Crafting Prompts
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Crafting Prompts

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It’s action time! Now that we’ve learned the theory, let’s put it into practice. Get ready to craft your own thoughtful, effective prompts for ChatGPT.

1. Choose your topic:

  • Think of a subject or question you’re genuinely curious about. This could be related to history, technology, arts, sciences, or any other field of interest.
  • Write down your initial question.

2. Consider your audience:

  • Remember, ChatGPT doesn’t have the ability to understand context beyond the current prompt. You are your own audience here. Ask yourself:
    • Is this prompt clear to someone without any prior context?
    • Is it too open-ended?
    • Does it lead the responder in a specific direction?

3. Craft your prompt:

  • Keeping in mind all the tips and common pitfalls discussed, refine your initial question to be more specific and clear.
  • Remember the importance of being specific and clear to guide ChatGPT towards the details or response you’re seeking.

4. Test your prompt with ChatGPT:

  • Input your crafted prompt into ChatGPT and record the AI’s response.

5. Reflect and adjust: 

  • Analyze the response you received.
    • Was it what you expected?
    • Did the AI understand the context and intent of your prompt?
  • Reflect on how effective each prompt was and jot down any adjustments or refinements you may consider for future prompts.

6. Repeat steps 1-5 for additional prompts.

As you go through this process, you’ll find that crafting prompts is as much an art as it is a science. It’s a skill that gets better with practice. Embrace the journey, learn from any missteps, and celebrate your successes!

Examples of Good vs. Bad Prompts

Iterating and Refining AI-Generated Content

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