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Revival #5-6

Revival: Deluxe Collection, Volume 3

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For one day in rural central Wisconsin, the dead came back to life. Now, it's up to Officer Dana Cypress to deal with the media scrutiny, religious zealots, and government quarantine that has come with them. In a town where the living have to learn to deal with those who are supposed to be dead, Officer Cypress must solve a brutal murder, and everyone, alive or undead, is a suspect.

The sell-out hit series created by New York Times Bestselling author Tim Seeley and Eisner-winning artist Mike Norton is collected in this oversized hardcover featuring Revival #24-35, plus many behind-the-scenes bonuses and other features.

300 pages, Hardcover

First published January 20, 2016

About the author

Tim Seeley

1,455 books556 followers
Tim Seeley is a comic book artist and writer known for his work on books such as G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, The Dark Elf Trilogy, Batman Eternal and Grayson. He is also the co-creator of the Image Comics titles Hack/Slash[1] and Revival, as well as the Dark Horse titles, ExSanguine and Sundowners. He lives in Chicago.

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Profile Image for Nancy.
1,546 reviews42 followers
February 17, 2018
The middle volumes are a bit of an exasperating read for I want to be able to piece together clues by now, and just more layers have been added. I hope for clarification soon, and want to feel I am solving the puzzle alongside Officer Cypress. Never the less, I eagerly look forward to reading the concluding volume of this great series. The residents of the (fictional) town of Wausau, WI, have come to life in my mind, and I need to know how this all resolves for them!

Reviews can be found on my graphic novels blog:

Volume One- https://graphicnovelty2.com/2016/04/0...
Volume Two- https://graphicnovelty2.com/2016/08/0...
Volume Three- https://graphicnovelty2.com/2016/11/2...
Volume Four- https://graphicnovelty2.com/2017/04/2...
Profile Image for Václav.
1,045 reviews41 followers
December 9, 2018
The events are slowly escalating, sidelines sprang wide only to be closed by now. I like Revival, but I can't shake off the "movie narrative" feeling. And also a very low level of re-readability (the art is not that great, the dialogues and story twist are rather bland and usually works only one time. And all that thrill (even if I did feel only very little, but there is an effort on more places) just wear off with unwinding story. Six books done and two ahead. And I wish that all Revival was packed to half size of that. The story is unnecessarily thinned out, in some places it's almost paper-thin. The enthusiasm is worn off and now I'm like "let's jsut hope for the best and go finish this". At least for Jenny's splendid front pages.
Profile Image for Highland G.
475 reviews30 followers
February 10, 2021
Things finally start to make progress in this volume and new characters are added in.
Makes me wonder why we wasted so much time on early characters that don’t matter to the overall story and are just randomly killed of throughout the first two volumes.
I hope they can round this all up in the last volume but I don’t hold out much hope as this has been a very inconsistent read so far.
Profile Image for Amanda.
233 reviews20 followers
October 27, 2019
This series is AAAAAAA-MAZING. I would own these Deluxe editions because this is a story that can be read again and again with so much to discover. Spoilers ahead as I write a brief summary for future reference:
Ch. 24: People are still sneaking in to the quarantine zone, believing that the water in Wausau, WI has healing properties (instead they find zombie dear). More is shown of the Revivalists who are "unfit" to live in the town anymore and are now under constant surveillance in an asylum-type setting. Em finds out that she is pregnant (which is bonkers). Her ex Rodney (who may be the father?) is angry that she is not returning his calls and goes so extreme on his porn/violence stream that his mother has him taken to the asylum. Dana and Abe finally get together. The Chief is the latest kill of the scarred revivalist. The scarred man sees that Rosie is dead and calls her his "little girl." (she is the one who found out about the facility from tricking Abe and then was killed because of what she knew). Ed is doing business with some of the people smugglers.

Ch. 25: Jeannie and other revivalists who are part of that church/cult show up at the asylum with a huge cross. She proceeds to crucify herself with the goal of having the revivalists be let out. Em goes to the apartment of May Tau. She flips when she realizes Blaine is there. A man tackles the scarred revivalist-his name is revealed as Jesse Blackdeer and he is told he has more work to do. One of the guards has been helping him get in and out of the facility.

