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Thicker Than Blood #1

Thicker Than Blood

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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Horror (2015)
A true friendship never dies.

Leisel and Evelyn lost everything. Husbands. Families. Friends. Lives that made sense. All they had left was each other, and a friendship that could withstand anything…

Even an apocalypse.

Until one fateful night, the marginal safety they’d come to rely on comes to a vicious and brutal end. With the help of Alex & Jami, both unlikely allies, Leisel and Evelyn are able to escape their shattered sanctuary only to find themselves face-to-face with a much altered, much crueler life where they have to find the way—and the will—to stay alive in a world they no longer recognize.

Traveling across a broken and infection-ridden country; the road-weary group are pitted against endless violence, improbable circumstances, and the ultimate loss.
Everything comes at a price—especially safety, the cost of which could very well strip them of the one thing they’ve tried so hard to cling to: their humanity.

Yet along with all the trials they’re forced to endure, there’s also hope in the form of love. Having loved Leisel from afar, Alex attempts to put the pieces of her fractured heart back together.

But in such a savage world, is there room for love?

In a place of nightmares-made-reality, where the living should be feared far more than the dead, an unbreakable friendship and a love amongst all odds can mean the difference between life and death.

There are friends…

And then there are Leisel and Evelyn.

366 pages, Paperback

First published January 12, 2015

About the author

Madeline Sheehan

27 books7,015 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 485 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,171 reviews34.9k followers
April 20, 2015
5 stars!

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Thicker Than Blood is not a feel good story. There is no fluff and it’s not easy to read. It’s a brutal, raw, and heart-wrenching story that made my heart race and captivated me from the start. It's a story of survival, of friendship, and of sacrifice. It was one of those books that kept me awake all hours of the night finishing. It was hard to stomach at times, but I loved it.

Leisel and Evelyn were best friends before the infected took over and the world as they knew it changed. Their husbands were best friends, they had happy marriages, good jobs. They had it all. Now they have each other. Their friendship is the only thing that keeps them going some days. No matter what happens in this crazy new world, they’ll have each other.

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Lei and Eve are in a place that’s not good for them- a community of sorts that is slowly killing Lei. After something big happens, they find themselves needing to escape. They have two people that help them, Alex and Jami. They thought the place they were was bad (and it was) but things outside that community are just as bad. Some even worse.

You see, in this world where the infected are roaming around, killing anyone in their path, it’s the people you have to worry about. The people are sick. They’re desperate, greedy, violent, uncaring and aggressive. They’re much worse than the infected could ever be. It’s a truly messed up world. Lei and Eve have each other, but they also have Alex helping them. Alex is a character I adored. He’s haunted by some of his past choices. He would do anything to protect Lei and he is essential to their survival.

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Both Eve and Lei are vital to the story and necessary to each others survival. Evelyn is the tough protector and Leisel is the kind hearted more fragile woman. Leisel seemed like the weakest person. But she’s not. She’s someone who is able to do what needs to be done, someone who is able to still keep humanity and hope in all this mess. As much as I loved Evelyn and even Alex, I think Leisel was my favorite of the book.

Thicker Than Blood is more than an apocalyptic tale, it’s a story about protecting those you love to the death. Surviving. Doing things you'd never imagine just to get by. Trying to live in this world without losing your humanity. Above all its a story of two best friends closer than sisters who would do anything for each other. They have a bond unlike any other. They would sacrifice, fight, kill and maybe even die for one another.

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There were many gut wrenching scenes in this story. So many parts that were difficult to stomach. I swear I feel like I cried nonstop the last 20% or so. I didn’t expect for a book like this to get to me so much. I didn’t expect for it to move me like this.

The writing was incredible and there was such a great flow. Honestly, I couldn’t tell if one specific author wrote Eve and the other Lei, or how that worked. There was just such a blending of their voices. And I loved how the book was written in dual pov from both women.

This book is one that will stick with me. The ending was satisfying. It’s not your traditional HEA, but for this story, I think it really worked. This is a stand alone, but there is a sneak peak at the end of a new story from characters we met along the way, and I can’t wait to read it! This is one I highly recommend!

*ARC provided to Book Babes Unite in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Brandi.
655 reviews1,469 followers
September 8, 2020
Re-read September 2020

4.5 Stars


This book gutted me, but it's the fucking end of the world, so what did I expect... Thicker than Blood is not full sunshine and rainbows, but it does have a lot of heart. It's bloody and painful, but undeniably realistic. Seriously, don't expect the writers to go easy on you, the sucker punches keep coming until the very end.


The writing is superb and the storyline is unique and engaging. With a cast full of relatable and honest characters, this story takes you on an adventure you won’t forget, but it's a fucking brutal world out there, you have been warned.

"Whatever happens... "It was worth it."


I'm still processing!
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,492 reviews5,328 followers
January 14, 2015
4.5 Stars

"Always together, I promise."


What a well written TOTAL DOWNER of a story!! This book was so miserable and hopeless. Yet, I'm pretty positive I'll read the next book about different characters, so there's that.

This is the tale of two best friends four years into the crumble of civilization.


Evelyn and Leisel escape Fredericksville (a community protected from zombies) with two guards named Alex and Jami. The two friends know practically nothing about Alex and Jami is Evelyn’s lover. Leisel is faced with immediate execution so the friends decide to take their chances in the wild. Free from their horrendous lives in Fredericksville, the outside world is just as scary and even more deadly. Each and every grouping of people they encounter treat woman like commodities and are flat out scary. Humanity seems to be completely lost.

"Oh God, why didn't anyone seem to understand anymore? Or care at all? Where was the humanity? Dead, I thought bitterly. Dead, like everything else."


