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Robert Hunter #3

The Night Stalker

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An unidentified female body is brought into the Los Angeles County morgue. The cause of death is still unclear. Her body bares no marks; except for the fact that her most intimate parts have been stitched shut. But what shocks the pathologist the most is that the killer had left something inside her. Something so monstrous Detective Robert Hunter, of the Los Angeles Homicide Special Section, has to be pulled off a different case to take over the investigation.
Within days a new body surfaces. Like the previous victim, she's also been stitched shut and something has been left inside her. Something as ingenious as it is grotesque. And the killer isn't done yet, not by a long shot.

When his inquiry collides with a missing persons' case being investigated by the attractive, razor-sharp Whitney Meyers, Hunter suspects the killer might be keeping several women hostage. Soon Robert finds himself on the hunt for a murderer who is much more monstrous than he ever could have expected; a predator whose past hides a terrible secret, and who won't stop until each of his victims has brought forth the awful truth

464 pages, Hardcover

First published August 1, 2011

About the author

Chris Carter

132 books4,344 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.

Biographies can be an absolute drag, so I won’t bore anyone with a long life story.

I was born in Brasilia, Brazil where I spent my childhood and teenage years. After graduating from high school, I moved to the USA where I studied psychology with specialization in criminal behaviour. During my University years I held a variety of odd jobs, ranging from flipping burgers to being part of an all male exotic dancing group.

I worked as a criminal psychologist for several years before moving to Los Angeles, where I swapped the suits and briefcases for ripped jeans, bandanas and an electric guitar. After a spell playing for several well known glam rock bands, I decided to try my luck in London, where I was fortunate enough to have played for a number of famous artists. I toured the world several times as a professional musician.

A few years ago I gave it all up to become a full time writer.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,364 reviews
Profile Image for STEPH.
330 reviews36 followers
March 14, 2022
Whoa. Why!? Chris Carter, why would you do that to my fragile heart?

Early on in the novel, something unexpected happened. One particular event changed the course of the story and I felt bad, not even 10 pages in and boom! What the hell? It only proves how unpredictable this series is. Damn. I think I’ll never move on from that.

In the third book, Hunter is faced with a meticulous serial killer, a monster who’s targeting young women, their mouths and private parts sewn shut. If you think that’s the end of it, think again. The madness doesn’t end there. Read if you are brave enough.

Scary, sadistic and clever. Easily one of my favourite series.
Profile Image for Lisa.
878 reviews
October 31, 2016
I am a huge fan of Chris Carter & the Robert Hunter series I don't know how you all feel but The Night Stalker the 3rd in the series is a brilliantly written novel that Carter takes you into the darkest & Macabre side of a serial killer, he gets you right in from the get go although reading this you do need a strong stomach.

A woman's body is found in a butchers shop brutally murdered her lips stitched & female organ's also Detective Robert Hunter & his partner Detective Carlos Garcia are brought into solve the case the body is taken to the medical examiners office for an autopsy as the body is examined the ME cuts open the body horrified to find a bomb inside her then stitched back up.

Hunter & Garcia cannot work out what the killer is telling them the deeper they go they find another woman dead, the motive is the same stitched up & this time the medical examiner found a knife in the women's body, Hunter & Garcia felt a pattern emerging & this time the killer left a message He's INSIDE YOU!!! what this means they don't know.

Commander Barbara Blake is brought in to help with the case when they dig further into the identity of the girls they find that all of them are artists of some sort, another body is found but the calling card has changed then Commander Blake disappears this time Hunter will stop at nothing until he finds her what happens from here on is a cat & mouse game between the perp & Hunter.

This was a fabulous read & keeps you in suspense right till the end.
Profile Image for Matt.
4,106 reviews12.9k followers
March 6, 2014
Carter’s third thriller is sure to send chills down the reader’s spine. When a woman is discovered in a filthy run down shop with her mouth and genitals sewn shut, Detectives Hunter and Garcia begin an investigation to find the sadistic killer. What is the rationale behind the stitching and why choose this particular woman? After discovering that the killer also inserted something inside the victim, the case truly hits a dead end, as there is no semblance of reasoning behind any of it. Hunter begins his psychological analysis, bound and determined to solve the case before too many women fall victim to this fate, as more bodies emerge, stitched and filled with a horrible surprise. Garcia scrambles to make sense of the killings from a procedural standpoint and uses the missing persons’ database to set a timeline the killer might be following. Using the impetus of an accidental slaying that hits him close to home, Hunter begins seeing similarities and may have found the killer’s weakness. With some help from a private investigator, Hunter begins to draw closer to the killer, but it might be too late to save all those around him. Explosive down to the final chapter, Carter pulls the reader in and, in his trademark style, shocks them in ways few authors can.

