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The Way of the Heart: The Spirituality of the Desert Fathers and Mothers

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Henry J.M. Nouwen, one of the greatest of all spiritual writers, invites us to search deeply for the well-springs that nourish true ministry in his classic The Way of the Heart. Interweaving the solitude, silence, and prayer of the fifth-century Egyptian Desert Fathers and Mothers with our contemporary search for an authentic spirituality, The Way of the Heart not only leads us to a fuller encounter with God, but to a more creative ministry with our fellow human beings. Here is one of the most profound works from a writer known for his fresh and perceptive insights—and who stands alongside C.S. Lewis and Thomas Merton as an essential Christian scholar and thinker.

96 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1981

About the author

Henri J.M. Nouwen

337 books1,886 followers
Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen (Nouen), (1932–1996) was a Dutch-born Catholic priest and writer who authored 40 books on the spiritual life.

Nouwen's books are widely read today by Protestants and Catholics alike. The Wounded Healer, In the Name of Jesus, Clowning in Rome, The Life of the Beloved, and The Way of the Heart are just a few of the more widely recognized titles. After nearly two decades of teaching at the Menninger Foundation Clinic in Topeka, Kansas, and at the University of Notre Dame, Yale University and Harvard University, he went to share his life with mentally handicapped people at the L'Arche community of Daybreak in Toronto, Canada. After a long period of declining energy, which he chronicled in his final book, Sabbatical Journey, he died in September 1996 from a sudden heart attack.

His spirituality was influenced by many, notably by his friendship with Jean Vanier. At the invitation of Vanier he visited L'Arche in France, the first of over 130 communities around the world where people with developmental disabilities live and share life together with those who care for them. In 1986 Nouwen accepted the position of pastor for a L'Arche community called "Daybreak" in Canada, near Toronto. Nouwen wrote about his relationship with Adam, a core member at L'Arche Daybreak with profound developmental disabilities, in a book titled Adam: God's Beloved. Father Nouwen was a good friend of the late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin.

The results of a Christian Century magazine survey conducted in 2003 indicate that Nouwen's work was a first choice of authors for Catholic and mainline Protestant clergy.

One of his most famous works is Inner Voice of Love, his diary from December 1987 to June 1988 during one of his most serious bouts with clinical depression.

There is a Father Henri J. M. Nouwen Catholic Elementary School in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

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Profile Image for Chris.
23 reviews7 followers
June 18, 2012
I've had this book on my shelf for quite awhile but had not gotten around to reading it. A couple of weekends ago I was scheduled to take a "personal retreat" which I try to do 3 or 4 times per year. As I perused my two shelves worth of Christian spirituality, formation, etc...the title caught my eye so I stuffed it in my bag with 2 or 3 other books for the weekend.

It only took a few pages to realize Nouwen was going to nail me. He identifies greed and anger as two critical sins which tend to plague people in ministry (professional/vocational/pastoral ministry). Basically, we are all faced with the decision to live out our false identity as we're victimized by the world"s compulsions or to discover our true selves...and live/lean into our identity in Christ.

In the same way which the ascetic 3rd and 4th century dessert fathers utilized solitude, silence, and prayer we must learn to incorporate these spiritual disciplines in our own contemporary culture and context of ministry. So not only was I challenged to be honest about some of the struggles in my heart, I was given some great tools by Nouwen to pursue a more contemplative life of prayer.

As I was headed out that weekend, someone commented "Oh, I could never do that" referring to my plan to spend a couple of days in complete solitude. Thankfully, we don't actually have to experience physical solitude in order to carve out time and space with God or learn the lessons Nouwen presents. But for many of us, the occasional ascetic experience of some sort of deprivation disrupts our system and routine just enough to realign our hearts and minds with Father, Son, & Spirit.

