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Revival #3-4

Revival: Deluxe Collection, Volume 2

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For one day in rural central Wisconsin, the dead came back to life. Now it's up to Officer Dana Cypress to deal with the media scrutiny, religious zealots, and government quarantine that has come with them. In a town where the living have to learn to deal with those who are supposed to be dead, Officer Cypress must discover the identity of a mysterious, faceless assassin and track a killer to New York City.

The sell-out hit series created by The New York Times Bestselling author Tim Seeley and Eisner-winning artist Mike Norton is collected in this oversized hardcover. Contains issues #12-23, and the Revival/Chew crossover story, plus many behind-the-scenes bonuses and other features.

332 pages, Hardcover

First published December 3, 2014

About the author

Tim Seeley

1,455 books556 followers
Tim Seeley is a comic book artist and writer known for his work on books such as G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, The Dark Elf Trilogy, Batman Eternal and Grayson. He is also the co-creator of the Image Comics titles Hack/Slash[1] and Revival, as well as the Dark Horse titles, ExSanguine and Sundowners. He lives in Chicago.

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Profile Image for Scott Rhee.
2,022 reviews96 followers
December 27, 2019
Creepiness and end-of-the-world vibes abound in the continuing zombies-but-not-really-zombies-in-Wisconsin epic graphic novel series by Tim Seeley and Mike Norton, “Revival”.

In the Deluxe Edition 2, which compiles issues #12-23: scientists have discovered that the rivers and bodies of water in the quarantine area are contaminated with Deuterium Oxide, but what this has to do with the newly dead coming back to life is still unknown; Dana Cypress finally has a real date with Ibrahim; the white ghosts roaming the woods reveal their connection to the revivers; Martha’s still no closer to figuring out how she died or who killed her, but the college professor that she had an affair with might know something; unfortunately, a mysterious disfigured psycho is also after the Prof; a black market for reviver body parts has suddenly become the new cartel system in Wisconsin, and the sheriff wants to know who is behind it and why; and Martha meets Jesus (kind of); Dana is allowed to travel to New York City with the FBI to follow a lead on a possible reviver in NYC.

As an added bonus: two fun little cross-over issues featuring Dana Cypress from “Revival” and John Layman’s zany graphic novel series “Chew” featuring his cibopathic cop Tony Chu. They shouldn’t work together, but, strangely enough, they do...
Profile Image for Václav.
1,045 reviews41 followers
December 7, 2018
Revival story continues and I a little bit feel losing the fervour for it. I appreciate that some storylines are tied in or finished, but despite that, I'm starting to lose interest and trying just to "absorb" it, occasionally enjoy the fewer interesting parts. But I still want to know how it will go and how it ends. But that's still a long way.

The Chew/Revival crossover was sweet, even when I read only the Revival part and I'll read the Chew part when I'll continue with Chew comics).
And Jenny Frison's art is, as always, a bliss.
Profile Image for Nancy.
1,546 reviews42 followers
February 17, 2018
When I read the first volume of Revival, I knew I wanted to continue reading this rural noir series about how loved ones reviving, which could be a dream come true for some, will be a nightmare for many. Author Tim Seeley and artist Mike Norton have stated the series will run eight volumes, and I look forward to the remaining stories.

Reviews can be found on my graphic novels blog:

Volume One- https://graphicnovelty2.com/2016/04/0...
Volume Two-https://graphicnovelty2.com/2016/08/0...
Volume Three- https://graphicnovelty2.com/2016/11/2...
Volume Four- https://graphicnovelty2.com/2017/04/2...
Profile Image for Highland G.
475 reviews30 followers
February 7, 2021
First of all, there are a lot of characters they try to move the focus between and some I simply don’t enjoy, while others I love.
I found, like in my read through of preacher, that I started skipping over some of the ‘boring’ characters longer winded sequences to help with the pace a bit.
I really enjoyed Cooper the most so far.
The ‘horror’ doesn’t bother me, it’s nothing new at this point and the ‘spirits’ are actually much more interesting than the gore factor.
I’m going to keep reading but I have very mixed feelings about this title.
Profile Image for Eastham Erik.
127 reviews5 followers
March 18, 2019
Mystery surrounds this horror thriller as no one can figure out why everyone who died within a few days of New Years day, came back to life and apparently became immortal as they cannot be killed.

