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Winter Street #1

Winter Street

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Cozy up with New York Times bestselling author Elin Hilderbrand's first Christmas novel, hailed “a diverting tale… filled with humor, romance, and realism” by USA Today, in which a family gathers on Nantucket for a holiday filled with chaos, caroling, and cheer.   

Kelley Quinn is the owner of Nantucket's Winter Street Inn and the proud father of four, all of them grown and living in varying states of disarray. Patrick, the eldest, is a hedge fund manager with a guilty conscience. Kevin, a bartender, is secretly sleeping with a French housekeeper named Isabelle. Ava, a school teacher, is finally dating the perfect guy but can't get him to commit. And Bart, the youngest and only child of Kelley's second marriage to Mitzi, has recently shocked everyone by joining the Marines. As Christmas approaches, Kelley is looking forward to getting the family together for some quality time at the inn. But when he walks in on Mitzi kissing Santa Claus (or the guy who's playing Santa at the inn's annual party), utter chaos descends. With the three older children each reeling in their own dramas and Bart unreachable in Afghanistan, it might be up to Kelley's ex-wife, nightly news anchor Margaret Quinn, to save Christmas at the Winter Street Inn. Before the mulled cider is gone, the delightfully dysfunctional Quinn family will survive a love triangle, an unplanned pregnancy, a federal crime, a small house fire, many shots of whiskey, and endless rounds of Christmas caroling, in this heart-warming novel about coming home for the holidays.Follow the Quinn family through the entire Winter Street Winter Street Winter Stroll Winter Storms Winter Solstice

249 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2014

About the author

Elin Hilderbrand

79 books46.6k followers
Elin Hilderbrand lives on Nantucket with her husband and their three young children. She grew up in Collegeville, Pennsylvania, and traveled extensively before settling on Nantucket, which has been the setting for her five previous novels. Hilderbrand is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and the graduate fiction workshop at the University of Iowa.



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,086 reviews
Profile Image for Brady Lockerby.
106 reviews68.9k followers
December 12, 2023
Cute! This one is 100% christmas/wintery vibes. Fully invested and immediately started the second one!
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,936 reviews33.2k followers
November 8, 2021
I have a confession to make...

I don't usually like Christmas stories and/or novellas.


Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas and the holiday season just as much as everyone else who loves Christmas and the holiday season. I have just never been all that in love with all the holiday novellas and Hallmark movies which accompany it all.

I guess I have just always found them to be a little too...sweet and sugary for my tastes.

Now, maybe it's because one of my real life friends loves this series...maybe it's because I am nearing 40...maybe it's because I have this newfound obsession with domestic dramas and fucked up family fiction.

It's anyone's guess.

All I know is, I was super drawn to this series this year and, luckily, I enjoyed it as much as I thought I would. Like I said, I seem to be super drawn to all things related to screwed up families and just messy domestic situations in general this year...and this fit the bill with a holiday twist. It was delicious and I am already obtaining the next one - damn you, cliffhanger.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,795 reviews6,702 followers
January 14, 2019
Oh, the family drama is high in this one! It's a hot mess and I'm over here like...

Needless to say, I found this first installment of Elin Hilderbrand's Winter series to be flat out entertaining, but I can't dismiss the palpable emotion that popped up unexpectedly. Lots of characters with both individual and connected crises, but I could handle it...and I'm ready for more! On to the next!

My favorite quote:
"Ten more soldiers killed in Afghanistan. Margaret is breathless with horror, followed by shame. She has been anchoring the national news for over twenty years, she has reported on thousands of deaths of American soldiers, and yet it is only this week, now that her children's brother has been deployed, that she truly understands how scary and dangerous it is. The sacrifice these kids make (and they are kids—Bart is only nineteen; the last time Margaret saw him, eighteen months earlier, he was in New York City on his senior class trip) is astonishing—as are the sacrifices the parents make, sending their sons and daughters into battle."
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 11 books542 followers
October 25, 2023
I loved WINTER STREET. Elin Hilderbrand has woven together a juicy cast of characters with lots of drama for this Christmas-themed family treat. ❄🎄