Having devoured three Carter novels, I can see some strong and interesting themes throughout. With great attention to detail and thoroughly engaging dialogue, Carter draws the reader in, even with gruesome detail, and forces the reader to spiral deeper into the story until it’s too late to turn back. Short, tantalising chapters make for a ‘just one more chapter’ promise that’s broken as soon as it’s made and leaves readers flipping pages long into the night, if only to discover who could be behind these horrible murders. Great plots and interesting themes permeate the pages of this thriller and push Carter into a league of his own.

Kudos, Mr. Carter on another stellar piece of work. I cannot wait to see what other horrors you care to unleash upon your fans.
Profile Image for Mario the lone bookwolf.
805 reviews4,882 followers
January 24, 2023
The best, and worst, is often inside oneself.

Deeper symbolism with too many implications
It must be especially disturbing to read for female readers, because the kind of torture and death is especially aimed at the female body, something I have hardly ever seen described in such detail. And as sick as it is, as soon as the plot twist is revealed, the readers start asking themselves what might have been hidden inside the next victim.

Terrible POV
Not to speak of the perspective of the kidnapped women, something that makes all of Carters' work so special, the perfectly described POVs switching between serial killer, victims, and Hunter. A kind of sick running gag is the moment of realization when the victims understand what will happen to them, which is perfectly orchestrated with the readers' current knowledge and Hunters´assumptions.

That´s no good way of do it yourself trauma therapy
I don´t know the psychopathological background of traumatic childhood terrors, but what seems kind of counterintuitive is that the worst horrors become the biggest fetishes and obsessions in adult life, although the victim suffered so much from it. To finally become the godlike perpetrator might be the greatest relief possible for a killer, no matter the costs for the ones tortured and killed, as long as one feels better afterward. Or at least satisfied.

A wiki walk can be as refreshing to the mind as a walk through nature in this completely overrated real life outside books:
Profile Image for Luna .
168 reviews71 followers
March 10, 2023
A HOMERUN!! Not the biggest baseball fan but since spring ball has started why not go with homerun. So I had read two bad books back to back and last year I had so many five star reviews I started thinking am I to easy a reviewer?

Yet those two bad books put a sour taste in my mouth - like two in a row, what has gone wrong with my reading process? It's funny but I could likely put together a list of about 15-20 authors who I really can bank on. So why not simply read everything they have before trying to find someone else? You really have to wonder why I/we don't do that.

This series is just phenomenal. This is the third in the series. It will stand alone but I suggest you read them in order. They all have been five star reviews. My past reviews have openly questioned his acknowledgements as they are basic. His past acknowledgements have mentioned the fact that he was a member of the Michigan State District Attorney's Criminal Psychology Team but the way he put it in this one made me realize that yeah this guy has seen and dealt with way too much stuff and simply knows his shit!!

The horror tag on this series is buried but trust me there are horrific crimes being committed in this entire series. I wouldn't call it extreme horror but it is on the border and I think any extreme horror fan would eat this series up. If you don't like this series look me up in the Detroit area and I'll buy you lunch :) So yeah the crimes are horrific and described in just enough detail to get you really thinking about it. Yet I guess if you were going to give this a genre it would be crime thriller first most. Maybe I should add disturbing crime thriller or horror crime thriller as its tag.

Our main hero is Robert Hunter a lead detective in the special Homicide Division in LA. Not mere homicide's but crazy one's. That's what he deals with. Hunter is clearly based on the author himself. Hunter was a child genius and went to specialized schools and then university at a young age. Think of Sheldon Cooper 2.0 but he chooses policing due to what happened to his father and it of course makes sense.

So in all three books Hunter looks at the psychology of the crimes and the perp. It is not a hard sell for this author at all as he has literally done it in real life. I so love this aspect of these books because the author knows his stuff and what he sells can be easily bought lock stock and barrel.

In this book we have victims who kind of die by their own hands. It is so unique and different and again so well explained. They are all entertainers and they all look alike. Hunter is of course on the hunt for the perpetrator and the way to catch him is to understand him and the reasoning behind the crimes.

