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A Prairie Legacy #2

A Searching Heart

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Book 2 of A Prairie Legacy. Shattered by loss, can Virginia Sampson find faith that God replaces what has been taken away?

346 pages, Paperback

First published July 1, 1998

About the author

Janette Oke

302 books3,115 followers
Janette Oke writes with a profound simplicity of what she knows best—real life, honest love, and lasting values. With over 23 million in sales, her historical novels portray the lives of early North American settlers from many walks of life and geographical settings. She also writes engaging children's stories and inspiring gift books that warm the heart.

Janette was born during the depression years to a Canadian prairie farmer and his wife, and she remembers her childhood as full of love and laughter and family love. After graduating from Mountain View Bible College in Canada where she met her husband, Edward, they pastored churches in Canada and the U.S., and they raised their family of four children, including twin boys, in both countries. Edward eventually became president of Mountain View Bible College and recently established a coalition of colleges that became Rocky Mountain Bible College.

During her earliest years, Janette sensed the desire to write. Though she yearned to be a published novelist, she devoted herself to being a wife and mother because, she says, "there is no higher honor—that is my number-one priority." She began serious writing when her children were entering their teens.

Her first novel, a prairie love story titled Love Comes Softly, was published by Bethany House in 1979. This book was followed by more than 75 others. She reaches both religious and general markets, telling stories that transcend time and place. Her readers of all ages and walks of life can identify with the everyday events and emotions of her characters. Janette believes everyone goes through tough times—the key is to be prepared with a strong faith as the foundation from which decisions are made and difficult experiences are faced. That perspective is subtly woven throughout her novels.

After Love Comes Softly was published, Oke found her readers asking for more. That book led to a series of eight others in her Love Comes Softly series. She has written multiple fiction series, including The Canadian West, Seasons of the Heart and Women of the West. Her most recent releases include a beautiful children's picture book, I Wonder...Did Jesus Have a Pet Lamb and The Song of Acadia series, co-written with T. Davis Bunn.

Janette Oke's warm writing style has won the hearts of millions of readers. She has received numerous awards, including the Gold Medallion Award, The Christy Award of Excellence, the 1992 President's Award for her significant contribution to the category of Christian fiction from the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, and in 1999 the Life Impact Award from the Christian Booksellers Association International. Beloved worldwide, her books have been translated into fourteen languages.

In recent years, Janette and her siblings lovingly restored their parents' prairie farm home, and it now serves as a gift shop and museum of prairie life. Please see below for a special invitation to the Oke Writing Museum and The Steeves' Historical House. She and her husband live nearby in Alberta, Canada, where they are active in their local church. Visits from their families, including their grandchildren, are their delight.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 131 reviews
Profile Image for Maria.
223 reviews
April 13, 2020
A lovely continuation of the Prairie Legacy series!
It was a pleasure to read about Virginia growing up.
This book was yet again slow paced, but strangely that almost added to the beauty of the story. Virginia has grown so much from the first book, and even through her conflicts, both internal and external, the way she matured through those circumstances was lovely to see.
With messages of growing up, dealing with change, lost loves and new opportunities, this novel is another good faith-filled novel by Janette Oke.
Profile Image for Dawn.
630 reviews27 followers
May 14, 2021
I always forget how much I enjoy this series, a spin-off, or maybe more an extension of the Love Comes Softly series that I so loved, chronicling the earlier years of the older Davis clan generation.

What I liked about A Searching Heart:
The writing
- To be sure, it isn't fine literature. What it is is comforting, like a warm hug, in addition to requiring very little brain power. But that doesn't mean it's not well-constructed. The story and the characters are well-developed, and the plot moves along at an engaging pace.
Virginia's challenges - Most, if not all of us, have gone through first heartbreak, through the uncertainty of moving away from childhood and into being an adult, through changes of both the exciting and the unwanted varieties. I found all of it relatable and thought-provoking in a reflective way.

What I didn't care for:
Lack of explanation in a few areas
- Without elaborating to the point of any spoilers, I would have liked some additional hints or explanations regarding the events involving Clara and Jenny. I also often found myself wondering what year we're actually in at this point. The passage of time is marked by changing seasons, but I like to have some sense of "when" I am in history. There just isn't enough indication from the setting details that are given.

