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Fairy Tale (English Edition) Kindle-editie

From legendary storyteller Stephen King, comes this No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller, now with a stunning new cover look for Summer 2024.


Charlie Reade looks like a regular high school kid, great at baseball and football, a decent student.

But when Charlie is seventeen, he meets a dog named Radar and her aging master, Howard Bowditch, a recluse in a big house at the top of a big hill, with a locked shed in the backyard. When Bowditch dies, he leaves Charlie a cassette tape telling a story no one would believe - inside the shed is a portal to another world.

Stephen King goes into the deepest well of his imagination in this spellbinding novel about a seventeen-year-old boy who inherits the keys to a parallel world where good and evil are at war, and the stakes could not be higher - for their world or ours.

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4,6 van 5 sterren
4,6 van 5
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Beste recensies uit Nederland

Beoordeeld in Nederland op 24 november 2022
Sorry, niks voor mij. Het boek begon veelbelovend en ik was gegrepen. Totdat het overging naar de “fairy tale”. De fantasie van King is misschien leuk voor de liefhebbers maar ik vond er helemaal niks aan. Ik heb me door de rest van het boek heen gesleept, in de hoop dat het nog beter zou worden, maar nee. Jammer, want de man kan wel goed schrijven. Ik ga niet op details in om aspirant-lezers niets te verklappen.
Beoordeeld in Nederland op 20 september 2023
Dit boek is echt heel slecht. Het begint met de typische King situatie: tiener jongen sluit vriendschap met een oudere man en belandt daardoor in een mysterieuze situatie. Wat volgt is een aaneenschakeling van luie associaties, gebaseerd op bekende sprookjes en verhalen. Oklahoma, The Wizard of Oz, Game of Thrones. King typt ze in zijn computer met een totaal gebrek aan reflectie. Als het verhaal wel erg gaat lijken op een bekend verhaal, typt hij gewoon “dit deed me erg denken aan (vul hier het orgineel in)”. Natuurlijk eindigt het in een strijd tegen een onnoembaar monster. Zwarte tentakels, verwrongen helse gezichten en demonische stemmen. Afgezien het totale gebrek aan orginaliteit lijdt dit boek ook aan inconsistenties, ad hoc verzinsels om het verhaal verder te krijgen en een totaal ongeloofwaardige emotionele ontwikkeling van de 17 jarige hoofdpersoon. Verliefd op zijn hond? Laat me niet lachen.
Beoordeeld in Nederland op 29 november 2022
The book itself is excellent. Just a pity that the packaging is so bad that the first delivery was damaged. The replacement was also delivered damaged, but as it is a replacement it is no longer possible to return.
2 mensen vonden dit nuttig

Beste recensies uit andere landen

Tiago Kietzmann
5,0 van 5 sterren I totally recommend this book.
Beoordeeld in Brazilië op 13 mei 2024
This is my first contact with the author, and I came with high expectations that were not let down. This is a great book, very well-written, with great characters, an interesting plot, amazing worldbuilding, and, as expected, a fantastic fairy tale.

Charlie, as a child, lost his mother in a tragic accident, and his father was lost in grief and turned to drinking for many years. It wasn't until Charlie made a promise that he would do anything for his father's recovery that things started to improve. A few years later, he responded to his mysterious neighbor's dog barking for help and...

It's a great book; the fantasy and fairy tale vibes are totally there! Following Charlie's journey was amazing and totally immersive. I was expecting something darker and more towards horror; it's not a dark fantasy, but it's far from one seen through rose-colored glasses. I totally recommend this book.
Amazon Customer
5,0 van 5 sterren Solid King!
Beoordeeld in de Verenigde Staten op 22 augustus 2023
Stephen King's Fairy Tale (2022) is part horror, part fantasy, and even part young adult if you don't mind the colorful language. The book begins with a sad, lonely boy, Charlie Reade, who gets a rough start at life when his mother dies in an accident. His father turns to the bottle and neglects Charlie as alcoholism and depression takeover.

Charlie spends his middle school years getting in trouble with an evil friend. His bad decisions are ignored by his father. Charlie turns to God in despair and prays for his father's sobriety. His prayers become bargaining tools. If God could bring Charlie's dad back from his blurry haze, then Charlie could change as well by doing good deeds instead of cruel shenanigans. And God hears him. Charlie's dad comes back from his personal hell through AA.