This is a tale of friendship, love lost and love found in the darkest of places. It's about picking yourself up and going on even in the most hopeless of situations.

"Whatever happens... "It was worth it."

The authors’ collaboration was so very seamless and fluid with great characters' to rally behind. They succeeded in delivering a haunting landscape of a world I hope never ever comes to be.

Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,218 followers
January 20, 2015
4 Emotional Stars.

What happens after a zombie apocalypse strikes? Death, despair, loss of civilization.
And what happens to humanity? It’s lost. People want to survive at any cost and don't care about the means to to achieve that. Two best friends that lost everything, from simple possessions to the people they loved, promised to take care of each other until the end, through everything. And they try their best. But when the world seems to be reaching its final days and all they knew it’s destroyed, that end can be much closer than they think.


The characters were good. While Evelyn is the tough “badass” one, Leisel seemed in the beginning like the “weakest” link. But trough the book we get to see her real “power” and trough her dreamy vision and quiet strength, she was an amazing character. Alex was an extremely well developed character and it was great to slowing get to know him. I strongly advise you not to feel attached to anyone here. The amount of deaths is HUGE and they will probably die anyway.
This was not a feel good romance. The again… when did Madeline ever write a feel good romance? I am (very) familiar with her books but I didn’t know Claire Riley. After reading this I’m definitely checking out her work. The writing was flawless, engaging and, at least I, wasn’t able to distinguish the writer who wrote which part, and it was a plus at my eyes.


If you’re looking for a book full of sunshine, unicorns and fairy dust, go away. This is not the book for you. This is gritty, raw, emotional and sometimes really gruesome and gut-wrenching. If there was ever a book that in the end of it all I could think was “F*ck”, this book was it. It made me leave my comfort zone, it made me feel (crying included) and it made me ask “what if?". It was a great reading that will stay with me, for sure.
So, if you’re looking for an emotionally revolutionary reading, this book is your best choice.
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews613 followers
January 16, 2015
Book – Thicker Than Blood
Author – Madeline Sheehan & Claire C. Riley
Publication Date – January 12, 2015
Genre – Dystopia/Romance
Type – Companion Series
Cliffhanger - No
Rating – 4.25 out of 5 Stars
Own a Copy
My Thoughts - Story
I honestly don’t know where to begin with this review – my feelings are all over the place.  I even gave myself a few days to try and pull them all together to write a decent review, but I don’t think it’s possible.

I decided to kind of give you bullet points of what worked with me and what I am on the fence about.

♦ I had a hard time connecting with the main characters at first – I kept flip flopping between Lei and Eve.  One minute Lei was getting on my last nerve and the next she held my respect and I was rolling my eyes at something Eve was doing.  They just seemed to never be in sync.
            Now I ask myself about this because is this something the authors did on purpose with a deeper meaning behind it?  Were they never in tune because they complimented each other? One picked up the slack when the other was weak?  Hmmm….makes you think.

♦ Too much death 
           OK…yeah I am laughing at myself. Duh, where isn’t there death in a post apocalyptic world with zombies running around (well not running – I mean shuffling).  What I mean is that this book is DEPRESSING!!  I fall in love with a character and next thing you know…he or she is dead.  No…not the bad guys – nah, they never die in this book – only the good ones!

♦ Slow in parts
            The beginning was slow…I did find myself skimming in parts then it picked up where I didn’t want to put the book down.  But then it slowed down again for a bit.  It definitely redeemed itself in the end.

♦ Loved Purgatory
            I loved the imagination of this little world safe from the zombies and it reminded of another book I just got done reading -Taking on the Dead.  Both books use the zombies in a very peculiar way.

♦ I’m being anal
            Something irked me…and that was each time this group trusted people and kept getting burnt in the end.  It was 4 years this group survived….how?  How would they survive if they constantly trusted people and didn’t learn their lesson?

Now don’t get me wrong…I am highly anticipating the next book in this series and can’t wait to get my hands on it.

I am a huge fan of Ms. Sheehan and Ms. Riley.  If you look, I have read almost every book from both of these authors and was totally fangirling it up when I found out they were writing a book together.

I can only just imagine how difficult it is to write a book together, to get your different writing styles to mesh together and flow smoothly.  I give both of these authors so much credit for doing this.  And I just know that by the time they get the next book out, it will be even better than this one.

This is not the end of my squishy, luvy feelings toward these two ladies – I will be first in line for the next book.

Lei and Eve have been best friends since before the outbreak and outlived their husbands while sticking together through the zombie apocalypse, but something is about to tear them apart and Eve just won’t accept that.

With the help of 2 of the guys from their sanctuary, the group starts out on a journey to find a safe haven.  Live vicariously through these characters and enjoy their turmoil, their anxiety and so many other awakenings as they get closer and closer to the end.

You will hate them…you will love them and you will shake your head at their stupid and impulsive decisions.

Reason for Reading – My own choice
Story Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars
Steam Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars
Angst Rating – 5 out of 5 Stars
Writing Rating – 4 out of 5 Stars
Content Flow Rating – 3.75 out of 5 Stars
Told In Dual POV (Lei and Eve)
Heroine/Personality – Lei is weak, timid, fragile but does a switcheroo
Heroine/Personality – Eve is strong, impulsive, loyal but also does a switcheroo
HEA (Spoiler) –
Would Read More from Author? DEFINITELY
Recommend To – Readers who are looking for a romance/rebirth type of post apocalyptic book.