I am never sorry when I drop into the lives of the Davis extended family. We're spanning four generations now, and it feels cozy and familiar. I love the gentle way their stories are told. They do not shy from hardship and challenges, despite the Hallmark-like feel; there is honesty as well. References to Christian faith and values are prevalent but not saccharine, and I appreciate the way they are woven in. There are two books remaining in this series and I look forward to them with a quiet eagerness.
Profile Image for Allison C.
41 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2021
I thought it was interesting that Janette Oke brought characters from a different series (Women of the West #4) into this story.
Profile Image for Rishi.
52 reviews1 follower
July 31, 2008
Mike and I read this book togrther. The thing about Oke as an author is that she writes about everyday occurances. There are not huge climactic happenings in her books.

This particular one is the continuing saga of Virginia Simpson and how she comes to terms with entering into adulthood. Many of the inner conflicts she faces are realistic. I enjoyed reading the book.

My only complaint is that Oke does not truly capture (at least in my case) the feelings of a single adult facing the possibility of never marrying. Oke lets Virginia decide that she is determindly happy that she will be single. It did not ever seem that she backslid in that feeling.

I don't know many women who are determined to be that happy in the single life. But there may be some.

All in all the book is enjoyable and well worth the read.
Profile Image for Ali.
718 reviews
July 25, 2018
Virginia is nearing adulthood. Her sister Clara is expecting a child, and Virginia and her family are going to visit their brother Rodney. When they get back, Virginia finds Jamison waiting for her. He visits sometimes, but on his last visit, he seems more distant to Virginia. Then he tells her that he wants to end their relationship, to be friends but nothing more. Virginia is heartbroken. Then she gets news that her friend Jenny has been hurt in an accident. She prays for her, but when she gets out of the hospital, she seems to be drifting further and further away from God. Then she meets a young man named Jonathan. She had thought she would love nobody else after Jamison, but she was pretty sure she was falling for him.
This book is awesome! I love Janette Oke's books so much!
Profile Image for Cristina.
189 reviews4 followers
March 18, 2010
This is the second book in Janette Oke's Prairie Legacy series and it was just as sweet and wholesome as the first. It continues the story of Virginia through her remaining high-school year and graduation. In this book her plans for the future are disrupted by unexpected events and she must come to terms with her current situation. This book has a touch more romance than the previous one and the author keeps the reader guessing as to which boy Virginia will finally end up with. I am looking forward to reading books 3 and 4 in the series.
Profile Image for Kari.
23 reviews
September 3, 2011
I cried in the beginning byt smiled in the end. Even though this book is fictions its a great story showing how God shuts one door and opens another!
Profile Image for Hannah.
24 reviews16 followers
January 16, 2013
Confusing...... 1st I thought that she was going to be w Jamison then I was really sure she was going to be with Pastor Black then of course Jonathan.
Profile Image for Megan Griffin.
216 reviews1 follower
November 2, 2021
This book was very good. I loved all of the emotions that this book caused. Can't wait for the next part of Virginia and Jonathon's story.
214 reviews2 followers
April 23, 2023
Enjoyed, par typical for Janette Oke, but I admit I wasn't that excited when Damaris' family from A Woman Named Damaris was brought in; I didn't like that book at all, so it kind of spoiled the latter half of the book for me...
Profile Image for Patricia.
159 reviews
January 2, 2024
Mult mai buna că primul volum. A avut ce povesti în sfârșit!
Sunt sigura că povestea continua cu Jenny...
Profile Image for Michelle.
57 reviews2 followers
May 25, 2024
This is book 2 in the series, and I found it more enjoyable than the first. Virginia has a lot of growing up to do, and that comes in the form of some hardships.

We get to see the characters from book 1 and watch them grow and develop. And we're also introduced to some new characters that I look forward to getting to know better in book 3.