The Quinn family is your typical American family in many ways. Kelly and his first wife Margaret are divorced. They have three grown children, Kevin, Patrick and Ava. Kelly has one grown son with his second wife, Mitzi (who can't help but draw the comparison of ditzy when in the opening pages of the book, she announces she's leaving her husband for their bed and breakfast's "Santa Claus" 🎅 from the annual Christmas party.) Kelly is oblivious to their affair, and oblivious to the drama of his oldest three children, including a relationship that is going nowhere, another relationship carried on in secret, and a workplace secret that could land someone in hot water. When all parties show up at the inn, there is merriment and lots of interesting drama. I really enjoyed this one. It had great notes of Christmas and was well-paced. Definitely reading on to the next book in the series. 🎄❄🎄❄
Profile Image for ⊱ Sonja ⊰.
3,519 reviews537 followers
May 4, 2023
Kelley Quinn ist 62 Jahre alt, Vater von vier inzwischen erwachsenen Kindern und Inhaber einer Pension. Eigentlich ist er zufrieden mit seinem Leben, doch dann erwischt er ausgerechnet am Weihnachtstag seine Frau Mitzi in einer eindeutigen Situation mit einem anderen Mann. Kelley ist fassungslos, doch auch seine Kinder haben ihre eigenen Probleme. Was wird nun aus dem Weihnachtsfest?
Mein Leseeindruck:
"Winterglanz" ist mein erstes Buch von Elin Hilderbrand, obwohl ich vorher schon viel von der Autorin gehört habe. Ich war somit sehr neugierig auf dieses Buch, zumal ich sehr gerne Bücher lese, die zur Weihnachtszeit spielen.
Der Schreibstil von Elin Hilderbrand hat mir eigentlich recht gut gefallen. Das Buch hat sich sehr flüssig und sehr schnell lesen lassen. ABER: Leider kamen bei mir keinerlei Gefühle an. Dabei ist die Geschichte an sich sehr emotional. Ich habe diese Gefühle nur leider nicht spüren können beim Lesen, was sehr schade ist. Ich war hier nicht "mittendrin", sondern nur Zuschauer.
Ein weiterer Punkt, der mir nicht so gut gefallen hat, ist die Tatsache, dass die Figuren zum Teil so "besonders" waren und darauf so viel Wert gelegt wurde. Kelleys Exfrau ist zum Beispiel eine sehr berühmte und beliebte Nachrichtensprecherin, die den Außenminister persönlich kennt und keine normale Strickjacke trägt, sondern natürlich eine Chanel-Strickjacke.
Trotzdem habe ich das Buch im Großen und Ganzen aber doch recht gerne gelesen. Es ist eine schöne leichte Lektüre, die gut in den Herbst bzw. Winter passt. Obwohl bei mir leider die Gefühle nicht ankamen, die das Buch vermitteln möchte, hatte ich trotzdem schöne Lesestunden mit der Lektüre.
Profile Image for Susanne.
1,174 reviews38.4k followers
August 2, 2020
Spending time with family during the Holidays is always tricky! It is especially true for the Quinn family this year who are all spending time in Nantucket at their Inn together.

Their life is in shambles and yet somehow, being together makes everything better, almost.

Kelley and Mitzi’s marriage disintegrates when she is discovered kissing Santa Claus whom she has been having an affair with for years.

Enter Margaret, Kelley’s ex-wife.

Thank goodness, Kelley and Margaret’s kids are at the Winter Street Inn this year celebrating Christmas. Patrick, Kevin and Ava all have their own trials and tribulations. Can spending Christmas together solve their problems?

If only Bart, Kelley and Mitzi’s son would send word from Afghanistan.

A family that somehow wormed their way into my heart! “Winter Street” is a fast paced enjoyable holiday story from Elin Hilderbrand that kept me completely engrossed in the lives of the Quinn family and is the first in a series which I intend to keep reading.

Thank you to my local library for loaning me a copy of the book.

Published on Goodreads on 8.2.20.
Profile Image for Christine.
617 reviews1,315 followers
November 20, 2015
3.5 stars

It is starting to feel like winter outside; the wind is blowing hard, the skies are gray, and the weather guy is predicting snow. Furthermore, I have just finished reading several very intense thrillers. So what could be better at this point than a fluffy Christmas book? I hit the library and came home with Winter Street, which proved to be just what I needed.

