The battle over big tech

A group of 37 attorneys general filed a second major multi-state antitrust lawsuit against Google Wednesday, accusing the company of abusing its market power to stifle competitors and forcing consumers…

Google faces a major multi-state antitrust lawsuit over Google Play fees

Trump’s spicy trio of lawsuits against the social media platforms that he believes wrongfully banned him have succeeded in showering the former president with a flurry of media attention, but…

Trump’s new lawsuits against social media companies are going nowhere fast

In his first press event since ignominiously leaving office earlier this year, former President Donald Trump announced that he is launching a volley of class-action lawsuits against Twitter, Facebook and…

Trump is suing Twitter, Facebook and YouTube over censorship claims

Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has revived a bill that would establish a new U.S. federal agency to shield Americans from the invasive practices of tech companies operating in their own…

A Senate proposal for a new US agency to protect Americans’ data is back

The Senate confirmed Big Tech critic and prominent antitrust scholar Lina Khan as FTC Commissioner Tuesday. In a strong and surprising signal that the tech industry is overdue for some…

Biden elevates tech antitrust crusader Lina Khan to FTC chair

Featured Article

Facebook’s Oversight Board throws the company a Trump-shaped curveball

Facebook’s controversial policy-setting supergroup issued its verdict on Trump’s fate Wednesday, and it wasn’t quite what most of us were expecting. We’ll dig into the decision to tease out what it really means, not just for Trump, but also for Facebook’s broader experiment in outsourcing difficult content moderation decisions and…

Facebook’s Oversight Board throws the company a Trump-shaped curveball

Another week, another big tech hearing in Congress. With a flurry of antitrust reform bills on the way, Democratic lawmakers are again bringing in some of the world’s most powerful…

The next tech hearing targets social media algorithms — and YouTube, for once

There are about to be a lot of antitrust bills taking aim at Big Tech, and here’s one more. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) rolled out a new bill this week…

Republican antitrust bill would block all Big Tech acquisitions

After it looked like Apple might no-show, the company has committed to sending a representative to a Senate antitrust hearing on app store competition later this month. Last week, Senators…

Apple and Google will both attend Senate hearing on app store competition

A group of Democratic lawmakers wrote to Mark Zuckerberg this week to press the CEO on his plans to curate a version of Instagram for children. In a hearing last…

Lawmakers press Instagram for details on its plans for kids

If Congress wants to write laws that effectively regulate companies like Facebook, Google and Twitter, it needs to change how it interacts with those companies, because these hearings ain’t it.…

These House hearings on tech are a waste of time and everyone knows it

In an interview with Reuters six days after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg infamously downplayed her company’s role in the day’s horrific events,…

Zuckerberg blames Trump, not Facebook, for the Capitol attack

Big tech is back on the virtual hill. Three of tech’s most prominent CEOs will appear before the House Energy and Commerce committee today at 9 a.m. PT as lawmakers…

Watch Zuckerberg, Pichai and Dorsey testify at the House hearing on disinformation and extremism

Social media executives will be answering to Congress directly for their role in January’s deadly attacks on the U.S. Capitol this week. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey and Google’s…

Top tech CEOs will testify about social media’s role in the Capitol attack this week

Biden didn’t campaign on getting tough against Big Tech, but his early actions are speaking louder than his words. The White House confirmed its intentions to nominate Lina Khan to…

Biden will nominate Big Tech critic and antitrust star Lina Khan to the FTC

As Democrats settle into control of both chambers of Congress, signs of the party’s legislative priorities are starting to manifest. So far, lawmakers’ interest in reimagining tech’s regulatory landscape appears…

New antitrust reform bill charts one possible path for regulating big tech

In a speech to the European Parliament today marking the inauguration of U.S. president Joe Biden, the president of the European Commission has called for Europe and the U.S. to…

EU chief warns over ‘unfiltered’ hate speech and calls for Biden to back rules for big tech

Tech got dragged into yet another irrelevant Congressional scuffle this week after President Trump agreed to sign a bipartisan pandemic relief package but continued to press for additional $2,000 checks…

Section 230 is threatened in new bill tying liability shield repeal to $2,000 checks

Following through on his previous threat, President Trump has vetoed the $740 million National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a major bill that allocates military funds each year. In tweets early…

Trump vetoes major defense bill, citing Section 230

The Justice Department’s historic lawsuit against Google is moving along — albeit very, very slowly. In a status hearing Friday, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta set a tentative date for…

The big Google DOJ antitrust case probably won’t go to trial until 2023

Another day, another major antitrust effort seeking to dismantle the unprecedented power of the world’s biggest tech companies. On Thursday, a group of 38 attorneys general announced a bipartisan lawsuit…

Google slammed for ‘monopoly power’ in new antitrust lawsuit from 35 states

The state of Texas announced Wednesday that it will sue Google, accusing the search giant of maintaining an illegal monopoly in online advertising. Texas will be joined by Arkansas, Indiana,…

Texas leads ten states in lawsuit over Google’s ad business

Featured Article

Tech in the Biden era

President-elect Joe Biden may have spent eight years in an administration that doted on the tech industry, but that long honeymoon, punctuated by four years of Trump, looks to be over. Tech is on notice in 2020. The Russian interference saga of the 2016 election opened the floodgates for social…

Tech in the Biden era

AOL founder Steve Case was there in Dulles, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C., when in 1996 the Communications Decency Act was passed as part of a major overhaul of…

AOL founder Steve Case, involved early in Section 230, says it’s time to change it

If there was any doubt that yesterday’s flogging of big tech CEOs by Senate Republicans was anything other than an electioneering stunt, President Trump has thumped the point home by…

Trump hints at stopping ‘powerful’ big tech in latest ‘get out the vote’ tweet

Today’s Senate hearing on immensely important legal protections for online platforms quickly proved to be little more than an excuse for Senators to accuse the CEOs of Twitter, Facebook and…

Section 230 barely rates a mention in Senate’s hasty pre-election flogging of tech CEOs

The CEOs of Twitter, Facebook and Google will appear before the Senate Commerce Committee on Wednesday in big tech’s latest showdown with Congress. The Senate hearing will have a narrower,…

Watch Facebook, Google and Twitter’s CEOs defend the law that created social media to Congress

Three of tech’s most prominent CEOs tomorrow will face the Senate Commerce Committee during a virtual hearing tomorrow and their opening statements are beginning to trickle out. The hearing, scheduled…

How Jack Dorsey will defend Twitter in tomorrow’s Senate hearing on Section 230

Shortly after voting to move forward with a pair of subpoenas, the Senate Judiciary Committee has reached an agreement that will see the CEOs of two major social platforms testify…

Facebook and Twitter CEOs to testify before Congress in November on how they handled the election

Investors do not seem concerned that the Department of Justice filed an antitrust suit against Google earlier today. The suit, seen by some as a stunt near the election, is…

Investors appear to shrug at antitrust lawsuit aimed at Google