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The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead, Vol. 24: Life and Death

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As the fair opens at Alexandria, old friends return from afar and new adversaries make their introductions.
Collects THE WALKING DEAD #139-144.

136 pages, Comics

First published September 1, 2015

About the author

Robert Kirkman

2,622 books6,546 followers
Robert Kirkman is an American comic book writer best known for his work on The Walking Dead, Invincible for Image Comics, as well as Ultimate X-Men and Marvel Zombies for Marvel Comics. He has also collaborated with Image Comics co-founder Todd McFarlane on the series Haunt. He is one of the five partners of Image Comics, and the only one of the five who was not one of the original co-founders of that publisher.

Robert Kirkman's first comic books were self-published under his own Funk-o-Tron label. Along with childhood friend Tony Moore, Kirkman created Battle Pope which was published in late 2001. Battle Pope ran for over 2 years along with other Funk-o-Tron published books such as InkPunks and Double Take.

In July of 2002, Robert's first work for another company began, with a 4-part SuperPatriot series for Image, along with Battle Pope backup story artist Cory Walker. Robert's creator-owned projects followed shortly thereafter, including Tech Jacket, Invincible and Walking Dead.

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Profile Image for Baba.
3,806 reviews1,220 followers
May 16, 2024
Where's Michonne? There she is :). The Whisperers, is their whisper worse than their bite? Where's Dwight, is this getting old?

Holy Hannah Montana, the creative team knew they had to at least match the greatness of the Negan years, so they brought forth the insanity that is the Whisperers. Seriously you can tell Kirkman has really thought this through, another compelling and disgusting antagonist has emerged, and I'm not just talking about Gregory! 9 out of 12.

2019, 2017 and 2016 read
Profile Image for Stepheny.
382 reviews579 followers
September 4, 2015
Holy mother of fuck.

Holy mother of fuck.

Holyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy molyyyyyyyy.




At first I was thinking "this is kind of boring but I get where you're trying to go, Kirkman". And then BAM! An explosion of awesomeness all over your face.

Wow. Wow. Wow.
Profile Image for Jeff .
912 reviews754 followers
October 14, 2015
Do you know who has the worst job in the post-apocalyptic zombie world?

The person who has to bathe Negan. In Portuguese.

Seriously, it’s like old home week for who’s ever left, because Rick has started a trading fair, where all the communities can get together and share stuff (read: wax philosophical).

Welcome back, Michonne, ye salty sea dog!

Yes, it’s another lull in the zombie saga, punctuated by a few interesting developments. The “whisperers” show Rick that they have a bigger stick and they're not above swinging it around, if necessary.

And Maggie shows who’s the boss.

Pfft! I never liked what's his name anyway.

Bottom line: This series and the TV shows are juggernauts, so it really doesn’t matter what I say because you (and I) are going to continue to be sucked in anyway.
Profile Image for Alejandro.
1,182 reviews3,680 followers
October 9, 2018
The Whisperers are here!

This is the twenty-fourth volume of “The Walking Dead", collecting the comic book issues from #139 to #144.

Creative Team:

Writer: Robert Kirkman

Illustrators: Charlie Adlard

Additional gray tones to inking: Cliff Rathburn

Chapter Twenty-Four


This isn’t a world for victims. This is a world… for… the strong.

Rick thought that his world was getting larger.

However, that was a cruel delusion.

Rick’s world is actually getting smaller…

…and it seems that the communities instead of growing up, they will got trapped.

New borders are set upon them…

…in blood…

…in too much blood…

The dream of a new society turns into a deadly nightmare.

Rick’s group are made of tough humans, but at the bottom, they still are humans.

How they will be able to fight against a force of nature that left humanity behind?

And it seems that the only way to have a chance...

...is making a deal with the devil!!!