Profile Image for Lo Bookfrantic.
801 reviews589 followers
August 11, 2017
I have no words, this book gutted me! My stomach hurts, my throat is still in knots. I cried so much everything hurts.
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The beginning was so slow, it took me a while to finally get into it. I was feeling so much and anxious for everything that was going on and was it worth it?! I still don't know. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
I was finally feeling at peace at the end and then bam...there's going to be book two?! what?! gah my stomach hurts all over again but now I just can't wait to read it...
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Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,942 reviews1,516 followers
January 29, 2015

I love zombie books, I love zombie books with romance and I love the Walking Dead.

If you are like me and love anything zombie related, then Thicker Than Blood is PERFECT for you

I picked up Thicker Than Blood blindly because it had two things I love, Madeline Sheehan and zombies. I will be honest, I was very nervous reading this because I just KNEW I had to have someone hold my hand.

If you want a book club book or need a book to read with a girlfriend, then get this one.

Thicker Than Blood is not for the faint of heart. Yes, there is killings and death, but there’s also romance and friendships. There are also a lot of crazy people.

The only thing you need to know is that there are two main girls in this book. Leisel and Evelyn. They are best friends and are just trying to survive. Both lost their husbands and they only have each other. I have a sister and she’s also my best friend, so I took this one to heart. This book will melt your insides in so many ways.

You will love your sister, best-friend, best gal- pal even more after reading this!

Thicker Than Blood is a romance book and there is plenty of that, but I wouldn’t say it’s the focus of the read. Correction it’s a HUGE part of the book, but to me, that’s not the main plot.

The only focus in this book is survival

I wouldn’t say Thicker Than Blood was scary, but it was very suspenseful. I devoured this like mad and I couldn’t get enough.

My feelings throughout the book

1% Holy Moly, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!

10% Oh GOD, WHY!!!!???!!!

56% oh yes!!!!

80% Oh GOD, WHY!!!???!!!

90% Oh GOD, WHY???!!!!!!

95% Oh GOD, WHY???!!!!!

I seriously think I used the lord’s name in vain throughout the whole book. The thing that I love so much about Thicker Than Blood is that even though there’s zombies, it’s still an apocalyptic society and you have to watch out for the normal people.

It makes you question how people will act when there’s no humanity.

I was on my toes throughout the book. I NEVER KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN At some point I just almost wanted to give up because I was so spent, but I had to continue.

If you are a Walking Dead fan, this one is for you. It doesn’t mirror the TV show, but it has some elements that I appreciate.

Thicker Than Blood by Madeline Sheehan AMAZON$3.99
Profile Image for Kirsten.
382 reviews170 followers
October 30, 2015
5 Always... stars!

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We'd promised each other- back when this had all begun, when the world crumbled right before our eyes, taking with it everything we'd ever known, everyone we'd loved- that we'd never give up. That we'd survive no matter the cost, that we would always stay together. Always.

Leisel and Evelyn were best friend before the epidemic started. It started overseas, then eventually made its way to the States.

Known as the "infected" or the "rotters", they feed off the living. One bite, and within days you die only to come back as one of them.

It's been three years since Leisel and Evelyn lost their husbands and their lives to the infection. They have been living in a quaint community called Fredericksville, a safe haven for those that have not succumb to the virus.

Looks can be deceiving. What is meant to be a place to be free, is more like a prison. This is especially true for the quiet and meek, Leisel, who has been enduring hell for a long time. When she finally snaps, it is her strong friend Evelyn who will be by her side in hopes of leaving this disguised sanctuary.

On their journey for survival and freedom, the two find that outside of the walls they were behind, are not only the infected, but humans who will do anything to survive.

Because the infection ran so much deeper than just turning people into mindless cannibals. It destroyed people's souls.

With women used as currency and the "kill or be killed" mentality is all that surrounds them, what does fate have in store for these two friends? Will their friendship survive, and will they will they find some humanity amongst the darkness that is everywhere?

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This was such an intense, deep, emotional, dark, and gut-wrenching read. My anxiety levels were at an all time high, and I thoroughly enjoyed and loved all of it.

I'm usually not one to read science fiction or dystopian types of books, but this was on my radar because of one of the co-authors, Madeline Sheehan. I love her Undeniable series, and I thought this would be a great change of pace. I was not disappointed at all. Even though the "infected" we're omnipresent, it was more in the background to the pairs friendship, lack of humanity in the new world, and all of the things they had to endure. And fear not to all my fellow romance junkie friends, there was some love intermixed in all the chaos.

I really enjoyed how the story flowed, the people they met or came in contact with, and the crazy heart pumping moments. I'm not going to let on anything that took place, but let's just say there were some cringe-worthy, tear jerking, and awestruck moments. From the first chapter I was very intrigued by the lives of these two incredibly strong women. During the entire book I not only kept wondering how accurate could this be if some kind of epidemic were to take place, but also, would I be able to count on someone like that to have my back...no matter what? It's pretty crazy to think about, and I love when books make you question things.

This was an awesome tale, and I was so excited to see that there will be more. There was no cliffhanger, but the story continues through someone else's eyes, and truth be told, I'm dying for it! I would highly recommend this agonizing, beautiful, and disturbing read.
Profile Image for A. Walters.
Author 35 books4,291 followers
January 9, 2015
Okay. So I've had a few days to process and let me start by saying that I've always had mad respect for both Riley and Sheehan as individual writers, but together, they have created something of pure magic. It's rare that a book grabs my attention so completely that I will sit down and practically devour it in one sitting. But I did just that while reading Thicker than Blood.

And what's crazy is this is a genre I never read. As in never. Sure, I love horror movies and some good ole' zombie apocalypse as much as the next gal, but in books they've never been my thing. Until Riley and Sheehan. They took me by the hesitant horror reader balls and didn't let go until they were damn ready to let me go.

