wind turbines

Moments before midnight on Tuesday, a single turbine near Martha’s Vineyard delivered 5 megawatts of renewable energy to the New England grid. The turbine is one out of 62 planned…

Big offshore wind farms are now transmitting sweet, sweet battery juice to the US grid

The Wyoming-based startup thinks the traditional three-bladed turbine is played out and has a new design to bring wind energy to more places.

AirLoom has a plan to halve the cost of wind power

Aerones, a robotics startup that scrubs and inspects wind turbines so humans don’t have to, secured $38.9 million in fresh funding this month from dozens of undisclosed investors, TechCrunch has…

Clean energy: Scrubbing wind turbines with robots nets Aerones $39M

Wind turbines are a great source of clean power, but their apparent simplicity — just a big thing that spins — belie complex systems that wear down like any other,…

This robot crawls along wind turbine blades looking for invisible flaws

General Electric (GE, NYSE: GE) announced today that it acquired technology from Wind Tower Systems, that can enable the company to build and ship wind energy equipment that’s more efficient,…

A Seattle-area materials science company, M9 Defense, raised $1.4 million in a series A round, a new SEC filing revealed. According to the company’s website: its core product, Boroclave presses,…

The German government today announced plans to build 30 wind farms in the North and Baltic Sea north of Germany. Each facility will cost $1.57 billion. The first farm will…