In no way are any of the books in this series straight forward. There are twists and turns throughout. Carter employs short chapters (my favourites) and somehow finds a way to end the short chapters on a cliff hanger which make you want to read on and on. It is such a fun and easy experience. Just a great author. It only took me about five days to read 450 pages. When I wasn't reading the book was always on my mind. An example of this style -

"He read the lines again just to be sure. "No fn way'. He grabbed the magazine and rushed back to his office." So this is the last lines of one of his chapters. Carter grabs you with those ending lines. How can you not read on to find out what the hell just happened?

Again I will note that all 3 books in this series deal with some gruesome crimes. Carter is detailed in the crime scenes describing them a to a T. This series may be a bit strong for some but I would suggest any reader of crime thrillers and horror give it a try. I think most will end up agreeing with me that this series and this author are indeed very, very special.
Easy five star. Enjoy this series!!!!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Supratim.
240 reviews471 followers
November 12, 2016
This is the first time that I read a book by Chris Carter. I had come across the book in my library and the blurb and a little research in Goodreads made me give this book a try.

The book starts with the autopsy of a woman's body. I have read quite a few psycho-thriller novels with piles of brutalized corpses but what was done here was so perverse, so deranged. More shocking facts are revealed and tragedy keeps striking again and again.

Enters Det. Robert Hunter - nice surname by the way!!! - of a special unit investigating violent crimes. Like most detectives in literature he also experienced some personal tragedies which scarred his psyche, but unlike some of them he did not seek refuge and solace in the bottle though.

I like my psycho-thrillers to have an atmosphere of tension, excitement, fear and if there is terror then I simply love it. The author did try to create a similar atmosphere from the very beginning but I felt that somehow he was unable to maintain it.

I liked how the investigation was carried out - investigation is after all a painstaking process of analyzing facts, interviewing or interrogating people, lying in wait -- mostly using your brains and testing your patience. The author did try in this respect. The obligatory and somewhat preedictable attempt at misdirection was also there.

I also liked the character of Whitney Myers and the factors that led her to become what she later became. I don't want to include any spoilers in case you ever give it a try.

The writing was not exceptional or anything but I did want to turn the pages. The end was satisfying but could been better. Again, I refrain from revealing anything.

I am always on the lookout for exploring the works of different authors but the problem is thriller writers are dime a dozen and hundreds of books are out there in the market - all of which are not worth your time.

I am glad that I gave this novel a try. It did provide me some entertainment and look forward to reading some more books by the author.

I would rate it as 3.5 but had to round it off to 4. As for recommendations, if you don't mind some "gruesomeness" then you might want to give it a try.
Profile Image for Iloveplacebo.
384 reviews249 followers
March 1, 2023
4'5 / 5

Este es el caso que, creo, más me ha gustado hasta ahora. Además, la calidad literaria ha mejorado.

Doy gracias porque en este libro los términos criminalística y criminología no se confunden.
También porque García, el compañero de Hunter, ha sido más útil y ya parece un poli más competente.
Y también porque Hunter no se haya liado con nadie. No me opongo a que tenga sexo, me opongo a que todas, y cuando digo todas es todas, las mujeres que aparecen, quieren algo con Hunter. Se ve que todas tienen los mismos gustos y lo mismo en la cabeza.

Ahora bien, por favor Carter, deja la fijación que tienes con describir a todos los personajes, sobre todo a las mujeres. Es que todas son guapas, y están buenas (¿según quién?). ¡Basta! Queremos seguir el caso, no estamos leyendo esto por el físico de las chicas.

La verdad es que la imaginación del autor para crear casos, y su conocimiento de la psicología y criminología se notan.
Lo retorcido de la mente del criminal, del amor, todos los artilugios que salen en esta novela... Todo eso ha sido bastante macabro (me ha encantado).

Que haya mejorado me da el empujón para seguir con esta serie.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
595 reviews48 followers
July 7, 2022
Es ist wieder ein Serienkiller in LA unterwegs. Diesmal scheint es ein rastloser Täter zu sein, der seine Opfer – junge, aufstrebende Künstlerinnen und Musikerinnen – auf höchst brutale Weise sterben lässt und ihnen vorher bei lebendigem Leib Mund und Geschlechtsorgan zunäht.

