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Masked Innocence Kindle Edition

A young woman’s affair with her seductive boss leads to dangerous places in this sexy and suspenseful romance by the author of Blindfolded Innocence.

The man was sinful. It wasn’t just the looks that made him dangerous, it was the cocky confidence that dominated every move, every touch. And the frustrating yet ecstatic fact about the whole package was that he could back it all up . . .

Julia Campbell never knows what to expect with win-at-all-costs Brad De Luca. And she’s starting to like it that way. She gave up safe, conventional relationships when she let the elite divorce attorney seduce her into his world. Now that he’s determined to strip her naked of every inhibition, she’s in danger of falling too deep and too fast.

But their affair begins to feel even more dangerous when a murder leaves a trail of suspicion that points straight to the mob . . . and Brad. Trusting a man with a bad reputation and a past full of secrets seems like a mistake. But when she’s forced to make a choice, the consequences will take her further than she could ever have imagined.
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About the Author

Alessandra Torre is a stay-at-home wife and mom in the southeast United States. Blindfolded Innocence is her first novel. When not writing, Alessandra enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with her family.

You can find out more about Alessandra and her upcoming books at, or through her Facebook page.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

"So, what's next?"

I turned my head, glancing at him, his dark profile hiding the grin that I knew played over his features. I reclined in the passenger seat of his car, snug against the warmth of the seat heater. He reached his hand over, offering it to me, and I grabbed it, running my hands over his huge palm and strong fingers. "What's next with tonight?"

He chuckled, the sound unfairly sexual. The man could make a sneeze sound carnal if he wanted to. "I'm taking you home with me tonight, unless you have an objection to that. I meant in regards to us."

I yawned. "Your home sounds good for tonight." Yes, his huge home with its big, luxurious bed, worth-giving-up-carbs-for shower and stocked fridge would be welcome tonight, especially since a night in that wonderful bed normally led to a morning of orgasms. "As far as with us, that's in your ballpark. I tried the threesome, and I'm cool with that if that's what you need to be faithful."

"You're 'cool' with it." His wry tone elicited a frown from my side of the car. "You seemed a little more than 'cool with it.'"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I loved it, can't wait to do it again, I will worship at the shrine of Brad from this day forth. Happy?"

The light changed in the car, and this time I could see the grin that stretched over his face. "Well, if you insist. You know I strive to please."

Yes, you certainly do. I never thought I would appreciate one singular quality so much. Competitiveness is great in a partner. Sexual competitiveness, I've learned over the last several weeks, is holy-freaking-God amazing. I watched the curve of his mouth, loving the transformation it caused to his powerful features. "So, tonight was it, right? That's the sexual extent of your freakiness?"

"Well…" He shrugged, glancing over at me.

"Well?" I sat up, turning in my seat to fully face him. "Well what?"

"I will never need anything more 'freaky,' as you like to say, than what we just did. But the point of this is not just my pleasure. It's to awaken your sexuality, to find what turns you on and to explore that. Chances are, tonight wasn't your single perfect fantasy." I shifted slightly at the statement.
Uh, yeah- it pretty much was. "As we grow in our relationship, you may find you like completely different things than you do now. As your sexual boundaries expand, your preferences may change."

I smirked at him. "So, what you're saying is, if I keep dating you, in three years I'm going to be licking whipped cream off a bearded lady and loving it?"

He laughed. "If it reaches that level, you're not going to be still dating me."

I relaxed back into the seat. "Well, for now, that was plenty hot enough for me. I don't know how much more sexual exploration my mind can take right now."

"So, if I receive any invitations, I should turn them down?"

I paused, midsnuggle into the leather cocoon that the BMW's seat had become. "What? What
kind of invitations?"

"You know, parties, cruises or threesomes like we just did." His offhand tone was ludicrous considering the events that he was so casually discussing.

Parties? Cruises? I swallowed, unsure if I was ready for more. Brad read my silence and looked over, the passing streetlights revealing concern on his face. "Too much?" he asked.

I braved a smile. "For now. Let's take it one freak show at a time, okay?"

From the other side of the car came that delicious chuckle, and I clenched my core in an involuntary response.