Now it's payback time. Charlie gets an opportunity to pay it forward. His neighbor, Harold Bowditch, a cantankerous elderly recluse, falls in his yard as Charlie is on his way home from school. Charlie helps the man by getting an ambulance and then promising to watch his dog as he recovers.

Several months go by and they form a relationship. Mr. Bowditch is a mystery. He oddly doesn't have Medicare or insurance to pay his medical bills. In his desperation, he asks Charlie to go into his safe and take some of his gold to a place that will buy it without questions. Charlie learns that Mr. Bowditch is beyond wealthy.

Once Mr. Bowditch is released from the hospital, Charlie continues to care for him and Radar, his German Shepherd that is also not doing well due to old age. He discovers more odd things about his neighbor and friend. When it becomes clear that Mr. Bowditch is going to die due to other complications, he tells Charlie about his shed, a winding staircase that leads down to another world, and a magical sundial that will restore Radar by making the dog young again. After Mr. Bowditch dies, Charlie and Radar descend into the unknown where the fairy tale begins. NO SPOILER!

The title, Fairy Tale, is just that. There are lots of tie-ins with the great fairy tales of the centuries. For example, Mr. Bowditch has a fairy tale library in his house. As Charlie reads these classics, King deftly reminds the reader about famous characters and story lines. There are many comparisons with lots of fairy tales, especially Jack and the Beanstalk. Charlie meets several princes, princesses, ogres, monsters, talking animals, and more once he descends into an alternative world below the shed of Mr. Bowditch's house. He gets put into a position to play the hero.

Fairy Tale is not Stephen King's best. My personal faves are The Stand and The Shining, but it's solid King that keeps you turning the pages, loving the characters, and connecting with the plot. One of the many interesting things that King does throughout the book, is illustrate the beginning of each chapter. The pictures resemble old wood-cuts from the Hans Christian Andersen tales.

Besides the fairy tale tie-in, King brings up God a few times with universal themes of good vs. evil. Besides the AA program with God as a higher power and Charlie's deal with God, King uses the name Gogmagog as the name of the evil force/character that has taken over the fairy tale world. Gogmagog is technically a famous giant and also goes with King's mention of Jack and the Beanstalk. Furthermore, Gog and Magog as separate words are biblical references from Revelation that focuses on the End of Days.

The characters in both Charlie's life and his alternative fairy tale life are some of the same, like a mirroring effect. We all have princes, villains, fairy godmothers, ogres, and other archetypes that show up throughout our lives. We have also played these archetypal roles for others. Joseph Campbell, author of Hero with a Thousand Faces, wrote about how mythological and fairy tale characters are ingrained within our psyche.

Lastly, Stephen King is currently 75 years old. For decades, he has never failed to entertain us with his infinite imagination. I will always be a fan. Fairy Tale does not disappoint! 5 Stars.
52 mensen vonden dit nuttig
Jelena Petrovic
5,0 van 5 sterren Immersive and Captivating
Beoordeeld in Canada op 11 april 2024
Another excellent story by Stephen King! This book kind of took on a different approach then what I was expecting. Overall it is a great new world setting where the main character is faced with numerous challenges and surprises. There were many different themes and topics presented throughout to keep you engaged and entertained. There is definitely potential for future continuations within this story line!
Een iemand vond dit nuttig
J. Gordillo
5,0 van 5 sterren Apenas voy comenzándolo…
Beoordeeld in Mexico op 3 oktober 2022
Apenas voy comenzándolo, pero la voz principal con que está narrada (la del adolescente) y los personajes (el perro, el papá) se me hacen muy auténticos e interesantes. Me emociona seguir avanzando y descubrir cómo se desenvuelve la historia.
J. Gordillo
5,0 van 5 sterren Apenas voy comenzándolo…
Beoordeeld in Mexico op 3 oktober 2022
Apenas voy comenzándolo, pero la voz principal con que está narrada (la del adolescente) y los personajes (el perro, el papá) se me hacen muy auténticos e interesantes. Me emociona seguir avanzando y descubrir cómo se desenvuelve la historia.
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Amazon Customer
5,0 van 5 sterren À book filled with amazing descriptions
Beoordeeld in Frankrijk op 22 juni 2024
I just couldn't put it down. It is very captivating.
I love also the end.
I recommend this book. Suspense and loads off magic.