

526 外掛程式
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    Breadcrumb NavXT
    by John Havlik
    Breadcrumb NavXT 是熱門 WordPress 外掛 Breadcrumb Navigation XT 的後續版本,程式碼全面改寫後比之前的版本更加好用…
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    by Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan
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    Max Mega Menu
    by megamenu.com
    簡單易用的複合式選單外掛,程式碼符合 WordPress 開發規範。
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    One Click Accessibility
    by One Click Accessibility
    The One Click Accessibility toolbar is the fastest plugin to help you make your WordPress website more accessible.
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    Menu Icons by ThemeIsle
    by ThemeIsle
    Spice up your navigation menus with pretty icons, easily.
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    404 to 301 - Redirect, Log and Notify 404 Errors
    by Joel James
    Automatically redirect, log and notify all 404 page errors to any page using 301 redirect for SEO. No more 404 Errors in WebMaster tool.
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    Responsive Menu - Create Mobile-Friendly Menu
    by ExpressTech
    Highly customisable Responsive Menu plugin with 150+ options. No coding knowledge needed to design it exactly as you want.
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    Menu Image, Icons made easy
    by Freshlight Lab
    在選單中新增圖片或圖示。網站管理員可以設定圖片位置 (上方、下方、前方、後方),還可以隱藏選單項目標題。
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    YouTube WordPress Plugin by Embed Plus
    by Embed Plus YouTube Plugin Team
    YouTube Embed WordPress Plugin. Embed a responsive video, YouTube channel gallery, playlist gallery, YouTube livestream. Defer JavaScript
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    Page scroll to id
    by malihu
    Create links that scroll the page smoothly to any id within the document.
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    Accessibility by UserWay
    by UserWay.org
    UserWay’s Accessibility Widget creates a simpler and more accessible browsing experience for your users.
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    WP Accessibility
    by Joe Dolson
    WP Accessibility fixes common accessibility issues in your WordPress site.
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    Exclude Pages
    by Simon Wheatley
    This plugin adds a checkbox, “include this page in menus”, uncheck this to exclude pages from the page navigation that users see on your site.
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    by Max Foundry
    WP-Paginate is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site.
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    WP Dark Mode - WordPress Dark Mode Plugin for Improved Accessibility, Dark Theme, Night Mode, and Social Sharing
    by WPPOOL
    WP Dark Mode 會依據使用者作業系統設定,自動為網站啟用令人驚艷的深色模式。支援 macOS、Windows、Android 及 iOS。
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    Rich Table of Contents
    by CROOVER.inc
    RTOC is a table of contents generation plugin from Japan that allows anyone to easily create a table of contents. Equipped with the functions of the c …
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    Web Accessibility By accessiBe
    by accessiBe
    Fix accessibility issues & make your site accessible with an AI-powered accessibility service.
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    Oceanwp sticky header
    by Oren Hahiashvili
    Easy Sticky header installation
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    Flexy Breadcrumb
    by PressTigers
    Flexy Breadcrumb is a super light weight plugin that is easy to navigate through current page hierarchy.
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    WP Accessibility Helper (WAH)
    by Alex Volkov
    Short Description WP Accessibility Helper helps solve accessibility problems