Winter Street is my first experience with an Elin Hilderbrand book. Other reviewers state this isn’t her best work. Though it does not provide as much depth as some other women’s fiction novels I have read, I still found it entertaining. Probably the features I liked best were the likeable characters, all the different family dynamics, and Ms. Hilderbrand’s humor that is laced throughout the story at just the right moments.

We are introduced to Kelley Quinn and his wife Mitzi who run the Winter Street Inn on Nantucket Island. Between them they have 4 grown children, an ex-wife, and a lover. The story runs from December 23 to Christmas evening as the family and their significant others gather. Within the group, there are multiple issues going on, leading to a wide swath of emotions ranging from sheer joy to utter agony. One might say that it is a bit unbelievable that so much drama could be happening at once, but that didn’t bother me, and I went with it. The ending did not tidy everything up, but I learned there is a sequel titled Winter Stroll that has been recently released that I put on reserve at my library. Since I don’t have to wait a year for it, I’m happy.

I recommend Winter Street to anyone looking for a light, but warm family Christmas drama to read over a cold wintery weekend. I enjoyed it.
Profile Image for Brandice.
1,039 reviews
November 19, 2017
I breezed through Winter Street, a fairly short book centered around The Quinn Family, who owns and operates The Winter Street Inn in Nantucket. The story takes place during the week of Christmas.

Family dramas are right up my alley, and Winter Street was no exception. Each member of the family is dealing with their own struggles, but they come together to celebrate Christmas back home at the inn. There were definitely a handful of obvious and predictable moments in the story, but I still really enjoyed it, especially reading it around the holidays. I look forward to reading the rest of the Winter series.
Profile Image for ☕️Kimberly  (Caffeinated Reviewer).
3,254 reviews724 followers
February 4, 2016
Kelley Quinn owns a local B&B with his second wife Mitzi and is looking forward to the holiday, despite concerns about the B&B’s finances. Kelley’s first clue that this Christmas will be different begins when he walks in on his wife kissing Santa Claus. The two have one child, a son Bart, who is stationed in Afghanistan. His oldest son Patrick a highly successful broker and happily married father of three is in trouble. His daughter, Ava a local schoolteacher is in a stalled relationship and not at all-happy. His youngest son from his first marriage is having an affair with their French-maid. His ex-wife a wildly successful news broadcaster is planning to spend the holiday on a nice warm beach far, far away.

The tale that unfolds in Winter Street is not your typical holiday story, but takes us into the lives of this close-knit family as Hilderbrand shares a not so perfect Christmas. Delivered from each of the Quinn’s perspective we follow each of the stories as we move through the holiday, discover truths, and band together. Quirky, heart-felt, and genuine I enjoyed learning about this family.

Winter Street takes place between the 23rd and 25th of December and it was a delightful listen thanks to Erin Bennett who did a lovely job with the narration. While I became caught up in all of the many threads, I would have liked more depth to the characters. This is not a warm fuzzy holiday listen, nor is it dark it is simply a glimpse into one family’s not so perfect holiday. Because the tale ends soon after Christmas dinner, there were unanswered questions. At first, I thought I was missing part of the audio. However, I have learned that these characters and their story will appear again. It is my hope we see each character further developed.

Winter Street was an enjoyable listen and despite wanting more, I thoroughly enjoyed spending the holiday with the Quinn’s of Nantucket.

Audio provided by publisher
Profile Image for Myrn.
729 reviews
May 13, 2024
Great read! It was easy to get involved with the characters and their lives. The ending leaves you ready to read the next book in the series. There’s something about Hildebrand's books that I like!
Profile Image for Melissa.
647 reviews29.1k followers
March 11, 2015
I'm not usually big on Christmas stories, but I loved this book. I couldn't put it down. I hope there's more to come for the Quinn family. There were too many things left unanswered at the end.
Profile Image for Theresa Alan.
Author 10 books1,133 followers
January 3, 2022
Except for a partial cliff-hanger ending (some things are looking like a happy ending, other story lines are open ended, which I don’t appreciate), I enjoyed this novel about a man whose second marriage is failing and the challenges faced by his four adult children. I liked it because no one is perfect but no one is unlikable.