Detective Robert Hunter und sein Partner Carlos Garcia werden darauf angesetzt, den Mörder zu finden – schließlich haben sie ihr Können in Bezug auf Serientäter schon mehrfach unter Beweis gestellt. Doch diesmal sind sie nicht die einzigen, die den kaltblütigen Verbrecher finden wollen: auch die Privatermittlerin Whitney Myers macht sich auf die Suche. Und das nächste Opfer wird schon eifrig vom Täter beobachtet…

Ahja, Robert Hunter. Ich glaube, wir zwei werden keine Freunde mehr.

Einerseits habe ich das Gefühl, dass sich die Handlung in jedem Buch wiederholt. Muss es denn immer ein Serienmörder sein? Jetzt mal ehrlich, selbst in LA rennen nicht so viele Serientäter rum. Ich glaube, mal ein Fall mit EINEM Opfer, dafür etwas verzwickter, wäre eine angenehme Abwechslung. Dieses das-nächste-Opfer-verschwindet wird langsam alt.

Andererseits hat sich der Autor mit Robert Hunter auch einen ziemlich langweiligen Ermittler geschaffen. Er ist so glattgeschliffen und perfekt (durchtrainiert, liest viel, Doktortitel mit 23 Jahren, Doktorarbeit ist Pflichtlektüre an der Polizeiakademie, alle kennen ihn, alle bewundern ihn…). Es bleibt wenig Platz für Menschlichkeit bei dieser Figur, deshalb kann man (oder: ich) nur schwer einen Draht zu ihm aufbauen.

Dazu kommt, dass Carter eine Phrase hat, die er in JEDEM Buch mehrfach verwendet (zumindest gefühlt). Und die lautet: „Versprechen Sie mir, dass sie dieses Monster finden/stoppen/zur Strecke bringen!“. Echt, das kommt immer wieder vor. Dabei ist das eine ziemlich unsinnige Sache zu sagen. Wie kann man das versprechen? 1. Kann man doch gar nicht garantieren, dass man das Versprechen einhalten kann und 2. Tut die Polizei doch auch ohne dieses Versprechen ihr Möglichstes, den Täter zu finden.

Des Weiteren scheint Chris Carter davon überzeugt zu sein, dass Grausamkeit und Brutalität = Spannung ist. Let me tell you, Chris: it isn’t. Sich jeden Band an Blutrünstigkeit überbieten zu wollen, macht den Thriller nicht more thrilling. Arbeite lieber an den Vibes. Die sind nämlich nicht so scary. Man liest es halt so runter, ohne was zu fühlen. Und bei einem guten Thriller möchte ich schon etwas Spannung fühlen.

Der Titel passt im Übrigen irgendwie kaum zum Inhalt. Manchmal glaube ich, die deutschen Verlage würfeln bei der Übersetzung von Thrillern einfach irgendwelche gruseligen Wörter zusammen und bilden daraus dann einen Buchtitel.

Für mich war das Nervigste jedoch der kaum verschleierte Sexismus, der in jedem Kapitel des Buches mitschwingt. Die konkurrierende Ermittlerin wird von Hunter wiederholt „Tausendschön“ genannt, obwohl sie sich direkt mit ihrem Namen vorgestellt hat. Captain Blake, die Vorgesetzte von Hunter und Garcia, ist so doof und naiv, dass man ihr alles nochmal extra erklären muss. Ich weiß, der durchschnittliche Lohnarbeiter lästert gerne über seinen Chef, aber ganz ehrlich: die meisten Chefs sind Chefs, weil sie ziemlich gut in ihrem ursprünglichen Job sind. Warum dann also die Chefin hier so megadoof sein muss, kann ich nur schwer verstehen. Starke Frauenfiguren? Hat Chris Carter auch nach drei Büchern nicht gelernt.