The car slowed, making the turn onto Brad's road, and I looked at the stately homes that passed, each one more impressive than the last. Then we pulled into Brad's drive, the suspension smoothing the rough ride of the pavers below us, and taking us to his home.

I entered the lobby of Clarke, De Luca & Broward on Monday morning at seven-thirty on the dot. Waving at Ancient Dorothy, I pressed the elevator call button and waited for the car. My early morning wait was interrupted by a clattering of heels from somewhere behind me. The clattering had speed and determination that made me tense in anticipation. I risked a glance over my shoulder and came in full eye contact with an Amazon of a woman. I was wearing three-inch heels and she still towered a good six inches above me, coming to an abrupt halt so close to me that I was forced to look up just so my face wasn't buried in her breasts. I smiled hesitantly in greeting and stepped to the side, turning back to the bank of elevators, now in the awkward position of whether or not to make polite conversation on the ride up. I was already terrified of this woman, and didn't know why, other than the fact that she was clearly sizing me up and not being the slightest bit shy about it. I almost expected her to ask me to open my mouth so she could inspect my teeth.

The doors slid open, and after standard overtures, she stepped onto the car, her strong mass dominating the elaborate space. My inner turmoil over whether or not to converse with her was solved by the moment the doors closed.

"So," she announced with gusto. "You're Julia."

"Beg your pardon?" I asked.

"Julia Campbell," she said, grinning at me, her face beautiful despite the extra weight it carried. As a failed makeup study, I recognized quality makeup when I saw it, and this girl had enhanced an already beautiful face to model-quality, an attribute that many men probably overlooked because of her size. "That's you, right? I hacked into H.R.'s file and got a copy of your driver's license. Your pic is a few years old, but pretty damn close."

If there had been room to take a step back in the elevator, I would have. If I had been scared of her before, I was sweating bullets now. "I'm sorry…I don't believe we have met. You are. ?"

She laughed. "Sorry. I'm Rebecca. Brad's assistant."

Brad's assistant. Suddenly I could breathe a little easier. "Oh. I thought all of his assistants were…" I tried to find the words to describe the three secretaries that reigned over Brad's wing of the firm.

"Old, wrinkly bitches?" She grinned at me as the doors opened, and I burst out laughing at the description, one that probably fit the three elegant senior citizens that had stuffily dismissed me the one time I had dared to approach their desk. We stepped out of the elevator together and she followed me as I pressed on the door to the West Wing. Surprised, I glanced over at her. "You coming over here?"

"Just for a sec. Brad wanted me to introduce myself, and a thirty-second ride won't do that justice."

I doubted a three-day road trip would do that justice, but

I smiled at her and unlocked my office door, ushering her in. It was early, but the rest of the staff would be filing in soon. I hoped she wasn't planning on staying long. Rebecca's presence was as subtle as a giant sign screaming
I'm dating Brad De Luca! hung outside my door.

"I can't stay." Her quick words made me wonder how transparent my inhospitable thoughts were. "Let me just get your email address and I'll be on my way."

"My email?"

"Yeah. Your personal one. I'll need to send you some stuff that shouldn't go over the company intranet."

I blushed, hoping the attachments weren't of the adult variety and wondering how much Rebecca knew about our relationship. I scribbled down my email address, passing it to her with a smile that I hoped communicated my friendly intent. "It was nice to meet you, Rebecca."

"Hey, you, too. Maybe I'll see you around." She waved cheerily and swung out the door, her heels pounding down the hallway, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard the double doors close behind her. I plopped down in my chair, spinning slightly as I stared at the ceiling. Rebecca sending me "stuff." This would be interesting.

"Julia, can I borrow you for a moment?" Broward's voice floated through the open doorway into my office, four hours later. He had politely used the office phone system for the first three weeks of my internship, but had abandoned that practice and now simply yelled for me, like I was his puppy roaming somewhere in the house, looking for a place to pee. I sighed, sliding back from my desk and working my bare feet into heels and standing. I was in his doorway a moment later, barely in time to stop another interoffice yell, his mouth already opening in preparation.

"Yes, Mr. Broward?" I asked politely.

"Come in, Julia, and please shut the door."