Kelley, the patriarch of the Quinn family, walks in on his wife literally kissing the man who has played Santa Claus at their inn every year for twelve years. His other children from his first wife are facing career or relationship challenges, and his youngest son is fighting in Afghanistan. His second wife has chosen the day before Christmas Eve to tell him she’s moving out. His first wife swoops in to help with the holidays because as a CBS news anchor, she knows things that are happening overseas before civilians do, even the civilian parents of their son who is serving.

Relationships are complex, and lots of families have complicated relationships because of second marriages and children from other relationships, and these complexities have a way of seeming even bigger around the holidays, so I appreciated that all these characters are introduced to us with pasts that have shaped them for better or worse. I’m not sure I loved this enough to read the next few books in this series, however.
Profile Image for Dana.
207 reviews
December 24, 2016
I like to occasionally read with the seasons the way I seem to plan my meals with seasonal foods in mind, so when I saw a few GR friends had rated this book fairly high, I thought it sounded good and would give it a try for the holidays.
Years ago I might have found this to be something I would enjoy, but the older I get, the less this genre appeals to me. Overall, it was a light so-so read...and it ended with a cliff-hanger, making me want to at least skim the next book to see what happened.
Profile Image for Taury.
742 reviews194 followers
December 18, 2021
If you want a cheesy holiday read. This faced paced book is for you. I signed up for the whole series 🤦🏼‍♀️ I am not sure my intellectual level can handle it. As I am in Facebook jail for a couple more days, what else do I have to do? lmao
Profile Image for Cortney -  The Bookworm Myrtle Beach.
950 reviews215 followers
November 30, 2019
I loved this book and completely adored all the characters... I'm super excited that I have all 4 books at the bookstore, because I will be reading these back to back.
Profile Image for Henry.
749 reviews38 followers
December 15, 2020
An entertaining Christmas story. Classic Hilderbrand writing. If you have liked other books by her, you'll like this one, particularly at this time of year.
Profile Image for Erin.
3,277 reviews475 followers
August 2, 2018
What better way to cool off from the humidity than reading a book set at Christmas? I have really enjoyed Elin Hilderbrand books in the past and have long been curious to try her Winter series. Winter Street introduces readers to the Quinn family. This is the kind of family that puts the FUN back in dysfunctional. At a mere 200 + pages, patriarch Kelley, his first wife, Margaret, and their children Patrick, Kevin, and Ava take turns telling readers about their wacky Christmas when youngest brother, Bart is in Afghanistan and second wife, Mitzi takes off with Santa Claus( aka friend George).

Is it one of EH's best novels? Not particularly, but it was quite easy reading and I loved the mad as a hatter antics of this family. I shall keep a look out for the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Eeva.
841 reviews41 followers
January 15, 2019
Actual rating: 0 stars
Also, DNF at 60 pages.

OMG this was the most dull book I've read in a long tim. Flat, boring, annoying characters, ridic plot, horrible writing.
I just can't.
Profile Image for Antoinette.
875 reviews119 followers
November 24, 2023
3.5 Stars

An enjoyable listen as I walked book! My first Christmas book this year. In this book, we meet the Quinn family- father Kelly, his current wife Mitzi, his ex wife, Margaret, his 3 adult children with Margaret and 1 adult son with Mitzi. Being family, there is always turmoil and drama. What better time for that than at Christmas!

I definitely was interested in all their outcomes- Sadly the author left it on a cliffhanger. There are 3 more books in this series. Each takes place over subsequent Christmases. To be continued next Christmas? I’ll say probably! Need to find out what happens in all their lives moving forward.

Published: 2014
Profile Image for Sheyla ✎.
1,906 reviews587 followers
November 26, 2018

Winter Street sets the bait for the Winter series. I enjoyed the audio and as soon as I was done with it, I was purchasing the next book, Winter Stroll. I'm so happy all the books are out so I don't have to wait anytime in between discovering what will be the future of these characters.

Winter Street centers around The Quinn family. Kelley Quinn is the father. He owns a B&B with his current wife Mitzi. He's worried about the financial future of the Winter Street Inn but this concern takes second place when he finds his wife in a room with George, the Santa Claus who performs during the yearly Christmas party at the Inn. Before she leaves, Mitzi confesses that her affair with George has been ongoing for twelve years every single Christmas holiday.