This is the story of two best friends. Leisel and Evelyn are living in a world torn apart by...you guessed it, a zombie apocalypse. In some ways this book gives you all the things you've come to expect from dystopian novels...a wasted world reverted to a more archaic time. A desperate need for survival. And a fair dose of blood and guts.

But what this book has that so many of those other stories doesn't, is heart. Because underneath all of that other stuff, this is an amazing story of friendship and how far we, as humans, are willing to go to survive. And in doing so will we lose the very things that make us...well...human?

Yes there's some romance, which adds nicely to the flow of the plot. There's humor that lightens an otherwise dark and heavy journey. Most importantly its a story that leaves you breathless. You meet characters that you will love. Some you will hate. But you will find it hard to delineate between good and evil because in a post-apocalyptic world, those lines are so easily blurred and Riley and Sheehan perfectly depict this.

This is not a traditional HEA but I couldn't imagine this book ending in any other way. I was left with a bit of a knot in my stomach but I was also satisfied. I think you will be too.

I was also super stoked to see that they plan to continue the series with other characters from this book. I can't wait to see what else these incredibly gifted storytellers have in store for us. Because in this world, we are the passengers and Riley and Sheehan are taking us for one hell of a ride!
Profile Image for Paula.
738 reviews90 followers
January 13, 2015
Amazing, amazing, amazing book!!
This book took me completely out of my comfort zone. It was super intense, gritty, and raw. It also played on some of my underlying fears. I have often wondered what would happen to humanity if an apocalyptic event ever happened. This book really explores that in terrifying, heartbreaking, and uplifting detail.
This book really flowed well. I couldn't even tell when reading it that two differ authors penned this book. Both authors did an amazing job. I was on the edge of my seat throughout reading it. It wrecked me. It moved me. I loved it.
Profile Image for Kim Bailey.
Author 6 books609 followers
May 3, 2015
5 "It's the Zombie apocalypse & I'm lovin it" Stars

Anyone who knows me will understand why, despite all heartache and hopelessness, I completely LOVE this book.
The Walking Dead

This entire story was so much like the television show and comics. I really felt like it could be a side story or an extension of that series. Character driven drama ... With a side of Zombie ... Yummmm

Was my stomach knotted with anxiety throughout this story ... Yes!
Did my heart break over and over again for the characters ... Yes!
Was the sobbing and gut wrenching, bittersweet sorrow worthwhile ... Yes! Yes! Yes!

This book is going straight to my 6 star shelf. And I'm very anxious to get E's story ... WTF?! I'm thinking this will be one of my faves of the year. ❤️
Profile Image for Hayat.
573 reviews193 followers
December 21, 2015
Update.... So I just realised this book was co-authored by Madeline Sheehan (who is new to me) and Claire C. Riley who wrote Limerence, my all time favourite vampire romance. If I'd known about Ms Riley, I would've been prepared for a shocker but both authors writing and style blended so seamlessly I didn't notice any changes or discrepancies. Clearly these two are a dream team.

This story is about pain and loss and the strength, self-knowledge and confidence gained from suffering and coming out of it stronger than ever. It's also about love, courage and loyalty that is Thicker Than Blood. It's the celebration of Leisel and Evelyn's awe inspiring friendship. It's an ode to BFFs.

“To always having someone to rely on, a person in your corner to fight for you no matter the reason, no matter the cost. To having more than a friend, more than a sister, but a soul mate. To the hope they give us, the strength they provide us, and the unconditional love they empower us with. To best friends.”

'Welcome to Hotel de la Zombie'

Thicker Thank Blood takes place four years after the world is devastated by infectious outbreak resulting in zombie apocalypse. The infected now roam everywhere and sanctuaries are few and far in-between and people you can trust are rarer still. It's a new world ruled by sadistic men while women are seen as currency, coveted property to be captured, traded, used or abused at will. The new world is paradise for the opportunistic, social outcasts, religious zealots and psychopaths. It’s all about the survival of the fittest and the few people left are led by fear and desperation. The new world brings out the animal in them lurking just beyond the surface.

'We're all animals. Always were. The only difference is that we're no longer cages.'

When civilization breaks down like this, the innocent suffer and the mad, bad and the ugly rule what's left of the world like little tyrants while the rest, like Eve and Lei try to survive the best way they know how.

Leisel and Evelyn are best friends just like their husbands were best friend, but in the last four years they've lost everything they loved; their loving husbands, family, friends and the comfortable and familiar world they took for granted. One thing they still have is each other and their friendship is stronger than ever. These girls will do anything for each other; this is especially true for Eve.

'Leisel had known nothing but fear for the past four years, and I would do anything to ensure she'd never have to feel unsafe again.'

They are complete opposites but that's what makes their friendship work. Whereas Eve is brave, brash and a 'live for the moment' kind of girl. Lei is timid, thoughtful and cautious. She wears her heart on her sleeve but this world is not forgiving of the softer emotions and that's why Eve is very protective of Lei.

“Hurting Leisel was like kicking a blind puppy—no one of sound mind would ever do such a thing.”

Lei appears weak and everyone, including Alex (the hot, silent and brooding new guy) want to protect her but from the word go, you'll realise there's more to Lei than meets the eye. This new world brings out the fighter in her, they all end up doing unthinkable things to survive and evolving into something new, something stronger. But there is always a cost.

The way Lei, Eve and Alex deal with the changes to their personality and their struggle not to lose their humanity was a perfect blend of angst, humour, action, anger and love. It was well balanced and believable at all times.

“We’d all lived through our own horrors, and whether they showed on our skin or not, we all bore scars, didn't we?”

I really loved the development of Lei and Alex's relationship. It was beautiful, romantic and emotionally powerful. Individually they were amazing but when they got together, Lei and Alex were truly unforgeable.