Als positive Notiz zum Abschluss möchte ich sagen, dass das Buch bisweilen schon Spaß gemacht hat und zumindest so spannend war, dass man gerne weiterlesen mochte. Man kommt gut rein und es ist einfach zu lesen. Manchmal fast zu einfach – ein großer Literat isser halt nicht, der Chris.
Ich will jetzt auch gar nicht sagen, dass die meine Reise mit dieser Reihe hier vorbei ist, aber ich glaube, ich brauch jetzt erstmal ein bisschen Pause von Hunter und Garcia. Hoffen wir, dass Band vier dann wieder besser wird, wenn ich ihn irgendwann angehe.
Profile Image for Gabyal.
541 reviews7 followers
July 28, 2023
Me encanta Carter, siempre deja con un buen sabor de boca. Este señor se supera cada vez con los crímenes que maneja durante la trama... estos fueron atroces la verdad. La trama comienza cuando encuentran el cadáver de una mujer en una carnicería abandonada, la cual no tiene lesiones aparentes, salvo que le han cosido los labios con un hilo bastante grueso, pero en la autopsia se revela que este asesino se la baña y va más allá de lo que habían visto hasta ahora en el departamento de homicidios.
García ha sido útil en esta ocasión (espero siga asi el hombre caray) y Hunter no se ha liado con nadie esta vez jajaja, eso es bueno tmb; digo, no me opongo a que se enrede con alguien pero prefiero que la trama fluya en torno a los crímenes que se presentan a lo largo de la trama.
Carter con su profesión te lleva en esta novela al lado más oscuro y terrible de un asesino en serie. Ya cerca del final supe quien era el asesino y me gustó como desarrolló el final. En cuanto a los crímenes este libro es el que más me ha gustado (lo sé, he perdido algún tornillo en la cabeza al decir esto), la escritura es ágil y los capis cortos que hacen que quieras seguir y seguir manteniéndote enganchada. 4.7 estrellas se lleva
Profile Image for Katerina.
482 reviews62 followers
August 14, 2020

The third story of the series is the best one yet but in the end I felt the conclusion was a bit abruptly written when the identity of the killer was revealed. Maybe because he wasn't mentioned much during the progress of the story I even forgot when I encountered him.
In all other aspects I enjoyed reading this story. It was scary enough, fast paced and intriguing. I liked the fact that in this investigation Hunter and an private investigator join forces when they cross paths and the chemistry between them was enjoyable. As always the partnership between Hunter and Garcia is one of the best parts of the book even though this time mentions to the private lives of the duo was reduced to the minimum I can't say I missed it though.
The night stalker starts with a shocking event and the twists don't end until the last page that makes it a pretty great read to me.
Profile Image for Dragana Zečević.
205 reviews11 followers
April 23, 2022
Odakle ovom čovjeku ovakve ideje,da za svaku knjigu ima ovako neke bolesne zločine?
Kad kažem bolesne,mislim sve najbolje zapravo. 😁
Profile Image for Kylie&#x1f43e;.
72 reviews50 followers
February 11, 2021
“An unidentifiable body - it’s mouth carefully stitched shut - is discovered laid out on a slab in an abandoned butcher’s shop. When the full autopsy gets underway at the Los Angeles County morgue the true horror of the situation is revealed - a discovery so devastating that Detective Robert Hunter of the Los Angeles Homicide Special Section has to be pulled off a different case to take over the investigation. Soon Hunter finds himself on the hunt for a murder with a warped obsession, a stalker for whom love becomes hate.

Where do I even begin with this one!!
I always thought Stephen King was the best horror/ thriller suspense writer and now I realise that I was wrong... Chris Carter should take that place now. I still love SK’s work but chris’ books are underrated.

* please note I’m still working on perfecting my viewers so this one many be tame in comparison to most of the reviews on this book*

This is the first book I’ve read of Chris and it happened to be a book in the Robert Hunter thriller series. I know I will be reading the entire lot and buying them. This is the first book that I’ve actually had to keep putting down due to the fact I was shocked, impressed (with getting my theories right), disturbed or needing a minute. If you are looking for a suspense thriller that you can’t even read as night because it’s too intense then this is for you!! The writing is brilliantly written and specific wording (for me) is what gives off the fear and chills.

Before I wanted to study animal care I liked the idea of being a Homicide detective or CSI, now I’m glad I’m not because I have nothing but respect for the men and women that have that profession. No therapist in the world could help with the horrors they must see and they have more courage and guts than most.

I used my love of crime books and tv shows to try and guess who the killer was but it didn’t hit me until like chapter eighty / eighty five.

I don’t want to give anything away as I may give some of the spoilers away and I don’t want to as it’s a book that you should read knowing nothing about it. There are ⚠️trigger warnings ⚠️but it’s mostly triggers that are spoken of, some actually happen and that’s murder, abuse (at least makes you think at first), self harm, kidnap, physiological damage of a child and body mutilation. If anybody has been in a situation like any of the events in this book then it may not be for you.