With a quarantine by the CDC in place, no one comes in and no one goes out, which results in high tension among the townsfolk of Wausau, Wisconsin. Main protagonist, Detective Dana Cypress, has her hands full as she secretly tries to find her reviver sister's murderer in the midst of having to investigate several murders committed by Revivors who may have experienced a blood lust. These story lines, laced with black market reviver organ sales and mysterious glowing ghostlike creatures pile mystery upon mystery in this great horror comic.

Volume two slowly pushes the narrative forward, focusing primarily on character development and the struggles everyone is having in their relationships in light of revival day. Detective Dana Cypress, while still trying to solve the murder of her revived sister Em, struggles with balancing quality time with her son, work, herself, covering up a triple homicide committed by Em and finally discovering her reports from her son of glowing men are true. All other protagonist equally have complex story arcs with multiple relationships pulling them in separate directions, allowing Seeley to flex his story telling muscles.

Well written and fast paced, the reader will quickly blow through this volume and onto the next. Tim Seeley and Mike Norton created a winner.
Profile Image for Lauren Stoolfire.
4,102 reviews285 followers
April 6, 2023
It was good coming back to Revival. Next time, I won't wait so long between volumes. The coolest part was the crossover between this and Chew which is one of my favorites. It was cool seeing Tony in the Revival style but it was even cooler seeing the cast of Revival in the style of Chew. All of the little background details were so much fun. Plus, we even got to see Cooper draw his own little comic crossover featuring Poyo vs Lying Cat!
Profile Image for Whitney Jamimah.
679 reviews62 followers
December 18, 2020
4.5 stars.

So many things are happening. We’re starting to get close to a few resolutions on the many threads that are weaving the story of Wausau Wisconsin together. Unless the ending is terrible I can’t see why I won’t be giving the rest of this series less than a 4.5 star rating from here on out.

If you love a fast paced story with high stakes, lots of politicking, blackmailing, action, gore and horror Revival will be for you!
Profile Image for Linnea.
215 reviews3 followers
August 27, 2019
Inte lika bra som första men fortfarande bra! Längtar efter de följande albumen!
Profile Image for Raven Black.
2,343 reviews5 followers
June 12, 2024
One screwed up ride. But if you like horror buckle up. It's gunna be bumpy, to say the least.
Profile Image for Amber.
323 reviews8 followers
June 29, 2015
The continued saga of a small Wisconsin town in the aftermath (and quarantine) following Revival Day, when the dead stopped dying. That two adult sisters are the focus of this story makes me very happy - they are complicated and compelling characters, and sibling conflict always makes for good drama. There were some very cool and twisted twists to the story in this volume, including the possibility of romance for gloomy Em. The nature of the roving "glowing men" are revealed through a completely non-appropriative Native ceremony (it was actually beautifully rendered). There's also a very interesting swipe at the 1% - they do not come out unscathed. For Image fans, there's also 2 CHEWxREVIVAL crossover stories.
Profile Image for BeUnlimited.
35 reviews
January 14, 2016
For a majority of this volume, we finally get to see how much better the story flows when Seeley avoids trying to condense 2-3 scenes on each page. The transitions were FAR better, although there were a few chapters that reverted back to poor pacing. This volume displayed the focus I was begging for in the previous, and didn't get TOO carried away when introducing new subplots this time around. In fact, they actually tied-in nicely to the main narrative. I also really liked the addition of Agent Chu and his 'gift'. Still some confusing moments but overall the writing improved, so I'm now somewhat interested in seeing how the rest of the story plays out.
Profile Image for Sage.
52 reviews
July 6, 2015
A strong continuation from Volume 1. Characters continue to develop, stories are fleshed out and some of the more confusing aspects of Volume 1 are better defined.

