Work From Home

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Working from home isn’t going away, even if some CEOs wish it would

During the pandemic, many workers discovered they liked working from home, but CEOs want them in the office, and it’s created tension.

Working from home isn’t going away, even if some CEOs wish it would

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6 work from home gifts for remote workers in 2023

According to WFHResearch, 40% of US employees work remotely at least one day a week. This means the chances you know someone who could use a boost to their work from home setup is high. While working from home has its pros and cons, like being able to drink coffee…

6 work from home gifts for remote workers in 2023

The pandemic disrupted the office in a fundamental way. Remote work turned from a nice perk to a way of life for many. It’s an abrupt change for a tech…

Hate your commute? Googlers can sleep on campus at a discount

As the world returns to “normal,” what does the future of work look like from where we are today? To find out, we spoke with 6 founders in relevant sectors.

6 startup founders gaze into a future-of-work crystal ball

CNBC reported on Friday that Marc Benioff sent a message on the company Slack channel that newer employees weren’t as productive. He questioned if this was due to working from…

Benioff’s reported Slack statement muddles message about Salesforce’s view of WFH

This time two years ago, I changed up my annual gift guide feature’s focus from travel to working from home. After all, very few of us were doing much traveling…

8 great gifts for anyone working from home

DORA metrics supply a reference point for future product development and unite remote team members under a common goal.

Use DORA metrics to support the next generation of remote-work models

After more than two years of remote work, many employees have no interest in returning to the office — at least not without good reason. Employers have responded in kind,…

Kumospace raises new cash to replace physical offices with virtual ones

Depending on your business, your job and your living situation, the pandemic showed that many workers didn’t need to be sitting in a cubby farm inside a big building to…

How will tech companies cope with an office-free future?

Airbnb is going all in on the “live anywhere, work anywhere” philosophy that much of the business world has been forced to adopt, committing to full-time remote work for most…

Airbnb commits to fully remote workplace: ‘Live and work anywhere’

Customers can purchase premium furniture without having to go through a dealer, saving on average 50% over buying from traditional retailers.

Branch carves out new furniture collection as folks return to the office

It’s been a rocky time for employees at Activision Blizzard as they weather sexual harassment scandals, a landmark acquisition by Microsoft and textbook examples of corporate union-busting. Then, last week,…

Activision Blizzard flip-flops on vaccination policies as employees walk out

Working from home has been my normal for more than a decade, but it’s getting a bit stale. Time to spice it up — with some of CES 2022’s hottest…

Look upon my CES 2022 work from home setup and despair

The seismic shift in how we work requires a reassessment of how we manage, even for — or especially for — seasoned leaders.

3 ways to become a better manager in the work-from-home era

Last week, Apple announced it wanted employees to return to the Cupertino campus for three days a week starting in September. Some employees who have grown used to the flexibility…

Tech companies are looking at more flexible work models when offices reopen

This year, the whole notion of how we work and where we work is going to change yet again.

As tech offices begin to reopen, the workplace could look very different

The massive shift to remote work due to COVID-19 has resulted in a huge reduction in emissions from vehicles and other sources, but it comes with costs of its own.…

Remote workers are greener, but their tech still has a real carbon cost

We are hearing that a COVID-19 vaccine could be on the way sooner than later, and that means we could be returning to normal life some time in 2021. That’s…

Wall Street needs to relax, as startups show remote work is here to stay

When large parts of the world were shutting down in March, we really didn’t know how we would move massive numbers of employees used to working in the office to…

What we’ve learned about working from home 7 months into the pandemic

Spurred on by the seemingly endless COVID-19 pandemic — and no doubt inspired by similar moves from companies like Twitter — Reddit today announced plans to offer its staff the…

Reddit will allow employees to work from anywhere, going forward

Two Screens for Teachers, which as you may guess is about getting teachers a second screen to use at home, has put together enough funds to get every educator in…

Two Screens for Teachers will outfit all educators in Seattle Public Schools with a second monitor

Let’s just say it has been a year. While a few ambitious startups like InVision and GitLab built their corporate cultures and talent hiring with a remote-first mentality, the reality…

Hear how working from home is changing startups and investing at Disrupt 2020

Facebook has joined Google in saying it will allow employees to work from home until the middle of next year as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. “Based on guidance…

Facebook extends coronavirus work from home policy until July 2021

In a typical month, an IT department might deal with a small percentage of employees working remotely, but tracking a few thousand employees is one thing — moving an entire…

How Liberty Mutual shifted 44,000 workers from office to home

Featured Article

GitLab’s head of Remote on hiring, onboarding and why Slack is a no-work zone

With more than 1,200 employees distributed across over 65 countries and a valuation of nearly $3 billion, GitLab is one of the world’s most successful fully remote startups. Describing it as a textbook example of a remote company would be redundant, because the company actually wrote a textbook about it.…

GitLab’s head of Remote on hiring, onboarding and why Slack is a no-work zone

My colleagues and I published a couple of different views on the future of “work from home” and remote work last Friday — a story that, if analytics is any…

Work From Home is dead, long live Work From Anywhere

Reflections from three TC staff about how remote work has changed our lives and what we predict to see in the next few years, post-COVID 19.

3 views on the future of work, coffee shops and neighborhoods in a post-pandemic world

Earlier today, Jack Dorsey sent an email to Twitter staff, notifying employees that they will be able to  continue working from home as long as they see fit. The CEO…

Twitter says staff can continue working from home permanently

Hello and welcome back to Equity, TechCrunch’s venture capital-focused podcast, where we unpack the numbers behind the headlines. The three of us were back today —…

When Slack first launched in 2013, the product was quickly embraced by developers, and the early product reflected that. To get at advanced tools, you used a slash (/) command,…

Slack introduces simplified interface as usage moves deeper into companies