Profile Image for Gavin Hetherington.
681 reviews7,258 followers
December 26, 2022
To celebrate the series finale of the TV show, one of my favourite shows of all-time, I decided to read through the graphic novel series for the first time. You can check out my thoughts in a nearly 4-hour video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/iJkZPl2ANOU
Profile Image for Sam Quixote.
4,646 reviews13.2k followers
September 11, 2015
Things are going well for once and Rick’s settlement is flourishing - they’re even putting on their first fair! Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Rick, Carl has followed his girlfriend Lydia back to her people, the dark and menacing Whisperers - is he safe? Back at Hilltop Maggie must decide what to do with her would-be assassin Gregory, and Negan reminds Rick of his ever-present danger.

I didn’t dislike Volume 24: Life and Death, but I didn’t love it either. The series at the moment is missing a driving story like when Rick and co. have an enemy like the Governor or Negan to battle against. Instead this volume reminds us of the richness of the world Robert Kirkman and Charlie Adlard have created with Maggie and her troubles at Hilltop, Negan and the new settlement, and the potential excitement that is the Whisperers.

It’s treading water but Kirkman provides just enough to make it not boring. Maggie does something very ballsy that’ll likely put her at loggerheads with Rick and might even develop into civil war and Negan’s up to something. Really any scene between Negan and Rick is worth it because Negan’s such an unpredictable threat - a predator just waiting to pounce when the time’s right.

Through Carl’s storyline we learn more about the warped world of the Whisperers and their leader, Lydia’s mother Alpha, who turns out to be even crazier than when we first met her. It’s clear Rick and his people are going to fight Alpha and the Whisperers very soon - especially with what happens in those last few pages - but this volume just teases the coming conflict.

Life and Death is a decent addition to The Walking Dead but definitely not one of its best entries as not enough's happening for my liking. It’s a setup book for the next big storyline but with just enough fine moments in it to make it worthwhile.
Profile Image for Matthew.
1,221 reviews9,598 followers
February 1, 2016
Brutal! Just when you thought things couldn't get any more shocking.

Payback should be interesting!
Profile Image for Becky.
1,482 reviews1,842 followers
January 4, 2016
Well then. That happened. Good job, Carl. Nailed it!

I really don't know what to say about this one... Some crazy stuff, some crazy people... Just another day in the zombie wasteland!
Profile Image for Sesana.
5,640 reviews337 followers
November 13, 2015
I think this is the point where I check out of the series. For me, it's kind of stagnated for a long time, with occasional bright moments that make me hope for more just enough to keep reading. This volume was yet more of the same: mostly mediocre with a few actually good moments. And I think I've had about enough. It isn't that the book has gotten bad, it's that it's just ok, and has been just ok for a long time.
Profile Image for Michael Finocchiaro.
Author 3 books5,896 followers
January 6, 2024
This is one of the more animated episodes in the Walking Dead before it enters its last phase. We have the Whisperers and Alpha, Ezechiel who is totally awesome, the assassination attempt on Maggie which will have deadly consequences and more unfriendly banter between prisoner Negan and Rick. A great episode!
Profile Image for Ryan Buckby.
675 reviews93 followers
December 9, 2019
First read: February 17th 2017
Re-read: December 9th 2019
woah that ending.. just woah..

The comic picks up some time after the war against negan and they won and have negan locked up in a cell inside Alexandria. Alexandria, The Kingdom and The Hilltop all seem to be thriving and living in harmony after the war which i found good to see after all the stuff these characters have been through and its good to see them finally living a normal life for a change without any losses.

Rick comes up with the idea to open up a fair at Alexandria so that people from all communities can come along which is a good idea to get all the communities together. Of course there are little problems still appearing between the characters.

Rick and Carl's relationship has been on a knifes edge for sometime now and this issue just causes them to grow even more apart, i'm not even sure at this point if they will ever mend their relationship or try to act like they like each other. I still feel like Carl is acting like a spoilt little teenager which annoys me because of all the hard work Rick has done to keep him alive and he goes and does stupid stuff like go find Lydia.

Michonne returns in this issue and i'm so happy to see her back after the two year jump but there is a game done by telltale that details what she got up to during her time away from Rick and the group. She is still one of my favourite characters from both the comic and tv show. Rosita announces that she and eugene are having a baby? sayyyy what? I somehow think the baby isn't actually eugene's and its someone else's because i can't see them two getting together like that.