I cringed, stepping forward and grabbing the handle, pulling it closed behind me. Broward seemed to have this misconception that "closing his door" actually afforded him some measure of privacy. While the heavy, oak door probably did have excellent sound-deafening qualities, the one-inch gap that ran along the bottom allowed almost every word to come through in crystal-clear quality. This had to be about Brad, and thanks to this poorly hung door, someone was bound to walk by and hear the entire conversation.

"I'd like to extend your internship, assuming you are interested."

My jaw literally dropped, an involuntary relaxation of muscles that I struggled to contain.
Okay-guess this isn't about Brad. "Extend?" I said dumbly.

"Yes. I've been very impressed with you so far, and would like to expand your duties here, maybe bring you to court, let you see more than just the inside of a file." He grinned at me, a worthless exercise of muscles, because as soon as he had said that word, everything else had disappeared.

Court. The word hung, in gold glittery letters, above my head, blinking on and off like a Vegas sign advertising half-priced buffets. I tried not to lick my lips but could feel saliva pooling, and my jaw started itching to do that damn dropping motion again. "That would be wonderful, but I-um…I just need to check my class schedule for next semester."

He shrugged at my response, picking up his phone and cradling it to his ear. "Check your schedule and let me know. I'll speak to H.R., see if we could take you on part-time, give you some hourly rate that would make it worth your while."

Monetary compensation? Court time? I smiled at him and turned quickly, wanting to get the hell out of there before slobber shot in all directions out of my mouth. I fled his office and collapsed into my chair, an expression somewhere between a grin and a grimace contorting my face. My excitement over the job prospect fought with the predicament it would cause. Court. Money. Brad. Broward. Certain disaster. Court. Ugh. I laid my head on my desk and groaned.

It was 4:00 p.m. before I thought to check my personal email, remembering that Rebecca was going to send me something. I had one new email, from Rebecca Cray, titled INFO. I opened the email, and read the one-line message.

When you get a chance, please complete the attached and scan it back to me. Thx-Rebecca

I opened the attachment, an Excel spreadsheet, and scanned it quickly, my eyes narrowing the further down the document I read.
No fucking way. Then I printed it, closed out the email and picked up the office phone, dialing Brad's extension and waiting.

He answered in a way that expressed he was not alone. That was fine. I had aspirations for my bitch-out session, and the minimum requirement was that it be in person. "Dinner, tonight? The bistro on Sixty-ninth at six. Okay?"

"Do I have a choice?" His voice held a hint of wariness.

Damn. I had wanted to blindside him with my tantrum. More dramatic that way. "Not really."

"The bistro is fine, at six, but be aware that I don't do subservient very well."

His voice was almost dangerous in its authority, and my feminine side swooned a little despite my best efforts to project more of a dominatrix side.

I tried to come up with a witty response, but struck out. "Whatever," I finally snapped, hanging the phone up glumly, feeling, as I often did with him, that I had been outmatched.

Then I stood, going to ask the other dictator in my life if I could run out for thirty minutes at six. I really needed to do something to get the men in my life under better control.

"What, pray tell, could I already be in trouble for?" In the brick-walled restaurant, Brad's face could only be described as pained as he ended a call and stood from a four-top at my approach, stepping aside and pulling out my chair.

I sat, accepting the kiss he placed on my cheek, a kiss that moved, traveling down my neck before I pulled back with a squeal, a smile fighting me tooth and nail to reach my mouth. "What makes you think you are in trouble?" I purred, crossing my legs and reaching forward, dipping a carrot in some hummus and crunching down on it, Brad looking at me in barely contained disgust. "What?"

"That stuff. It looks disgusting."

I snorted, all sexy purrs now gone. "Disgusting? You ordered it!"

"I ordered it because women everywhere seem to eat it, and I was trying to find something you'd like in this grano-lified tent that they call a restaurant."

I smothered a smile, looking around. He had a point. Birkenstocks and deodorant-free patrons seemed to be the vibe this place was going for. It had been a recommendation from my roommate Alex, and was one of the few downtown restaurants that was avoided by the staff. Now I knew why. "No steaks on the menu?"