Ch. 26: Em enlists the help of May and Blaine in order to search Aaron's house-he is still missing. Blaine is able to piece some things together that lead to an old mill in the woods. The sheriff reveals to Dana about how Ed lured Cooper out to his house.

Ch. 27: Dana goes to Ed's house and imagines killing him. Instead he finds her and kidnaps her. The mayor meets with Jeannie-he doesn't want bad press. Em, May, and Blaine find the mill. There are revivalist fish in the water that attack Blaine, but Em rescues him. The find Aaron inside, still hanging in the water where he weighted himself down. He wakes up-seemingly a reviver.

Ch. 28: Aaron does not revive-it was only the water that made him this way, like the fish and the zombie deer. Em is able to look into his memories-he went to an Asian country as a young man and heard about this fabled water. Em tries to get Aaron to stay with her by revealing that she is pregnant with his baby. They fall into the water together-Aaron tries to absorb all of the life from the water, thereby killing everything else. He is able to be whole for just a moment before dying. Abe is captured by some sort of agent-they have looking for a way to take out Ed for awhile. Ed holds a gun to Dana's head.

Ch. 29: The sheriff and mayor are having a press day to reassure the public about the revivers. They plan to have Jeannie and the mayor's wife there. However the wife has other plans (she has been suicidal since before Revival Day). She has sewn a bomb into her chest which detonates. Jeannie is able to protect the Sheriff from the blast. Blaine goes crazy after witnessing everything at the mill-he thinks Em is evil and that May knew about it. They fight and May is knocked out/dead(?) Abe shoots Ed but Dana is mad because she thinks Ed was about to reveal his plans.

Ch. 30: The asylum decides to bring in a military woman to run the asylum. Blaine starts his own group of crazies in the woods-religious types who also believe revivers are evil and love big guns. They have also made some type of technology that is able to capture the white creatures that lurk around. May Tau is dead. The agent comes back to Abe and reveals that Blaine is their new target. Em follows the police to the raid of Blaine's place in order to kill him.

Ch. 31: Em finds Blaine and his buddies-she slaughters several. Dana realizes Em is in the woods and worries that their father will find out she is a reviver. The military has also captured a white creature-they put it in a room with Rodney. He sees Jeannie's life and becomes in love with her + connected to her.

Ch. 32: Dana does not want Em to kill Blaine. Em becomes angry and starts to beat on Blaine-the agent comes out from the woods and threatens her. He is shot by the sheriff who only sees a man pointing a gun at his daughter. Blaine escapes and Em chases him. Both sisters have flashbacks while Dana is punching Em. Their father intervenes but then watches Em's face revive. The white creature is put in Jeannie's room and she combusts.

Ch. 33: Em is taken to the asylum. The military woman now in charge-Louise-continues to study the revivers. At home, her son is having a hard time at school. Em tries to comfort Rodney after his loss of Jeannie. The white creatures creep around the asylum and all of the revivers can hear them calling. Em gets into a fight with Arlene (who put a scythe through her in vol. 1).

Ch. 34: Dana reveals that she knew her dad was drunk the night her mother was killed. Dana is able to see the agent who was shot on the day of the raid at Blaines. He tells her that he is the one who killed Rosie-when she died a white creature came and Rosie sang her owl song. The agent then knew when he was going to die. He gives her a key to Rosie's shop and dies. Dana goes there and discovers a safe with water, Aaron's book, and several photos of the scarred reviver inside. Dana rushes to the asylum. The scarred man is awakened and told his next kill is Em.