I should have known there would be deaths but i thought with the groups living in harmony there wouldn't be any but boy was i wrong and in true Kirkman fashion people were killed and pretty brutally i might add. Some minor characters are killed including: Louie, Erin, Ken, Luke, Carson, Tammy Rose, Josh, Oscar, and Amber. Of course Robert had to kill some main characters not just one BUT THREE MAIN CHARACTERS IN ONE GO! Olivia is one of the main characters who head is put on a spike, I'm kind of glad that her tv counterpart died a completely different way then her comic counterpart because i actually did like the Olivia character so it's sad to see her go. Rosita is the second main character to die and she is the first long term character to die in the series for a couple of issues now. I was not expecting Ezekiel to die i was surprised when i turned over the page to see him as the 12th and final victim of the whispers brutal attack.

One thing that i was happy to see is when Maggie finally killed Gregory i really hated this character and had no reaction apart from pure happiness about the character getting killed.

I have a feeling that another fight is on the way and this one will be another big one and i'm not ready for for people to die.
Profile Image for Crystal Starr Light.
1,404 reviews882 followers
April 29, 2016
Bullet Review:

Marty Stu Jr (aka Carl Grimes) leaves camp, endangering many for a piece 'o @$$, Lydia. That, as we know if we've been reading ANY Walking Dead, is as good of a decision as you would think.

People die. LOTS of 'em. Including some favorites because Kirkman HATES ME. And Michonne reappears.

I actually rather liked this one (is this the THIRD TWD volume I've rated 4 stars in a row?! WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO??!?), even if it does continue to star Marty Stu and Marty Stu Jr - two insufferable pricks that I wish desperately someone would slap into submission. But please, let's not do anymore rape and try to justify it, OK?
Profile Image for Anthony.
798 reviews62 followers
July 12, 2015
One of the better arcs in a while. Kirkman is setting up Ricks next nemesis and the next problem him and his team have to overcome in order to live happily ever after. All while making sure Negan behaves and doesn't cause even more trouble. Carl's starting to grow into a decent little character. Michonne isn't around enough. I keep expecting Daryl to turn up and be his bad ass self, but then I remember I'm READING the Walking Dead and not WATCHING the Walking Dead.
Profile Image for Artemy.
1,045 reviews959 followers
January 10, 2017
Pretty slow volume... and then that ending. That was the most powerful character slaughtering Kirkman has ever accomplished in this series. Not that he killed anyone truly meaningful yet, but the way it was done was very cool. Shit is going down now!
Profile Image for Subham.
2,899 reviews83 followers
June 22, 2021
This starts off with Carl going to find where Lydia is and finding about her people the Whisperers and their leader ALPHA and then we have the return of Michonne, the unity of Rick and others with her, them going on their business, dealing with Negan and then whatever Maggie does with Gregory and the people of Hilltop. Life seems to return to normal with this new economy system but then Rick gets a shock when he finds his son is missing and he goes there to find him and big stuff happens and by the time they return even more shocking things happen.

What happens at the end changes thing in a big way and is a shocker about this series because Life is not simple in this wasteland and again just showing the cruelty of the humans and big stuff for Rick. How will he deal with it will be interesting to see and I am loving the character development of Carl and the art just gets better with every issue. The pacing and the future threats are gonna be awesome.
Profile Image for Gabby.
1,485 reviews28.1k followers
December 11, 2015
Holy shit. That went 0 to 100 real quick. Ugh, I'm so sad because I have obsessively been reading these comics over the last week and a half and now I have officially caught up. Now I have to wait until April for the next volume, this sucks! Especially with the cliff hanger at the end of this book! The Whispers are fucking crazy and ruthless. I love a good villain though and I'm excited to see where this goes. I'm also really into Lydia and Carl and I think they're cute. The Alpha of The Whispers is so crazy and cruel like damn. Also I love one of the first scenes in this volume between Rick and Michonne by the ocean. I absolutely adore their friendship. I can't believe it'll be months now before I find out what happens next aklsjdla UGH, why do these comics have to be so addicting? I don't know what I'm going to do with my life now that I'm caught up with this.

