Amazon Photos desktop app displayed on an open laptop along with a camera and printer.
Preserve your family memories
Safely back up your digitized family portraits, or your latest pics from your DSLR, with the desktop app.
Set it and forget it
Set a scheduled backup at a time that works best for you, and the app will automatically back up and secure your latest photos and videos.
Avoid duplicates
Save time and storage space when the app automatically checks for duplicate photos and videos.
One-time uploads
Drag, drop, and you’re done!
Back up and restore your files
Upload your files as a backup, and download to any computer to restore them.
Télécharger pour Bureau
Télécharger dans l'App Store
Disponible sur Google Play
Legacy Amazon Drive applications
Looking for legacy Amazon Drive apps?
Look for them on your mobile phone (iOS and Android), or connect to desktop.