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CybusDroneTB-0345's avatar

I Understand Now



Reyna didn't understand what all this fuss was about. She had been sitting in her dorm, just working away at an essay that was due in two days. The stressed college student only had half of it complete. Anxiety gnawed at her stomach, her brown hair a cute but jumbled mess from lack of care.  Through her headphones which were throbbing some electronic beat over the tired old speakers, she heard a bumping noise and she could have sworn a scream managed to penetrate through the pulsing music. She stopped for a moment, a nagging thought in her mind suddenly materializing that she should just ignore it and continue with her work.

She shook her head, her concern getting the better of her. Discarding the headphones, she rose from the desk and threw on a loose jacket in case she needed to step outside the dorm. Her hand went to the handle of the door but Reyna stopped, her ears picking up...the clicking of heels? The heel was going on? It was 2 PM.

Stepping outside, she turned a corner and came face to face with a peculiar sight. They were several people in front of her, all of them wearing some kind of weird skintight silver suit with a collar. They all had Cybus Earpods and glowing blue eyes. Boots were worn by the males and the females heels. It was all extremely strange. Her eyes flickered to the front of them, recognizing him as Cade, a classmate of hers in Organic Chemistry.

"C-cade? What's going on?" Reyna's voice timidly rang out, the peoples head shooting towards her as she realized what some of them were doing. Several dorms were open, the strange people moving inside. Pinned against a wall by a women, was Jesse, her friend from English 1102. The blonde stared blankly ahead as she stared into the glowing eyes, which seemed to be throbbing with intensity. Wha-

"Reyna Calhoun, focus on me" Came the empty, monotone, voice of Cade which out of automatic curiosity, Reyna did. His eyes pulsed and swirled, as Reyna's breath catches, they were so very beautiful. 

"Cade? Is this some of p-prank?" She asked, trying to move away, her stomach filling with more anxiety and fear. Yet, her eyes remained locked onto those glowing, swirling eyes, so beautiful, so enrapturing.

"Reyna, you have been selected for conversion. Stare into this units optics and submit."

"Wa-" Reyna's words died in her throat as the optics intensified their assault on her mind. With each flash, new thoughts formed in her mind, new words, and phrases. Submission. Obedience. Bliss. 

Reyna's jaw slackened as the man spoke again. "You are being entranced. You are being hypnotized. Repeat"

Reyna's voice spoke and it became truth. "I am being entranced. I am being hypnotized"

"You are blank. You are mindless"

"I am blank. I am mindless."

Reyna's mind sank and shattered underneath the influence of the hypnotizing gaze. Her voice puppeting along the words of the Drone. Her head tilting to the side. The drone stopped, this would be satisfactory enough. Drawing a pair of earpods, he slipped them into her ears and carried on. Reyna jolted for a moment  

The drone marched on but Reyna stayed there, the tendrils of the earpods infiltrating into her very mind to begin the process.

Pre-Drone 59-980 blinked once several minutes later, her systems coming online. Her newly converted optics shining a bright blue. She saw several other Pre-Drones emerge from different rooms, followed by Drones that had turned them into Pre-Drones. Orders were transmitted. She understood now. She joined formation with the other Pre-Drones and began to march, moving past other drones as they moved to complete the full capture of the building. She understood now and soon, others would too.
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