Ch. 35: Dana takes everything to the mill and calls on Jesse Blackdeer. His white creature appears. The scarred man attacks Em and cuts out her heart. He tells her he is going to bury her head and body separately, though she won't be dead. Dana allows the white creature to possess her as they drive to find Jesse. They find him just before his beheading Em and kills him. Jesse tells Em that the one who killed her is the one who made all of them. Dana shoots the guard who is going to finish Jesse's job. Dana and Em go on the run.
Profile Image for OmniBen.
1,192 reviews32 followers
February 6, 2021
(Zero spoiler review)
If you are wondering whether I am still enjoying this series, over 30 issues in, the fact that I am writing this review less than 24 hours after reading and reviewing the last book should more than answer that question. 12 issues in as many waking hours. Yeah, I'm still enjoying this series. That being said, we've finally started to hit a few little speedbumps here and there. The easiest way for me to put it would be, the series is starting to condense, rather than expand. One of my favourite things about these books were the expansive scope of the world, the larger cast of characters and the significant dialogue. It turned it from something lighter and less involved, into something more measured and meaningful. Well, as the story slowly winds down, many of those things have started retracting. Like a shining star, slowly fading towards its own, inevitable destruction. No, I certainly hope this book doesn't implode in some horrific cataclysm nearer its conclusion, nor do I think it will. It's just the cast of characters is smaller, some of the mysteries have been revealed (some of which I liked, some not so much) and a bit of action schlock crept in here and there, relegating the dialogue to the sideline at times. I realised at some point during this book, that I had read so many action stories recently, that I was growing increasingly weary of increasingly meaningless and bloated fight scenes, used to pad out a story lacking in depth, being little more than nutrition-less eye candy. I've said before, if the story doesn't sell the fight scene before and afterwards, it has little relevance or impact, and quickly wears thin on me. I sincerely hope this book doesn't continue down such roads... But fear not for now. This was still very good and absolutely worth your time. 4/5

Profile Image for Eastham Erik.
127 reviews5 followers
March 20, 2019
Mystery surrounds this horror thriller as no one can figure out why everyone who died within a few days of New Years day, came back to life and apparently became immortal as they cannot be killed.

With a quarantine by the CDC in place, no one comes in and no one goes out, which results in high tension among the townsfolk of Wausau, Wisconsin. Main protagonist, Detective Dana Cypress, has her hands full as she secretly tries to find her reviver sister's murderer in the midst of having to investigate several murders committed by Revivors who may have experienced a blood lust. These story lines, laced with black market reviver organ sales and mysterious glowing ghostlike creatures pile mystery upon mystery in this great horror comic.

Volume three escalates this mystery thriller by changing the landscape, finally giving the reader an answer to who/what the glowing men are and killing off some long time primary characters. With the mayor dead, a federal general has been placed in charge and the feds are no longer hiding the existence of "The Farm;" a reviver internment camp. As for the Cypress family, Em may have found the birthing place of the reviver event, which only leads to more questions as her adulterous professor/lover may have been involved prior to his untimely death . . . oh, and she's pregnant with his child.

Well written and fast paced, the reader will quickly blow through this volume and onto the next. Tim Seeley and Mike Norton created a winner.
Profile Image for Whitney Jamimah.
679 reviews62 followers
December 20, 2020
I spoke a little too soon in my review of the second collection of Revival when I said I could t see myself giving the rest of the series less than a 4.5 star rating but I think the solid 4 stars that was the third collection is still pretty dang good.

I am still completely loving this series this one just didn’t have my mind reeling even when I didn’t have the book open in front of me like the last one did. I wanted to get back to it any chance I has but it wasn’t a burning desperation as with the deluxe volume 2.

I was reading through some reviews that complained that the series was starting to feel stagnant for them, that wasn’t the case for me. I feel like this series has read in a very steady pace with consistently high stakes and lots of new things to learn with each issue. This reads to me like a TV drama and I typically like that in my comics because, pictures. I don’t watch TV so comics are like a TV substitute for me.