If greed (materialism, coveting, money, etc) or anger (frustration, resentment, disillusionment, etc) are becoming part of your default posture I would recommend you spend some time with this text. Or if you're looking for a good read during a spiritual retreat of some sort, "The Way of the Heart" could be a great addition to your reading agenda.
Profile Image for David .
1,325 reviews171 followers
November 5, 2018
Nouwen writes here on solitude, silence and prayer. He writes this with much reference to the lives of the Desert Fathers and Mothers. In this he echoes Merton, who wrote a similar book. Every book I read by the likes of Nouwen, Merton and Rohr increases my appreciation. This is not just another run-of-the-mill book on spiritual practice, since the connection to the desert gives it a nice and refreshing slant. Very well done.
Profile Image for Neil R. Coulter.
1,163 reviews143 followers
October 4, 2017
Over the past month, I've been doing some fasting, seeking clarity of God's leading in upcoming decisions. When I fast, I like to focus on devotional reading. In previous times of fasting, I've worked through Richard Foster's excellent edited volumes, Spiritual Classics and Devotional Classics. This time, I looked at my bookshelf and found this small book by Henri Nouwen, The Way of the Heart.

Originally published in 1981, The Way of the Heart presents a few key insights from the Desert Fathers--Christian pilgrims in the 4th and 5th centuries who exiled themselves to the deserts of Egypt, seeking a deeper relationship with and understanding of God. Nouwen writes in with a caring, pastoral voice, especially for ministry leaders; but the content is really for any Christian.

The three topics Nouwen focuses on are solitude, silence, and prayer. (I read one of these sections each day that I fasted.) I was particularly challenged by the section on silence. I am a relatively silent person in everyday life, but I understand that this is not necessarily a choice: it's just how I am. Nouwen challenged me to move from "The Way of the Personality," which is not something I've intentionally chosen for myself, to "The Way of the Heart"--deliberate, purposeful, and a different kind of silence. Nouwen writes:
[S]ilence is above all a quality of the heart that can stay with us even in our conversation with others. It is a portable [monk's] cell that we carry with us wherever we go. From it we speak to those in need and to it we return after our words have borne fruit. . . . Words are the instrument of the present world, but silence is the mystery of the future world." (59-60)
I want to pursue that deeper, more mysterious and future-oriented silence in my life, that the words I say will bring with them the fragrance of the future world as a comfort to people struggling in this one.

The Way of the Heart is a short book and a quick read. I enjoyed the genuine, compassionate tone, and the lessons from the Desert Fathers are always welcome and needed.
Profile Image for Graham Yarnell.
6 reviews1 follower
March 28, 2023
Cling to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Now I want to go into the desert and spend time away from everything but God and nature, seeking a silence in the soul and praying ceaselessly.
Profile Image for Alix.
109 reviews
January 15, 2024
Immensely helpful. Not a word or thought was wasted, which is refreshing in the age of “this book could have been an article.”

Though published in the eighties, Nouwen’s insight on solitude, silence, and prayer through the teaching of the Desert Fathers and Mothers feels more applicable today than ever. I’m encouraged and challenged by this short book.
Profile Image for Marly.
88 reviews
December 31, 2023
Amazing teaching on solitude via the desert mothers & fathers!!!

“Compassion is the fruit of solitude and the basis of all ministry.”
Profile Image for Corey Shannon.
110 reviews7 followers
February 7, 2024
I mean, come on. Henri Nouwen. Every time.

I read this book so quickly, but I plan to reread it very very slowly. So much wisdom in here. Nouwen makes the practice of the Desert Fathers and Mothers compelling and will leave the reader craving to follow in the footsteps of these forefathers/mothers. The language of the desert which could be confusing and unattractive to the 21st century believer who is motivated by intellect and knowledge, is made extremely accessible by Nouwen, and invites the body of Christ here and now to return to the wisdom of the desert for the sake of the world around us.

He ends the book with this story from one of the Desert Fathers - “Three Fathers used to go and visit blessed Anthony every year and two of them used to discuss their thoughts and the salvation of their soul with him, but the third always remained silent and did not ask him anything. After a long time, Abba Anthony said to him: ‘You often come here to see me, but you never ask me anything’ and the other replied, ‘ It is enough to see you, Father.’” What a beautiful depiction of what the church could be. A people that "move into the midst of a tumultuous world with a heart at rest" as Nouwen so simply articulates.

