Thuiswinkel Waarborg is affiliated with Thuiswinkel Waarborg is the quality mark for online shopping. Webshops with the Thuiswinkel Waarborg guarantee a safe shopping environment and meet strict requirements in the field of legislation and regulations, security and financial stability. Thuiswinkel Waarborg applies to all purchases sold and shipped by
A-to-z Guarantee
The Amazon A-to-z Guarantee provides you with protection when you buy items that are sold and shipped by third-party sellers. The condition of the item you buy and its timely delivery are guaranteed under the Amazon A-to-z Guarantee. If there are any issues, you can contact our team and we will check whether a refund can be granted. You can find more information on how you can request an Amazon A-to-z Guarantee refund on the File an A-to-z Guarantee Claim help page.
If you have a complaint, or believe that we have not handled your complaint to your satisfaction, please contact us. You will receive a substantive response within 14 days. At Amazon we take customer service very seriously and we adopt the highest standards when it comes to managing, responding to and resolving our customers' concerns. If you disagree with the resolution or if we are unable to resolve it, you can search for solutions online or file a complaint through the Disputes Committee Thuiswinkel or the European ODR Platform. More information can be found here.