There was never a boring moment in Thicker Than Blood, It started with a bang and I was hooked from page one. I got so deeply attached and invested in the characters survival and that's never a good thing in a horror book. I went into this book not knowing much except that there are two best friends stuck in a zombie apocalypse. I should've read the blurb, it would've saved my poor heart from the shock of unexpected deaths and sudden plot twists. I even took a long break from this book because I was afraid of where it was going. I guess this book taught me one thing… that I like a little bit of miracle in my horror stories.

Ms Sheehan and Ms Riley are a dream team and amazing writers because Thicker Than Blood was a fantastic hard to forget book. The four star rating is in no way a reflection of their writing, it's just that personally, I didn't like how things turned out in the end. Honestly, I'm still processing it. That particular ending left unresolved issues, But after looking for information about the series i found out both authors clearly stated each book in the Thicker Than Blood series is a standalone novel based on the same setting and that Beneath Blood and Bone will be about a new characters called Eagle and Autumn. I can’t say I'm not a little bit disappointed but now I'm curious…

Could Eagle be the infamous cold-hearted 'E' who did unspeakable things in Thicker Than Blood?

I'm now a little bit more prepared for the take-no-prisoner writing style of Ms Sheehan and Ms Riley, so I can't wait to read Beneath Blood and Bone.
Profile Image for K.
211 reviews64 followers
January 19, 2015

The writing in this book was great. But the one thing that I didn't want to happen did in fact happen. I said from the very beginning if it came about then I would be DONE. So imagine my surprise (not really) when the 80-85% point came around? It became a DNF. There was no way I could finish this book nor could it be salvaged in my opinion. Nope, sorry. Ruined it for me.

What was that one thing you may ask? My reaction?

The world created in this story, all the different societies and people were great, however, that one thing....With it being gone there was nothing in this story left. I hated the main characters Leisel and Evelyn. They couldn't hold my attention at all. I found their relationship odd and awkward, it was just down-right creepy, the type that rubs you the wrong way. It was not in the girl power way or they may be lesbians/bisexual way (because they weren't and if they were it would not bother me, being a bisexual myself) but it was just weird as all hell. It would've been better if they had been bisexual, cause then it would have made sense. Instead it came off as forced. I mean if there are two friends who are really close then great. But this? I didn't understand it, nor was it explained. Their personalities in relation to one another for them to be friends? Well it just didn't fit. Now, their personalities in themselves were... pfft... sigh... Leisel? Weak, stupid, annoying. Evelyn? Selfish, aggravating, stupid, and slutty (nothing wrong with that).

Don't read the next spoiler, unless you want a chunk spoiled.

Now, there is a problem with being a slut when .

The deaths. When it came to random characters, people outside their little group, the deaths were fine. The deaths inside their group was an entirely different story.

I orginally gave this 2 stars because of the writing and the world created, couldn't find it in me to give more than that. However, after... I don't think I can leave it at 2 stars. That just seems like they were trying too hard. I don't know...Kind of weird.

My third biggest problem in this story (the first was what caused me to rate this a DNF, the second was the main characters) was the internal monologue. It ran on and on and on and on. Round and round and round. Rinse, repeat. In my head I felt like this...

It reminded me of those girls that talk incessantly. You know the ones? That never Shut. Up! Yeah...That is what it was like.

There was only that one daggone thing that kept me reading this story. If that one thing hadn't been in this book, I doubt I would have went as far as I did. With it absent? Well the gifs in this review will tell you how I felt about it.

Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,051 reviews354 followers
January 22, 2015
Oh Madeline Sheehan...You are a writing genius, but woman, you have some crazy things going on up in that head of yours! Read this at your own risk...do NOT expect anything PRETTY!

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Umm, Not even 10 minutes!! In this world where science and medicine have failed and a virus has spread rampant...the zombies have come...humanity is lost. Post zombie apocalypse is not pretty, it is not pleasant, and it is a complete struggle to survive not just a day, but minute by minute.

This story is inherently a love story...not your typical "boy meets girl" love tale, but a deeper love...a real palpable love that is present between to woman...best friends who live everyday in hell knowing they they have one another.

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This is the terribly depressing tale of Leisel and Evelyn, BFF's on the run from the terrible life they lived in a "safe" community. With the help from commune guards Jami and Alex they head off together in hopes of finding something better. Oh, but civilization is lost. Hell, the 4 don't even make it far before they are faced with the complete pits of humanity, despair and pure evil. What is worse...the infected...or what is left of the human race...
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You find NO light at the end of the tunnel. Sheehan will not give you an easy trip and the promise of better. Instead you will read a completely raw, gritty, and horrific tale of survival. In the midst of death and violence a friendship is fortified. Vowed to stay strong and to "take care of one another" Lei and Eve do what they must to make it everyday. While there are important players in this tale, the ever strong Alex, and the mysteriously bad "E", their roles while prominent are just means to an end...it is always Leisel and Evelyn who prove the ultimate Love...

Profile Image for Paula .
704 reviews232 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
October 27, 2015

This book... I don't know. I'm struggling with one of the main characters. She's weak and whiny. I get what the authors are doing with her character, but I can't stand her right now. It makes it difficult for me to enjoy the story when it switches to her POV. I do LIKE the storyline though. This isn't my first rodeo with a post-apocalyptic zombie book, and I'm a HUGE Walking Dead fan. But it's important for me to be able to like or at least tolerate the MC's in order for me to enjoy a story. I think I need to put this down for a bit.

Edit: DNF. I read the last couple of chapters. Unfortunately, this book is just not for me.
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,420 reviews2,134 followers
January 17, 2015
POV: First Person – Dual (Females)

“We’re all animals. Always were. The only difference is we’re no longer caged.”