Margaret Quinn is Kelley's ex-wife but she's also the most famous women on TV. She's part of America as she delivers the daily news. She's currently seeing a pediatric surgeon and is spending Christmas with him in Hawaii instead of Nantucket until she learns something that pulls her back to her ex-husband's home.

Patrick is the eldest son and Kelley and Margaret's favorite too. He's a broker and supposedly a great businessman except he let his greed take hold of him and now he's being investigated for inside trading. Patrick is married to Jennifer and they have three children.

Ava is the only daughter. She's a music teacher whose love life is a mess. She's in love with Nathaniel but he's not as serious with their relationship as Ava wishes it to be. She wants more from him. Ava does have Scott in her life. She knows he's in love with her but she doesn't think about him that way but maybe she should.

Kevin is living at the Inn. He's ex-wife Nora did a number on him. He lost trust in women but secretly he has been dating Isabelle, a French woman who works at the Inn too. He's going to be a father and he better get with the program before he loses his chance at happiness.

Last but not least is Bart. The youngest son of Kelley and the only kid by Mitzi. He was a loose cannon until he joined the Marines and now he has been deployed to Afghanistan. No one knows where he is at but they all hope he's safe.

Winter Street is full of drama. There are so many things happening all at once to this family that it should be impossible to believe it. Yet, I found myself being entertained by their angst, sorrow, persistence, and happiness.

I liked all the family members especially Margaret. She changed her plans to help her kids and ex-husband.

Winter Street ends up in a cliffhanger. I'm happy I didn't have to suffer through it for too long.

Cliffhanger: Yes

4/5 Fangs

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Profile Image for Diana.
355 reviews21 followers
November 23, 2022
Just in time for the start of Hallmark Holiday Movie Season, I started Elin Hilderbrand's Winter Series. Winter Street is a delightful Christmas story following the Quinn family. The characters are colorful and interesting and had me laughing from time to time. I found myself craving holiday treats and wanting to decorate for Christmas! Told from multiple family member's viewpoints, I got a fun story that held my attention through the end.
Profile Image for Heather~ Nature.books.and.coffee.
771 reviews190 followers
November 23, 2017
What a great book! Right before the holidays, this was what I needed. I read a lot of relatable topics, and just fell in love with the Quinn family! I can't wait to read the rest in this series! Loved it!
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,166 reviews175 followers
March 19, 2019
Kelley Quinn, owner of the Nantucket's Winter Street Inn, is looking forward to Christmas--a time full of traditions at his Inn. But then he walks in on his second wife, Mitzi, kissing Santa Claus. Or at least George, the burly man who plays Santa each year at the Inn. Suddenly, Kelley's life is as upended as that of his children's. His three eldest children with his first wife--Patrick, Kevin, and Ava--are each embroiled in turmoil and dramas of their own. And Bart, his spoiled son with Mitzi, deployed to Afghanistan right before Christmas. And now it's Christmas and the entire Quinn clan finds themselves together for Christmas: a dysfunctional, dramatic, and potentially heart-warming Christmas.

I've been on an Elin Hilderbrand kick lately, especially after reading WINTER IN PARADISE, the first book in her new Paradise series. I loved that one immensely. I didn't love this one quite as much, but still found it a really easy, quick, and enjoyable read. I read it in one day--half while I was at the hospital with my daughter and half when I got home that evening. Because it's so enjoyable with such great characters, I found it a great diversion.

The characters are classic Hilderbrand: a messed up family that immediately pulls you in. I love how easy it is to get entangled in her tales. There's Kelley, of course, who is completely befuddled as his second marriage is falling apart. Ava, a music teacher, lives at the inn, and is struggling with her current relationship. Kevin, works at a bar, isn't living up to the family's high standards, and is in love with the housekeeper. Patrick, the eldest, is a very successful hedge fund manager with a secret (or two). Bart comes across as spoiled in the past but is now worrying the entire family as they haven't heard from him since his deployment. And then there's Margaret: the eldest three kids' mother. She's a successful newswoman and tv anchor and Kelley's first wife. I really liked her.