That ending, oh shit! Alexandria finally had it's fair with all the communities and that crazy bald Alpha bitch just went in there and murdered half of Rick's people it seems. She was like "you'll know my border when you see it" and then she had twenty different people's heads on sticks. It was so sick and disturbing. One of those people was the king! Poor Michonne, I know she still had feelings for him. I feel bad for Lydia. Her mother has allowed these men to rape her and her Mom hit her because she was "being weak". I'm so glad she let Rick take her. I think Lydia belongs with Rick's people and I can't wait to see he interact with them. I also really like Maggie as a leader and I like the fact that she killed Gregory. It just proves she's tough and she doesn't take anybody's shit. Negan's cell door was left unlocked and he didn't try to escape and now he thinks Rick will trust him because of this.. Negan's behavior is just so odd. I thought for sure he was going to get out during the fair and go on a killing spree, but the fair isn't over yet so I guess we'll have to wait to see what happens. I hope this incident with The Whispers turns Rick into a badass again and he realizes that sometimes killing is necessary to survive.
Profile Image for Mike.
1,530 reviews144 followers
January 11, 2016
Good lord, even with momentum built up from *just* reading 23, am I really strong enough to power through this "daytime soap opera of comic books"?

Including the heartfelt Origin Story of Michonne . (Not going to subscribe to Kirkman's half-assed emo writing, but I gotta say whoever is responsible for the texture of Michonne's dreads, they're doing gods' work - no one except me is going to take the time to appreciate that.)

The story of the whisperers is finally starting to take root and saw at the concrete beneath the civilized folks' feet though. Good on Kirkman, when he wakes from the stupor of hookers and cocaine, he does a decent job of plotting. Leaves us with a mofo of a cliffhanger, just his style. Hope it turns out to last as long as the Governor storyline, without brushing up against the visceral disgust that comes with Negan.
Profile Image for claud..
734 reviews77 followers
July 6, 2017
That ending... I don't get it.

Why did the Whisperers (the people who used walkers' skin as masks) have to be that brutal when ?

That's a sad as fuck ending but holyshitholyshitholyshit I can't wait to see what happens next!!!

Volume 25: No Turning Back comes out in April!!
Profile Image for Drew The Reviewer.
99 reviews87 followers
July 11, 2016
Carl, you're a fucking idiot. A new war has begun and it is all thanks to Rick's horny son. The Whisperers are such a freaky group. I don't think they will be more interesting than Negan, but they will for sure be better than The Governor. These people are practically wild animals.
Profile Image for Darren Hagan-Loveridge.
272 reviews40 followers
July 16, 2016
**4.5 stars**
**No spoilers**

I was reading this thinking "oh it's probably a 4 stars. Some interesting stuff happening but nothing crazy". Then that ending. Holy f*ck :O
Profile Image for Stephen.
185 reviews113 followers
August 1, 2017
The latest entry into The Walking Dead series returns to the darkest, most gruesome roots that we have all come to expect from Robert Kirkman.

Just when life is beginning to take on a little semblance of normalcy, things begin to fall apart. There is the obligatory violence and death.

Be prepared to be shocked by this volume!
Profile Image for Pat the Book Goblin .
424 reviews141 followers
December 14, 2018
WOW!! I honestly don't know what's going to happen! These new people are crazy as F and they can control herds. They already killed several good characters. Now will Rick's people and Negan's Saviors team up to kill these animals?
Profile Image for Paul.
2,147 reviews20 followers
November 25, 2015
Another incredible volume of TWD. I'm loving the time Carl is getting in the spotlight, I'm intrigued to see where Kirkman's going with Maggie's darker side, the Whisperers are creeping me the fuck out and THAT ENDING!
All that combined with Adlard's great artwork... I can't see me dropping this book any time soon!
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