• Today I updated to Jetpack v.13.6. After that I noticed I cannot use the justify text capability in WordPress with Gutenberg. Adding a custom css has no effect. I considered it highly unlikely at first, but I have a second blog/wordpress installation with fewer plugins I used to test.

    I tried to inspect the issue by deactivating all plugins in the second blog (except jetpack) – justify text capability still there. Then I updated to jetpack v.13.6 – then the feature is lost again while editing. (With Gutenberg editor.) Any thoughts on that? Is there anything I miss?

    Edit: Currently I’m assuming Jetpack was so nice to include “has-text-align-justify” in their css until now. Probably “has-text-align-justify” was deprecated in WordPress a while ago!?

    • This topic was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by missbooleana.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Stef (a11n)


    Hi there, @missbooleana,

    Thanks for reporting this, and sorry for the trouble! I have a few questions to assess the issue in case you encounter a bug. Here they are:

    • Have you tried to temporarily deactivate all your plugins in the production site (not in the second blog) and check if the problem gets fixed that way? If it works, then reactivate each plugin one by one to find out which one is causing problems.
    • Does the problem persist if you temporarily switch your theme to Twenty Twenty-Three, on both blogs?
    • Can you check the PHP error logs on your web host server for any relevant errors? If you’re not sure how to check those logs, your web host can help you with that.

    Hope that’s all clear! Let me know what you find out, and we’ll take it from there if necessary. Thanks a lot!

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