"Barely any meat on the menu. One free-range chicken dish, the rest all vegetarian. I'll eat at home, but you need something. Here." He pushed a laminated menu across the small table, and I scanned it quickly, fighting my own urge to curl an upper lip. The items were all healthy, all organic, and all…unappetizing. I spotted vegetable soup and decided to go with that, setting the menu aside and looking at Brad.

The man was sinful. Tan skin, thick black hair, with bits of silver littering it. Dark brown eyes that held every emotion possible, with the tendency to smolder and cloud at just the moment when it drove me the craziest. Strong features that worked perfectly together to make every grin, grimace and glare heart-stoppingly gorgeous. But honestly, you could run his face through a blender, shave his head bald and starve the man out of his amazing, too-built-for-mortal-men build, and he would still be stop-you-in-your-tracks sexy. Because it wasn't the looks that really made him sizzle; it was the pure sex that reeked from his pores, the cocky confidence that dominated every move, every touch. And the horrible yet ecstatic fact about the whole package is that he could back it all up with mind-numbing sexual prowess. He knew what he rocked beneath those dress pants, and he knew exactly how to use the damn thing. It was, as I had thought a thousand times before, ridiculously unfair.

Product details

  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B071NZ6VLQ
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ HQN Books; Original edition (July 17 2017)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 2035 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Screen Reader ‏ : ‎ Supported
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ On Kindle Scribe
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 301 pages
  • Customer Reviews:

About the author

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Alessandra Torre
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Alessandra Torre is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty novels. Torre has been featured in such publications as Elle and Elle UK, as well as guest-blogged for the Huffington Post and RT Book Reviews. She is also the Bedroom Blogger for

In addition to writing, Alessandra is the creator of Alessandra Torre Ink, a website, community, and online school for aspiring authors. Her annual conference is INKERS CON, and is available online or in-person.

Learn more about Alessandra on her website at

Customer reviews

4.4 out of 5 stars
4.4 out of 5
1,957 global ratings

Top reviews from Canada

Reviewed in Canada on April 20, 2014
Verified Purchase
Five Star Plus!!! This book was amazing and I couldn't put it down. Brad De Luca is incorrigible...he radiates sex and sin! Julia is feisty and holds her own throughout. I was hooked on every word. First off the sex scenes were hot hot hot!!! Especially the sex scenes at the party, they will leave you breathless. However, it wasn't just the sex scenes that made this great...add in all the suspense and drama about the murder, mob and Brad's connection the mob and you have a book you can't put down. I can't wait to read the next part. Not ready to let Brad De Luca go just yet:)
Reviewed in Canada on September 3, 2015
Verified Purchase
Brad is fantastic... I really hope that his dad excerpts her in to the family... could not imagine being tied to mob
Reviewed in Canada on August 9, 2021
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Loved this story. Brad shows up in the Passionflix movie Hollywood Dirt and the character is every bit as arrogant and self assured as he is in this story.
Reviewed in Canada on October 31, 2019
Verified Purchase
I love them both: Julia and Brad. I was annoyed with Julia's stupidity regarding her statement to the police, but it's just a book, right? I am so excited about the next book, when she will meet Brad's father.I
Good serie.
Reviewed in Canada on February 25, 2014
My rating: 4 of 5 ⭐️

This installment of the Innocence books was a marked improvement.

Although I am still somewhat sceptical about the free and uninhibited way the young and rather innocent Julia allows herself to be sexually manipulated, while being convinced by older and much more devious Brad De Luca she is exploring her sexual boundaries. Sounds great, but it's still manipulation. Especially when the relationship they embark on is based on his condition of her participation in his sexual life-style.....or else. No room for negotiations.

Of course, Brad is used to calling the shots, he has had the dubious fortune of growing up in a family of power and even after distancing himself from the family business, he maintains the aura of power. Julia is for all intents and purposes a simple student with no real credits to her name other than her good looks and sharp mind.

When a murder at the law office they both work at throws the office into chaos and suddenly Julia is drawing attention from both police and the mob, Brad finds himself thrown off by the unfamiliar protective feelings it stirs up in him. In particular since he may have some inside knowledge he would rather not share. But when it comes down to keeping his secrets or Julia safe, there really is no contest.

