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Climate Finance
Leadership Initiative

Financing Green Hydrogen in India

Financing Green Hydrogen in India presents actionable policy opportunities for consideration by the Government of India and initial learnings on green hydrogen financing to unlock capital for India’s ‘National Green Hydrogen Mission’ and enable the uptake of green hydrogen.

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Mobilizing capital into emerging markets

The world is reaching critical levels of warming, with irreversible consequences for human society and the natural environment.

Many emerging markets are developing actionable decarbonization plans, yet lack the necessary investment to realize their potential.

The International Energy Agency estimates that the clean energy transition for emerging markets and developing economies will require a $10 trillion investment over the next decade, which dwarfs the public financial resources currently available.

Catalyzing climate finance investment

CFLI Country Pilots promote public-private collaboration to de-risk investments and strengthen enabling environments for private capital, tailoring policy and financing solutions to local market needs.

These solutions also serve as models that can be replicated by governments and businesses across emerging markets to mobilize climate finance at scale.

Learn more about Country Pilots and our efforts in India and Colombia.




A message from Michael R. Bloomberg

CFLI Chair Michael R. Bloomberg discusses the importance of mobilizing capital to accelerate the
global climate transition and help drive decarbonization in the real economy.

Learn more about CFLI

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