Somehow the book seamlessly weaves these characters together, along with their various love interests, spouses, and, yes, George the Santa. It's funny, heartbreaking, and well, completely intriguing. I love Hilderbrand's series because they suck me in and transport me to another place for a few hours (2 hours and 38 minutes, per my Bookly app).

I nabbed all the books in this series from Paperbackswap.com, and I've been hoarding the next three for when I go on vacation in April -- I'm looking forward to seeing what is next in store for the Quinns. Especially since, in true Hilderbrand fashion, this one ended in a cliffhanger!

Overall, I enjoyed this one. It's a quick, dramatic read with interesting characters. 3.5 stars.

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I received my copy of this book through one of my favorite websites, Paperbackswap.com, where you can swap copies of all your favorite books (hardcover, paperback, and more).
Profile Image for Larry H.
2,697 reviews29.6k followers
December 23, 2021
3.5 stars

In this, the first book in Elin Hilderbrand's Winter Street series, one family experiences a ton of chaos right around Christmas.

Kelley has been running the Winter Street Inn on Nantucket for years, but lately it’s really been struggling. He knows he needs to do something about it, but for now he looks forward to the Inn’s annual Christmas party and spending time with his family.

And then he sees Mitzi kissing Santa Claus. Mitzi is his second wife; Santa is actually George, the man who’s been playing Santa for their party for years.

The end of his marriage doesn’t quite put Kelley in the holiday spirit. Couple that with crises being experienced by his three older children and his youngest son, Bart (his only child with Mitzi), unreachable in Afghanistan, and there are few “Ho Ho Hos” to be found. Can Margaret, Kelley’s first wife and a famous news anchor, sweep in and save the day?

I’m a fan of many of Hilderbrand’s books and I’ve been looking forward to starting this series for a while. This was emotional and fun but just a bit too melodramatic and stuffed full of chaos. Every character had at least one issue to deal with, and none of them were simple, either.

I’ll still read the rest of the series because I love the way she writes and I love Nantucket as a setting. For those of you who have read the series, is every book as dramatic?

See all of my reviews at itseithersadnessoreuphoria.blogspot.com.

Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/the.bookishworld.of.yrralh/.
Profile Image for Mary.
1,831 reviews573 followers
December 11, 2020
I have finally read my first Elin Hilderbrand novel! And what a better way to start than with Winter Street, the first book of the Winter series. I've had this series on my shelf for a while and since it is December, I thought it would be the perfect time to get to them. Winter Street has a dash of romance, some holiday cheer, and a whole lot of family drama. It ended up being a lot more emotional than I had expected it to be, and this definitely goes above and beyond a Hallmark movie.

I started reading my physical book but since I still appear to be having issues concentrating, I quickly decided to use a credit and listen to the audio instead. Erin Bennett is the narrator for all the books in this series and I loved her narration, so I highly recommend the audios if you like listening to them. It is such a short book, so the audio was less than 7 hours long, and I basically sped through it in one day. The end is a bit of a cliffhanger so of course I immediately started the second book. Hilderbrand is such a talented writer, and I can see why so many people love her books. This was a drama-filled, emotional ride and I loved it. It also made me laugh and was just what I needed right now.
Profile Image for Melodie.
589 reviews74 followers
December 13, 2020
I enjoyed this light seasonal read about a dysfunctional but loving family centered around holiday happenings on Nantucket Island. Winter Street is the family owned B&B. Each family member has a voice and perspective on the current family and business situation. And thrumming in the background is the the anxiety of missing a family member currently serving overseas.
This book did exactly what I expected it to do. It gave me a time out from my own holiday madness. It was good to let someone else take the holiday wheel.
Profile Image for Sarah (is clearing her shelves).
1,056 reviews161 followers
January 3, 2016
2/1 - This book isn't giving me the same kind of feeling as any of the previous Christmas books I've read over the past month. There is drama galore, and it's not ridiculous drama that is so dramatic it's funny, it's depressing drama that would be killing my Christmas spirit if it was still before Christmas. Cheating spouses, the success of Christmas dinner in doubt, and the tragic loss of a family member on Christmas day all add up to a book that definitely does not resemble any happy Christmas book I've ever read before. To be continued...

3/1 - Alright, I read another 11 pages but that's it. I'm done with this 'Christmas' book that's making me depressed instead of happy. DNFed after 105 pages.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,086 reviews

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