In this book the addition of a suspense factor was a great boost. For me it lifted the book to a different level. Still an erotic novel, but with an actual interesting and compelling backstory. More exploration of emotional conflict and the peripheral characters were more interesting.

Very enjoyable!!.
Reviewed in Canada on August 18, 2014
Verified Purchase
Love it! Honestly this series is amazing
Reviewed in Canada on March 27, 2014
Masked Innocence
Alessandra Torre
This story was gifted to me in exchange for an honest review.
This is the second part of the series that revolves around Julia Campbell and Brad DeLuca. She is an intern at the law firm where Brad is a prominant divorce attorney. In the first story these two characters have embarked on a sexual journey that is a little bit more risque than anything that Julia has every experienced. Brad likes his sex with a little bit of spice, a little bit of kink, some toys to enhance the experience or perhaps even an extra body to change things up. He confesses that he does not think she will be able to handle his life style. He wonders if she will fit in and whether he will be able to stay monagomous with her.
She replies" I've tried the threesome and I'm cool with that if that's what you need to be faithful."
I think that she is trying to fit into his world, to be what he desires of her. And why not, she is sure experiencing new things and loving every minute of it. She loves the exploration into her sexual being and enjoys being with both the extra woman and the extra man. The toys that Brad uses on her certainly bring immense satisfaction. A little bit of action over the kitchen counter, a little smack on the ass here and there. It all leads to a great deal of hot, hot, hot sex. I am getting steamy just reading about these two.
This story was very well written and there was so much more to it than just lots of sex. Soon these two find themselves deep in the middle of a murder mystery as some one in the office is found dead. Her life becomes in danger and it is up to Brad to protect and cherise her. Good thing that he is up for the job. There are some unexpected events and crisises they need to work through and some trust issues to plow through. I thoroughly enjoyed this part of the series and I am anxiously awaiting the new part. I would give both this author and these books a 5/5 and will definately be putting her down as one of my favourite authors. This girl can really write. I love to be completely immersed in a story and I was certainly captivated by this one from the very first page. Of the first book. And I think that they just keep getting better. It takes alot of talent to hold a readers' interest for a series and I think that Alessandra has loads of talent!
Reviewed in Canada on March 6, 2014
I love Brad and Julia’s story. I have been anxiously waiting for this second book to be released and I was not disappointed! It was worth waiting well over a year for!!

Brad and Julia are hot and sexy together as they take their relationship to the next level. There are some twists and turns in this story that you weren’t expecting. The suspense will grab you and you will not be able to put this book down!

Top reviews from other countries

5.0 out of 5 stars Sehr unterhaltsam
Reviewed in Germany on October 17, 2015
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Eine sehr unterhaltsame dreiteilige Serie mit viel Liebe und immer einem plötzlichen Twist. der viel Spannung in die Geschichte bringt. Sehr sympatische Hauptchraktere, gute Freunde, Wortgeplänkel, Liebe, Sex und Spannung. Selbstbewußte Heldin, die weiss, was sie will und kein Fußabtreter ist.
Avid Reader
5.0 out of 5 stars 5 stars! Masked Innocence, book 2 (3). Pre-law student's secret affair with Sr. law partner Brad De Luca is put to the test!
Reviewed in the United States on March 11, 2014
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"I love f~ king you," he whispered, still moving inside me, slow and delicious, burying himself with every stroke."
Books should be read in order:
Book 1: Blindfolded Innocence
Book 1.5: The Diary of Brad De Luca
Book 2: Masked Innocence
Book 3: End Of The Innocence

In Blindfolded Innocence (book 1) pre-law school student, Julia Campbell started her internship at the prestigious law firm, Clark, De Luca & Broward. She was promptly warned off from senior partner, (in)famous and successful divorce attorney, unapologetic womanizer and rumored intern seducer, Brad De Luca.

But a set of events put Brad De Luca on a seduction course of Julia. Tempted she agreed to go on a clandestine weekend trip to Las Vegas, providing her with a glimpse into the enigmatic Brad De Luca and some mind-blowing sex with hints of something darker, kinkier...

Back home they both tried to go on as if Vegas never happened. Boss-intern relationship would be too complicated and detrimental. Besides Brad's secret, once revealed only underscores that they are worlds apart in life outlook, experience, desire and goal.