About they author 🖊 📚
Chris Carter studied Psychology and criminal behaviour at the University of Michigan. As a member of the Michigan state District Attorney’s criminal psychology team, he interviewed and studied many criminals, including serial and multiple homicide offenders with life imprisonment convictions.

He also was guitarist in many rock bands across Los Angeles in the early 1990s
Profile Image for Φίλιππος ²³.
333 reviews41 followers
September 1, 2019

Κλασικό pageturner Μπελάκι, από αυτά που είχαμε μάθει και είχαμε αγαπήσει παλιότερα, και όχι σαν τις πολυδιαφημιζόμενες παπαριές (γκουχου γκουχου) που βγάζει τώρα τελευταία και που προσπαθούν να μας πείσουν ότι είναι και αριστουργήματα και εμείς οι χαζοί και προκατειλημμένοι που δεν μας άρεσε.

Σε κάθε βιβλίο γίνεται καλύτερος ο Κάρτερ...ανυπομονώ για το επόμενο!
Profile Image for Xana.
712 reviews44 followers
March 27, 2017
Apesar de me não me agarrar logo de início como os anteriores, este é mais um livro fantástico de Chris Carter.
Adoro a escrita, os capítulos curtos, as descrições macabras.
Aconselho sem reservas
Profile Image for Dragana.
397 reviews43 followers
March 14, 2022
Potpuno sam opsednuta serijalom.
Ovaj deo je dosta kraći i "blaži" od prethodna dva, tako da može da se krene i od njega ako niste za eksplicitne opise svega i svačega.
Dopada mi se i što ne mora da se čita redom da bi se razumela radnja.
Profile Image for Kristina Dauksiene.
180 reviews17 followers
December 5, 2023
+Praryta nekramtant;
+Žmogžudysčių aprašymai su paturbinimu, atseikėta su kaupu..
- Neišlipu iš jausmo, kad kartais skaitau Wikipediją nusikaltėliui apibūdinti, tipai, būdai, priežastys ir t.t
- Koncentracija į vieną herojų, pamirštant ir labai "nemylint" greta esančių šalutinių veikėjų.
Profile Image for Morana Mazor.
402 reviews82 followers
May 25, 2016
Carter i njegovo bolesne ideje na koje žrtva može biti ubijena dosegle su, po meni, vrhunac u ovoj knjizi... Rasklopivi noževi, bombe, signalne baklje postavljeni u tijela žena, a sve zbog ljubavi.. Naime, svaka od njih opisala je "ljubav" kao nešto što "te reže iznutra"; "eksplodira u tebi" i sl.
Za ljubitelje ovakvih priča- idealno!
Profile Image for Gabrielė|Kartu su knyga.
623 reviews283 followers
April 8, 2020
Tikriausiai mažai tokių detektyvų mylėtojų, kurie dar nėra skaitę Chris Carter knygų. Aš taip pat nesu išimtis. Pamačiusi, jog tuoj pasirodys trečioji serijos dalis apie detektyvą Robertą Hanterį tikrai nudžiugau. Dar net nepradėjusi skaityti žinojau, jog manęs laukia didelis malonumas.

Šį kartą į Los Andželo morgą atkeliauja moters kūnas. Mirties priežastis nėra aiški, nėra jokių matomų sužeidimų. Tik tai.. Jog aukai užsiūta burna bei intymi vieta. Atliekant skrodimą yra pastebima, jog šis tas yra palikta moters viduje..
Ir ne šiaip sau suvenyrą, kuris primintų apie žudiką.. O šį tą iš tikrųjų šiurpaus.
Vos po kelių dienų randama dar viena auka. Taip pat su užsiūta burna bei intymia vieta.. Robertas Hanteris turėdamas patirties su įvairaus plauko nusikaltėliais jaučia, jog tai dar tik pradžia..