Virginia's plans of college and marriage don't work out as she planned. But just like in real life, God's plans aren't always our plans. And just when Virginia has settled on a new plan, things change again.
Profile Image for Annalisa.
386 reviews
May 4, 2009
Virginia now getting ready to graduate is faced with the worries of going away to college. She and Jamison have continued their relationship and write while he is away at school but perhaps college is changing him. Clara who becomes ill with pregnancy presents a strain at home that delays Virginia's decision to go to college. When Mr. Adamson dies a new elderly neighbour moves in and after a while her grandson Jonathan comes into the picture and Virginia's life. Jenny still a friend has gone off to college but is as wayward as ever though a terrible car accident for Jenny brings Jenn's father (Mr. Woods) a change in his life and an acceptance of God.
Profile Image for Melissa.
836 reviews91 followers
September 11, 2011
Virginia Simpson longs for adventure . . . and she gets it. With her friends off at college, she longs to go to college, too. But some events in her life seem to tell her otherwise. With her sister having a baby, she decides to wait a while. And then, when her sweetheart, Jamison, visits from college and some sad news comes about another friend, things seem to be all gone awry. But God knows what’s best for her, and there is something wonderful around the corner.

Join Virginia on her journey. You won’t be sorry you did.

(Review written earlier, about when I read it.)
Profile Image for Larisha.
642 reviews4 followers
April 28, 2012
Delightful... I love how Janette weaves together into this book Damaris, from one of her earlier books :). As Virginia says so wonderfully in this book...'as we Trust God with our eternal souls, so we can trust HIM with our daily lives. God knows Best!!
Profile Image for Grete.
187 reviews2 followers
July 27, 2011
One of the better Oke novels. God isn't pasted into her books, as God is in much Christian fiction. Oke's is an appealing, organic Christianity.
Profile Image for Christy.
Author 16 books62 followers
April 11, 2013
Book 2 of A Prairie Legacy. Shattered by loss, can Virginia Sampson find faith that God replaces what has been taken away?
Profile Image for Ruth.
100 reviews1 follower
September 6, 2013
I saw too much of myself when younger in this one....but it is better than the first in the series (imo)& best still when read after the Love Comes Softly series. A definite re-read.
Profile Image for Emma.
40 reviews2 followers
February 28, 2022
This book really touched me... and a book that makes you laugh or cry is definitely worth a read! One of Janette Oke s best books.
Profile Image for Nadine Keels.
Author 42 books198 followers
May 4, 2023
I loved this ChristFic book when I first read it back in my teens. Something about a young heroine in an uncertain season between high school and college spoke to me. It's still comforting to see that Virginia's uncertainty and unraveling plans don't mean that she'll have no way to make it.

While I still greatly appreciate that aspect of the story, I'll admit Virginia's character irritated me somewhat this time around. She's pretty timid and tongue-tied while the young men she meets do pretty much all the talking. The couple of times when certain characters' jerky behavior gets to Virginia and she finally shows a little fire by calling them out on it, she shrinks back afterward. She rather comes off as a "Mary Sue" beside her fast-lane, selfish...friend, Jenny—a girl Virginia has almost nothing in common with. And especially during the second half of the novel, Virginia is frequently in tears.

Also, regarding an aspect of her view on Christianity that hit me differently this time than it might have when I was an adolescent... Well, I'll say that asking questions of your faith doesn't have to mean you're losing it or in danger of doing so. A faith that can't face uncomfortable, honest questions can lead to insular beliefs that a person can only hold on to while they're in a safe bubble or in an echo chamber with people who think the same way. Many times, people don't truly grow into a faith that can last through life's confounding twists and complexities until they grapple with questions from outside of their one, limited perspective.

God can handle people asking all kinds of questions.

On a different note, I still like how this novel brings together characters from two previous series. Granted, similar to other books by this author, the story sort of just finds a place to eventually stop rather than having a real climax and resolution, and a romance squeezed in around the last ten pages doesn't make for compelling romantic development.

Even so, the gentle pacing overall, the warm cups of tea, the "everyday-ness" of regular folks working through some normal problems, the ultimate sense of hope... There are still reasons why I've turned to this author again and again for comfort reading over the years.
Profile Image for Abigail Lavelle.
42 reviews
March 14, 2024
Virginia enters adulthood and faces devastation in many forms. Many of her adversities were handled with strength and grace. This story made me relive that exact trials of entering early adulthood.

Virginia is very proactive in being charitable. Simultaneously, she complains of feeling bored or at the will of her life's pace. I found myself calling to Virginia "Do it! Do something! Waiting doesn't always mean being more faithful. Sometimes, faith is action." Which made me want to kick myself for being a hypocrite. I understand that heartbreak and fear makes one loose motivation, I have been there.