Thicker Than Blood was a story of friendship and survival in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. Evelyn and Leisel were friends before the world came crumbling down. After the infection spread, they lost everything they hold dear except each other’s loyalty.

They were living in a community that offered protection from the harsh world outside, but things only looks good on the surface. They decided the best way to survive is to leave the safety of the community and out in the open.

“I’ve been outside the walls, Leisel. Many, many times. It’s not pretty out there, but it’s not pretty in here either, is it? I’d rather be free.”

They had help from a couple of guards, but soon enough they discovered being free came at a steep price.

When I first found out about this book, I thought I wasn’t going to read it because I am not into the genre. I’m obsessed with The Walking Dead, but didn’t think I would like such stories in books. Thus, I am so glad I picked this one up because I love it!

I’ve always love stories of humanity because it fascinates me what people would do when face with tough situations. Some rose to the occasion while others fell spectacularly, but every single one of them was just trying to survive.

The infected were dangerous, but the people weren’t any better. Yet the most dangerous thing was actually within yourself when you start questioning and doubting yourself.

I love Evelyn and Leisel’s friendship and how much they got each other’s back.

I love how they complement each other. Evelyn was confident and physically strong, while Leisel might be fragile on the outside, but her strength came from her heart.
There was nowhere to go, nothing we could depend on but each other.

My favorite character is hands down Evelyn because I can totally see myself in her. I also love Jami and Alex. But as much as I love Evelyn, best supporting character definitely goes to the can of creamed corn. If I have one in my pantry right now, I would hug it close to my body and never let go haha!

Overall Thicker Than Blood was an fascinating passage through a harsh landscape where hope was loss and humanity barely hanging by a thread. It punched me right in the mind and the heart yet I love every moment of it.

For more reviews/promos/giveaways visit:

Profile Image for Rain.
2,023 reviews28 followers
December 23, 2022
This is like one of those Choose-Your-Own-Adventure books, except every choice is a nightmare.

You come to a cabin in the woods, to open the door and be faced with multiple horrors, armed only with a hammer, go to page 28. To stay in the woods filled with flesh eating zombies, go to page 94. To get back in the truck with no gas and dead bodies, go to page 103.

One reviewer said this book was a "total downer" and I should have listened. Not the best decision to read during a pandemic. Good writing, but overall depressing.
Profile Image for Betül.
1,033 reviews283 followers
Want to read
January 7, 2016

What can we expect from There Will Be Blood?

Claire: I think There Will Be Blood will be less about love and more about hate and anger. Liv is an incredibly dangerous character to be around. She’s like a black void that sucks you into her anger and hate. Is there any redemption for her? I’m not sure at this point. But as with all the books in the series, there will be some romance, some heartbreak and a lot of twists and turns.

Madeline: ^ What she said. I’ll add that redemption really isn’t a theme Claire and I are striving for. We pick and choose our characters and we simply tell THEIR story. Whether they are redeemed or not, or even need to be, is entirely up to the reader.

Source: http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.bl...
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,942 reviews1,516 followers
Shelved as 'oh-my-god-want'
January 6, 2016
Liv and Adam's story.

As much as I want to give characters a redeeming chance, I'm just not sure about this one. I understand it's a harsh world and people got to do harsh things, but SERIOUSLY.... I have zero love for Liv. I'm trying to pick my brain at the moments where I could FEEL for the girl. Where I can kind of understand her.

In There Will be Blood, I'm sure we will get a crazy back story that will help me understand where she is coming from, but again... I'm just not that sure. GAH it kills me b/c I love these zombie books. Maybe Adam will make everything better.

To be continue ... pause... anticipating...

Your highly emotional reader
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
Want to read
September 3, 2016
I'm intrigued!

A true friendship never dies. Leisel and Evelyn lost everything. Husbands. Families. Friends. Lives that made sense. All they had left was each other, and a friendship that could withstand anything… Even an apocalypse.

Traveling across a broken and infection-ridden country; the road-weary group are pitted against endless violence, improbable circumstances, and the ultimate loss…

But in such a savage world, is there room for love?

First standalone in a series.
Profile Image for Avid Reader.
268 reviews71 followers
June 3, 2020

Say what you want about the Zombie Apocalypse, but when it all hits the fan, I want to be on Madeline Sheehan & Claire C. Riley’s team! Also, they have officially made my list of Authors I Want to Get Drunk With.
"When the world awoke again, it awoke with a rattling groan that promised only misery and loss"

I am struggling to find the words to express how much I loved this book. It was compelling, exciting, gripping and so damn intense! I suffered a terrible book hangover which resulted in me stalking Claire C. Riley and purchasing several of her books. (Sorry Claire!) This is one writing team that I will read again and again. The authors’ ability to create such a vivid post-apocalyptic world was almost frightening. It was like there was a film of filth over everything. I was afraid of the beautiful landscapes as much as the ugly ones. I questioned everything they saw. When they entered a room, I was right there with them. And this begins with the blood on the first page.

The Main focus of the story was Leisle and Evelyn's friendship; the ability to draw strength from each other and love each other through the worst of all scenarios. I was truly impressed with the complexity of the characters. They came right off the pages! I have rarely felt completely connected to a group of characters like I did with this book. I felt everything they felt and my heart never stopped racing. I ached for them as they struggled, mentally, physically and emotionally. As I read I was sucked into their world and found myself questioning everything this new world had to offer right alongside of them. I really enjoyed how different Lei & Eve were and how they drew from each other's strength.
"We simply survived."