Prieš tai skaitytos dvi knygos apie Robertą Hanterį man tikrai labai patiko. Todėl neabejojau, jog patiks ir ši. Ir tikrai! Ryškūs personažai, žiaurūs nusikaltimai bei įtraukiantis policijos darbas. Viskas - ko reikia geram detektyvui.
Nuo šios knygos negalėjau atsiplėšti nei minutėlei, nes labai norėjosi sužinoti kas vyks toliau. Šioje knygoje buvo šiek tiek mažiau nei įprastai asmeninio detektyvų gyvenimo, bet man tas nelabai ir pasijuto. Carter puikiai išmano savo "darbą" ir žino, kaip sukurti atitinkamą kūrinio nuotaiką. Vietomis skaitant kūnu lakstė šiurpas.. Knygos pabaigoje viskas labai gražiai susidėliojo į savo vietas. Žudikas bei jo motyvas pasirodė tikrai įtikinami.
Tad labai rekomenduoju ją perskaityti visiems detektyvų mylėtojams, o kas jau skaitėte prieš tai buvusias istorijos dalis, tiesiog tęsti pažintį su Robertu, bei kartu narplioti nusikaltimus. Na, o aš su nekantrumu lauksiu ketvirtosios knygos.
Profile Image for Marty Fried.
1,096 reviews113 followers
September 16, 2020
OK, so if you are the type of person who sits around drinking single-malt scotch and thinking about the most brutal ways to kill somebody, painfully and shockingly, then you might enjoy this book. Or if you'd rather think about catching the person who does this sort of thing, you may also enjoy this.

Either way, the book gets right on with it pretty early on, and continues a few times just in case once was not enough. You might think putting a bomb inside a victim, then blowing her up during the autopsy killing a few good people would be bad enough, but that's only the beginning. This story brings new meaning to the word "stalker."

All I can say is if I ever get blown up by a bomb inside of me, I know I'd want to have Robert Hunter going after my killer. But reading about it is much more enjoyable.
Profile Image for Γιώργος Δάμτσιος.
Author 36 books274 followers
July 11, 2019
Τα πρώτα δύο βιβλία της σειράς μού είχαν αρέσει πάρα πολύ και πίστευα ότι πιάσαμε εξαρχής ταβάνι, αλλά να που αυτό μου φάνηκε ακόμα καλύτερο. Η αγωνία είναι συνεχής ενώ το τέλος κάθε κεφαλαίου (από τα 115 περίπου) είναι τέτοιο που σε αναγκάζει να συνεχίσεις κι άλλο, και μετά... κι άλλο.

Ο Κάρτερ είναι το νέο μου κόλλημα. Απλά πράγματα.
Profile Image for Justina Urbo.
160 reviews19 followers
June 11, 2023
Ohoho kokią pirtelę Carteris čia užkūrė, tik sakyčiau, kad ši knyga baisiai jau nejauki moteriškosios lyties atstovėms.🤭 Labai tikiuosi, kad toks iškrypėlis iš tiesų nelaksto kokio tai miesto gatvėmis, o gyvena tik rašytojo fantazijoje, labai jau lakioje fantazijoje.

Na, bet apie viską nuo pradžių. Carteris kaip visada išlaiko įtampą iki pat pabaigos. Skaitai susikaupusi, bandydama įsidėmėti visas detales, kad mažu ko nepraleistum, vietomis net kvapą sulaikai, nes taip sakant eilinį kartą serijinis žudikas kaip reikiant išradingas. Ir tikrai ne pirmą kartą pasikartosiu, kad mane labai žavi Hanteris su savo kolega, gal Hanteris labiau.🤭 Atrodo abu tokie kietuoliai, puikiai išmanantys savo darbą, bet tuo pačiu man jie tokie žmogiški. O ir labai patinka Hanterio gebėjimas į viską žvelgi iš psichologinės perspektyvos, pasikapstyti po žudiko vidų, praeitį, giliau paieškoti motyvų.

Na, o serijinis žudikas šįkart šiurpina išskirtinai tik moteris, tam tikro amžiaus, išvaizdos, specialybės. O jau žudimo įrankiai tai eina sau, ir tikrai šiurpo prideda tos susiūtos lūpos ir dar kitos vietos.

Žodžiu buvo labai labai gerai. Tamsu, kraupu, nenuspėjama. Bet nusprendžiau Carterio seriją skaityti pasitaupydama, nes gerais dalykais reikia mėgautis pamažu.
Profile Image for Mark Harrison.
911 reviews21 followers
August 3, 2020
Blood thirsty crime fest novel as a depraved killer sews up women's faces and inserts various things in them to cause horrendous suffering. Hunter investigates and lots of people die. Decent addition to series but his portrayal of women is starting to bother me.
Profile Image for Dziewczyna Niepoważna.
227 reviews1,182 followers
January 9, 2022
Zaczynam podnosić poprzeczkę panie Carter, nadal świetne, nadal genialne, wszystko wykminione jak się patrzy, ale zabrakło mi trochę samych detektywów 🤷🏼‍♀️
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,364 reviews

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