Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on March 28, 2023

o Great picture... when it worked.
o 60% of the time the monitor would wake up from the video signal, tell me it couldn't find a video signal, then power off after 60 seconds
o 100% of the time I could not get a picture outside of "Game Mode", limiting its usefulness outside of games since you lose access to many options in "Game Mode."
o The monitor's menu interface is horrific. It feels like I paid money to get tortured. Not my kink, sorry!
o Comes with a useless remote control that feels cheap poorly designed. Why does the button to access the menu change depending on what mode you're in!?
o Poorly designed streaming user interface slapped onto an already bad monitor configuration menu.
o Samsung's support site is just as frustrating as the monitor UI. It doesn't recognize the official model number as a valid product.
o Cost me nearly $100 in new HDMI cables trying to troubleshoot...

Avoid this monitor. Probably best to avoid all Samsung monitors to be safe...

Samsung has produced a beautiful looking monitor that is severely hampered by its user interface, support experience, and various other bugs.. When I could get it to work, it looked amazing! Sadly, I could never get it to work consistently. Wiggling my mouse would wake the monitor, but it would often present me with a screen claiming there was no signal, and a 60 second count down before powering off. Clearly it detected an HDMI signal, since it woke up, but then it would fail to lock on to that signal.

I replaced the HDMI cable three times with various "ultra speed" 8K HDMI 2.1 certified cables, but the effect was the same. I tried with multiple computers and they all experienced the same issue. Frustratingly, I could never reproduce the issue consistently. It was just a roll of the dice as to whether it would work this time or not. I could wiggle the mouse after the screen had been off for a minute or a day and there was a 60% chance the monitor would come on, then tell me there was no signal. (THEN HOW DID YOU KNOW TO TURN ON!?)

In addition to multiple HDMI cables, I attempted a firmware update. This was also an exercise in frustration, if you haven't allowed the monitor to access your WiFi. If you go to Samsung's website, find the support section where it makes you type in the model number, then type in the model number exactly as it appears in the monitor's support menu, the site claims that no such monitor exists. REALLY SAMSUMG!? Are you really that incompetent? Oh wait, you made this crap-fest of a monitor, so clearly the answer is yes. I managed to find the monitor support page via bing, after wading through a ton of useless pages. That allowed me to update the monitor with a USB drive. Sadly, that had no effect on my HDMI sync issues.

I seem to get burned every time I buy a Samsung product. I took a risk and bought this monitor, and yup, got burned again.
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