Masked Innocence (book 2) opens up to Brad having revealed his secret. They have ventured out and explored on Brad's kinky side allowing for some off-the-charts sex and the forming of a deeper bond.

But soon their world is rocked by a shocking event, a crime, setting their day-to-day life and relationship into a tailspin. With both Brad is and Julia being scrutinized they are forced to reevaluated their feelings and commitment.

Yet nothing can prepare them for what waits next when Brad's past collides with Julia's future....

BRADLEY DE LUCA, BRAD: 40 years/"boss"/senior partner/divorce attorney/business man/$$$$/black hair/brown eyes/divorced.
Brad De Luca with his classic good looks, boyish charm and undisputed skills both in the court room and bedroom has been an enigma, but book 2 will both dig into his past and reveal much more about him. I love the way he is with Julia!

Seven words to describe Brad: Relentless, charismatic, enigmatic, commanding, easy-going, unapologetic and complex.
"I didn't know what I hated more, when his eyes were unreadable or when I didn't like what I read in them."

JULIA CAMPBELL: 21 years/"intern"/Pre-law student/brown hair/brown eyes/5'8".
Julia Campbell, Jules is coming into her own by, maturing, being insightful and standing up to Brad. What a transformation! Seven words to describe Julia: Evolving, reflective, naive, controlling, smart, blunt and determined.
"-- you are pure sex. When you are in your element, which is typically when you are stuffed full of c~ k, I've never seen a more sexually perfect being in my life."

From kinky sex to suspense to mystery and danger... Masked Innocence kept me glued to my Kindle. Story ended sort of abruptly yet in a good spot. I am thrilled to be reading book 3, End Of The Innocence for the conclusion of their saga.

Addictive and forbidden boss-intern relationship! Exquisite story telling! Suspense, intrigue and danger! And if you can believe it an even more sexy and unforgettable Brad De Luca!
"My heart couldn't survive a fall, not from the height that my feelings had climbed."

Hero rating: 5+ stars
Heroine rating: 4 stars
Sex scenes rating: 5 stars
Sex scenes frequency: 4 stars
Storyline concept rating: 5 stars
Storytelling skills rating: 5 stars
Story ending rating: N/A
Book editing rating (5 = no edits spotted): N/A
Overall rating: 5 stars

Would I recommend this series: Yes!
Would I re-read this series: Yes.
Would I read future books by this author: Yes.

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.
One person found this helpful
A. E. Clark
5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic
Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 17, 2014
Verified Purchase
This book absolutely gripped me with a nerve wracking storyline and a larger than life alpha male. I couldn't help but read this one after reading Blindfolded Innocence and am sad & glad that I did....glad because it is a truly excellent piece of work but sad because I've now got to leave Brad De Luca behind. Buy this book, you won't regret it.
5.0 out of 5 stars It just keeps getting better...
Reviewed in Australia on October 6, 2015
Verified Purchase
Masked Innocence picks up right where Blindfolded Innocence (book 1) left off. Julia Campbell and Brad DeLuca take their relationship to the next level when Julia opens up to the idea of including others in their sexual relationship. Luckily & unexpectantly she finds herself enjoying everything about his proposal.

Julia becomes increasingly aware of her sexual desires and is basically consumed by everything Brad. She fears she is falling too hard too fast while Brad is confused by his growing feelings for Julia. "I fell for the feisty, smart-ass Julia that calls me on my s***. But i'm owned by the vixen that you become.
We learn a lot about Brad in this book and his secrets will surprise.
One person found this helpful
Jennifer Hinson
4.0 out of 5 stars My Favorite of the Trilogy.......
Reviewed in the United States on February 22, 2020
Verified Purchase
Warning: If you haven’t read Blindfolded Innocence (Book 1), this review may contain some spoilers. DO NOT READ Masked before reading Blindfolded.

“A first name I loved combined with a last name I despised. The man I had turned to was the one I should have run from. I didn’t know what bothered me more, the new danger facing my body or the risk I had brought to my heart.”