It's tough to decide which character I identified with the most. I felt bonded to them all. I couldn't stop wondering how I would handle each and every situation they faced. Alex was a strong man. He was honorable and clung to that with everything he had. Lei was soft and sweet in a world where that wouldn't survive. Eve and Lei had a friendship that was founded on happiness and fused through adversity. I loved the way they loved each other. They had a true sisterhood.
"Always together, I promise."

It would be difficult to talk about any moment in the book without revealing spoilers or just ruining the pace of the book for the next reader. There were so many moments I loved in this book because they made me FEEL. And I felt a lot. I was terrified, sad, happy, concerned and anxious as all hell. I was overwhelmed by the emotions this book elicited. It took me forever to read this book. It was brutal. It was intense. To feel so attached to these people and then witness their journey was hell. But I couldn't look away. I had to know. I needed them to survive. To be OK. I needed each of them to feel some sense of peace.
"The threat that lay behind closed doors, lurking in the shadows, was always far more deadly than the danger in plain sight."

I am most surprised by the fact that I found myself caring about the adversaries as much as the heroes. There were a few characters I should have disliked or even hated that I wanted to know more about. I wanted their backstories. I wanted to know who they were before the infection. Before the world ended.

The alternating POV was completely necessary with this story. With Eve and Lei being so different, I needed to know not only how each woman was feeling, but what they were each seeing. The writing in his book was phenomenal. It was flawless. I found the POVs most fascinating when the women were each in a similar situation but had very different experiences. It was pure genius.

What was most fun about this book for me was being sucked in by the very first page and any questions that arose throughout the story were answered later. I never found myself confused or lost. I was just there. Among the filth and infected. Waiting for the next moment.

I NEVER SAW THE ENDING COMING. I was shocked and then thrilled all at once. Part of what happened I was hoping for all along, but it was all a surprise. I was oddly at peace with how it ended. I loved this book from start to finish. I loved it and was scarred by it at the same time.

Profile Image for Gail - Slitty.
84 reviews56 followers
January 7, 2015

***Caution-May contain possible spoilers, although I tried not to include any during my review****

“Thicker Than Blood” is poised to become the latest true horror masterpiece. Authors Madeline Sheehan and Claire C. Riley nail this unique and unforgettable post-apocalyptic story from two alternating POVs; dealing with a future ravaged not just by the “infected”, but citizens who are as psychologically dead as the infected bodies that won’t stay dead. This thrill ride focuses on two best friends, Leisel and Evelyn, and their struggle to exist in world where the danger of mindless cannibals is second only to the danger of people whose souls have been destroyed by corruption and wickedness. In this midst of this horror lies a beautiful tale of love and friendship that reach far beyond the old world, it overcomes the difficulties of the new order and takes Leisel and Evelyn to places they could never reach alone.

Imagine if Dorothy had clicked her heels 3 times, repeating “There’s no place like home” and woke up from her dream, only to find that her home is no longer like home, in fact, it’s a helluva worse place than a flying monkeys and wicked witch nightmare. What if Dorothy had awaken to a world with no soap, clean clothes, Starbucks, cold beer, and where a plague has turned the majority of the world population into soulless cannibals. Welcome to the nightmare of Evelyn and Leisel, two best friends who are as different as day and night, but need each other as much as the air that they breathe in order to survive.

In the old world just four years ago, before the Vaal Fever had attacked and killed most of the population, Evelyn and Leisel are the wives of two best friends, husbands who treasure and adore both women. After the Vaal Fever becomes a world-wide pandemic, Evelyn and Leisel watch as the world crumples, making deathbed promises to their dying husbands that they’d never give up and to survive no matter what. Both women are left widowed without their soulmates, but time proves that these two women who are as different as the sun is to the moon, are as much a constant, rock, and heart to each other as their deceased spouses. Leisel and Evelyn take up residence in a small protected town of Fredericksville, but they soon find out that protection comes with a price, a very large price….FREEDOM. Women are no longer equals, in fact they are as much as a commodity as livestock or a pet, and if you are unfortunate enough to have a masochistic pet owner/aka/husband, there isn’t a whole lot a gal can do about it.

After a few years of abuse from the town’s leader and Leisel’s current husband, Lawrence, Evelyn and Leisel have no other choice but to die or flee from Fredericksville, but nothing could have prepared the women of the horrors that lie outside the protected fence surrounding the town. Evelyn and Leisel thought that avoiding the being bitten or eaten by the plague of undeads, known as the infected, would be their hardest problem, but they find out that the misogynist behavior in Fredericksville is not an isolated situation, and that what the infection didn’t destroy, mankind does a dutiful job of fucking it up with greed and evilness. In the end they leave Hell, but end up residing in Purgatory.

Along their journey, Evelyn who is seen as the strong force realizes that she needs Leisel’s softness and perceived fragility in order to prevent her from becoming like the remainder of the heartless citizens. Evelyn is struggling not to become the poor can of creamed corn that nobody wants or loves, but is passed along to someone else. Leisel strives to overcome her self-doubts stemming from three years of physical and mental abuse from Lawrence, and learns that she possesses more inner strength than anyone had credited the mousey, skittish housewife. Leisel also comes to terms that she has been given a second chance at not only life, but also love by an unlikely source, Alex, a man who served under command to Lawrence. As Leisel, Evelyn, and Alex work at providing protection and strength to each other, they also serve to be one another’s greatest weakness, and all these outside forces are working diligently to control, manipulate, and own these three survivors. One thing is for sure, survivors who hold on to hope and dream of a better life are as out of place in the new world, and as doomed as the infected.

