vector databases

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MongoDB CEO Dev Ittycheria talks AI hype and the database evolution as he crosses 10-year mark

A lot has happened since Dev Ittycheria took the reins at MongoDB, the $26 billion database company he’s led as president and CEO since September 2014. Ittycheria has taken MongoDB to the cloud, steered it through an IPO, overseen its transition from open source, launched a venture capital arm, and…

MongoDB CEO Dev Ittycheria talks AI hype and the database evolution as he crosses 10-year mark

Upstash announced a $1.9 million seed round almost exactly two years ago, and an idea for building a serverless data platform for data-intensive applications built with Redis and Kafka. That…

Upstash’s serverless data platform hits ARR of $1M just two years after seed funding

For a long time, vector databases were a bit of a niche product, but because they are uniquely suited to provide context and long-term memory to large language models, everybody…

Pinecone’s vector database gets a new serverless architecture

There’s been a debate of sorts in AI circles about which database is more important in finding truthful information in generative AI applications: graph or vector databases. AWS decided to…

With Neptune Analytics, AWS combines the power of vector search and graph data

It seems like everyone in the database business is thinking about how to capitalize on the growth of AI by adding support for vectors to their products. That, after all,…

PlanetScale forks MySQL to add vector support