When I start an older series, I have a plan in my head for how I will read it. It’s worked great for the Driven series (I’m still not done with it), it’s worked for other series before this one. Yet, this trilogy made me abandon those plans and dive right on in. I had to know what happened next....I had to see just how far Julia fell down the rabbit hole now that Brad opened the door to what was possible in “his” world. So in I went.....

First & foremost, not everyone is going to like this series or comprehend how love can happen in a relationship where the two involved like to share their partner with others. It’s not meant to cheapen the love story, just show a different way of doing things. I found it refreshing and honest, it takes great strength and a deep love/trust to live their lifestyle and I was here for every dirty minute. What I didn’t expect was all the other elements mixed in, all enhancing the story and keeping me glued to it from the very first page. It helped that Julia went from immature and annoying to a much more likable (okay lovable) character. I couldn’t get enough of Brad & Luca, finishing this one in a single was fascinating and delicious. Utterly devour-worthy.

Side Note: I’ve read a lot of reviews stating the mafia twist/tie-in was far-fetched and made no sense to the plot. I disagree, there are hints dropped throughout not to mention where they are located is prime real estate for a story like this. It added a crucial element (that really amps up in book 3) that would have left the story lacking had it not been there. It’s not overly done nor is it OTT, just enough to add something else & push the plot naturally.

Overall Plot/Story: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Plot Pace/Speed: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Brad De Luca: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Julia Campbell: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Steamy Scale: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Book Facts:
POV: Mainly from Julia’s POV, but also features a few other POVs.
About: The second installment of the Innocence Trilogy, this picks up right where book 1 left off. Julia Campbell = With her sexual awakening & intro into Brad’s world, she finally has a chance at happiness with the city’s most unattainable bachelor. But one tragedy & a single overheard conversation puts her in the crossfire of a very dangerous crime family, one that she is closer to than she thinks. Brad De Luca = He never expected to find the perfect woman for him, but Julia is that woman. She has the same desires, the same needs. Just when he thinks he can have the happiness he never expected, he could lose it all because of one family he has tried to avoid for a long time. He has a plan, now it’s time to set it in action.
Safe Read? Yes, but there is some sexual situations that might be uncomfortable to some.
How does it End? It is open-ended, with the conclusion in End or Innocence (book 3)

My Thoughts:
Negatives: Sitting here trying to come up with “negatives” and the reason why this was a 4 & not a 5 star read, I can’t come up with anything specific. It isn’t a 5 star read because I didn’t feel for it the way I do for my most favorite & memorable reads. Julia got A LOT better, even though she did have her immature moments. Of course I hated the Magianos and Olivia was a little bit of a drag, but not one singular complaint enough to call it a true “negative”.

Positives: There were quite a few positives in this book. Far too many to list, but a few I wanted to anyways. First is Julia’s growth in maturity from last book to this one. She handled conversations, situations, & disputes a lot better which also allowed her character to open up in the form of some pretty funny back & forth banter with Brad. She still has her irritating moments, but they weren’t so OTT like last time. Brad, my God I can see why he is on so many book boyfriend lists. He is seriously such a hot, filthy & dominating alpha. Yum-my.

But one person I didn’t think I would end up loving as much as I did was Martha. Readers of book 1 know her as Brad’s cold & impersonal house manager. In this book, I was able to understand her in a way I didn’t then....not to mention she delivered some of my fav lines of the book. It’s easy to see why she was the way she was with Julia, especially if you have a loved one who introduces you to women (or men) you know won’t be around long. She has become possibly my fav support character.

And FINALLY, I can’t have a positive list without noting the pace of this plot. Book 1 was slow & steady with little spurts of excitement. This one is from start to finish action in some form. Sexual, suspenseful, angsty, dangerous, is the kind that wants your full attention from start to finish. And just because I can, I need to point out that the sex scenes in this book might have topped book 1—and that was nearly an impossible task.

My Verdict: If you read book 1 & are on the fence about continuing to this one, do me a favor and stick with it. Masked is better than Blindfolded, in so many’s a book that I couldn’t stop reading, one that had me changing my plans to dive straight into the trilogy’s conclusion. And in my personal opinion (since I’ve now read all 3), my fav of the 3.

“He could either risk his heart or risk her safety. And, when it came down to that, the choice was easy.“
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