I feel like we were given a fair amount of resolution in this volume with still much more to learn in the final volume. I have theories about where the story is going to end and I can’t wait to see if they’re right or not!
Profile Image for Sean.
3,502 reviews27 followers
October 3, 2018
First off, Jenny Frison is such an amazing artist. Her covers do such a fantastic job of conveying what's going to happen while being so unbelievably and beautifully creepy. This book, collecting the fifth and sixth books in the series, is another strong read. Tim Seeley continues to show that no one is safe. There are huge changes in the book that don't happen for the sake of change. The family drama of the Cypress clan is on full display and its obviously amped up due to the situation. Mike Norton is still crushing panels left and right. Overall, another very good book. Binge-worthy to say the least.
Profile Image for Steven.
Author 7 books32 followers
March 1, 2017
Unfortunately, around this point the comic seems to have gone off for a long walk in the woods, and springing a set of mysterious government-connected elements really hasn't helped. Where the first arcs had a nice energy to them, at this point all of the energy is being dissipated by misdirects and vague answers and bullshit that not only pads the story but distracts completely from the central characters of Martha and Dana.

Alas, it does not get better the closer we get to the (supposed) end.
Profile Image for Linnea.
215 reviews3 followers
November 23, 2019
Började lite segt och det börjar vara många trådar att hålla i huvudet men ändå. Spänning! Gore! Teckningarna!
Profile Image for Cristina.
674 reviews48 followers
May 29, 2020
Publicado com imagens em https://osrascunhos.com/2020/05/22/re...

Revival é uma série de banda desenhada que apresenta uma premissa bastante iniciante – e se numa pequena cidade americana os mortos voltassem à vida? Mas sem se decomporem, com as mesmas capacidades intelectuais de sempre, mas … com algumas diferenças em termos de humor!

Na mesma localidade aparecem, nos bosques, umas criaturas que parecem ser atraídas por aqueles que reviveram. O seu papel neste fenómeno é desconhecido – não parecem ser particularmente violentas, mas podem ser encontradas perto dos que não morrem.

Paralelamente, o governo americano colocou a localidade toda em quarentena. Quando se soube mundialmente do fenómeno milhares de pessoas tentaram entrar para garantirem a sua sobrevivência ou a vida eterna.

A localidade está isolada. Como se não bastasse, encontram-se a mãos com um fenómeno estranho que leva a população a agir de forma inconsequente – os que reviveram parecem estranhamente mais vingativos e capazes de agir em mágoas passadas.

Revival tem uma premissa interessante desenvolvida de forma competente e carregada de episódios de acção. Ainda assim não é uma leitura que nos agarre por largos momentos e este grande volume teve de ser lido em vários momentos.

Tal pode-se dever a vários motivos. Os episódios de acção com detalhes cada vez mais bizarros sucedem-se, sem grande pausa para momentos de criação de empatia. As revelações são poucas e muito distanciadas entre si. As várias linhas narrativas não parecem ter grande relação entre si, ou ser parte de uma história maior.

Posto todos estes elementos, não se pode dizer que seja uma leitura má. Nem por isso. Em termos visuais os desenhos são competentes, mesmo quando não apresentam grandes detalhes. Existem alguns detalhes interessantes, e algumas bizarrias dão pequenas lufadas de ar fresco à narrativa.

Em suma, mantenho curiosidade suficiente para pegar no quarto volume, e talvez aí perceba se todos os elementos explorados fazem sentido. Claro que, com a leitura destes três volumes tenho algumas teorias sobre o final – vejamos o que se concretiza!

1,758 reviews5 followers
February 23, 2016
As our story continues, conspiracies abound

This volume continues the story of the Revivers, resurrected people of a small town in Wisconsin. Still ignorant about the causes of this revival, the townsfolk engage with the Revivers as the Federal Government get further involved as do the local survivalists, the religious nuts and a fair amount of dead bodies accumulate. Some of the Revivers find a final rest but others still want answers.

The book ends on another cliffhanger and I hope that the authors don’t drag this out forever although I enjoyed reading it and am quite involved in the story.
Profile Image for Allan Nail.
158 reviews5 followers
August 30, 2016
Needless to say, this series got waaaay better after the first collection.
Profile Image for J-l.
117 reviews1 follower
December 7, 2016
not as good as the first two books, but still good. this one jumped around a lot and a few times I had to read over a page twice or check that I hadn't missed a page by accident.
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