As per the first volume, the art is strong, no complaints there. Story quality is good, not great and for those Chew fans out there they included a crossover issue. Following the Chew crossover, there's a strange half-comic at the end related to the aforementioned crossover which is confusing..... not sure what the point of that one was.

I intend to read Volume 3 but I'm not anxiously awaiting it.
Profile Image for OmniBen.
1,192 reviews32 followers
February 5, 2021
(Zero spoiler review, recommend reading my book 1 review for context)
For those who have read my first review, you will remember I pondered at the end of the review, if the book could keep up the rather high standard it had set for itself across the opening 11 issues. Well, my somewhat pessimistic outlook has been well and truly dissuaded by what has been, if anything, an even stronger continuation of the story across this second hardcover collection. I could only assume anyone reading a review for book 2 has either read the first one, or is looking to see if the series as a whole is worth investing in. I'm here to tell you, it most certainly is. The story has continued apace, giving up some secrets, whilst keeping many of the more significant mysteries close to its chest. The characters are still interesting and engaging, whose consistent motivations and strengths and weaknesses have pushed the story in a few unforeseen new directions. I am still greatly enjoying the fact that this comic book has a reasonable amount of dialogue contained within. I know I have rattled off a reasonable list of personal hates in the past, although books with minimal dialogue, especially where far more would not only have been desirable, but necessary, never fails to raise my ire. This is a book with a lot to say, and I greatly appreciate that. If you are someone, and I know there are people out there whom dislike more text heavy comics. I wouldn't say this is at the far end of that scale, but some caution may be advised. The second and final positive I will mention here, is this is clearly a book that has been planned out well in advance. The revelations revealed towards the end of this run, show a writer with a strong idea where his book was going from the start. How many longer running comics have you read, where it is quite clear the writer told the story he set out to towards the start of the run, and has been flying by the seam of their pants ever since. The results might not always be terrible, but its almost always clear to me when this has happened.
So, Revival book 2, definitely worth checking out. A long, consistent, narrative driven story with interesting characters, mostly strong dialogue and some nice art to boot. Sign my ass up. 4.25/5

Profile Image for Amy Welham.
232 reviews
August 7, 2017
This volume continues the story of the 'Revivers' and the small town in Wisconsin that are left trying to cope/ deal with them. I never see this comic as horror but its pretty dark in places especially regarding how people are coping with their recently returned loved ones. I left quite a big gap between starting this one and finishing the first volume so it took a while to get back into the story and remember exactly what had been happening.
I am glad I continued the series and will pick up the next collected volume sooner rather than later so I can keep in the flow of the story. Plus I need to find out what is going on with Martha who is by far my favourite character. Speaking of 'flow' I think this volume flowed a lot better and you could tell that the team behind it are hitting their stride the whole storyline just seemed more together and better written. I love Chew and it was nice to have the crossover between Chew and Revival in this collection.
Profile Image for Alexa Moon.
255 reviews4 followers
December 31, 2020
This is the best graphic novel I picked up in 2020.
I have read many cool stories during this dreadful year, but this by far is my favorite.
It's got the perfect mix of mystery, creepy scenery, and events' grey characters and plot twists.
I wish I waited for them to be collected as an omnibus so I could read the story in full because now I have to wait for the next one to arrive in the mail and I am very impatient.
The art is remarkable as always. Frison's covers are absolutely out of this world.
The crossover with chew was very cute to read and a lovely addition to a deluxe book.

