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Manage Multiple Sites

Your account can manage multiple websites under one login. This guide will show you how to access your sites and move your sites to other accounts.

Own Multiple Sites

When you sign up for, you’ll create your first website during the signup process. After that, you can create additional sites under the same account, although each site requires its own plan.

Each site will have at least one user (the owner), but it can have multiple users with editing access. When you create a new site, your account becomes the site’s owner and administrator.

If someone invites you to administer another site they own, you can accept the invitation using your existing account. This lets you manage someone else’s site without them having access to your other sites, unless you specifically invite them.

A website can have different site and subscription owners. For example, if you create a site, you are the owner. If you invite another admin and they purchase a plan or domain, they become the subscription owner. As the site owner, you cannot renew or cancel a subscription owned by another admin. Instead, ask the subscription owner to handle renewals or cancellations, or request that they transfer the subscription to you.

For Agencies

If you are part of an agency or a freelancer who has six or more client websites, consider joining our agency program to manage all your client sites from one dashboard. Automattic for Agencies provides discounted pricing, commissions on referrals, and premier support. Visit to sign up.

If you are a creator or influencer looking to earn on referrals, join our Automattic Affiliate program. You’ll earn a commission when you refer customers to Automattic products and services via your content. 

View All Your Sites

You can view all of the sites you own and manage through the Sites list in your dashboard.

Access your sites list by using the All Sites option in any of your sites’ dashboard. You can also set the Sites list to be your default landing page when you log into

You can also use the Sites page to add a new site. Find a site by using the search option or sort your sites. You can filter sites by privacy status (private, coming soon, public).

Transfer a Site to a New Owner

A site’s ownership, plan, and attached domains can be transferred to another administrator on that site. See our Transfer a Site to Another Account guide for step-by-step instructions.

To move a domain to a new owner while remaining as the overall site owner, see our Transfer a Domain to Another Account guide for step-by-step instructions.

To move a plan to a new owner while remaining as the overall site owner, the current plan owner should contact support for assistance.

If you are not sure which admin on your site owns its subscriptions, you can view a list of all administrators on your site by navigating to the Users section of your dashboard.

Manage All Your Payments

Each site that you manage may have its own subscriptions and payments for hosting, domains, email, etc. You can review the payments for all of your sites the Purchases section of your account profile. Follow these steps to see the purchases for all of your sites:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Visit your Profile, using the icon in your dashboard (either at the bottom left or top right of your screen) or visit to go directly to your Profile.
  3. Click the “Purchases” option in the sidebar menu.

Learn more about managing your purchases in our Manage Your Purchases support guide.

Transfer Subscription to Another Site

A paid hosting plan is applied to the site you made the purchase for. You have a few options for moving a plan or starting a new site using the same plan, described below:

New Site Same Plan

If you want to start a new site using the same hosting plan you can register a new domain and clear the content for the current site.

Move Plan to a Different Site on Your Account

If you purchased a plan on the wrong site, or need to transfer a paid plan from one website to another site on your account, contact support for assistance. Only the current plan owner can request to move the plan to a new site or person.

Transfer Plan to Another User

If you wish to move a plan to another user account, you can transfer the site itself and the plan will move with it.

I can’t find my site!

If your website appears to be missing from your account, you can try the following:

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