Please read if you get the chance.
Profile Image for Sydney Farney.
23 reviews
November 2, 2023
I honestly had the wrong idea of what this book was about. I thought it covered the “how” of silence, solitude, and prayer, but it covered the “what”. It was hard to see past that unmet expectation, but when I do, I see Nouwen’s wisdom and insight on these disciplines and am able to gain a different perspective on them. This book is good for wanting to deeper understand these disciplines and how they affect us!
Profile Image for John Elliott.
162 reviews6 followers
August 1, 2022
The right book at the right time for me. The desert fathers have a lot to teach us about the value of silence, solitude, and unceasing prayer—not easy disciplines to incorporate into our modern world, but worth trying.
Profile Image for Ellie.
1,536 reviews404 followers
July 16, 2021
This short but lovely book is inspirational to me. It has concrete suggestions as to how to develop the "way of the heart" Nouwen is advocating.

Although the book is aimed at ministers, I found it helpful to me (I am certainly no minister!) in how to live a more spiritual life that by its very being helps others.

According to Nouwen, silence is the necessary foundation of the spiritual life. As a verbose person, this is challenging for me! I certainly am one of those people to whom he refers as believing that sharing feelings is healing. I don't intend to stop but I have also found that silence in daily meditation and in more prolonged retreats is healing. And I also know I can find ways to bring more silence of heart (and tongue!) into my day. I have been working toward this already and find that to the extent that I do so, my words have more meaning than when I simply run my mouth endlessly.

I love the desert fathers and mothers (see Thomas Merton's The Wisdom of the Desert: Sayings from the Desert Fathers of the Fourth Century) and here, as always, their words are often funny and always enlightening. And the idea of finding peace outside a chaotic, crumbling, and violent society in order to offer a vision and model of healthier, more loving and life-giving way of life, couldn't be more appropriate.

More than worth the relatively short time spent reading.
Profile Image for Ron.
Author 1 book151 followers
July 19, 2016
(Upon my second reading)

“Arsenius, flee, be silent, pray always, for these for these are the sources of sinlessness.”

A valuable retrospective on the prayer life of the Desert Fathers, and Eastern Orthodox Christians. Drawing on the main themes of solitude, silence and prayer, Nouwen offers an alternative to the western church’s going-through-the-motions approach to following Christ.

“Only in the context of grace can we face our sin; only in the place of healing can we show our wounds; only with a single-minded attention to Christ can we give up our clinging fears and face our true nature.”

The most jarring note is Nouwen’s 1981 malaise. All right-thinking folks of that era were full bore gloom and doom. Mankind was doomed; the only way out of the Cold War was a civilization, if not planet-ending global nuclear war. Remember Jimmy Carter donning a wool sweater and turning down the White House heat? And Reagan? All right-thinking folks were sure we’d just elected an idiot who would only hasten the apocalypse. Only, it didn’t turn out that way, did it? Thirty years later much has changed and much hasn't.

“I have often repented of having spoken, but never of having remained silent.” Arsenius
Profile Image for Hope.
1,389 reviews129 followers
February 19, 2024
I read this along with my small group and didn't expect to like it. But Nouwen had my attention right away when he asked how we can serve in this badly broken world without losing heart. He then offers wisdom from the desert fathers to show us several practices that can keep us grounded when all else is in chaos.

I opened this book with a lot of skepticism, but ended up being encouraged by many of its ideas. I especially appreciated the concept of HESYCHIA, the rest which flows from unceasing prayer. It was a call to more prayer and less worry, which is a call I'm glad to answer.
Profile Image for Emma Caroline.
3 reviews
May 12, 2024
so much wisdom! Here are some quotes

“Our compulsive, wordy and mind oriented world has a firm grip on us and we need a very strong and persistent discipline not to be squeezed to death by it.”