P.S- How come this isn't adapted into a series yet. It would be so awesome.
Profile Image for Sean.
3,502 reviews27 followers
October 2, 2018
Seeley and Norton tell a fantastic horror/mystery story that goes to the next level of creepy in this book that collects the third and fourth volumes of Revival. Readers get more bits fleshed out as we see some aspects of Revival Day unfolding. Seeley's introduction of some new characters and ideas keep the book fresh and interesting. The story is not predictable in any way. It seems like new angles pop up ever other page. Mike Norton's art is spectacular. He does super creepy shock panels very well. Overall, a really good read. Jumping into the next volume now!
Profile Image for hissi.
440 reviews13 followers
April 23, 2020
It's hard to pinpoint what I don't like about revival.. I know that I like how the story develops. Every couple of pages. The scenery changes and we get transported to another person's life and perspective. I like it. Not many would because u have to hold on to a thin line grasping at straws ends and hoping the in the next page things would start to connect and make sense.
Profile Image for Magnus Frederiksen .
181 reviews3 followers
September 22, 2021
Lika bra som del 1. Men denna gång saknas momentet där man får kämpa med inledningen, vilket gör det hela mer lättuggad. Nu är det fart under galoscherna. Historien jobbar vidare och mer och mer avslöjas på ett snyggt sätt. Nu vill jag bara läsa vidare i del 3. Ska hon alltså föda ett barn? Kommer det vara lika ”levande” som hon?
Profile Image for Alex Hernández.
213 reviews2 followers
June 5, 2018
Divertido en ciertos puntos. No sentí que los chistes fueran forzados, y esta parte de la historia revela el significado de varias piezas sueltas en toooodo el volumen anterior.

Me estaba pareciendo tedioso continuar esta lectura, pero vaya que mejoró la narrativa en este volumen.
Profile Image for The Paperback Princess (Moni).
80 reviews3 followers
February 21, 2019
While I loved the character development across the board, there are still discrepancies between what happens when a reviver encounters their soul. In addition, there are so many individual plot lines that it becomes difficult to keep track of how they all intertwine and play off each other.
485 reviews
May 31, 2017
I love this comic!!! so unique...such wild characters...what will happen next?
Profile Image for Chrissie.
938 reviews13 followers
June 23, 2024
Still creepy. This would make for a good TV show. Multiple storylines, a lot of characters, good artwork, a few surprises…

Looking forward to the third one.
Profile Image for Stanley.
468 reviews4 followers
July 31, 2015
Now that the novelty of the story has worn off, the quality dropped down a notch, but this was still quite a good read. From the little girl to the professor to the tank man to the dog host to action Jesus to human sushi this issue continued to offer really good stories.

My one complaint is that in trying to delve deeper into the Spirits, the case in NY, and the Chew cross-over things started dragging a bit and then got sidetracked from the main story.

The art continued at a high level including some of the best images of the series.

Also, be sure to check out the covers as you flip through as there have been some amazing ones.

As I said before, this one was a step down from volume 1, but overall still incredibly enjoyable. If you liked the first volume, be sure to pick this one up as well.
1,758 reviews5 followers
February 21, 2016
The story develops as do all the characters – still gruesome though

This story continues and develops about the revival of the dead, the cause of which is unknown. Those brought back to life are called “revivers” and the rest of the world is understandably wary of them.

There are a lot of different characters quarantined in this small town in Wisconsin and it is sometimes difficult to remember who is who. The scene changes from one to another far too quickly (maybe it’s an age thing!). Without Volume 1, this will all seem a bit mystifying.

Good characterisation, particularly of the Cypress family, and illustrations of a high standard make this a compelling tale. Recommended.
Profile Image for Possum P.
100 reviews7 followers
July 25, 2016
I'm glad I kept reading this. It started off slow but the plot pulls you in and before long you can't stop wondering what comes next. Evidently the final issue is being released in September, and I'm honestly glad for that. I like when artists have a story to tell so they tell it. This story is also really difficult to read if you have a lot of empathy and can put yourself in other people's shoes the way I can, so I don't know that I'd be able to keep reading this story indefinitely. I'm grieving so much for everyone in the town, and I'm afraid for them. We'll see what the last issue brings. I bet the cover art is going to be amazing.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 38 reviews

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