Profile Image for Angela.
856 reviews1,489 followers
September 29, 2015
So yeah.... This is awkward.... Thought this was gonna be a book about two girls and a love triangle (idky) so ya girl was excited... Turns out it's definitely not about that and is about zombies or something. Think this is a case of mistaken identity. Going to put this down for now
Profile Image for Brittainy Cherry.
Author 69 books16.6k followers
January 10, 2015

This was more than I imagined. Brilliant! BRILLIANT! Review to come as I gather my thoughts and stop running around in circles.
Profile Image for Toni FGMAMTC.
2,022 reviews22 followers
April 8, 2016

While reading this book I felt: anger, sadness, fear, love, grief and everything was so damn touching. It was super easy to become attached to the characters, to love them, to hate the ones that wronged them. If you want a very well written story that doesn't pull any punches, this is the one for you.

It has happened, the zombie apocalypse that everyone has feared. The disease spreads rapidly covering the sufferers in blisters while blood seeps from their bodies until they die only to rise as a rotting monster with the sole purpose of devouring human flesh. Two best friends, Leisel and Evelyn, have seen so many die this way. They are just two decent girls trying to find a place to survive in this new world, a world where the cruel prey on the weak and women are property.
There were only so many times a person could be beat down, again and again and again, before they broke entirely.

Thicker Than Blood has a full action-packed storyline with an 'out of the frying pan and into the fire' mentality. Through it all, we see Evelyn and Leisel constantly supporting each other.
When she stumbled, I stumbled; when she fell, I fell. We were in this together; she was all I had left.

They do happen upon good people occasionally. Two great men are Alex and Jami. I instantly fell in love with them both. In a time when a woman's fate is determine by the whim of the man possessing her, finding honorable men becomes a rarity. Both Alex and Jami are gems. ♥

I could not put this book down (I actually stayed up all night reading and didn't shower the next day so that I didn't have to take my eyes off it). The plot is realistic to how the story would evolve if true. The reader is not babied. At the same time, the story does resonate with the readers humanity. It isn't straight up horror, but it isn't a fairytale either.
The pain, the suffering, the struggle, it was never ending, much like the barrage of bullets I'd put into that man the night before, like the number of times I'd driven that blade into Lawrence's body, like the amount of tears I'd shed.

But through it all there is love and promise which can give a person strength like nothing else can.
"I love you, Lei."
"I love you too, Eve."

If you're looking for erotica or romance this isn't for you. If you want something with a bit blood and gore that pulls your heartstrings, Thicker Than Blood is a must read.

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***

FULL REVIEW and interview CAN BE FOUND AT http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.bl...
201 reviews32 followers
January 20, 2015
I really don't have much to say about this. I never thought I would give Madeline less than 5 stars, but here it is. Maybe it's the collaboration, or maybe it's the genre, but I missed the love boat on this one. The story was good. It wasn't the content that bothered me at all. It's the execution that failed to grasp me and make me want to read. It was a long string of repetitive monologue and I hate too much monologue. Too much telling, very little showing, and just not captivating enough for me.
Profile Image for Sue.
1,931 reviews23 followers
January 6, 2015
What happens when you mix the Queen of Biker and the Duchess of Horror together and they have a baby (albeit a damned gory and bloody baby)...well you get THIS book and OMG am I ever happy they procreated!
Evelyn and Leisel are those girls...you know the ones...that are more like twin sisters than besties and basically are each the opposite of a one another but they need each other to eat, breathe and survive just being alive. Eve is the strong "protector" who copes with her miserable "after" life by having a lover (Jami) to take the pain away while she is unhappily stuck in her loveless marriage, while her sweet and gentle friend Leisel is stuck in a horribly abusive and vicious relationship with the evil leader of their post-apocalyptic town, but has been the object of affection of her husband's right hand man (Alex).
What happens when Leisel finally snaps and decides she can no longer go on living this way and the dangerous aftermath, is what makes up this exciting, devastating and non-stop action-packed story...and believe me when I tell you it will be one scary, sexy, dirty, nasty and gore-filled ride to hell and back before this first book is done.
I promise to always give as spoiler-free as possible reviews so I am going to do my best by NOT giving you a scene by scene breakdown or telling you whether or not these girls get an HEA because that would be unfair to ruin all the fun for others...but I will tell you that you are in for a nightmare of a journey that is filled with SO much, you will emerge feeling like YOU just survived a zombie apocalypse and it won't be pretty. YOU will feel smelly, sweaty, dirty, hungry...there is no glossing over what a future world might be like after all is said and done. All your senses become heightened and people do things they would never do in a normal world...good girls can become killers, liars, thieves and whores...bad girls can become even more evil and yet also become selfless and gentler when the circumstances call for it.
"...what good is surviving an apocalypse without the battle scars to prove it..."

There is also plenty of humor in this book...funny when it shouldn't be but you know in a world as bleak as this, you sometimes need it so things aren't so damned dark.
I was particularly impressed with how these two authors (with two separate voices) were able to so seamlessly join their chapters and POVs together to come up with such a powerful and moving story of sisterhood and survival. The men in this book range from weak and pudgy city folk to hardened criminals (almost mirroring Sheehan's biker alpha males and Riley's refined vampires), with a few "good guys" thrown in who match neither stereotype. There is plenty of love, passion and some down and dirty sex scenes that are graphic in nature but also some sweet romance in the form of a relationship that has been simmering on the back burner for years.
I loved this book so much and even if you are not a zombie fan, don't watch shows like The Walking Dead and don't think you like post-apocalyptic...if you read Sheehan or Riley you will definitely want to read their awesome collaborative effort! They are like the Thelma and Louise of the literary world and seriously, it's the best thing to come together since someone decided to mix peanut butter and chocolate...and you know how well that combo did =)
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

***** 5 ***** "there is always room for love even in the darkest place" stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 485 reviews

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