“The prayer of the heart is a prayer that does not allow us to limit our relationship with God to interesting words or pious emotions. It challenges us to hide absolutely nothing g from God and to surrender ourselves unconditionally to his mercy.”
Profile Image for Sally Shadrach.
112 reviews
March 25, 2024
So formational in my understanding of spiritual practices, specifically that of prayer. God does not need a long prayer explaining my needs but a simple word of “Lord, help me!” He knows all of my needs!
6 reviews
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March 4, 2009
The best book for blogging.
from Stuff Christians Like by Prodigal Jon

Sometimes people ask me for tips about blogging. I don't feel particularly qualified to answer that question even though I do blog a lot. What I can tell you though is the name of the best book ever written about blogging:

"The Way of the Heart" by Henri Nouwen.

Here are three things I can tell you about this book:

1. It is only 84 pages long.
2. It only costs $9.31 on Amazon so it's super cheap.
3. I underlined almost every line on every page.

The challenge with a blog is that it tends to make your life loud. It's easy to put this blog filter on everything you do or experience and I sometimes catch myself with this running, babbling conversation in my head, "Should this go on the blog? Maybe this should? Should it? Is this blog worthy?" You might not experience that but this book's focus on seeking solitude with Christ really challenges me to put Him first and not my blog.

If you're going to start a blog. Get this book. If you want to grow a blog, get this book. Bottom line, I heart this book.

p.s. It was written in 1981 so it doesn't use the word "blog" in it at all but that's what books written before their time do. Twenty eight years later this book rocks a medium that didn't even exist when it was published.
Profile Image for Kathleen Kurlin.
Author 4 books3 followers
April 1, 2013
This book promises (from the book jacket) "Within this one small book lies the most relevant and inspiring challenge that we shall ever face: to surrender the compulsive noise of the world for the way of the heart that leads us to God." This book delivered on what was written in the book jacket! I read this book very quickly and found myself wanting to withdraw from my daily life to a secluded spot somewhere so I could truly seek God with the hopes of hearing His words for me and my life. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who is seeking a deeper experience with God. Great book!
Profile Image for Joshua Ray.
229 reviews23 followers
August 2, 2015
Good insights but mostly a collection of stories about the desert fathers. Solitude, silence, and prayer are indeed important. But more emphasis on Scripture (especially Christ's example in this) would have drastically improved this short volume.
Profile Image for Stan.
Author 3 books9 followers
August 3, 2018
Nouwen examined what the Dessert Fathers and Mothers have to say to ministers in our time. He sought to answer the question: “What is required of a man or a woman who is called to enter fully into the turmoil and agony of the times and speak a word of hope? (2).” In the teachings of the dessert fathers and mothers, Nouwen discovered the wisdom to be attained through the spiritual practices of solitude, silence, and prayer. In solitude, focused time with God alone and no distractions, we come face-to-face with our own nothingness which forces us to surrender ourselves totally and unconditionally to Christ alone. This solitude is vital because, “ministry can be fruitful only if it grows out of a direct and intimate encounter with our Lord (21).” Solitude breeds compassion for others. “Silence completes and intensifies solitude (35).” In silence, we learn to speak only words that have true value. Silence breeds an ever-growing charity from which we minister to others. “Solitude and silence can never be separated from the call to unceasing prayer (63).” Nouwen distinguishes between the prayer of the mind and the prayer of the heart. “The crisis of our prayer life is that our mind may be filled with ideas of God while our heart remains far from him. Real prayer comes from the heart (71).” The prayer of the heart breeds unconditional surrender to the mercy of God. This develops Christ-likeness. One “should strive to let his prayer remodel the whole of his person (75).” Nouwen was a Roman Catholic priest, professor, writer, and theologian. The Way of the Heart is almost uncanny in that Roman Catholicism is not obvious. There is no Mariology and no mention of the Sacraments. Rather, the work points to Christ and to Scripture. Thereby, it is suitable for all Christians. Nouwen focuses on spirituality for ministers because, “The discipline of leading all our people with their struggles into the gentle and humble heart of God is the discipline of prayer as well as the discipline of ministry (87).”
Profile Image for Sophie Zell.
46 reviews3 followers
June 28, 2024
This book makes me think I’d really like a silent retreat. (Missed my chance LOL) Obviously Henri Nouwen doesn’t miss so this was an easy 5 stars and I really didn’t know much about the desert fathers so this was an impeccable introduction. He writes to those trying to minister in a tumultuous world with hearts at rest (which sounds painstakingly familiar to me!) + I’d recommend this read to every missionary I know! Didn’t take too long to get through, jam packed with sucker punch quote goodness and a necessary message for our time! Will absolutely be incorporating these themes into discipleships!!!

