Samsung Foundry To Reveal New Details On SF4X Process Technology For HPC Data Centers

Jason R. Wilson
Image source: J. Wilson, Wccftech

During this year's Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits, Samsung Foundry will reveal the company's SF4X process technology for HPC applications such as data center CPUs and GPUs.

Samsung's new SF4X will offer higher performance levels to meet the needs of clients requiring more power for HPC data center applications

The SF4X process technology, initially known as the 4HPC or 4nm process technology for high-performance computing, is anticipated to offer increased efficiency and speed.

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Samsung Foundry representatives will present the paper "Highly Reliable/Manufacturable 4nm FinFET Platform Technology (SF4X) for HPC Application with Dual-CPP/HP-HD Standard Cells" at the 2023 Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits. The presentation notes for the upcoming symposium presentation discusses the following:

In this paper, the most upgraded 4nm (SF4X) ensuring HPC application was successfully demonstrated. Key features are (1) Significant performance +10% boosting with Power -23% reduction via advanced SD stress engineering, Transistor level DTCO (T-DTCO) and [middle-of-line] MOL scheme, (2) New HPC options: Ultra-Low-Vt device (ULVT), high speed SRAM and high Vdd operation guarantee with a newly developed MOL scheme.

SF4X enhancement has been proved by a product to bring CPU Vmin reduction -60mV / IDDQ -10% variation reduction together with improved SRAM process margin. Moreover, to secure high Vdd operation, Contact-Gate breakdown voltage is improved by >1V without Performance degradation. This SF4X technology provides a tremendous performance benefits for various applications in a wide operation range.

via VLSI

Samsung's CEO previously hinted that while their current and upcoming nodes will not be able to be on the same level as TSMC, the company expects to overtake the Taiwanese giant in 5 years.

Image source: Tom's Hardware

Samsung Foundry's new SF4X will compete with rival foundry TSMC & its N4P/N4X node technology to release over the next few years. It is unknown on a performance level which process technology will benefit HPC clients, as well as cost and efficiency, due to the lack of early performance scores.

However, the company claims the new SF4X will provide superior power and performance for HPC data center applications. With HPC being a big topic in the industry requiring high-performance computing levels, energy, and more, the company hopes its extensive client base will adopt the new process technology. Currently, HPC-based process nodes are required by corporations such as AMD, Intel, NVIDIA, and companies like Ampere, Graphcore, and IBM.

High-performance computing applications are in high demand for data centers for processors & GPUs to process significant amounts of computation. Machine learning & artificial intelligence are synonymous when discussing HPC applications. Samsung and TSMC strive to create new and more complex fabrication processes to meet the needs of their customers. Samsung is presenting a technology that will offer "significant performance +10% boosting with power -23% reduction" and will be highly needed as it will hold the possibility of saving overhead costs while also limiting environmental risks.

News Sources: Tom's Hardware, 2023 VLSI Symposium

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