There is a time for stillness and recovery- which, is much of this book. The value of stillness is also acknowledged in the book. I patiently waited for a resolution in Virginia's personal life engagement. Though out the story, Virginia's passive attitude towards her life was condoned in the name of faith. Virginia could be resilient AND ambitious in her fate... while being patient and faithful. Virginia may continue to grow in this area, and I hope she does.

Reading the progression of Jenny and Virginia's friendship is just painful. Often, I admire Virginia for being charitable and loving to Jenny... Virginia is able to see that Jenny is greatly burdened. She needs a true friend. It is easy to "step out" when a friend is being morally adverse and selfish... when really, we can show up for them. On the other hand, No good deed can be unpunished. This friendship is mildly abusive towards Virginia. No amount of "being a good influence" will alter that. I am glad Virginia recognized this (finally!). I'm glad Mr. Wood's character arc exists to show that good efforts do not go to waste. Maybe I am not as patient as Virginia. I just felt concerned that she was bleeding herself dry. Which, I guess, is what Christ would have done. I felt very conflicted over this plotline...

This book has made me reflect on discipleship, priorities, and patience. It was a good read! If the story polishes itself out, the frustration will not be in vain.
Profile Image for Lydia Therese.
321 reviews4 followers
October 18, 2017
A Searching Heart is the second book in the Prairie Legacy series by Janette Oke.

This book was okay. I didn't like it nearly as much as the first one in the series, though. Now that Virginia is older, she feels a lot like all of Janette Oke's other heroines, and this book feels a lot like Janette Oke's other books. They all have (pretty much) the same setting, they all go at the same pace.

So, although it was an okay book, it bored me a little bit. I did appreciate the motor accident with Jenny and I thought the story about how her father came to Christ first was sweet. I think Jenny is also a great example of how, even if you pray and witness to a person for years, and even if they are in a life-threatening situation, you have to wait on God's timing and for Him to work in their hearts.

I thought Francine was a little OOC and weird, judging from the previous book.

I thought the ending felt a little rushed. I didn't feel like we, the readers, had quite enough time to get to know Jonathan. I'm sure we will in the next book, but still. There were, what, two chapters with him?

Overall, the book was mediocre. I will be reading the next one in the series, but I didn't love this like I loved the first book. 3 stars out of 5.
132 reviews
February 18, 2024
This is book #2 in The Prairie Legacy series. It continues the story of Virginia, the granddaughter of Marty and Clark Davis from the Love Comes Softly series.
Virginia is content in her life, dating Jamison, who is away in college, and helping her family. She is getting ready to go off to college herself when suddenly and very unexpectedly Jamison ends their relationship.
Virginia is devastated.
Additionally her best friend Jenny seems to be intent on pursuing a self-destructive course of partying and living life big in the city. They have begun to drift apart. Until a horrifying accident occurs and Virginia is called upon to try to help her friend.
Jenny’s injuries are significant and after some time Virginia returns home. She has taken a job at the post office and life there has settled for her, but will Jamison ever return to her?Will Jenny ever get better?
This book was better than book 1 of the series in my opinion, probably because book 1 focused so much on the immature Jenny. Book one dealt a lot w high school peer pressure. This book is more about Virginia’s growth and ability to hold on to her faith and to realize that she could love again. This series would be good for high school aged people and above. I am looking forward to book 3.
Profile Image for Joyfully Jules.
236 reviews5 followers
August 29, 2023
My favorite quotes from this book:
"God knows best. We can trust Him with our lives as well as our eternal souls. He does not take something from us without filling that spot with something just as good--and because it's from Him, even much better."

"We often feel we are all alone when going through adversity," he reminded the audience. "We are not. God has promised to be there with us. He does not make promises lightly, nor does He disregard them once they have been made."

"Always on duty, the sun, she mused distractedly. Moving from one needy area to another. Shining the light. Warming the earth. Supplying crops. Sustaining life.
God is like that, Virginia concluded. He's always on duty. Moving from one need to another. Always there for everyone. He'll get us through this. He has a way."

Such a great book! I'd highly recommend it. :)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 131 reviews

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