I wouldn’t enjoy these as much as my last few Aussie YA books because they are dystopia/scifi and I thought I was over those, but the author really impressed me with how fresh the story was. In this futuristic world, a tech company called M-Corp has come up with M-bands that are intended to help life run smoother, and these M-bands even give you ratings to show compatible you are with the people you interact with based on pheromones. If you rate negative 3 times, you are labelled a “neg” and sent to rehabilitation camps.

As with most tech companies in books, M-Corp is obviously lying about a lot of things and throughout the series Maggie, Quentin and their friends discover just how much M-Corp is playing God. I know what you may be thinking. That this sounds exactly like every other dystopia, but trust me when I say that Jessica Shirvington kept it very entertaining from start to finish with the twists, the torture and the dangers. These books were action-packed and just pure fun to read – my heart raced in fear as these characters make new discoveries about the extent of the lies M-Corp has fed society and I never knew who to trust because EVERYONE seemed to have a hidden agenda.

I’m really pleased that I gave Disruption and Corruption a try. I loved what Jessica Shirvington did here, especially with the characters and she is definitely an author that I’m going to watch out for because she’s undeniably very talented. If you’re in the mood for a fast-paced and action-packed story with some really great characters and a romance that will have you shipping the OTP, then do yourself a favor and read these books. You will not be disappointed.
Profile Image for Serpil Çelebi.
Author 7 books10 followers
October 11, 2016
Son alışverişimden Parazit'e başlamıştım dün. Akşama da son sayfasını görmüş oldum. Anlaşılacağı üzere akıcıydı. Yazarın yine Yabancı Yayınları'ndan çıkan İki Hayat Arasında'sını çok sevmiştim. Kadının farklı kurgu üretmekle ilgili bariz yeteneği var.
Bu kitap bilim-kurgu türünde bir gençlik kitabı. Kollarına çip taktırma zorunluluğu olan insanların yaşadığı bir Dünya. İnsanların her şeyi bu çiplere kayıtlı. Sağlık dosyaları, yaş, cins, ırk, mal varlıkları, geçmişleri yani aklınıza ne gelirse. Bir de 18 yaşına giren herkesin diğer bireylerle yapacağı Fera-tek denen uyum testleri mevcut. Her ay, her yetişkin en az 4 uyum testi yapmak zorunda. Yapmazlarsa suç sayılıyor. Yapıpta 3 negatif sonuç alırlarsa 'Neg' adıyla etiketkenip toplumdan soyutlanıyorlar. Ana karakterimiz Maggie'nin babası da bu Neg'lerden biri.
Kızımız ise bu duruma baş kaldırmış. Babasının bir Neg olduğuna inanmıyor ve onu kurtarmak için yapmaması gereken bir çok şey yapıyor. Bu noktadan sonra Maggie'nin gittiği yola bizde konuk oluyoruz.
Aslında Maggie'den hiç hoşlanmadım. Ama kitabı sevdim. Devamı da var fakat henüz çıkmadı. Kitap bittiğinde keşke devam kitabı da elimde olsaydı dedim. Kuşkusuz ara vermeden 2.kitaba geçerdim.
Profile Image for Danielle.
202 reviews285 followers
November 17, 2016
I haven't read a dystopian in such a long time so I wasn't sure how this book would be, but I really enjoyed it!
It was fun, fast-paced, full of twists, and definitely left me wanting more!

Full review to come on my blog: www.thechroniclesofdanielle.wordpress...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 549 reviews

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