Get More From Your Website with SEO Coaching

Let me teach you how to do search engine optimization.

  • Learn SEO while doing SEO
  • Updated as search engines change
  • Written and video guides

Search engine optimization can be tricky.

Google keeps changing the game as we play it. It’s overwhelming to keep up with all the changes in search algorithms. It’s easy to get frustrated trying to figure out who’s right among all the conflicting SEO “professionals” out there.

Guided SEO from Curious Ants takes the guesswork out of SEO with step-by-step directions and video examples. It includes the same processes that have delivered millions of visitors and generated billions in revenue for companies like yours.

Start Learning SEO Today!

Proven SEO Tactics

Use the same SEO processes that larger companies follow to generate millions of visitors and billions in revenue. It works for them- it will work for you!

Continuously Updated

I keep up with the frequent changes in the search engines. As I do, I also update the SEO processes of Curious Ants. I keep up with search engine changes, so you don’t have to.

Get Results Immediately

Curious Ants is not just a set of lessons to which you listen. It’s a series of step-by-step SEO processes to follow so you learn search engine optimization while doing it. Start today, and you’ll see more traffic and customers right away!

Confused by SEO? I’m here to help!

It’s hard to know who you can trust among all the conflicting information about SEO that’s out there.

Over the last 13 years, I’ve helped companies bring in millions of visitors and generate billions of dollars in revenue from search engines.

There are three ways Curious Ants can guide you through learning SEO

The worker plan gives you access to all the written processes and video tutorials you will need to learn SEO. This plan is the self-guided option.

The colony gives you all the documentation workers get, plus invites you to weekly SEO Group Coaching, where you can ask your SEO questions.

A queen gets all the benefits of workers, and the colony plus one-on-one guided SEO meetings twice a month.

Online SEO Training: How Curious Ants Provides Guided SEO


Choose the plan that best fits the way you want SEO coaching.


Follow the step-by-step processes (and ask questions along the way).


Get more traffic and customers as you learn search engine optimization!

SEO seems complicated: you have to keep up with all the changes and weed through contradictory advice. This can be frustrating and overwhelming. Curious Ants teaches you SEO while bringing your company more traffic and customers- because you’ll learn SEO while doing it.

My name is David Zimmerman. I created Curious Ants to help you get more customers from your website. To do that, you need an SEO coach. I believe everyone should be able to do SEO for themselves. I understand it’s hard to know who you can trust among all the conflicting information about SEO. You can trust Curious Ants because, over the last 13 years, I’ve helped companies bring in millions of visits from search engines and generate billions of dollars in revenue.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Choose a Plan.
  2. Follow the step-by-step guide to learn SEO while doing it for your website.
  3. Learn SEO while getting more traffic and customers.

So, start learning search engine optimization today! In the meantime, sign up for a free account and learn how to do keyword research. With Curious Ants, you can stop being overwhelmed and confused. I know this confusion leads to paralysis, and you never really start your SEO campaign. With Curious Ants, you will learn SEO while bringing your company more traffic and customers at the same time.

Is your website ready for SEO work?

Learn if you are ready for your SEO efforts with this free website SEO audit

Get a Free Audit

What are you waiting for?

Join Curious Ants and start getting more customers from your website, today!

Is SEO hard to learn?

There are many parts to search engine optimization, and they constantly change. That’s what makes SEO so hard to learn. Curious Ants makes search engine optimization easier by breaking down SEO work into specific steps that you can do yourself. In addition to the clear directions and video examples, I constantly update Curious Ants to keep up with the latest changes in Google and the major search engines.

Besides the guide, Curious Ants is an SEO community for people learning SEO. You can join The Colony and bring your questions to our weekly SEO Group Coaching. I bet you’ll get as much out of other people’s questions as you get your questions answered.

Why should I learn SEO?

There are a lot of great reasons to learn SEO:

Are you a business owner who needs to promote your business? SEO can help. Even if you don’t do the SEO campaign yourself– you should learn SEO to make sure your SEO agency or services know what they’re doing.

Are you part of a marketing team that needs to find new ways to promote your company? More customers are looking for your products and services than you might think! If you learn SEO strategies, you can expand the reach of your digital marketing campaigns.

Are you a web developer who wants to provide more services? Do you need recurring income? If you learn SEO, you can not only provide a better product (and charge more for it), but you can begin to provide SEO as a service.

Who can learn SEO?

Curious Ants believes that anyone can learn SEO. Rather than an SEO course, we provide step-by-step directions you can follow. In this way, you learn SEO skills while simultaneously growing your website.

What makes a successful SEO strategy?

Successful SEO starts with keyword research- which the free plan will teach you how to do for yourself. There’s a lot more to SEO than on-page SEO and content marketing, however. Can search engine crawlers read your web page? To know that, you have to consider technical SEO. Do you have a Google-compliant link-building plan (off-page SEO)? Don’t forget you’ll need a local SEO process, too.

Do I need to pay for SEO tools to get search engine rankings?

No, you don’t! Curious Ants will teach you how to get the most out of free tools (like Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics, and Yoast SEO if you use WordPress). SEO doesn’t have to break the bank. Let Curious Ants teach you the SEO basics before you start spending money on expensive SEO courses and tools.

Wouldn’t it be easier to pay for Google Ads?

That’s what Google wants you to think! For years, Google has made search engine optimization more and more complex, hoping you’ll give up and pay them to show up in the search results. They’ve got enough money! Get traffic (and customers) free from the organic search results instead.

Do I need to learn to code to do technical SEO?

Technical SEO can be intimidating. While Curious Ants will not teach you how to code, it will teach you how to speak with your developer and measure whether their changes helped- all using free SEO tools.

How much time does it take to learn SEO?

I wish I could give you the specific time it takes to learn SEO. One of the best things about search engine optimization is that there’s always something new to learn. Besides the fact that search algorithms are constantly changing, there are always ways to grow your SEO knowledge.

The time it takes shouldn’t keep you from starting your SEO efforts. I think you’ll find that even a little bit of SEO can help any website. It might require time to master, but you can do many little things to help get started.