Previously mentioned quote goodness:

“Solitude is not simply a means to an end. Solitude is its own end. It is the place where Christ remodels us in his own image and frees us from the victimizing compulsions of the world. Solitude is the place of our salvation”

“Solitude molds self-righteous people into gentle, caring, forging persons who are so deeply convinced of their own great sinfulness and so fully aware of God’s even greater mercy that their life itself becomes ministry.”

“How can we possibly expect anyone to find real nurture, comfort, and consolation from a prayer life that taxes the mind beyond its limits and adds one more exhausting activity to the many already scheduled ones?”

“Real prayer penetrates to the marrow of our soul and leaves nothing untouched. The prayer of the heart is a prayer that does not allow us to limit our relationship with God to interesting words or pious emotions.”
Profile Image for Holly Kapp.
58 reviews
January 15, 2024
2.5/5 stars. I feel like Henri Nouwen doesn’t say anything wrong, but I still finish reading his books feeling unsatisfied. Like there’s some level of profoundness and depth I’m hoping to find, but only catch glimpses and flashes of. I think he speaks some simple truth, quotes some great snippets from the desert fathers, and works best to explain solitude, silence and prayer for his audience. However, I also don’t think I fall into his intended audience for this book. I wanted this to be more about the desert fathers, and less of an advice piece for pastors who no longer want to pray, but maybe it just wasn’t meant for me 🤷‍♀️
Profile Image for Elizabeth S. Stovicek.
16 reviews3 followers
March 11, 2018
Everything I fear about silence and solitude, Nouwen explains thoroughly and beautifully so as to cast out all fear and inspire a deeper prayer life. He gives specific guidance and speaks to the mistakes I make when trying to pray and maintain a consistent and effective prayer life. Would recommend to anyone seeking to grow in relationship with God while living in the world and seeking to serve Christ's body while feeling that one can't find a great way to create space for God in a hectic life.
Profile Image for Matt Reser.
63 reviews
November 17, 2023
Easy 5 stars. This book is only 95 pages, but every other line in my copy is highlighted. This brings the wisdom of the desert fathers and mothers in a presentable way to modern readers. It will make you want to go "Monk Mode". Nouwen always surprises me with his ability to prophetically read the culture and the human condition. Everyone should read this.
Profile Image for cindy.
482 reviews122 followers
August 31, 2019
Concrete encouragement for practising solitude, silence, and prayer in the modern Christian’s life, with inspiration drawn from a group of Christians who lived in the Egyptian desert during the fourth and fifth centuries. Quite in line with my recent thoughts re: spiritual discipline.
Profile Image for Samuel Hunter.
9 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2024
Short, sweet and to the point, Nouwen packs a ton of rich information about prayer and solitude into this little book. There’s a lot here that I personally bristled against and he can be a bit prescriptive, but there’s no doubt this book packs a punch.
Profile Image for Josh Thompson.
15 reviews2 followers
June 10, 2021
Simple and special. Biggest thing that will stay with me is the practice of praying simple phrases in place of just silence each time for communing.
8 reviews1 follower
May 22, 2024
Classic nouwen. Hits the nail right on the head in regard to real spirituality where life is found not in ambition as the word says but instead in the secret place with Jesus Himself.
I'll need to read this book regularly.
295 reviews2 followers
November 1, 2023
This booked seemed to target pastors but I was able to find things I could apply to my own life. Wish there was more on “silence”…maybe because this is so hard for me.
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