Mumie 3D. Sekrety Faraonow [Blu-Ray 3D] (No English version)


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4.7 out of 5 stars
4.7 out of 5
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Top reviews from United Kingdom

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 20 June 2024
My favourite movie 💯👍
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 27 June 2023
Yes, I know this has been out for over two decades but if perchance you haven't seen it then please give it a shot.
Firstly, to the pedants complaining that this is not the movie equivalent of The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt, this is a Hollywood fantasy that it never claims to be truth. One would think that perhaps the theme of the movie (or even the title??) might be an indication of that. This is much in the same vein as the old-school Indiana Jones with familiar tropes - archaeologist/historian goes in search of what they consider to be a fairly mundane artifact, finds themselves butting heads with a rival team who are also in search of the same thing, finds something spectacular by accident, encounters several monsters/paranormal entities/, the main protagonist saves the day, it all ends with the hero and heroine getting together. Familiar, right? That's why these movies always worked well.
The cast (particularly Weisz and Fraser) has excellent chemistry, the leads and main supporting cast are fabulous, it's just a lot of fun. Fraser is an underrated actor even in this fluff, and it's pleasing to see him appreciated in more recent times along with his peers.
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Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 22 April 2024
Classic from Brendan! It’s the mummy! What more do I need to say
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 16 July 2022
I watched this once a long time ago and it is my second time. Now that I have clearer understanding of universal law, the movie makes sense in many ways. The story is a typical one of the youth's improvement through adventure/hardship; and also of love/good/justice vs adultery/evil/cruelty but the notion of universal law is subtly inserted here and there and the very last insertion made me smile. I hope the audience understands the important lesson that wealth (dreams, success) are brought to us as a result/reward of act of love, kindness (to others), good attitude and determination all combined. Greed and exploitation never win. Sorry if I sound moralistic but that's the law! (I wonder, however, how kinder modernization of such stories could be achieved. The so-called "baddies" (modern equivalent of psychopaths/sociopaths/narcissists) are baddies due to their upbringing and lack of love and care especially throughout their childhood. Of course, in order to pursue ones own happiness, it is important to stay away from the negative type of people but, in this modern world, it seems also important to think about how to solve the issue in the way that we teach our children in the right way and do not produce sociopaths/psychopath/narcissists because they can be great harm to the society.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 10 January 2024
This film has everything: brilliant librarian, dashing American explorer, silly side kicks and Egyptian mystery. I can’t recommend these movies enough ! 5 stars to this any day.
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 25 January 2024
Fab film, 5/5 always recommend
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 23 April 2012
This new 'Augmented Reality' edition is essentially the previous Blu-ray transfer on a new disc, and so on first inspection, is not really noteworthy. However, like all the latest Universal 100 products, this is a damn fine release that works out excellent value. What you're getting for under eight quid (at the time of writing) is the film in a stunning transfer, brand new HD documentaries and a great selection of special features from the previous releases - both DVD and Blu-ray.

Both 'The Mummy' and it's sequel are the two gems of the saga that, in time, started to falter with some poor productions. I'm delighted that Universal have selected this original film as part of it's centenary celebrations as it has clearly become a modern day classic. The juxtaposition of the swashbuckling but ultimately careless Brendan Frasier and focus on historical themes is absolutely spot on, and makes for a hugely entertaining movie. I know many people that have watched this film who normally wouldn't touch anything with such a combination, but they loved it. And as a deep lover of Ancient Egypt myself, I get a great sense of release* from watching Rachel Weisz battle with history! Boy, she's beautiful and deadly...

... In short however, this release of The Mummy is flawless and I'll certainly be flicking through Universal's other '100' titles as they're all the same price. In case you're wondering what the 'Augmented Reality' deal is, you're given the opportunity to hold an Apple iOS device (iPhone/Pad) and point the built-in camera at the slipcover of this product. The Universal App (which you must download) then creates a 3D image on your screen of... well, I won't spoil it, but it's fun if you want to pass a minute or two.

*The release I refer to is PURELY cognitive.
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Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 15 November 2023
This is my go to film, love everything about it.
Great action, Great acting.

Top reviews from other countries

5.0 out of 5 stars 期待通り。
Reviewed in Japan on 24 December 2023
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Taylor J. Huston
5.0 out of 5 stars A classic from just before the turn of the century that only improves with time.
Reviewed in the United States on 13 April 2024
The Mummy is a classic that only improves like fine wine. Having just recently saw this movie at a re-release in theaters back in 2022, I never imagined that a movie that started off as a guilty pleasure would change decades later in my eyes. Now it's an underrated classic that only proves Brandon Fraser should have been the next action star.

Seriously, Brandon Fraser as Rick O'Connell is the mix of an Average Joe and a Chad into one. With a rocking bod, good looks, charm, goofiness, and a nerdy personality that reminds me of Bruce Cambell, he's the most relatable action hero since John McClaine in the first Die Hard movie.

Alongside Fraser is also Rachel Weisel, who stars as one of the best female characters in Evelyn Carnahan, managing to strike a balance between femininity and being a strong female character in her own right without undermining Rick. Beautiful, intelligent, brave, and able to keep up with Rick as a true partner, Evelyn is the blueprint in how to write a good female character without being a girl boss.

But the main attraction towards this film is in its ability to be as practical as possible. Yeah, there are CGI moments that don't hold up very well, but when it's practical and actually in the desert, it gives the film a legit feel of adventure and realism. In fact, the best moments of the film are without the mummy. The action sequences are actually pretty good as well.

The DVD comes with bonus features that are worth watching. I won't spoil anything but it is fascinating to see a very different time of how movies were made, especially since I'm from that era.

