
TweetDeck, a popular tool for Twitter power users, has announced that it has fixed the XSS vulnerability used in a hack that took place this morning and that users should…

TweetDeck Taken Down To Assess XSS Vulnerability

Twitter added new features to Tweetdeck today that makes it easier to arrange and consume various feeds. Column headers now have “grab handles” in the top-left corner so they can…

Twitter Adds Easier Column Navigation To Tweetdeck For Power Users

TweetDeck founder Iain Dodsworth announced today that he’s leaving Twitter. In his tweet, Dodsworth noted that it’s been two years since Twitter acquired TweetDeck, and he said “now feels like…

Two Years After TweetDeck Acquisition, Founder Iain Dodsworth Leaves Twitter

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo has quit his position as a U.K. director of the company, days after Twitter subsidiary Tweetdeck was dissolved as a separate U.K. business by business registrar…

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo Resigns As Director Of Twitter U.K. After TweetDeck Dissolves As Standalone Business

TweetDeck, the feature-rich Twitter client that Twitter acquired in 2011, will soon mostly exist as a web-based service, and the native Mac and Windows apps will play second fiddle to…

Twitter Shuts Down TweetDeck For Android, iPhone And AIR, Discontinues TweetDeck’s Facebook Integration

SkyNews has obtained a letter sent to Twitter subsidiary TweetDeck warning the company it has three months to file accounts or be struck off the U.K.’s business register. The letter…

Expect TweetDeck Ltd To Be Struck Off U.K. Business Register In April, But Twitter To Continue To Develop TweetDeck The Product

Back in December Twitter and its subsidiary TweetDeck were fined for late accounts filing by the U.K. registrar of companies, Companies House. Since then Twitter has filed its accounts but…

Twitter-Owned TweetDeck At Risk Of Being Struck Off U.K. Business Register For Failing To File Accounts Again

For you hardcore Twitter users, the main app just doesn’t cut it. You need multiple windows and notifications and more windows and stuff like that. For me, I enjoy the…

TweetDeck Gets A Visual Refresh On All Platforms, Now Looks More “Twittery”

TweetDeck, the Twitter client preferred by many of the social network’s power users, has rolled out a major update which brings more of the features that such an audience would…

Twitter Brings Back The “RT” Option With TweetDeck Update (And More)

Gillmor Gang 5.28.11 (TCTV)

This week’s Gillmor Gang comes at the end of travel — to New York for TechCrunch Disrupt and Las Vegas for the Forrester Analyst Forum. Disrupt continues to gather a…

With today’s announcement by Twitter CEO Dick Costolo of the Tweetdeck acquisition, the shape of the next layer of micro messaging begins to come into focus. What BetaWorks CEO and…

Boom. After about a thousand blog posts, Twitter has officially announced that it has bought TweetDeck. We first reported that the total price of the sale was around $40 million,…

Twitter Buys TweetDeck For $40 Million

Word has been circulating for weeks now that Twitter was soon to be swooping up the popular third-party app, TweetDeck. In early May, Mike Arrington reported that the deal was…

Twitter has acquired TweetDeck, we’ve heard from a source with knowledge of the deal, and the transaction will be announced in the next few days. The $40 million – $50…

Twitter To Buy TweetDeck For $40 Million – $50 Million

TweetDeck’s new iPhone app came out a couple days ago. It is completely redesigned from the ground up and looks more like it’s Android cousin than the first TweetDeck for…

(Fly Or Die) Can TweetDeck's New iPhone App Survive A Twitter Acquisition

I’ve been puzzling over Twitter’s recent tactical moves around their API, Ubermedia and Tweetdeck, for a few months now, and it just doesn’t add up. In fact I think Twitter’s…

In the world of Internet startups people can become obsessed with the function of a product or app, often ignoring how a company can change the dynamics of a market…

In the world of Internet startups people can become obsessed with the function of a product or app, often ignoring how a company can change the dynamics of a market…

How A Tweetdeck, UberMedia Deal Could Cut Down Twitter's Bird

Five Reasons Why Twitter Will Kill TweetDeck

On reading today’s report by the Wall Street Journal that Twitter is in talks to buy TweetDeck, I believe the only reason it is doing so is to protect its…

Five Reasons Why Twitter Will Kill TweetDeck

TweetDeck Reportedly Still In Play

Earlier in February we had reported on UberMedia’s acquisition talks with TweetDeck, a land grab move that would have given Bill Gross’ UberMedia control of nearly 20% of tweets served.…

TweetDeck Launches #NewTwitter Rival

After the success of its Chrome web app, TweetDeck is launching a full-fledged web app, which should pose major competition to both Twitter and Seesmic. According to a blog post,…

The number of companies in the Twitter ecosystem keeps contracting. But not for a necessarily bad reason, but because they keep getting purchased. And what’s crazy is that it’s largely…

The Unwelcome Return of Platform Dependencies

Editor’s Note: The following guest post is written by a Silicon Valley CEO. Frank Dupree is a pen name In the late 1990s, the rise of the browser was supposed…

The Unwelcome Return of Platform Dependencies

Google publicly unveiled the Chrome Web Store a week ago. Looking at the most popular apps in the U.S. by weekly install numbers, it looks like TweetDeck has fast risen…

You can get TweetDeck, the popular realtime stream reader, as a desktop client, on your iPhone and iPad, or Android phone. But up until now, there was no Web browser…

ChromeDeck: TweetDeck Finally Comes To The Web As A Chrome App

MG earlier wrote a post about Twitter’s rules regarding its trademarks, logos and so on. Here’s what struck me, going over the guidelines: Naming your Application or Product, Applying for…

Now that TweetDeck’s Android app is out in beta mode, with its multiple streams (notably Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter, Google Buzz) and blended options, many users want to know when TweetDeck…

First Look At TweetDeck For Android

TweetDeck is preparing to release its first Android app in beta tomorrow. I got a hold of the beta build and some screenshots. The app adds some new elements which…

First Look At TweetDeck For Android

I’m a little afraid to think about how often I hit the “XX new tweets” area to refresh my Twitter stream on Hundreds of times a day? Maybe more?…

Twitter User Streams Is Crack For Realtime Web Junkies

Popular stream reader TweetDeck turned two on July 4th, and founder Iain Dodsworth just put up a post giving an update on the company’s progress. Tweetdeck now employs 15 people…