I highly recommend buying yourself a copy of this movie and just enjoying it for what it is. I once viewed it as a guilty pleasure, B-movie. But now, I consider one of the good ones that only improves with time.

I'll give "The Mummy" an 8/10 rating.
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1.0 out of 5 stars Ricevuto un altro film con lo stesso titolo
Reviewed in Italy on 22 June 2018
Posso passare sopra al fatto di aver trovato l'articolo cercando per supporto DVD, e avere invece ricevuto una VHS... Ma proprio non posso passare sopra il fatto che l'inserzione mostrasse il film con Boris karloff, e che invece mi sia arrivato il film "la mummia" moderno, quello di pochi anni fa.
Peccato, peccato che sia accaduto su Amazon. Per il prezzo irrisorio non vale la pena restituirlo, ma la delusione non ha prezzo.
Schenkel, Bernd
5.0 out of 5 stars Jetzt schon ein Sammlerstück!
Reviewed in Germany on 20 January 2002
Herrlich, da geht einem das Herz auf! Wenn man die schicke Pappschachtel aus der Hülle gezogen hat, und sie öffnet, muss man erst einmal für Platz auf dem Tisch sorgen- vier DVD's liegen nach dem aufklappen dann ausgebreitet vor einem und man muss allein der Verpackung schon einen zweiten Blick widmen- dann kommt die Entscheidung: Welche zu erst? Nun ja, so schwer fiel mir die Entscheidung dann doch nicht, "Die Mumie kehrt zurück" hatte ich noch nicht gesehen und war deshalb gespannt auf die Fortsetzung des ersten Teils.
Zur "Mumie": Der Film ist mittlerweile ein kleiner Klassiker, der besonders durch die aufwendige und real wirkende Tricktechnik Aufmerksamkeit erregte. Dabei ist die Story gut und spannend gestrickt- einen Horror- Streifen sollte man jedoch nicht erwarten, er ist mehr ein amüsantes Action- Abenteuer im Stil von "Indiana Jones"- spaßig inszeniert mit viel Action, guten Schauspielern und reichlich scheinbar ausweglosen Situationen, die die Spannung aufrecht erhalten. Brendan Fraser spielt seine Rolle so, als sei der Film für ihn gemacht: Zwar nicht Oscarreif, trotzdem glaubwürdig.
Zur "Rückkehr der Mumie": Hier wird eigentlich echt nur eine Fortsetzung geboten, der Film ist nicht schlecht, umhauen konnte er mich aber nicht. Waren die Special- Effects im ersten Streifen noch ein Reißer, vielleicht sogar Bahnbrechend, werden sie hier meiner Meinung nach dazu benutzt, die Geschichte der Fortsetzung zu erzählen- sehr zu Lasten der eigentlichen Story, die dabei etwas auf der Strecke bleibt. Das ist zwar wirklich schön anzusehen- ein guter Film besteht aber nicht nur aus schnell gerenderten Pixeln... Sicherlich war die Produktion gigantisch, das optische Werk auch wirklich einen Blick wert, überzeugen konnte der Film aber nicht- er bleibt im Schatten seines Vorgängers, in dem die Witze besser, die Story schlüssiger und die Special- Effects genau so gut waren. Allein die Masse tut es nicht.
Zum Zusatzmaterial: Wie könnte ich das alles hier erwähnen, ohne irgendwann zu langweilen- ganz im Gegenteil zu dem, was die beiden Zusatz- DVD's bieten. Aber diese Fülle an Hintergrund- Informationen sollte ich hier nicht auflisten- die muss man selbst sehen und genießen: es ist Material für Studen, so viel sei gesagt. Sicherlich derzeit von anderen Produktionen unerreicht- das kann auch einer der Gründe sein, weshalb die "DELUXE EDITION" die Herzen der Sammler ansprechen wird.
Was ich jedoch speziell erwähnen möchte ist der Streifen Zelluloid, der als kleine Zugabe zum Paket geliefert wird: Ein Einzelbild einer Filmrolle der Mumie, wie sie auch die "Ultimate Edition" von Matix bietet. Ein sehr schönes Mitbringsel!
Zur Umsetzung: Was könnte man noch mehr erwarten? Beide DVD's (Hauptfilme) sind mit knackigem DD5.1 und DTS auf die Scheibe gepresst, die englische Tonspur ist in DD5.1, sowohl die deutsche als auch die englische Tonspur zeigen einen sehr geringen Rauschgrund und eine klare Differenzierung auf die einzelnen Kanäle, was einen mitten ins Geschehen versetzt. Die Dynamik läßt den Fußboden beben- sehr zum Ärger von Nachbarn... Die Stimmen sind etwas mehr auf den Center gerichtet, was beim Anschauen jedoch nicht sonderlich stört. Das Bild ist klar mit gutem Kontrast und recht ausgewogener Farbabstimmung.
Mein Fazit: Für Sammler ist die "Deluxe Edition" jeden Euro wert! Auch wenn die Fortsetzung mich nicht so fesselte wie der erste Teil der Mumie- beide Teile bieten sehr viel fürs Auge, viel Action, Spannung und Humor. Die Special- Effects sind grandios, man kann nicht sagen, was Drehort ist und was aus "der Dose" kommt. Mit Hintergrund- Info's wird man regelrecht überrannt- insgesamt schon eine kleine DVD- Sammlung zu einem Thema, die Spaß macht.
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4.0 out of 5 stars TITULO IMPRESCINDIBLE
Reviewed in Spain on 2 November 2014
Pelicula de aventuras excelentemente entretenida.
La imagen y sonido son buenos pero no excelentes.
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